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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/10/11 in all areas

  1. Where are the Harrington / Prendergast knockers now? Just goes to show that the vast majority have NFI when it comes to what the club is actually doing and they'd be better off putting faith in them and priaising their work rather than the constant negative drivel that gets spewed up here far too often!
    2 points
  2. WOW! "Agreement has been reached tonight to trade Brisbane player Mitch Clarke to @melbournefc for selection 12 in the 2011 National Draft." - MFC twitter
    2 points
  3. It's more the inevitable nonesense about how we 'failed' again, Redleg. How long to you reckon it wil be until robbie or old dee or diablo start the wild rumpus about how the club is a long-term failure and we can't recruit any talent and we can't snare anyone in the trading period and we overpay when we do etc...
    2 points
  4. You can't really blame Melbourne for having a crack. We were being proactive and oportunistic and that should be seen as a huge positive. Clark wants to return home for personal reasons, he doesn't take money. He should be admired for that. So we didn't get the big fish this time. To have a realistic chance we should have been showing our interest from a long way back, but with our coaching and personnel changes this just wasn't a possibility. I'd like to think that at the very least we're starting to turn heads. We're serious about recruiting players. And serious players should be seriously considering us. BTW why am I up at 4.30 in the morning?
    2 points
  5. Mitch signed the deal while in Perth....AWESOME..
    1 point
  6. Unbelievable!!!!!! It's as though ever since that 186 point loss at Geelong the line in the sand has well and truly been drawn. That day could end up being a defining moment in the clubs history! Go Dees!
    1 point
  7. This opens up the whole forward line me thinks.. So our deal did convince him....i always thought Fremantle and the Media made an early call.. Yesterday MC had "agreed" but nothing was signed...Glad we didn't give up on our mission Up Yours Greg Denham...We Stand Tall.
    1 point
  8. Dees vs North - Sunday twilight. Just over 8,000 people attend, Dees by 32 points, Maric kicks 2 for the Roos.
    1 point
  9. Stop talking sense you are ruining my trade weekend. By the way can we agree we buggered up his selection big time as I recall quite a few of us saying at the time.
    1 point
  10. You can't give a fresh start to everyone, and I'd suggest that if you're the 35th best player on the list after four seasons on it then you're doomed. It's always been that way and it always will be. Doing anything other than delisting him makes no sense whatsoever.
    1 point
  11. I too develop a wry smile when I hear the name "Scully" mentioned. Do we mean the very promising player whose performances in his debut season and in one pre season training session in January had me pronouncing him a future superstar or the one with the injured knee who in 2011 missed half a season, played one or two good games, looked uninterested most of the time and displayed no commitment to his employer or his team's fans? If I want to replace a player, then he has to have some credibility so, if you're asking me, I'll tell you plainly, I don't think Scully needs to be replaced at all. If we were thinking that O'Meara or Crouch were the next Scullys then Gold Coast and Adelaide can have them. The fact is we already have a young bloke in their age category. I've seen him play, he's committed himself to us and those two would have to be bloody good to better him. We have something better than a Scully replacement. As for where we're placed if we don't carry out a recruiting coup in trade week, we're in a good place to challenge anyone for a free agency placement in 2012. Better than the Giants with their concessions and their AFL patronage. We need to pick our marks, start working on them as early as possible and get our deals done. If the other clubs involved are disrupted for the year, the blame for that lies with the AFL which creates the laws.
    1 point
  12. If Hawthorn thought Lisle was ok they wouldn't have drafted Gunston, the fact they did would indicate they had no faith in him.
    1 point
  13. Doesn't matter we will smash 'em.
    1 point
  14. Haven't reached their price yet.
    1 point
  15. Don't know what's going to happen with Warnock but, like The Oracle in his Trading Chronicles today, I reckon that North have chosen Will Sierakowski ahead of Maric. I don't believe that they will take both, especially in light of the fact that they have more similar types on their list.
    1 point
  16. Why not open him up? He's best at floating around and doing his thing, as well as being his most dangerous. Cut him loose - get the others around him to be more team oriented, but let him play something of a self-oriented game. Let him play to his strengths, let him fly for pack marks and take his magic moments, because that's how he's used to playing, and will build his confidence thus getting more out of him. Do that, coupled with some work on the defensive side of his game (his run and tackle) and he'll be unstoppable I think.
    1 point
  17. I would much rather hold onto him for another year and see how he goes under Neeld rather than swap him for a third round or later pick. I hope we offer him a one year contract and convince him to stay.
    1 point
  18. Gee , I must have imagined all those years when the likes of Jimma , Lyon , Neita, Stinga , Schwarta , Toddy etc played hard consistent football and we were in with a chance every week.
    1 point
  19. Yeah but then they would have had to train Leia from the ground up. Would have pushed the rebels premiership window back a fair bit.
    1 point
  20. I think Fevola would do as good a job as Jack Watts has done on our new sponsors adds. Yu never know -the sponsor may offer him a great incentive re cheaper energy for kicking more than 50 goals. Now let's be realistic. 5 clubs have now stated NO to Fevola today- North, Ess, St K, W.B, & Carlton. This leaves- Hawks, (extremely doubtful after getting Gunston)-Collingwood- good security.. Richmond and us.. To whom needs him most- US. I think it is time for you to wake up --'why you little'.
    1 point
  21. I'm horrified that we couldn't use cash to persuade someone to uproot his family and leave his desire of living and playing at home. I mean, how could anyone resist cash...oh wait...maybe he is an adult with his own soul and brain...
    1 point
  22. And good on him really. Its his desire and its not about money. Now we can hardly berate a bloke that seeks a destiny uncoloured by money can we B)
    1 point
  23. This might sound radical BB but perhaps we don't have one
    1 point
  24. And my comment relates to the fact that just because you don't see anything going on, it doesn't mean that the machinations are not taking place behind closed doors. Believe it or not, multi-tasking is possible.
    1 point
  25. Can't say I've seen that written up anywhere; have just seen people saying his wife/partner and child are in Perth - but again, not seen anything written up officially about that either... however, it is NOT a certainty he will go West; the MFC offer could set him up for a much better shot at life in general for him and his family. And by the way, where has it been stated that the MFC are no longer considering Lisle? Love your defeatist (yes defeatist, not realist) attitude!
    1 point
  26. I don't even know what "stands for nothing" means. To me it's just a vague, hollow insult flung at us by muck-rakers who can't think of anything specific or substantive to have a crack at us about. As Redleg asked: what do other clubs "stand for"? To me if you (a general "you") tell me that the MFC stands for nothing, that's my cue to stop listening to you because it's clear you have no substance. Just as I'll stop reading a Demonlander's post the minute he says "stop accepting mediocrity".
    1 point
  27. What a pathetic attitude. We may not sign him, but to say we shouldn't even try is pure syndrome.
    1 point
  28. Spoken like a true MFC supporter - at the very least, I hope Neeld can at least get this defeatist attitude out of the playing group.
    1 point
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