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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/12 in Posts

  1. Some time during his last season at West Coast
    9 points
  2. I think the 3km run was around Phil.
    5 points
  3. Let it go man. He doesn't love you any more.
    5 points
  4. I am too serious ..... AND I take too much acid?!?! It's like arguing with French soldiers in the Holy Grail.
    3 points
  5. he's still running
    3 points
  6. Anyone that doesn't think that what a captain does off the field is as if not more important on field is kidding themselves. Captain is the figurehead spokesmen that will be mainly used with media and corporates off field. Of course your captain should be a starting 18 player but they do not need to be a superstar. Look at Harley, Maxwell, Cassisi, The player should have the respect of the leadership group and the playing group as a whole but it is really the whole leadership group that ensures the players toe the line. That is why you have diverse range of age and position. Moloney gives his all but goes missing in big games. No disrespect but his manner and delivery off field to me do not lend him to be captain. Frawley will lead by action but does not lend me to be one to thrive in the media and corporate aspects the job requires. Green was captain in a tough year last year but should just focus on playing his best footy. That is the best way for him to lead. Trengove and Grimes are clearly starting 18 players who will only improve and already tick the other boxes required. If Moloney, Jones, Green do not get the captaincy their is nothing stopping them showing just as much leadership on field than if they were. It just means they dont run through the banner first.
    3 points
  7. Just bumped into him in Gippsland. Said he left the house to go to training this morning when a gust of wind got up his shorts and he took off, landed in a paddock, but it wasn't Gosch's. For the nit pickers out there, this didn't really happen.
    3 points
  8. pretty much says it all
    2 points
  9. I think Brock McLean won Carlton's time trial a couple of years ago too!
    2 points
  10. Jamar has never been in the leadership group. That tells you something, or at least it should...
    2 points
  11. Nathan Jones to captain the MFC ? Jones' stature seems to have grown legs this off-season. It wasn't long ago that many considered him border-line best 22. I acknowledge that he's coming off easily his best year, but I expect to see more improvement in his game. Jones' tackling exploits have left me cold for years. Some think he's hard at the coal face, but he's not nearly hard enough for me, although he's always had tremendous courage and will stand under that high ball knowing a crunch is imminent. Having courage and being hard in packs are two different things. Hawthorn's Brad Sewell is about the same height as Jones (181cms to 180 cms). Sewell has been pivotal to Hawthorn's midfield for years and I see no reason why he should have a better career than Nathan Jones. I'd argue that he's no more talented than Jones, who was a first round draft pick as opposed to Sewell who could only get rookie listed, but I'd also argue that Jones hasn't been as hard or physical as Sewell in the clinches. For the last 4 years Sewell has averaged 5 tackles per game with Jones averaging around half that. Sewell has also averaged more possessions over the same period of time and was instrumental in Hawthorn's famed unsociable football along with Hodge and Lewis. Yet some here think Jones is 'hard'. He can and should be a lot harder. I accept that right now no-one stands out. All I can do is back the people around the club who have a far better idea than me or anyone that posts here to make the best choice. Trengove is obviously going to be a fantastic option and it's a pity that he's probably too young, but if the club goes down that path I'll be pleased. I'll be pleased because I know they'll be doing so having carefully weighed up the pitfalls. The only reason not to give it to Trengove is if it will burden, or impede his own playing development and that is clearly very difficult to assess and one would have to be within the club to have a sound view.
    2 points
  12. It's time for the MFC to be bold and promote a new generation of leaders. At the head of them should be the man who will be the club's heart and soul over the next 10 years ... Jack Trengove. Forget that he's 20 years old, he's a born leader and will take to it like a duck to water. Like Carey and others before him, if you're good enough ... you're good enough. http://www.afl.com.a...13/default.aspx
    1 point
  13. Demon, Lime and Bitters.
    1 point
  14. few thoughts... - 'he went easy on his knee in 2011' this is an idiotic statement. If his knee requires caution what happens in R1 2012 or is he going to 'go easy on it' for his whole career? -if there is in fact nothing wrong with his knee then WTF is Doc Larkins smoking writing that piece basically saying the kid is doomed to an injury-plagued career? -does anyone care about the sport of football anymore or do we only care about how fast a bloke can run? I would like to see some sort of chart comparing the best 3km time-trial efforts in the comp with who the actual most effective players are, I suspect there would be little correlation. -regardless of what happens now, we will have two mid-first round draft picks and the salary cap space to allow us to snag Mitch Clark and hang on to Trengove, Watts etc. There is still every chance that long-term we will end up being the winners of this GWS episode and that's just a fact -be thankful he has gone to this pathetic mob who will cellar-dwell for years, possibly his whole career. What would really have hurt would have been if he had gone to the Bombers/Tigers or something, become a star in a side that ultimately cost us a premiership way too much hand-wringing over this issue, move on people
    1 point
  15. Wayne Carey became captain of North when he was 21. There is no doubt that he grew into the role, and was one of the best captains (Excluding his sleeping with other team mates misseses) and one of the best in field. There is no doubt that it can happen, and with such a young and inexperienced list that we have I can't see why we couldn't give JT the captaincy. I for mine hope he gets it and remains a captain for the red and blue for the next 10 years... Gippy
    1 point
  16. Out of all the candidates, I believe JT has the best chance of adapting to the responsibility of being a great leader and club Captain. Yes he's young, but that just goes to prove how impressive the man is to be viewed in this light. I'm sick and tired of having people refer to him as a kid too. Choo-choo!
    1 point
  17. I never liked this from the beginning. His latent knee problems resurfaced uncomfortably soon after the start of the GWS rumours despite reports he was training like a gun immediately beforehand. The rumours and his dicky knee tracked a parallel course for the remainder of the season. Despite the occasional bandage and icepack he never moved or looked like he carried an injury in his few games with us last season. Then he signs the biggest ever AFL contract despite having a season ruined by injury with associated poor form and diminished skills. All too much to believe unless I like to feel gullible.
    1 point
  18. Still can't hit a target by hand or foot.
    1 point
  19. I am pretty hopeless at it(too many MFC players) but it was great last season when I had nothing else to cheer about
    1 point
  20. Id now be very surprised if Trengove wasnt captian for 2012- Grimes in the running but just hasnt got the runs on the board. JT has done everything right and more.. In many respects HE is who the football world expect to be the next annointed. Still, will be interesting
    1 point
  21. Bump. All aboard ... the Trenners Train!!
    1 point
  22. I dont believe much of what young Tom says. I think he has been very sparse with the truth and has been in my opinion thoroughly discredited but I still wont go and parade opinion as proven fact. You use the word "proved" - Look up the word proof and then please provide some. If the above is what you believe then fine ( and it well may be the case) but without proof it is opinion.
    1 point
  23. are we sure he did 9mins 37 sec? he might just have said that, when in reality he only ran 2ks somewhere else?
    1 point
  24. You are very loose with the word "proof"
    1 point
  25. I'm with you WYL. With $6 million and reputations at stake you can be sure, at minimum, GW$ told Tom to "err on the side of caution with your knee" in 2011. Ie. "Tank it." How ironic that the player we tanked for ended up tanking on us.
    1 point
  26. Surely Scully caining it in the time trial doesn't come as a surprise? He's fast and has top notch endurance - remember how he went #1 in the draft a couple of years ago because of this? I know we've all convinced ourselves that he's really no good anyway and he's got the knees of a 97 year old, but...
    1 point
  27. My favourite player by far, but I have to agree. Grimes, with Trengove deputy. Garland a smoky.
    1 point
  28. Jamar just doesnt seem to me Captain material - no valid reasoning...just leaves me hollow on that front..A bit like I never wanted to go Fiji and had no explanation as to why...I did go there and now i know
    1 point
  29. For me the clear standouts are Trengove and Grimes. I agree that neither is ready for the appointment, so seat warmer is required for one year.
    1 point
  30. Based on a glaring fact. I don't know what 'Jamar can be captain' is based on... Enlighten me.
    1 point
  31. We put too many riders on our captaincy and LG. Pick the best leaders and don't be afraid to go young. I hope that is all that is taken into account. If it means the status quo then it means the status quo. It also means we are in trouble...
    1 point
  32. I think it's all pretty simple. Deep down everyone here thinks that Trengove is the most obvious leader on our list. The only question is whether 2012 is too soon. I think he'll get the job.
    1 point
  33. What does leadership have to do with fitness. Who is to say that whoever we name as captain wont do a season ending injury round 1?
    1 point
  34. Not sure..in my day it was cricket, minigolf and footy in the backyard and footy in the front (watch out for the roses!). Can't say I ever made a hundred in the backyard at Mum's though kicked a few goals and scored a lucky golf shot hole in one on the fifth near the cumquat tree !
    1 point
  35. You will pleased to know ( well I hope you will ) that I have added one more to my total wyl. The 13 was great last night we beat the Pies by 8 goals, the faithful were singing all the last quarter. Eddy resigned as Chairman after the game saying Buckly should follow him. Trengrove won the NS medal Green kicked 5 goals in his last game Watts kicked 5 as well. and the bull broke swans jaw in a fearsome collision just before quarter time. Hell then I woke up and it was only the 12th Jan 2012.
    1 point
  36. I think all this thread proves is that one person's inconsistency is another person's flexibility.
    1 point
  37. I doubt Green gives a fat rat's clacker about what Jay Clark thinks. I certainly don't.
    1 point
  38. Reading the various off season reports, I had formed the view that Jones would definitely be in the mix. He's always mentioned as 'training the house down', being especially vocal, encouraging and enthusiastic at training etc - qualities which I expect would impress Neeld and his new assistants. He is also hard at it, loves the club, rarely misses a game and has leadership experience under his belt. The fact that he has a massive dirty great sleeve tatt would also have to impress a coach coming from Collingwood ... As much as I like Trengove, he's still too young to be captain IMO. And as to Grimes, he's just not on the park enough. Hard to captain the club from the stands each week.
    1 point
  39. Those that say Trengove is too young but want Grimes consider the fact that Trengove has played more AFL games. Anyone that says that it is either Trengove and Grimes for sure next time consider that you are pretty much saying they are our best leaders now. Why not let them grow into the role. Anyone who says Grimes is eternally injured whose to say the new captain won't go down with a season ending injury in round 1. Anyone that thinks the captaincy so young may hinder their football development - maybe it will do the opposite and push them to new heights. I personally have gone have questioned all of the above at some point over the summer. Choosing either of the two would be a ballsy move, very non- Melbourne. Where I sit now I for one would love it of either of them lead us out in 2012.
    1 point
  40. i'm sorry but if Trengove is named as captain, my opinions on Neeld and the entire Melbourne Football Club will change The KID is way too young to be considered as captain, sure he will be captain at some stage in his career but not when he's in his 3rd year, please. My votes go to Moloney or Jamar, with smaller ones going to Jones and Grimes, even though Moloney had the one slip up last year, he is an outstanding player and leader and will thrive even more under Neeld's control. Please don't make Trengove captain just yet, sure he will lead on the field, but off the field the older blokes experience will far outweigh what he has to offer.
    1 point
  41. why is no one mentioning Jones in relation to any of this? full time super professional - tick 110% every game - tick inspirational footy - maybe not the most talented but always goes hard and puts his body on the line - half tick surely in the mix?
    1 point
  42. I hate to nit pick...but my head is itchy...
    1 point
  43. I did not mean the humidity in Perth. Vic clubs complain about the travel to WA being upsetting. But it does not seem to worry the WA clubs much. We use it as an excuse for poor results in WA or the week after a game in Perth. When the truth is we have not been all that good of a team and probably would have lost the game if it was played anywhere. Our game in Darwin is on July 21 I have been up there a few times at that time for the Darwin Cup ( driest time of the year ) it is not bad. If we manage it well the problems are low and we get lots of green stuff.
    1 point
  44. I too can't believe what some people are reading into Mark Neeld's comments. I think he's been very straight forward, logical and consistent in how he's dealt with the issue of giving a few of his star players a rev at the start of pre season. That he compliments them two months later for responding the way he wanted them to suggests that he's happy with what he's achieved so far. There are no Martians or Seagulls in Neeld's world - thank god for that! I have no problem with Neeld's approach and it doesn't appear that any of the players have either.
    1 point
  45. Thanks for the report Demonsterative Dont let the keyboard hero critics put you off, you are the one adding value here. Cheers
    1 point
  46. I too got the #16 on the back of my new guernsey last season, the week prior to Grimes being injured against the Crows. I'm a big fan of Jack and the way he plays. I'm surprised we don't see more #16's around. My son has the #6 after we met Bater at the Intra-Club match in 2010. He gave my son a high 5 and he's loved Bater ever since. It was hard to advise him that Bater wasn't playing most of last season cos he was 'sick'... Hoping that both Grimes and Bater have much more sucessful seasons ahead. Gippy
    1 point
  47. i have no problems with people subscribing to Foxtel but i don't like my own posts deleted when they are as valid as yours. I would seriously consider subscribing to Foxtel to watch Footy if i didn't have to sign up to all the other channels i don't want.
    1 point
  48. The mid to late 60s was a great era for Australian groups. Bobby & Laurie, The Twilights, Ray Brown & the Whispers, MPD Ltd., Billy Thorp & the Aztecs, the Eazybeats ....... loved 'em all. You were nobody if you didn't go to a disco on Saturday night. No night footy back then, of course.
    1 point
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