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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Time to wake up and smell the roses now Saty.
  2. SEN just reported that Calrk and Dawes injuries are far worse then what the club is making it out to be and frawley is gone at years end. Now i know it was only KB and Denham reporting it but they mentioned Dawes had a degenerative knee problem. Now i mentioned this last year as I'm very good mates with a Collingwood backman and when i caught up with him last he mentioned about Dawes and his ongoing knee problem he has to manage for the rest of his career. He had it since TAC cup days. Throughout his career at Collingwood they had to manage him every year and it just got to the point where Collingwood weren't prepared to keep doing this for the rest of his career I got absolutely flogged on this website from everyone and especially guys like Saty for passing on what i was told. Collingwood were not one bit fussed in getting rid of Dawes and were shocked how much we were prepared to pay overs for his service. Even to this day i have no idea why we went so hard for Dawes. I respect his leadership and experience he brings to the football club but if he struggles to play more then 10 games this year i think we need to bite the bullet and seriously consider the future of Dawes at years end. 500k a year for a bloke on one leg.. I would rather throw the Bank at Patton or Tom Boyd. With Clark it's now more hamstring issues in regards to changing his running style which is completely normal. Foot is not a problem at all. Hogan just wrap him in cotton wool for the next month. No rush for him.
  3. anyone got any league codes I can join? just joined up
  4. Pull your head in Franky.. Both Dawes and Clark wanted to organise a trip to Arizona on a hike but couldn't go because of Dawes Knee and Clarks on going hammy problem. We were all praising them for the leadership shown. Do you research first before trying to criticize these two.
  5. Anyone heard about his injury at training? Apparently a knee injury?
  6. How serious is his calf injury? Lets just hope it was a corky as I haven't heard anything in the media yet.
  7. I love how people say guys like Wines and Rich dont have too much upside because they already physically ready. . Absolute no clue about football whatsoever.
  8. March the 2nd is pushing it or me as I have our first praccy match that Saturday. So atm im really unsure Rollo
  9. Pumped this kid up when we got drafted and Friday night he impressed me again. His follow up work was great to watch and his pretty agile and athletic. Needs 10 kilos and hopefully become a good ruckman for this football club.
  10. Stuie in all fairness I don't know if you have ever played football but to be blowing hard even after half time in your first pre season game for the year is no issue at all. Every first game you play everyone will be blowing up hard. Its the nature of not playing for 6 months. Even though he has trained pretty strongly, AFL intensity is a complete different level to training intensity. Pedo was working really hard so its a good thing he was blowing hard. Even the commentators were saying how hard Dustin Martin was blowing up in the first qtr.
  11. Wowee! I am in shock! Without our forwards I thought we were gonna get done by atleast 4 goals! Paul Roos take a bow tonight! JKH what a freak! A completely different side then last year! Go Dees!
  12. Great photos the boys are looking in great nick!
  13. Brought this up a while ago in regards to chip. One of his close mates was playing footy up my way and he mentioned that money was never an issue for Frawley it was all about on field improvement and the direction of the club. So im not surprised he has put of contract talks. We must improve this year or its bye bye chip.
  14. Thought I would bring this up, I was speaking to a friend of mine 4 months who works in the media and marketing department at the Dees and we were talking about the leadership group. He mentioned that Byrnes and Dawes were promised when they were signed up with us that they would be included straight into the leadership group as their Grand Final experience and coming from big clubs was too good not to be in the leadership group even if they weren't voted in. Neeld had the last say in this and both Byrnes and Dawes were already in the leadership group as soon as they signed their contracts.
  15. Tasmanlvr you write the training reports how you like them mate, because its people like me that live up in the country and cant get down, really do appreciate the mountain of work you do.
  16. Eddie Betts walked into my work a couple of weeks ago.. although he is not overly huge he is very toned. JKH doesn't need to bulk up just tone up more.
  17. Salem already looks bigger in the upper body then he did draft night. Looks Solid.
  18. Jay Clark ‏@ClarkyHeraldSun 51m That's Jay Kennedy-Harris, not Hunt. Chris Salem (No.9) also hit targets where others missed. Dees' top two draft picks impressing early.
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