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pineapple dee

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Everything posted by pineapple dee

  1. Jaded, I'm sure you could easily find a half decent Melbourne supporting boyfriend to go to the football with you to watch the mighty dees if the current one doesn't have the good grace to go along to the G with a smile on his face. Most of the good ones are gone but there must be one or two left.
  2. I believe that is correct. Thanks for jolting my memory DZ
  3. No, unfortunately it was just a silly sarcastic review of something based on the ridiculous comments food critics write about dishes they've tasted. It was hilarious and i need to use it but I just cant recall where i saw it. I might be whistling in the wind.
  4. Hi folks, Some time ago, some clever funny demonlander wrote in some forum a very funny comment about something based on those silly cooking show reviews and it was hilarious. I need to find it now but I have no idea where it is. Can someone remember it and can you bring it up again ?? Would be greatly appreciated cheers PD
  5. I'm no Andy Maher fan but I heard that interview this arvo. It was moving and harrowing but also compelling. Well done to Andy Maher. He was clearly shaken but did well. And Jarrod Lyle, your heart just went out to him. He is in our thoughts and prayers right now. Too young to have to face this stuff.?
  6. My advice is forget about the silly Adelaide / Melbourne replay. Just find yourself a nice Swedish girl and improve Australian Swedish relations.
  7. I'm sick of the negative group think on Alex NB in these forums. Nibbler is not perfect but he's had a consistent year and has made a tremendous contribution to the success of the team this year. He's there for a reason and he has a lot to offer. You naysayers can pull your heads in.
  8. In that scenario, all you have to do is drink a skinfull of alcohol Sunday night and call in sick on Monday.
  9. I' m thinking it was Walker's first game back from a one week suspension for whacking some guy. l could be wrong. I have been wrong once before.
  10. Maybe if he had punched a St Kilda player in the prelim that year, he would have played better ( or just punched a St Kilda player for fun )
  11. Hogan is the type of player who can make quite an impact across the centre of the ground and he'll even go to the half back line to support the defenders. It was there he got his first couple of touches on Saturday night. There are plenty of threats to oppo backlines without Hogan down there. I like the ability to kick big scores without arguably our most dangerous forward having a strong hand in it.
  12. He means " This Is Serious Mum" . It was otherwise known as TISM. A band of some description in the '80s and 90's. More than that I can't tell you.
  13. In no way does this apply to supporters. I know I'm a far better person modified by a snoot full of whiskey.
  14. Potentially the most thrilling game yesterday so it should have been !!!! Carlton's millions of fans deserve it surely.
  15. There were two instances in the last quarter where there crow players with the ball did not make any kind of legitimate disposal, yet were not penalised as a result. On the other hand, at least one Melbourne incorrect disposal in the last quarter was ignored too. Is it only paid on a whim by these disgraceful excuses for umpires??
  16. I don't care what people say, I want Frost to stay in this team. He plays on pure instinct and he's got quite a bit of toe. Harmes, WOW !! The way he's played in the last two games just beggars belief. And we questioned his value and future. Last thing, we questioned the " no change" to the team for this game. Goodwin and the match committee knew precisely what they were doing. Who would have thought they would know better than us which players could get the job done ??
  17. The problem with the game is clearly the ball. Everyone wants to get it. That causes congestion. When it goes over the fence, we waste time getting it back, slowing the game down considerably. When it gets grubby, the umpire has to wipe it on the ground to clean it. The players chase it all over the place causing unsightly groups of players running around, detracting from the spectacle of the game. If there were no ball in the game, there'd be a much faster, free flowing game, very little congestion, far fewer free kicks to adjudicate and it would bring spectators, disheartened by the direction the game is going, back to the game. As an added bonus, it would stop Collingwood cheer squad members stealing the ball. Instead of using a ball, to score, players could just run up and down the ground touching the goal post to score a goal. Whichever team can do that the most in a certain period of time, wins the game. Why didn't someone come up with this idea sooner? I see no flaws in it.
  18. You shouldn't have posted that. Now I want to go down and buy a carton of whinnie blues!! Damn !!!
  19. Our change rooms weren't up to his lofty standards. Plus Carlton had bigger paper bags with more in them.
  20. The swans are by no means impregnable. There is tremendous significance in this result. Can the Titan called the Sydney swans be about to topple ?? It's about blddy time.
  21. I have been thinking about congestion, the look of the game, the speed of the game and scoring. I believe I have come up with changes to Aussie rules which will make everyone happy and take the game into the third millennium. I have to play golf now but I will let youse know tonight. I think you'll like them. Go dees !!!
  22. Would that be the ' near' canal, or the other one ???
  23. Give the script to Marcel Marceau. That'll be entertaining
  24. They were also Mitch Robinson free which was a major improvement !!!
  25. Why do we give any credibility to the opinions of this pumped up little rat ????
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