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30 years of supporting


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Hi all,

I have supported this football club all my life and have been a member for the past 23 years. I write this in sheer frustration of what I witnessed today. I write this as a way of releasing the frustration and I thank you for having a forum like this to do it in.

I have sat through some shellackings in my time but never have I witnessed the sheer nothingness of todays performance. We have by far and away the worst senior group in the league.

Brad Green - has invented a new position call the NML(No Mans Land) position. If I had to watch one more minute of him not chasing, not reading the play to get in the right position and one more time of him being caught in the middle of the Player with the ball and the player receiving the ball I will scream. His neck had to be iced after the game as he continually watched the ball sail over his head all day long

Adem Yze - should never play for this football club again. A great servant in his prime with the ability to do the mecurial but never consistent and never reliable. His accountability gets worse and his effort in the last quarter where he should have put his head over the ball and picked it up clean instead he tried a dinky soccer tap to no one and looked ordinary. The laughter in the great southern stand was amazing

Russell Robertson - The biggest sook we have had ever. As with most of ours when things are going well he can do anything but when someone needs to stand up and steer the team he is nowhere to be seen. The three goals in the last quarter were a crock and a blight on his three quarter performance.

Cameron Bruce - Coming back from injury so he can be excused to a point. BUT Cameron if you are out there do SOMETHING

Jeff White - Many bag Jeff and always have but I am not from that school. Worrying signs today though.

David Neitz - I apologise David you have had to go on this year. You do not deserve what we will dish up in 2008.

James Mc Donald - Got the best out of what you have and for that you can only be admired

Brock Mclean - He is not the messiah we have all hoped. Too slow and another who seems to sook Harsh but remember this is only my opinion

Colin Sylvia - Thanks for today

Michael Newton - You have god given ability that thousands (including me) would have died for. Find some desire, desperation, pride and FFS a SECOND EFFORT and you could be anything. If you continue to pull up like you did in the centre of the ground today you will have a promising career cut short. (See Cale Morton effort last quarter) Just a tip from the outer - KEEP YOUR FEET and you will be amazed by what second efforts will give you.

You can call me a hyprocrite because I have enjoyed all the highs a number of these players have provided us over the years and at times it has been great but time catches up with all of us. A number of the players mentioned above need to be removed from the senior team marked not to return. Thanks for all you have done for the club and for many it has been huge. But dont forget to thank the club for what they have allowed you to become. People will bag me on here and if this got back to the club a dozen players will want to rip my head off. But as we have always done in this club we live in the past and dont look to the now and the future. ( It would be great to see some passion though ! )

I will take 104 point losses like today if it is with a team for the future and full of our young guys but today cannot happen again with the level of senior players that were today representing the red and blue.

I also promise to be the first to praise the above players if they turn it around this season and have good years as if you are prepared to criticise you have to be prepared to provide praise as well.

I have more anger, disappointment and utter disbelief after today but I wont bore you with the rest of it. The bottom line I will be there next week against the doggies and walking into the ground I will have that little flicker of hope I always have - is today our day ?

Last but not least my changes for next week

In - Sylvia, Rivers, Bartram, Whelan, Maric, Martin, Frawley, Dunn, Bate (if fit)

Out - Green, Yze, Newton, Carroll, Wheatley, Weetra, Robertson, Bruce and one other for Bate perhaps

Wont happen but hey I can only hope

Thanks for letting me have the rant

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Brad Green - has invented a new position call the NML(No Mans Land) position.

I had exactly the same thought today. I watched Green for about 10 minutes straight after a poor kick of his cost us a goal and couldn't believe where he was positioning himself. He was walking a couple of meters from a Hawks player while we had the ball and was nowhere near one when they had it.

I like Brad Green but feel that we have turned a good forward into an average midfielder. It's looks like we intend to do the same to Davey.

Another observation from today's game is that I don't think we can afford to have Neitz, Robbo & Newton all in the same forward line. I know that multiple marking fowards can be a good thing, but not if they are all slow. We would be better with Green leading out and Davey crumbing.

Unfortunately agree that it looks like Brock will be no more than a good ordinary player. But gee I really hope that I am wrong.

I would not be too hard on Carroll. There was some excellent delivery into the Hawks forward line and he can't be held accountable for the Hawk midfielders and defenders who regularly pushed forward without any opponents.

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Hi all,

I have supported this football club all my life and have been a member for the past 23 years. I write this in sheer frustration of what I witnessed today. I write this as a way of releasing the frustration and I thank you for having a forum like this to do it in.

I have sat through some shellackings in my time but never have I witnessed the sheer nothingness of todays performance. We have by far and away the worst senior group in the league.

Brad Green - has invented a new position call the NML(No Mans Land) position. If I had to watch one more minute of him not chasing, not reading the play to get in the right position and one more time of him being caught in the middle of the Player with the ball and the player receiving the ball I will scream. His neck had to be iced after the game as he continually watched the ball sail over his head all day long

Adem Yze - should never play for this football club again. A great servant in his prime with the ability to do the mecurial but never consistent and never reliable. His accountability gets worse and his effort in the last quarter where he should have put his head over the ball and picked it up clean instead he tried a dinky soccer tap to no one and looked ordinary. The laughter in the great southern stand was amazing

Russell Robertson - The biggest sook we have had ever. As with most of ours when things are going well he can do anything but when someone needs to stand up and steer the team he is nowhere to be seen. The three goals in the last quarter were a crock and a blight on his three quarter performance.

Cameron Bruce - Coming back from injury so he can be excused to a point. BUT Cameron if you are out there do SOMETHING

Jeff White - Many bag Jeff and always have but I am not from that school. Worrying signs today though.

David Neitz - I apologise David you have had to go on this year. You do not deserve what we will dish up in 2008.

James Mc Donald - Got the best out of what you have and for that you can only be admired

Brock Mclean - He is not the messiah we have all hoped. Too slow and another who seems to sook Harsh but remember this is only my opinion

Colin Sylvia - Thanks for today

Michael Newton - You have god given ability that thousands (including me) would have died for. Find some desire, desperation, pride and FFS a SECOND EFFORT and you could be anything. If you continue to pull up like you did in the centre of the ground today you will have a promising career cut short. (See Cale Morton effort last quarter) Just a tip from the outer - KEEP YOUR FEET and you will be amazed by what second efforts will give you.

You can call me a hyprocrite because I have enjoyed all the highs a number of these players have provided us over the years and at times it has been great but time catches up with all of us. A number of the players mentioned above need to be removed from the senior team marked not to return. Thanks for all you have done for the club and for many it has been huge. But dont forget to thank the club for what they have allowed you to become. People will bag me on here and if this got back to the club a dozen players will want to rip my head off. But as we have always done in this club we live in the past and dont look to the now and the future. ( It would be great to see some passion though ! )

I will take 104 point losses like today if it is with a team for the future and full of our young guys but today cannot happen again with the level of senior players that were today representing the red and blue.

I also promise to be the first to praise the above players if they turn it around this season and have good years as if you are prepared to criticise you have to be prepared to provide praise as well.

I have more anger, disappointment and utter disbelief after today but I wont bore you with the rest of it. The bottom line I will be there next week against the doggies and walking into the ground I will have that little flicker of hope I always have - is today our day ?

Last but not least my changes for next week

In - Sylvia, Rivers, Bartram, Whelan, Maric, Martin, Frawley, Dunn, Bate (if fit)

Out - Green, Yze, Newton, Carroll, Wheatley, Weetra, Robertson, Bruce and one other for Bate perhaps

Wont happen but hey I can only hope

Thanks for letting me have the rant

Im with you on this. I have not been supporting the club for your time (actually didnt start seriously till 2002 as i lived in Bris) but today was worthy of a good hard cry. I find it astonishing that, this is an afl team is dire trouble. We have a list worse than carlton, a membership base the lowest in the 16 teams (not supprisingly after today) and its frustrating that in the 150th year the players show no heart for the club. Yes some will say that we are still learning DB's techniques and this will take time, others will say our side was less experienced than Hawks (with Weetera and Morton) but there is no excuse for players like green and bruce, davey and pettard, newton and yze to name a few who didnt put their head over the ball. Newton has watched yze and tried to produce unrealistic shots at goal being fancy, Miller seems slow, indecisive and a hack.

I too am fed up. I bought membership this year but for the first time i actually felt like burning it today.

I listened to Gardner and McNamee on Tripple M at half time. Gardner excused todays half time score as cause we are less experienced. I would be dissopointed if we lost a game by the same margin even if we went in hard, showed decision making and played with heart. Instead there was nothing at all which is what really casts a bad shaddow over the team.

The footy we served up today is worthy of the woodern spoon and that seems heartrenching in a 150th year.

If DB is going to really do something with this list he needs to be tough. Dropping players like Miller, Green, Bruce, Yze is what we need. We are sure to lose but it sends a clear message to the playing group. Players will continue to serve up that c--p if not come down harsh upon.

I also find it intreging that there are teams who have rebuilt quicker than us. Brisbane spent 1 year in bottom 4 and a couple out of the 8 and show terrific signs. Leinenberger will be a star ruckman and we have been searching for 5 years to find a good backup. I blame that on CAC who gets glowing commentry on here but face it, we have no spine. Hawks, Bris, Port have built a side along the spine. We have no FB, our CHB in rivers is injured with no quality depth, out CHF is nowhere to be seen and this will be neitz last year and newton is not a FF.

Its tough times ahead but i can only hope DB is harsh as. This club will struggle to servive if we cant show any positives in the next 2 years

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Dear fellow sufferers,

I have only just discovered this site in the last few weeks and have been thoroughly entertained by all participants. After witnessing todays debacle I feel I have to vent my spleen to someone who understands how I am feeling.I have been a Demon for just shy of 40 years and I doubt I have felt as much pain as I did today. It was embarrassing to say the least and thank god we have an extra day before we all receive abuse from work colleagues on Tuesday.

I am a passionate Demon and have not missed a game in Victoria since I returned in 06 after living interstate or abroad for the past 25 years. And despite todays tripe I will continue to do so. I only wish there were more of us diehards that did so! We need all the help we can get off the field cos the Devil knows we are not gunna get much on the field this year!

I always got excited a few weeks out from the start of a new footy season. Not so this year. There has been an overwhelming sense that doom is upon us and my friends it has hit like a cyclone. This is the beginning of the recession we had to have ( I`ve heard that before). For the life of me , if you are going to have a clean out , why do a half arse job?? Doggy , Wardy, Godders , Biz , Byron was a good start. It should have continued with Holland , Robbo , Yze , Miller , White and maybe even Neita.

Why on Hell did we let TJ go to Qld and not Miller??He has been playing for a clearance for the last 3 years , the boy must be homesick for he seriously looks lost on the footy field.At times he reminds me of an animal being mesmerized in headlights. Lost and frightened. Does anyone remember his first year? Played some god honest and hard footy, got rubbed out several times. For god sake let him play that style again or let him go. We`d be better off with him suspended for 5 week anyway!

I once saw Saint Silvio Foschini celebrate a miraculous goal at Princes Park in the dying minutes of a 10 goal plus slaughter at the hands of Carlton. You`d have thought he had won them the game. I was probably 10 at the time but I have never ever forgotten it. That has been topped some 29 years later by the singer mascarading himself as a footballer. Did anyone else notice his Little Leighton CMON in the last quarter after his left foot dribble . I think it reduced the margin to 109 points. How did we not trade him to the Mongrels when they wanted him. We probably could have received a handy draft pick for him. Robbo you have thrilled us all for a long time but too many times you kick goals in trash time to make it look like you had a reasonable day.

He was certainly not alone today. The body language of most players was shot midway through the first quarter. Melbourne fans hearts were broken by quarter time cos we all knew it was only just the beginning of a very long season. I too was reminded of the 70`s today. I suffered as a teenager through just about every game for 7 or 8 years and I will continue to go to see what unfolds this year. Play the kids DB and clear the remainder of the deadwood now. I would rather get some experience into our future core players right now and consequently get thumped each week than to watch has beens show no desire to play for their guernsey ,team mates and fans. I also want to see a flag before 2050 if I am lucky enough to be around.

Is it too early to start tanking games??

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I am sick of People Paying Neita out. He is a star of this game and of the club. He could be complaining sooo much more but he doesn't. He could be at another club and be kicking 4 goals a game but he stays and does the team thing. People say he [censored] and old. He isn’t. If he got the type of ball Franklin got today he would have 6. The only reason why Neita is bagged and doesn’t get the respect he should is because of our midfield delivery. He could have had 200 more goals at another club.

If we are going to clean out the club there is no need to get rid of Neita only 1, max 2 years left waste of time and he had earned our respect.

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I am sick of People Paying Neita out. He is a star of this game and of the club. He could be complaining sooo much more but he doesn't. He could be at another club and be kicking 4 goals a game but he stays and does the team thing. People say he [censored] and old. He isn’t. If he got the type of ball Franklin got today he would have 6. The only reason why Neita is bagged and doesn’t get the respect he should is because of our midfield delivery. He could have had 200 more goals at another club.

If we are going to clean out the club there is no need to get rid of Neita only 1, max 2 years left waste of time and he had earned our respect.

I am certainly not paying out on Neita. Love the bloke and always will. He will probably kick a few bags this year too! Love that he broke another Hawk bone today. Was it McCabe that he broke his collarbone picked up the ball and goaled from 40 ? He is an inspiration and am happy to see 1 more year out of him which will be inspirational to the kids. His best passed him 2 or 3 years ago though and his body is hurting from years of standing up for his teammates.

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No need to tank mate. All we have to do is turn up and the rest will take care of itself!

While I'm surprised at the magnitude of the defeat, I'm not entirely surprised by the manner in which we played. I watched the practice match against North. We were woeful. You can't just turn that around in a few weeks. At least when a team loses you can normally point to some positives, like they ran the ball well, they tackled well, they passed well to the forwards, etc. We were pathetic in all aspects of the game.

It really is disgraceful to put on that performance after 6 months of hard training. They've embarrassed the club. While it couldn't possibly get worse, I really can't see it getting a whole lot better with this lot.

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Couldn't have said it better myself, mate.

The day Bruce gets sent to the VFL where he belongs is the day I believe in Jesus Christ.

But I wouldn't drop Carroll and Newton. Newton doesn't know what it takes to win and doesn't have the urge yet. He needs to stay in the seniors. He will be a bag-kicker one day. Carroll is our only true back man. He might get beaten, but he trys his heart out and no one can do any better given the circumstances. No point dropping him. Besides, no one is as much of a hard nut as him. Drop him, and we might as well give Bruce the captaincy because we'll be as soft as ever.

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Good post, much more logical than most of the others. The criticism of the key backs is over the top for mine. The ball was coming in uncontested for 90% of the game and considering each key back (Carroll, Miller, Bell/Wheatley) was giving up height and weight to their opponent, the result was not surprising.

We are made to look worse than we are because we are so slow, the slowest Ds team I can remember. The worrying thing is you cannot improve your speed through training, only the draft.

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HellBent i dont think Robbo was doing the comeon i think he was giving the ump a spray.

He was pointing to his temple or eye with one finger and giving it to the ump.

There was definatly no celabrating of goals in the last quarter.

Only once when Morton passed to Green did players go and give Morton a pat on the back for a job well done.

A lot of the players would also be disapointed with there effort today

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I have sat through some shellackings in my time but never have I witnessed the sheer nothingness of todays performance. We have by far and away the worst senior group in the league.

Brad Green - has invented a new position call the NML(No Mans Land) position. If I had to watch one more minute of him not chasing, not reading the play to get in the right position and one more time of him being caught in the middle of the Player with the ball and the player receiving the ball I will scream. His neck had to be iced after the game as he continually watched the ball sail over his head all day long

Adem Yze - should never play for this football club again. A great servant in his prime with the ability to do the mecurial but never consistent and never reliable. His accountability gets worse and his effort in the last quarter where he should have put his head over the ball and picked it up clean instead he tried a dinky soccer tap to no one and looked ordinary. The laughter in the great southern stand was amazing

Russell Robertson - The biggest sook we have had ever. As with most of ours when things are going well he can do anything but when someone needs to stand up and steer the team he is nowhere to be seen. The three goals in the last quarter were a crock and a blight on his three quarter performance.

Cameron Bruce - Coming back from injury so he can be excused to a point. BUT Cameron if you are out there do SOMETHING

Jeff White - Many bag Jeff and always have but I am not from that school. Worrying signs today though.

David Neitz - I apologise David you have had to go on this year. You do not deserve what we will dish up in 2008.

James Mc Donald - Got the best out of what you have and for that you can only be admired

Brock Mclean - He is not the messiah we have all hoped. Too slow and another who seems to sook Harsh but remember this is only my opinion

Colin Sylvia - Thanks for today

Michael Newton - You have god given ability that thousands (including me) would have died for. Find some desire, desperation, pride and FFS a SECOND EFFORT and you could be anything. If you continue to pull up like you did in the centre of the ground today you will have a promising career cut short. (See Cale Morton effort last quarter) Just a tip from the outer - KEEP YOUR FEET and you will be amazed by what second efforts will give you.

You can call me a hyprocrite because I have enjoyed all the highs a number of these players have provided us over the years and at times it has been great but time catches up with all of us. A number of the players mentioned above need to be removed from the senior team marked not to return. Thanks for all you have done for the club and for many it has been huge. But dont forget to thank the club for what they have allowed you to become. People will bag me on here and if this got back to the club a dozen players will want to rip my head off. But as we have always done in this club we live in the past and dont look to the now and the future. ( It would be great to see some passion though ! )

Last but not least my changes for next week

In - Sylvia, Rivers, Bartram, Whelan, Maric, Martin, Frawley, Dunn, Bate (if fit)

Out - Green, Yze, Newton, Carroll, Wheatley, Weetra, Robertson, Bruce and one other for Bate perhaps

Long term member also (28 years). Couldn't have said it better myself.

I wouldn't drop Carroll though. Possibly Newton deserves another chance.

The day Bruce gets sent to the VFL where he belongs is the day I believe in Jesus Christ.

But I wouldn't drop Carroll and Newton. Newton doesn't know what it takes to win and doesn't have the urge yet. He needs to stay in the seniors. He will be a bag-kicker one day. Carroll is our only true back man. He might get beaten, but he trys his heart out and no one can do any better given the circumstances. No point dropping him. Besides, no one is as much of a hard nut as him. Drop him, and we might as well give Bruce the captaincy because we'll be as soft as ever.

Agreed in full.

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I just signed up this morning as I really felt the need to vent following yesterday's schmozzle. After spending the last hour reading other blogs I won't bother - DEMONWITHIN said it all really... Based in Canberra I don't have a take on coach Bailey (yet) however I certainly hope he's not another Daniher (nice guy who suffered from keeping faith in veterans who simply don't have it anymore). I'm flying down next weekend for a boys weekend away - first stop is the 'G' - I'm praying coach Bailey will field a team willing to have a go otherwise I'm in for a long afternoon of sledging from my mates (Bombers and Cats fans...)

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HellBent i dont think Robbo was doing the comeon i think he was giving the ump a spray.

He was pointing to his temple or eye with one finger and giving it to the ump.

There was definatly no celabrating of goals in the last quarter.

Only once when Morton passed to Green did players go and give Morton a pat on the back for a job well done.

A lot of the players would also be disapointed with there effort today

I hope you are right on the Robbo Cmon. I think my eyes were probably playing up all day as surely some of the things I witnessed out there yesterday dint really happen.Still , I reckon footy doesnt rank too highly on his to do list lately. Full credit to PJ . Sad to think he probably played his best game for us y`day an it won`t get recognised. Only positive I got all day was Morton running back with eyes on the ball and not flinching as he was about to get polaxed. They should just show that vision to the team over n over again. There is nothing else worth watching

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I couldn't have said it better myself. I do think people on here are a little harsh on Bruce and Green although everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think these guys do try their hardest and are suffering the effects of years of being put in one position one week and another position the following week. Green would be a fantastic half forward. Bruce could have been anything if left to master one position. Just my humble opinion.

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I couldn't have said it better myself. I do think people on here are a little harsh on Bruce and Green although everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think these guys do try their hardest and are suffering the effects of years of being put in one position one week and another position the following week. Green would be a fantastic half forward. Bruce could have been anything if left to master one position. Just my humble opinion.

Believe it or not Greeney actually did what Morton did last year against both Adelaide n Collingwood and took match saving marks in the dying minutes to save our first 2 wins for us . Come to think of it , he probably cost us a priority pick with those acts of courage. I think I will sit on the fence re The Bruce. Probably underdone and will improve if not reinjured

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Believe it or not Greeney actually did what Morton did last year against both Adelaide n Collingwood and took match saving marks in the dying minutes to save our first 2 wins for us . Come to think of it , he probably cost us a priority pick with those acts of courage. I think I will sit on the fence re The Bruce. Probably underdone and will improve if not reinjured

Yeah, I agree that people are being a little harsh re Green. I thought he wasn't too bad yesterday, and would have put him in our best. It bugs me that people call Green soft, because when its his turn to go, he does. Which is more than can be said for Bruce and particularly Yze and Newton.

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Yeah, I agree that people are being a little harsh re Green. I thought he wasn't too bad yesterday, and would have put him in our best. It bugs me that people call Green soft, because when its his turn to go, he does. Which is more than can be said for Bruce and particularly Yze and Newton.

Hear hear!

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As a remote, but ardent Dees supporter since the halcyon sixties it was very sad to see such a rabble yesterday.. my kids and i watched in a mixture of horror and bemusement watching (thankfully not paying) to see such a poor performance.

What is amazing to me is that after lacklustre performances last year from the senior players we are still persevering with Adam Yze (who i could not believe is trotting out once again), Cam Bruce ( who, with Brad Green i often thought would be the best half forward line) with Russell as CHF .. but they all lacked the fire to match determined opposition. We desperately lack a good big CHB and FB.. after persevering with Alistair Nicholson ( probably a lovely bloke but not a league footy player) we now seem to rely on Nathan Carrol who just can't cut with a fast big forward as was so easily seen yesterday..

Although I have the greatest respect for David Neitz he is now past it albeit ithat it staggers me to see how poorly the ball is delivered to he and Russell .. the days of contested marks in the goal square are finished.. our team was far to slow..and our kicking to a man was on many occasions far from the pin point accuracy that is required.. and do our players "talk" to each other?.. could anyone have seen that Brock McLean was to be run down and tackled 'cause he was too slow) and maybe yelled out a warning? .. and shepherding.. do our guys know that this means helping your mates? I would love to witness a training session to see what the guys actually do as the basic footy skills ( as well as the "higher order"understandings} seemed to be lacking yesterday

Best to blood the new starters and look to the likes of Sylvia, McLean (who i still think has the makings), Bate, Rivers, Johnson and Newton (who has the skill of a league player but lacks winning guts) .. to start off a new breed of Demons..

Hopefully a "serve" from the coach or /and a spell in the "seconds" will "invigorate" the amazingly jaded senior group..

A very poor start to this season.. we can only rise (like a phoenix from the ashes) with enthusiasm and the will to win at any cost. The oppostion looked like a team knowing that they would play in the finals whereas Melbourne appeared to start from where they left off last season.. in the doldrums of defeat..

Geejazzer, Sydney

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my friend ..you have put into words my feelings for the same period of time that I have been watching this great club..

all the people screaming for trades..well its 3 years to late..we will now have to wait as we did in the 70's and 80's for some kind of team that will be a force again.

our list is old and we will lose at least 10 of our list in the next 2 years

where are the replacements? sitting on the bench getting 10 minutes of game time or better yet wasting time waiting for a go playing at Sandy?

do it now..throw them in and give them ALL a go..not 10 minutes of game time

I hope to see you on Saturday and yes like u I hope we can produce a miracle..

somehow I think not

play them ALL for ALL the game..it cant be any worse than what I experienced on Sunday.

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Guest unstable punt
Hi all,

I have supported this football club all my life and have been a member for the past 23 years. I write this in sheer frustration of what I witnessed today. I write this as a way of releasing the frustration and I thank you for having a forum like this to do it in.

I have sat through some shellackings in my time but never have I witnessed the sheer nothingness of todays performance. We have by far and away the worst senior group in the league.

Brad Green - has invented a new position call the NML(No Mans Land) position. If I had to watch one more minute of him not chasing, not reading the play to get in the right position and one more time of him being caught in the middle of the Player with the ball and the player receiving the ball I will scream. His neck had to be iced after the game as he continually watched the ball sail over his head all day long

Adem Yze - should never play for this football club again. A great servant in his prime with the ability to do the mecurial but never consistent and never reliable. His accountability gets worse and his effort in the last quarter where he should have put his head over the ball and picked it up clean instead he tried a dinky soccer tap to no one and looked ordinary. The laughter in the great southern stand was amazing

Russell Robertson - The biggest sook we have had ever. As with most of ours when things are going well he can do anything but when someone needs to stand up and steer the team he is nowhere to be seen. The three goals in the last quarter were a crock and a blight on his three quarter performance.

Cameron Bruce - Coming back from injury so he can be excused to a point. BUT Cameron if you are out there do SOMETHING

Jeff White - Many bag Jeff and always have but I am not from that school. Worrying signs today though.

David Neitz - I apologise David you have had to go on this year. You do not deserve what we will dish up in 2008.

James Mc Donald - Got the best out of what you have and for that you can only be admired

Brock Mclean - He is not the messiah we have all hoped. Too slow and another who seems to sook Harsh but remember this is only my opinion

Colin Sylvia - Thanks for today

Michael Newton - You have god given ability that thousands (including me) would have died for. Find some desire, desperation, pride and FFS a SECOND EFFORT and you could be anything. If you continue to pull up like you did in the centre of the ground today you will have a promising career cut short. (See Cale Morton effort last quarter) Just a tip from the outer - KEEP YOUR FEET and you will be amazed by what second efforts will give you.

You can call me a hyprocrite because I have enjoyed all the highs a number of these players have provided us over the years and at times it has been great but time catches up with all of us. A number of the players mentioned above need to be removed from the senior team marked not to return. Thanks for all you have done for the club and for many it has been huge. But dont forget to thank the club for what they have allowed you to become. People will bag me on here and if this got back to the club a dozen players will want to rip my head off. But as we have always done in this club we live in the past and dont look to the now and the future. ( It would be great to see some passion though ! )

I will take 104 point losses like today if it is with a team for the future and full of our young guys but today cannot happen again with the level of senior players that were today representing the red and blue.

I also promise to be the first to praise the above players if they turn it around this season and have good years as if you are prepared to criticise you have to be prepared to provide praise as well.

I have more anger, disappointment and utter disbelief after today but I wont bore you with the rest of it. The bottom line I will be there next week against the doggies and walking into the ground I will have that little flicker of hope I always have - is today our day ?

Last but not least my changes for next week

In - Sylvia, Rivers, Bartram, Whelan, Maric, Martin, Frawley, Dunn, Bate (if fit)

Out - Green, Yze, Newton, Carroll, Wheatley, Weetra, Robertson, Bruce and one other for Bate perhaps

Wont happen but hey I can only hope

Thanks for letting me have the rant

ditto on that rant couldn't have put it more succinctly

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Guest Schtacker

Excellent thread. Somebody should try to find a way to get it into the hands of Dean Bailey.

I am dead serious when I say this Thursday night's team selection is pivotal for this club.

It will really be the beginning of the end if the axe is not swung.

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Excellent thread. Somebody should try to find a way to get it into the hands of Dean Bailey.

I am dead serious when I say this Thursday night's team selection is pivotal for this club.

It will really be the beginning of the end if the axe is not swung.

Thanks to all that have replied as it makes me understand that my pain is shared by many :rolleyes:

Sun came up today but the feeling is still as strong as yesterday. I have read with great interest the varying degrees of reaction to yesterday and may I congratulate all those that have a tried to remain positive I salute your attitude. Sorry I cant share it with you at the moment.

Before I finish the pain with round one and look forward to redemption in round two can I make comment about the players response today

1. - Can we please have players who deserve the opportunity to speak ie the ones who have a red hot go , Jonesy, Macca etc and not Russell Robertson !!!!

2. - Robbo I will give you the benefit of the doubt because the media beautifully find away of editing what they want people to hear but I wanted to hear more - The skills weren't great and I will grant you that but first things first - ACCOUNTABILITY WHEN WE DONT HAVE THE BALL THAT IS CHASING, MANNING UP, VOICE AND LEADERSHIP, WHEN A FIFTY FIFTY CONTEST DESIRE, PASSION, ENTHUSIASM (from the first bounce), HEAD OVER THE BALL and LEADERSHIP.


Thats it. No more from me about yesterday and bring on the doggies on this week.

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