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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/09/11 in all areas

  1. I love Beamer, if he stood up against the better teams he might win one of these things, and we might actually beat a good team.
    2 points
  2. I think his finish says more about those that don't consistently perform and finished lower than it says for Jared. Jared is as Jared does. He is an expert 3rd tall. But the fact that a 3rd tall/loose man is coming second in our B+F is a tad concerning... My issue is with his leadership and his body language when we are struggling. Well done to the bloke but he needs to work on a few areas still.
    2 points
  3. "Maloney"? Baloney.
    1 point
  4. All of the Green hate in this thread is disgraceful. FFS give the guy a break and sign him up!
    1 point
  5. Kosi would depend on why you were getting him. There are two reasons we would get a big tall power forward. 1) Because we think that they will be part of our next premiership tilt and we don't currently have those players on our list, or 2) Because we want to play a style of game that requires a tall forward and the players that can play that role are not yet ready to play it. Getting Kosi (or a state league forward) on the cheap means that we can teach the players to play the style of footy that Neeld wants us to play. They can fill a spot until the likes of Cook, Fitzpatrick, McDonald etc are ready to take over that full time for when we are going for a premiership. Draft/trade time will be very interesting to see what sort of players we go after.
    1 point
  6. When it comes to money I implicitly trust NO-ONE
    1 point
  7. IIRC, Clint was U16 when he was there, Neeld was senior coach. So some, but likely limited, interaction. Same with Greaves at Falcons. I dare say though, Bartram will be the kind of player Neeldy will love. Hard at it, does what he is told, plays his role every week.
    1 point
  8. You are of course correct... however, the bit that sticks in my craw (craw, NOT craw!) is the fact that some posters are saying that they are happy to see him walk if he can't accept one year; to me that is no different to saying offer him "none". Sure, they should offer him one, but if he doesn't accept then they should consider either upping his income with a clear set of KPIs for a further extension or offering two years. If we lose anymore experience from this club, then new coach or no new coach, we are going to be pushing "it" up a very steep incline for some time to come! There is no way he would ever be a list clogger. This idea of him holding the club to ransom doesn't cut it with me... he would simply be asking for what he truly believes he is worth (and I believe he is probably worth it as well),
    1 point
  9. WTF? He's a brick with eyes. We need more hardness, not less... You guys are taking the [censored] aren't you? Oh, rpfc, you shouldn't fall for RF's shenanigans...
    1 point
  10. I'm of the opinion that Rivers is the best third man/loose defender in the AFL. Better than Nick Maxwell. The issue is that Maxwell does a better job man-on-man than Rivers does.
    1 point
  11. As Jimmy's speech is on the Herald Sun site and can be viewed here, I will only post the video of Mark Neeld's speech at the 2011 Best & Fairest Awards Night. Here it is. Excuse the poor quality and sound of knives and forks and all the waiters running around. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubc4Tk5XTPs
    1 point
  12. Thanks for taking the time to record and post this.
    1 point
  13. Severe case of white people clapping going on here...
    1 point
  14. Geelong sliding is inevitable - our competition is built that way by design. Bottom 4 within two years is a stretch though I think - still too many good players on their list for that to happen, although a few of their players will be found out when the side ceases to be superhuman. I think it'll be quite some time before they disappear out of the eight, and I don't think a rebuild without any major time out of the eight (like Sydney) would be out of the question.
    1 point
  15. Brad Green is a much better player than his 2010 form, captaincy and other issues played a part in his dreadful season. If he concentrates on being the best player he can be, he will be very valuable in the next couple of years. I can understand others would want him gone and I respect that, but he is a very talented player and we don't have a lot of those.
    1 point
  16. Woey and Powell were also salary cap related. What were we meant to do? Break the rules like Carlton and get smashed for it? The handling of Junior was a mistake, but that doesn't mean the decision was. I'd like Green to sign a straight up 1 year contract on good money and then go out there and earn it in 2012.
    1 point
  17. I think all that meth's getting to your head.
    1 point
  18. This is one of the things that Neeld can control. If he takes MM's advice and becomes a control freak at the onset he will hand pick a captain. However, personally my preference would not be Frawley, he gets big names to defend every game and he needs to focus on that. It's different for Maxwell, he just floats around the backline and looks upfield sorting out who should be where etc. I'm not a fan of Trengove as captain at this point either. Too young and although his form and potential is exciting, it would be a massive step up for him. Give him 2 or 3 years to develop his game and solidify his perfromances, then he'll be ready to slide across into a captains role without issue. If our motto is hardness, I'd take Jonesy to lead by example, but as I said, Neeld will pick someone who has shown him with their actions that they should be C.
    1 point
  19. Dear OP, Who is this Maloney you speak about ?
    1 point
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