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Bay Riffin

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Everything posted by Bay Riffin

  1. Yeah we can sugar coat this any way we want but it is sad we STILL have decent players wanting to leave our club. We don't have many players with an elite part of their game and his point of difference whilst not vital is handy. We need to keep a stable list then add to it with some elite talent. To progress we need to keep our first 22 type players.
  2. Sunny looked confident and in control. There looks to be cohesion down back with jetta Dunn McDonald garland playing their role. Salem back as well would provide some class.
  3. One thing I find intolerable now is the match day threads reading other supporters bagging out toumpas and the vitriol they harp on about. Shameful stuff. Then when others can see he turns his game around a quarter later and plays very well they cannot bring themselves to say something positive. Makes me more infuriated than our fluctuating fortunes. P1ssweak supporters, keyboard heroes who don't have it in them to support a guy trying his best. He deserves recognition when he plays well. Where are these so called supporters now?
  4. You have to give credit to bail and jones for still giving their all to get a win for Casey. Still important they keep pressure on anyone who doesn't perform.
  5. Watching the game, he would played it well for the team, drawing 3 or 4 players, so even if he handpassed sideways or backwards we had players free to start moving it forward and quickly. He did the very thing we haven't done for years, got on his bike and full pelt took the game. He hardly turned it over and although his execution wasn't perfect, I reckon he would be encouraged to do the very same thing again this week. and we should be getting those around him to shepherd more or be ready for some quick movement forward.
  6. The guy is still finding his feet but is doing enough of the good stuff to keep persisting. Geez you would think new guys just have to start like Chris Judd or their banished and thrown out the door. how about his helping with some much improved disposal yesterday and creating some run and carry.
  7. so how did he have a bad game?. He was the reason we got up and running after a crap start.
  8. This is a player who excites me. I think of Tom with good kicking skills and that would be a very handy addition in the next couple of years. I like the way the list is balanced with frost to add to our talls which allows Oscar to develop where he should and not being thrown to the wolves.
  9. Yes thought so too. Viney at this stage is just a better midfielder than Riley, but geez I loved Rileys efforts last week. Good thing to know we have some competition. I thought last week Bail and Jones were very good defensively and very poor offensively. but without them the doggies would have had more time and space.
  10. One is a premiership player playing with a calf injury, the other couldn't get a game till two weeks ago and has performed well for 2 weeks. lets keep this in perspective. Pederson is about the slowest bloke on our list as well.
  11. A rookie pick would be ideal as we can develop him for 2 yearsand still promote a vandenburg etc. He may be the type to develop later with endurance.
  12. good speaker?...those videos would send me to sleep.
  13. He reminds me of Jobe Watson. Big solid and good football brain. im surprised to see someone that big with genuine pace. First chance to see him live was round 1 and in a foot race he ran past Malceski like he was standing still.
  14. Yes people are kidding themselves about Frawley. Sadly he will have a much easier time of it at Hawthorn, less inside 50s to deal with for a start. He's usually drawn even with Franklin or just lost the contest in a team that gets unceremoniously spanked by Hawthorn every game. This is no surprise with a great team around him. Free Agency is ridiculous to say the very least.
  15. Yes and hopefully we can get another year in him. I think he has been a great pick up. He really stuck it up the doggies yesterday, with the game in the balance, he won some crucial contest and overhead marks. He has bounced back well from a fractured leg late last year so at his age that's impressive. we may get another year after this and by that time hopefully Brayshaw, Petracca, Viney will hasve leanrt watching the ultimate team player in action.
  16. Interesting. never knew that. How does he justify that we didn't earn our flags?
  17. To be fair I've seen great improvement in Tyson, Jetta, Dunn, Jones, Salem under Roos so he has developed some players. for some reason everyone is just playing like sh1te right at the minute.
  18. Faint. This should be our line in the sand game. If roos knows our history this is the one team above all we have never got near. They treat us with contempt, rotate players, then smash us with no pressure. One day, just one day we will make them pay.
  19. Can I ask what anyone has seen in Fitzpatrick? His reading of the ball in flight is average, skills are ordinary, his chase down on Saad was embarrassing. I will be shocked if he got another contract, but how has he lasted so long? Please get another Oscar McDonald to develop and chop this bloke. Some decisions we still made in more recent years baffle me.
  20. To compete we really need a free agent or two. We need to win 8 games and attract a Dangerfield. Money no issue and we have an excellent coaching panel. Without it we cannot rise to even middle of the ladder.
  21. Hmmmm hard not be spooked when we have lost previous players to the NT. We trust in the coaching staff who look to have a solid committed playing group now, but geez I can't help but think if we rookied him and he didn't break into the side, he might give up again. I actually thought he showed a bit and was coachable with run with roles. hmmm interesting dilemma. You look at the signs of a Vandenburg who did everything possible to get on an AFL list, I lean towards guys who would run through brick walls just to get a chance.
  22. Gee he was terrific with his tackling Friday night. Anticipation is fantastic. Needs to work on disposals as he turned it over badly but that looks fixable. His technique looks fine but more the pace of the game was cutting his passes off. Think we have a beauty here. Definitely a starter in the 22 as he seemed to run out the game well.
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