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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Seems to be on the outer in the same way Crossy was last year. I think we should look at him at years end and grab him on a one year contract as I still feel we are a few experience short of older heads. Nearly at the 300 game mark plus 3 grand final experience and one of the most professional players in the AFL. With the success of Crossy and what he has brought to our side I reckon it wouldn't hurt at all. Obviously the Roos connection is a big plus but I hope we atleast have a chat to him. Could you imagine guys like Toumpas, Tyson, Viney, Barry and hopefully another talented mid plus Stretch looking up to Cross and O'Keefe? PS He actually started his career as a demon playing some reserves footy way back in 1999!
  2. Jono O'Rourke would add class and height to our midfield. Style like Trent Cotchin and pick 2 in the 2012 draft. Ryan O'Keefe just got dropped ast week and seems on the outer like cross was at the bulldogs. Wouldn't hurt to add another 200 plus games and finals experience to our list. Like Cross one of the most professional players in the competition in regards to diets and training ability. Kristian Jaksch. Talented key forward who kicked some big bags for GWS twos last year and is good family friends with the Vineys. Pick 8 I think in the 2012 draft aswell.
  3. Just on that Jeff Farmers missus got on the MFC facebook page and made a comment at how much the Wiz regretted moving to Freo and that he will always be a Demon first. Apparently Freo gave him the heave ho and cut all ties with him even club at functions, where to this day our great club always welcomes him into the rooms and past players over in Perth whenever we play there. In fact last year Wiz was at the training day before the Freo game over there. Players were in absolute awe of him. One of my all time favourite MFC players. Loved him as a kid straight away and still love him to this day. If he had stayed in Melbourne we would have won a grand Final he was seriously so electrifying for us.
  4. Speaking of TJ anyone remember that game against adelaide in the final where he tore it to shreds and kick 4? I thought he arrived that night..
  5. Did anyone find it a bit unusual that Dave Mission didn't mention anything about Jesses injury? Normally every play on our injury list gets a mention but nothing on hoges.. I have a yuk feeling he has had a setback and wont mention anything for the time being..
  6. Played footy with Brett Mahoney from Subiaco. Hows he going this year.
  7. Out of those comments I hope Blease, Garland and Jamar come in.
  8. Went to the game to watch my cousin Tom Nicholls play. Went into the game thinking even though Tommy is talented he is still pretty lean and I expected a bigger bodied Spencer to dominate. I walked away from the game proud of Tommy but absolutely disgusted the performance Spencer put up. I don't care about last weeks performance this bloke is seriously not a AFL player. Can't mark, Can't Kick, can't do sweet FA.. The sooner he is out of the team the better we are. As I said in another thread, Pedersen was more valuable in the ruck then Spencer was all day.
  9. Most annoying thing about watching that highlights footage was the guy doing the stats!
  10. I have been pretty critical in regards to Dawes's body and how Jack Fitzpatrick would make a better CHF.... I am now having one of the bestest slice of humble pie going around. None of this cheap stuff the real expensive taste! His performance so far is quite unbelievable for a guy that has had no Pre season. He is a true key forward and straightens us up. Keeps going the way he is and he will kick a bag soon. Did anyone see before the game when they were in their positions on the ground and all the forwards were huddled around him, he was barking instructions and telling them where to position. I thought wow its almost like having an on field coach. This is not a pot shot but I don't think I ever saw Mitch Clark to that? On ya Dawesy!
  11. Pedo was far more effective in the ruck then Spencer was the whole game. Bring in the Russian!
  12. This is why i was very surprised we didnt take Nathan Freeman. I thought he was the perfect big bodied very quick mid that we were seriously lacking. Am happy with Salem though.
  13. Dean Kent apparently hurt himself at training today. Could be a late out?
  14. Got a soft spot for Nev. Definitely reminds me of wrecker Whelan in his attack and his scrap on the contest. Btw saw a recent photo of Wheels. Been in a mighty fine paddock lol
  15. I hope Clisby doesn't become the James Magner of this year.. Very stiff...
  16. As someone who has fijian heritage as myself and a supporter of all islanders in sport Nick Nat is very overated. What makes him look flashy is because of his incredible leap and palm tree style hair. NN is like all islanders and more built for rugby. Hence why he is so inconsistent in games. He doesn't have the endurance and aerobic capacity to run out full games. He is only good in bursts like a true rugby player. His All Australian year was a joke. Maric or Sam jacobs should have got the nod. I am a massive massive fan of his for him for sure for putting my country of birth on the map but putting my footballing cap on we chose the right choice in Watts. Some people are still need to take of the rose coloured glasses and realize it takes more then flashy play to beckme a very good AFL player.
  17. Love ya mitchy! All the best in your new career you will always be more kf a demon to me then you were a lion!
  18. Anyone know how Jayden Hunt? Keen to follow his progress this year.
  19. I absolutely wanted him and Freeman for pick 9. Got absolutely howled down for suggesting we should have a serious look at him at pick 9. He was another Ollie Wines and I am not suprised he is playing good footy. His game against WC on the weekend was unbelievable!
  20. See ya chip. Keep pick 1 and 2 dont trade. Rebuild through the draft atleast this time we have Roos developing our players. Brayshae and Wright.
  21. http://www.news.com.au/sport/glenelg-youngster-billy-stretch-reaches-for-the-stars-as-afl-ambition-gathers-steam/story-fnaqgujp-1226874609132 Good article on Billy seems like he may play a couple of league games which is good to hear.
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