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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Wheres Sidebottoms acceleration? or Dal Santo? Lachie Whitfield is a up and coming outside mid but I never see him accelerate from the stoppages? Being outside elite doesn't necessary mean he have to be quick. If you have football smarts and willing to gut run that makes up for lack of pace. Dal Santo is a perfect example. Sam Mitchell who has the special mix of inside and outside has the smarts and run to play that outside role aswell.
  2. LMAO is this a joke WYL? I cant take you serious now with your views on Toumpas after how you just rated DAL Santo..! You would take him in an absolute heartbeat. You said outside players need good pace and acceleration and I pointed to the fact those players aren't quick or anything like that. You now say they have to be damaging? admit it WYL your judgement on a decent footballer is mediocrity at best.
  3. Rubbush WYL. Steele Sidebottom, Nick Dal Santo, Leigh Montagna are all star outside mids who aren't quick at all just good football smarts. Something Toumpas already has.
  4. Toumpas did a lot of gut running to space on the weekend and ignored. By the time it was turned he like everyone else had to chase a lot of tail. Lets also remember Toumpas has been playing forward all pre season which is no really his position. In in SA days he was playing as a pure on baller. I hope this week Roos starts him on a wing and runs through the middle every now and then.
  5. This hurts me saying this but we have missed the tide.. GWS and GC are now preparing to be the powerhouse clubs while we missed our chance in recruiting the right players and developing them so we too can rise up. I was really positive at the start of the year but now with all our key forwards out for god knows how long we will be lucky to get 3 wins. I think the best way to move further is back to square one and rebuild through the draft. I know il get shot down for that comment but I am at ease we will develop our youngster much better with Roos and PJ running our club. There will be no more cleaning out our leadership or gifting games to our youngsters for the sake of it. I reckon bite the bullet and this time just focus on the draft because this year I cannot see anyone coming to our club unless through delisted free agency.
  6. Go for Jono o'rourke and Lachie Plowman. Both talented players that would improve our midfield like Dom Tyson has. Even Matt Buntine aswell.
  7. Can you get us more articles on all the other llayers that have trained with us also.. fair dinkum
  8. Loved Luke Dunstan right from the start. I do wish we had picked him up but I am just as happy with Salem.
  9. You read my mind in regards to Plowman! Another one we should have a serious crack because apparently he has bee training with the midfield group as they are trying to turn him into a big bodied midfielder ala David Mundy..
  10. Yep agree Machsy. And silly me shouldn't have said forget about Walker. I just think lets have a serious crack at Danger and if that fails go for Walker. But he does look like a pretty loyal bloke to be honest.
  11. Its in there today. its at the back of the Geelong football club Poster.
  12. Im a massive wrap for this kid. Have not heard anything since he was drafted as he has been injured but he was a very highly rated junior prospect at under 18s level. I rate him more highly then Dom Tyson and he reminds me a lot of Trent Cotchin. He is also another tall midfielder that can play inside or out. I hope we seriously consider getting into this kids ear at years end about the prospect of joining our football club. I think he will struggle to break into GWS emerging midfield talent because of his injury setbacks but he would add some serious class and talent to our midfield. Thoughts?
  13. Does anyone actually think Roos could have a serious change of heart and continue on for a couple of years? One thing he promised from the board was to be silent and not get involved with footy stuff. To me that says he struggled with that at Sydney especially with Richard Colless as president as its quite obvious now that they never really saw eye to eye. You don't hear much from Glen Bartlett but from what I hear he is an absolute professional and is one of the main key points Roos joined the Dees. Along with PJ a happy working environment for Roosy might make his coaching a lot easier plus hopefully massive on field improvement.
  14. A dark dark day for Demonland... Well done Rollo your effort plus organisation skills and professionalism is first class and will be sorely missed. Was good playing under you and looking forward getting more wins for you old mate.
  15. Forget Walker turn our attention to Dangerfield. Article in the AFL website is that he mentioned he wont resign with the crows unless he sees a direction of the club and success in the future,, Got a feeling he was rather annoyed at the some of the decisions the crows have made in regards the Kurt Tippett saga and getting banned from first two rounds of the national draft. Comes out of contract at the end of 2015 so hopefully by then we are a attractive football club with a clear direction and massive improvement on field. Said Money be the issue but im sure we would look after him well in that department. Thoughts?
  16. You come on here and complain all the time about how we should have picked Wines over toumpas etc and then you dish this up about Juice not getting much of a go? There was a reason he didnt get much of a go.. Absolute dud! How we hung on to him for too long is still unbelievable.
  17. Yes very very disappointing to hear. Why the club would fly him up to Alice and play with a tight back is a utter joke. Should have just rested him plain and simple. This is starting to mount on top of the lack of information on our injured players. Maybe our medical team needs to seriously pull their fingers out of their ass and start looking after our blokes properly
  18. If it would be Ling or Simon Black you would think Roos would stay an extra 3 years to teach and mould them into senior coaches. Btw anyone give Lenny Hayes a chance? I would love the club to seriously chase this bloke hard at years end. His experience would be so valuable to the likes of Viney, Toumpas and Salem
  19. I really cannot believe this, absolutely speechless. I dont understand how life works sometimes. its always the great people. I was a massive Bailey fan and thought for a bloke that had no support around except his beloved players he did a great job for this football club. Rip Bails gonna miss seeing that cheeky grin of yours.
  20. Seriously get over yourself PF.We have Toumpad they have Wines. Whats done is done and I will continue to support Jimmy throughout his career with us and so should you.
  21. Did anyone actually stay for the Casey game? Would love to know how Salem and rest of the young kids went.
  22. Absolute gun this kid. You can tell he is starting to build his confidence each match he plays.
  23. 594913 league code if anyone is still looking for a league.
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