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Everything posted by Dante

  1. We were out played today and they were to fast/slick for us. First use of the ball and a team that has a lot of pace and some good mids to back up on the ruck dominance. We were very ordinary today and Weid was terrible, injured early on with w corkie but terrible none the less. Our forwards and backs were ineffectual, like last week we struggled to get a goal and they got theirs without much effort, it really surprised me that we got so close, we were that bad. They seemed to win every 50/50 contest and just willed themselves to win, I was very disappointed in out team today.
  2. Brayshaw wasn't a number one draft pick, he doesn't have Diabetes and he appears over the concussion issue, but apart from that, do difference.
  3. McCartin dropped this week due to poor form, I'd be a little concerned if I was a Saints supporter. Poor form, medical condition and concussion issues, doesn't paint a positive picture. Bit like a reverse Wines/Toumpas.
  4. Old, Weid had a bad day last week and that's beyond dispute, but his two previous games were, IMO, acceptable. In his two previous games he has 22 possessions at an average of 11 per game and I believe that's acceptable for an up and coming forward, he had a stinker last week but do you drop him on one bad performance or do you take in to account there were circumstances that led to it? If he has a bad day tomorrow, then maybe he goes, but in the meantime let's get behind him and hope he puts in a top shelf performance, I think he will be a great player for us, given time.
  5. In fact Roos mentioned it wouldn't surprise him if Hunt turned out the best player in that year's crop, or words to that effect.
  6. We had a choice of continuing to attack or running the clock down and did neither. When he kicked that ball I was amazed, it was the worst possible option, I would have preferred he tried to take on the opposition and run the ball out of defence. He will learn and I doubt it will escape review. Love the way he plays, love the way he takes the opposition and the game on and hope they play him in the middle at some stage, imagine him running in to the forward line ala Judd when he was at West Coast.
  7. Maybe Jack will finally realise just how good he is and how good he can be, perhaps we can finally prosecute our argument that he was the number one draft pick in that year. Jack is an exceptionally talented player and if he can get some self belief and if the media will get off his back we might see, over the next 5 to 6 years the elite player that's always been hidden away inside.
  8. The look on Chips face, as they trudged of the ground last week, was priceless, it was the same look he had at Melbourne when we were shyte and now he's back in it again. Yeah, nah Chip, we don't want you back.
  9. That's why I never go to the game, or watch the game with a friend who supports the opposition, I'd prefer to keep them as friends.
  10. Take Hogan and Watts out of the forward line and make a first gamer and a young developing forward the main players and you get what you did yesterday. Weideman will develop well under Hogan and Watts but he was thrown in the deep end yesterday and wasn't able to cope, that should't surprise anyone, his body is too immature to take on the lead role. i doubt that the coaching panel expect to win the flag this year, it would be nice but unlikely, so they need to get players that will be part of our tilt at the flag ready and playing them in soft games at Casey won't help, all it will do is make it seem like it's easy. I'm sure the coaches will point out to Weid what he did wrong and if they feel he needs a bit of time to hone his skills they will give him a game or two at Casey but I doubt he will be kept there for too long, if at all. We are a very young team and probably still short a top line midfielder or two who can give the forwards better service. Sam and Oscar will both be much better players next year, but they won't playing in the minor league.
  11. So, currently, who would you replace Tyson with?
  12. Absolutely shattered, we had a chance to pull off one of the great wins with possibly our weakest side for the year. First game for Smith who won't be a regular, third game for Hannan who will be replaced when other options are available, first game back for Kent who will be better for the run, second game back for Tyson who is still blowing out the cobwebs. Max going down weakened the structure of the side and yet we were the better side and should have won. We did all the hard stuff but stuffed up the easiest part of the game, kicking unmissable goals. Coupled with that we allowed them to score some of the easiest goals imaginable. I'm sure that Goodwin will be filthy but there's no point in giving the boys goal kicking practice, they know how to do it they just didn't do it today.
  13. Dees to win by whatever it takes.
  14. Great news, he looks a real good type, he's got speed, strength and athleticism, hope he gets back for a few games at the end of the year. Melbourne haven't got it up on the web site yet, bit poor.
  15. i think Carlton will be a much better side than given credit for, they do have some talent and I'm glad we went in to this game with the intent to win and wipe off another hoodoo and don't say it wasn't on the players minds. Carlton will win games this year and may finish up mid table.
  16. And therein lies the problem, we did that so many times, allowing them to go from defence to attack with two or three kicks to unopposed players on the wing, you could see it unfold from the stands. We had too many players caught between two opposition players, unable to guard them both.
  17. Last year before the draft there were calls for Salem to be traded because he wasn't up to it and couldn't get his hands on the ball, now it's Brayshaw's turn to cop it. It was a very poor day for skills yesterday, it was quite windy and blowing all over the place with no clear advantage to either end. We won a por game and that's all that counts, Gus was ordinary yesterday but so was Viney, he made some dreadful decisions and was really interactive, do we want him back in the two's as well? We overused the ball, that's a given, our skills were down, that's a given, we were out coached, that's a given, we won the game, that's a given too.
  18. Petracca seems to get better with every game he plays and I'd expect him to dominate games in a couple of years. Where can he play, anywhere, he will be a midfielder eventually and when he matures a bit more he will be able to play back or forward as well. He has the skill, strength and self belief to become an A grade player in a short period of time.
  19. I only saw the highlights package of McCartin prior to the draft and he looked like one of those players that would always have trouble with his weight and this seems to be the case, this and the Diabetes should have been a warning, a number one draft pick is too valuable to take a chance with. Petracca will just get better and better and he will be our game breaker, he's got an ego but most top players have, it's a self belief that I'd hope all our young kids have got.
  20. I was referring to the coaches from lower leagues that Neeld appointed after he was here. If you want to can any player that's on the list then go ahead, I've done that myself but it seems that some on here feel they have a greater knowledge of the list and the players than the coaches we employ to do the job. I'm not sure what your background is, but you seem to have a high value of your opinion, so I can only assume that you have been a fairly senior coach somewhere or a talent selector for a club or perhaps a former top player. If the club continue to play Oscar then I reckon they have a reason for that, they did the same with Frawley and he turned out ok. I don't agree with Saty's constant defence of players and I've had several arguments with him, there are players that have played really bad days and he won't accept that, I do.
  21. I think we've got a pretty good list now and I'll trust the FD over Demonland posters to select the ones who have the talent for a spot in the side. If you think the Demonland posters have a better grasp of the list that Goodwin and the rest of the selectors, then you are delusional. This is not Neeld and his band of merry men, who were selected themselves from lower leagues, we now have a team of professional coaches and I reckon they know what they're doing.
  22. After reading some of the threads on here, you'd think that was all we had.
  23. You suggested that he might be the one to miss out, I gave my opinion why he shouldn't, I wasn't aware that you'd watched the game 6 times and what other posters had done was irrelevant, we agree to disagree. I think that Jack is doing what the Coach wants and that he will probably play most games this year. Jack will play better games than that but I doubt that Spence will.
  24. There were plenty on here that wanted to trade him for a bag of chips last year, we really do underestimate our players, I guess it's the years of drafting NQR players.
  25. How could they not, half your posts were about Juice and the other half were about Clarrie.
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