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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. LOL Murphy and Boak are NOOOOO chance of coming to this football club. id rather focus on chip then on any other free agents to be honest.
  2. Don't care what player it was that's pretty disgraceful to be saying that out in the public.
  3. http://m.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/james-hirds-wife-tania-says-andrew-demetriou-knew-about-payments-to-suspended-coach/story-fni5f6kv-1226781015902 Oh Dear Andy...
  4. Machsy how did Vince Train? we all know he has elite ball use but in terms of pushing himself and intensity? And surely is now time too start inserting some angry pills into big Pencil, the guy is seriously huuuge!
  5. Things I took out of the photos.. Tyson has a good size rig on him! I reckon he will turn into a big bodied midielder like Hodge. Watts is starting to look like a footballer. Good signs. Toumpas and Matt Jones have buked up and both look set for big years. Salem looks really focused. Hope he is training well. Need to put on a little bit of size but im not expecting big things from him next year. Ps he puts Garry Lyon to shame in the most hairiest department! Lucky he waxes his legs. Cross and Vince will add hard matured bodies into our midfield. Good signs too come. Cross looks unbelievably fit! Georgiou has a big frame on him already. Harmes looks like he has a big body on him already? I thought I read he weighed in the 76 kg? by the looks of that he must be already in the 80s, has massive legs! Spencer is a monster! He could seriously kill someone on the footy field with his frame.
  6. have Casey recruited anyone of they going to rely on our MFC players to get them to the finals again.
  7. This post shows me your complete lack of understanding of the human body. Your guessing of the top of your head which means your post is complete rubbish.
  8. Hogan to be the next genuine star since Flower? Ohh yep just like Morton, Mclean, Scully, Sylvia and Watts were all going to be superstars since Flower.. Kid hasn't played yet and your going over the top with comment like that. Even though he showed his ability in the VFL we should not be expecting him to explode as some are saying. VFL and AFL are completely different levels in terms of intensity and speed of the game. Surely we cannot stuff up this development.Im a massive Hogan fan and cannot wait to see him play but!
  9. I highly doubt we will see much of Kent next year if he continues to battle a knee injury.
  10. Just on Tyler Roos, wouldnt hurt if the old man if let him train with the boys to help further his development in the up coming TAC season?
  11. Fitzy played half of his matches in the backline at TAC level.. just saying. Its not like he has never played down there as some people are making it out to be.
  12. He is a club great in my eyes. Shows absolute faith and heart to sign a 3 year deal in its worst time in MFC history. Wins two best and fairest after getting tagged week after week. His consistant form is a credit to his dedication and hard work he puts in off field and on field. Jonesy is already a melbourne great.
  13. Can we hire leading teams for demonland.
  14. Played up at Glenrown couple of Ks down the road from me.. Played mostly forward and played off in the granny with a loss. Fits in well down there..
  15. Enjoy Sydney.. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/afl-star-lance-franklin-runs-amok-at-swish-bar/story-fnilxh2p-1226772348489#mm-breached
  16. Hang on is this a thread about Jimmy Toumpas of Contested possessions.. Bit unfair to single him out when majority of our senior players who are suppose to be leading the way aren't exactly getting the contested possession themselves. I can see what this thread is going to turn into..
  17. Salem takes first Melbourne pre-season in his stride What stuck out for me was the bit where he is been taken under Cross' wing. You wouldn't find a more professional player then Daniel Cross to learn and pick the brains. Will be a bargain for the Dees!
  18. Straight up and no beating around the bush! I like it!
  19. Just off topic I can't believe they killed off Brian Griffin!
  20. I kindly disagree. I think your underestimating Richmond. They have a good young list that is still ahead of us and the last couple of drafts for them has been good. Bringing in tough nuts like Vlaustuin and Ellis and then Lennon for class and creativity has been good recrtuiting for them. Their senior players like Cotchin, Deledio, Martin, Jackson, Maric, Grigg have been standouts for them and are set for big year next year. They will be pushing top 4 next year. Hunt and King are still miles off and will take time. King especially a good 4 years away and Hunt is still unkown. Im excited about harmes thought I reckon he is a beauty and wouldn't be surprised if he snuck in a couple of games towards the end of the year.
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