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16 hours ago, Accepting Mediocrity said:

Of course there are limitations to the case data, but you need to start somewhere. Scientists are well aware of the limitations, and build uncertainty into their models accordingly. Models will improve as the issues with the data are resolved, but that takes time - and time is the enemy. If we'd waited for the full picture before we reacted, we'd currently be making NY look like paradise. Regardless, of course their models account for deaths, cases admitted vs discharged, etc - but debating models that neither of us understand is a bit of a pointless exercise. 

As for the 'excuse to effect ideological change' line - who knows, perhaps a timely reminder that there are some potential downsides to complete globalization isn't such a bad thing.

Anyway, my initial post came across harsher than I meant - sorry mate, didn't mean to launch a personal attack. 

Thanks AM. There was a touch of frustration in my rant, induced by the imposed isolation.

I happy to comply as I said the govt has done some good things especially buying time, to overcome the reduced health and research capacity. I still think they have been applying models that do not take into account our different cultural and social practices.

i was surprised how compliant the population has been but it has certainly helped.

There is yet to be an end game announced and I do wonder where it will come from.

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16 hours ago, drysdale demon said:

I think you are being a bit on the hysterical side. Lie down for a couple of months and take in some deep breaths.

Was going to ignore but having had a lie down believe you need further response.

while I may be being hysterical, my comments are based on some in depth knowledge and experience. I have retired but the circumstances of this crisis are providing new and different responses.

I am concerned that we now have accepted border guards and police oversight as an accepted normal. Gatherings of more than 2 are illegal. And we are told this is to occur for a further 6 months. Extraordinary.

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On 4/8/2020 at 2:23 PM, dpositive said:

For too long we have been accepting mediocrity, not you specifically,but our acceptance of mediocre,I would say incompetent government.

We have seen the corona virus crisis promoted into a n economic crisis and now into an ideological social change exercise.

We allowed our health system to be whittled away until it is deemed it cannot handle 100 people into intensive care,that our treatment and tracking systems cannot test and identify treatment regimes. We have accepted an erosion of our health research  facilities so they cannot respond to a health threat quickly.

We have accepted mediocre decisions related to manufacturing and supply facilities so that we cannot quickly provide respirators made in Australia.

We have accepted a mediocre border protection that could stop the boats but could not stop the boat that bought a huge impact to our infections

The government action has bought us time,but this action cannot nor does it need to last forever, or even six or three months.

As our health system responds  and our populations actions change we can return to a society that tests people who  associate,protects the most vulnerable and tracks contacts of any identified infectious people.

With our borders closed we can test and quarantine any new arrivals,and after self imposed isolation we should eliminate spread.

We are not China., we are not US,  we are not Italy. We have totally different cultural and societal structures. We should be anaylising our data and ensuring our health systems can respond to the realnumbers. We are only just reaching that point but this government has chosen to follow models that keep us in fear.

i look forward to the end game but fear how this will be done while our goverment continues its arrogant and incompetent actionsto keep us fearful while they erode our democratic systems.


perhaps I've been isolated too long.

You highlight many of the real problems, and these are agreed at first interpretation. However, I firmly believe that Australians collectively (including governments hamstrung by being only somewhat authoritarian and similarly, dictatorial - thank Heaven) should be afforded an absolute commendation for their realisation and management to date with this viral pandemic. It is a group response and we are strongly linked to the containment of the ill-advised, the moral negativity we express to the wanton selfish and risk-taking, and those whose subsequent behaviours, from ignorance and self-importance, flout most advisories and proven intercessions to both our individual and communal/population safety controls. The panaceia has not yet arrived in this horrible episode yet we are learning and controlling, at large, the longitudinal and bumpy road to viral absolution. Hence, the future will probably be brighter than what we may depressingly expect.


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1 hour ago, drysdale demon said:

Thanks for those kind words, if you are ever in the redlegs rooms ask Ralph and Mike to point me out and we can have a drink or two.

I will try and do that as well if we ever return to the redlegs room.

i have often appreciated your contributions and reckon we could now both enjoy a Furphys.

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13 minutes ago, Deemania since 56 said:

You highlight many of the real problems, and these are agreed at first interpretation. However, I firmly believe that Australians collectively (including governments hamstrung by being only somewhat authoritarian and similarly, dictatorial - thank Heaven) should be afforded an absolute commendation for their realisation and management to date with this viral pandemic. It is a group response and we are strongly linked to the containment of the ill-advised, the moral negativity we express to the wanton selfish and risk-taking, and those whose subsequent behaviours, from ignorance and self-importance, flout most advisories and proven intercessions to both our individual and communal/population safety controls. The panaceia has not yet arrived in this horrible episode yet we are learning and controlling, at large, the longitudinal and bumpy road to viral absolution. Hence, the future will probably be brighter than what we may depressingly expect.


I cannot give the absolute commendation to a mob that has continuously shown incompetence at every stage of its desperate reactions.

They rushed to use Christmas Island which was a reasonable response initially and then allowed people to enter the border with liittle oversight or control. They could not appreciate the importance of stopping the most important boat. They instigated an economic crisis with no idea that Centrelink would be overwhelmed. The on line networks which had previously struggled are now being overwhelmed.  They allowed hairdressers to operate but few others . They are allowing confusion and fear through discretionary action. They have allowed states to isolate themselves and promoting differences while saying we are all in this together. They have approved a large amount of money to fund programs for 6 months with little oversight . They have not indicated how these funds will be generated..

Free child care for 6 months is fine but what will happen at the end of that time.

There has been no indication how our football club will be able to continue after their (the governments) action.

There may ell be a heap of money left over if restrictions are eased earlier than 6 months  as our health system capacity is lifted to cope with a health problem that is controlled through control and testing of incoming people., testing and tracking emerging admissions, and isolating at risk sectors.

Perhaps the money left can be allocated to significant blue areas that do give them absolute commendation. Their may be some merit in your suggestion.

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I was wondering when a country was going to use polling techniques to conduct a random tested sample of its population. While electoral opinion polling may get the final result wrong in elections the margin of error is such that for this purpose they can give you excellent trend analysis.

The poll conducted in Austria had a surprising result:

Less than 1% of the Austrian population is “acutely infected” with coronavirus, new research based on testing a representative sample of more than 1,500 people suggests.

The research, if replicated and confirmed elsewhere, would appear to scotch hopes of countries being remotely close to relying on “herd immunity” – where enough of the population is exposed to the virus to build up a combined immunity – as a viable policy option.


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Victoria is down to 325 active cases and are only seeing roughly 10 new cases per day.

great work Vics!  keep this up and hopefully things can get back on track soon

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The ads of demonland throw some interesting ads up.

On my page, above the previous post is an ad saying Jesus is the answer.

My first thought was only if he has elite kicking skills. But if so draft him ASAP.

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1 hour ago, binman said:

The ads of demonland throw some interesting ads up.

On my page, above the previous post is an ad saying Jesus is the answer.

My first thought was only if he has elite kicking skills. But if so draft him ASAP.

given the right development and culture i think he could become a 200 gamer

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On 3/13/2020 at 3:44 PM, MyFavouriteMartian said:

Obviously I don't know;  but it started in dead centre China,  has overtaken Sth Korea and Japan,  and other threats/powers around Asia/Europe.

Bacterial warfare is a possibility.?

Please excuse the quoting my own post.

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April 06, 2020

'Exploiting the distraction': US accuses China of using coronavirus to build military edge in South China Sea


Chinese officials are taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to enhance a military advantage over their neighbors in a critical international shipping waterway, according to U.S. officials.

“We call on the PRC to remain focused on supporting international efforts to combat the global pandemic and to stop exploiting the distraction or vulnerability of other states to expand its unlawful claims in the South China Sea,” State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said Monday, referring to the People’s Republic of China,

Chinese President Xi Jinping has deployed military assets to artificial islands in the South China Sea in the last several years, claiming sovereignty over the vast swaths of ocean despite objections from other nations in the region and American leaders. That policy took an unexpectedly violent turn on Friday when the Chinese Coast Guard reportedly rammed and sank a Vietnamese fishing vessel operating in the contested waters.

“We are seriously concerned by reports of the PRC’s sinking of a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the vicinity of the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea,” Ortagus said. “This incident is the latest in a long string of PRC actions to assert unlawful maritime claims and disadvantage its Southeast Asian neighbors in the South China Sea."



China @ Mischief Reef, Spratly Island group. back in 2015.

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13 hours ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

Please excuse the quoting my own post.

- - - - - - - - -

April 06, 2020

'Exploiting the distraction': US accuses China of using coronavirus to build military edge in South China Sea


Chinese officials are taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to enhance a military advantage over their neighbors in a critical international shipping waterway, according to U.S. officials.

“We call on the PRC to remain focused on supporting international efforts to combat the global pandemic and to stop exploiting the distraction or vulnerability of other states to expand its unlawful claims in the South China Sea,” State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said Monday, referring to the People’s Republic of China,

Chinese President Xi Jinping has deployed military assets to artificial islands in the South China Sea in the last several years, claiming sovereignty over the vast swaths of ocean despite objections from other nations in the region and American leaders. That policy took an unexpectedly violent turn on Friday when the Chinese Coast Guard reportedly rammed and sank a Vietnamese fishing vessel operating in the contested waters.

“We are seriously concerned by reports of the PRC’s sinking of a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the vicinity of the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea,” Ortagus said. “This incident is the latest in a long string of PRC actions to assert unlawful maritime claims and disadvantage its Southeast Asian neighbors in the South China Sea."



China @ Mischief Reef, Spratly Island group. back in 2015.

Great... citing a "news" outlet owned by Philip Anschutz:

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3 hours ago, hardtack said:


ht, i have no idea on the veracity of this report in the washington examiner.

sorry, but you are just dissing it using a tenuous red herring argument and an ad hominen one at that......

either address the posted issue or ignore it

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4 hours ago, hardtack said:


There is plenty of news companies quoting even more strongly,  how the Chinese fishing vessels flanked by Chinese Coast Guard ships,  have invaded economic zones of Neighbors in the last couple of weeks,   even sinking a Vietnamese fishing vessel,  Via ramming.

The first story I found, I couldn't post as it was pay per view. NYTimes.

But I'm in this time around.>



NATUNA ISLANDS, Indonesia — Dedi knows where the fish run strongest in Indonesian waters off the Natuna islands. The Chinese know, too.

Backed by armed Chinese Coast Guard ships, Chinese fishing fleets have been raiding the rich waters of the South China Sea that are internationally recognized as exclusively Indonesia’s to fish.


While Mr. Dedi catches the traditional way, with nets and lines, the steel Chinese trawlers scrape the bottom of the sea, destroying other marine life. So not only does the Chinese trawling breach maritime borders, it also leaves a lifeless seascape in its wake.

“They come into our waters and kill everything,” said Mr. Dedi, who like many Indonesians goes by a single name. “I don’t understand why our government doesn’t protect us.”


Wary of offending Indonesia’s largest trading partner, Indonesian officials have played down incursions by Chinese fishing boats, trying to avoid conflict with Beijing over China’s sprawling claims in these waters. But with the Chinese presence growing more aggressive, fishers in the Natunas are feeling vulnerable.

“There was a vacant period, then China came back,” said Ngesti Yuni Suprapti, the deputy regent of the Natuna archipelago. “Our fishermen feel scared.”


The latest episode occurred in February, fishers said, when Chinese fishing boats flanked by Chinese Coast Guard vessels dropped their trawl nets yet again. It seemed as if the coronavirus outbreak peaking in China at the time hadn’t diminished the country’s global ambitions.


The Indonesian fisheries ministry, however, denied any intrusion by the Chinese. The Indonesian government does not provide data on incursions by foreign fishing boats.


China’s illegal fishing near the Natunas carries global consequence, reminding regional governments of Beijing’s expanding claims to a waterway through which one-third of the world’s maritime trade flows. But local leaders in the Natunas don’t control what happens near their shores.

“We only have authority over our land,” said Andes Putra, the head of the Natunas’ Parliament. “The provincial and central governments handle the seas.”


Yet with multiple agencies responsible for protecting the seas — the navy, the coast guard, the marine police and the fisheries ministry, to name a few — decision-making is diffuse, analysts said.

“There is a lack of a single coherent lead agency or a single coherent policy for maritime security,” said Evan Laksmana, a senior researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta, the Indonesian capital. “The Chinese can take advantage of that.”



image from > https://www.paragkhanna.com/home/security-outlook-at-the-wef-east-asia-summit-in-manila

Security Outlook at the WEF East Asia Summit in Manila

World Economic Forum | May 23, 2014

East Asia Summit, Manila, Philippines

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1 hour ago, daisycutter said:


ht, i have no idea on the veracity of this report in the washington examiner.

sorry, but you are just dissing it using a tenuous red herring argument and an ad hominen one at that......

either address the posted issue or ignore it

I know what you're saying DC, but I have been pointed to other articles at the same source (unrelated to this particular article), and they all tend to have a strong leaning to the right (no better than the "press" that have strong left leanings).

The kind of issue cited has been going on in those waters for a long time before the virus was around.  The most salient points in the NY Times article quoted above I have quoted below, which show that rather than exploiting the virus situation (as the Washington Examiner states), the Chinese are capable of handling other issues at the same time. 

And please don't get the impression that I somehow support China's rights, as nothing could be further from the truth.  They are also managing to keep pressure on Taiwan as well, but no one believes they are taking advantage of the COVID-19 situation, for them it is just business as usual.  I think we would probably find that they are still mistreating and detaining/brainwashing the Uighur people as well. 

The biggest problem is that because he is seen as some sort of hero for supposedly defeating the COVID-19 breakout in Hubei, Premier Xi is getting tacit support for his violations of human rights.  The guy is essentially a dictator having installed himself as leader for life.

51 minutes ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

The latest episode occurred in February, fishers said, when Chinese fishing boats flanked by Chinese Coast Guard vessels dropped their trawl nets yet again. It seemed as if the coronavirus outbreak peaking in China at the time hadn’t diminished the country’s global ambitions.


51 minutes ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

“There is a lack of a single coherent lead agency or a single coherent policy for maritime security,” said Evan Laksmana, a senior researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta, the Indonesian capital. “The Chinese can take advantage of that.”


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5 hours ago, hardtack said:

Great... citing a "news" outlet owned by Philip Anschutz:

'ht'... I don't know of these people you speak.    But whilst CoVid-19 is blazing away in the West...

... I do smell a large Rat in all these goings ons,  around the Far-East and Sth East-Asia.


* the USA'a fleet are mainly up  around Japan.

* the Chinese military have been systematically engaging and expanding into Sth East-Asia for years now, building subterranean bases there.

* the Natuna Reef area that China is now disputing, has just opened Gas wells in the past few months.

* the least harmed nations so far by CoVid-19,  in the 1st world, are Russia & China,  and throw in Nth Korea.

Co-Incidence.? Maybe.



Natuna gas field is in the Greater Sarawak Basin about 1,100km (700 miles) north of Jakarta and 225km (140 miles) northeast of the Natuna Islands, Indonesia’s northernmost territory in the South China sea.

Discovered in 1970 by Italy’s Agip, the field is the biggest in Southeast Asia with an estimated 46 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of recoverable reserves, but has been developed only recently.


A 1980, 50-50 venture in Natuna D-Alpha area, East Natuna, between Pertamina (Indonesia’s state-owned petroleum company) and Exxon Mobil Corp of the US, didn’t result in production. The 71% CO2 content made gas extraction from the huge 1.3-trillion-cubic-metre area expensive, and development difficult. Despite Exxon’s $400m and Pertamina’s $60m investments, the Indonesian Government terminated its contract with Exxon in 2007 leaving Pertamina in charge.

East Natuna has been little explored over the last 15 years, mainly due to political disruption, its remoteness, and because discoveries such as Exxon’s have proved uneconomic to develop. Reservoirs in the region are in the Middle to Late Miocene reefs, underlain and overlain by deltaic sediments.


In January 1996, Premier Oil bought Sumatra Gulf Oil Ltd giving it a majority interest in the Natuna Sea block-A offshore Indonesia, the Anoa oil field and substantial gas reserves. The company also acquired Discovery Petroleum, and an interest in the Kakap license, part of the West Natuna project delivering gas to Singapore via a pipeline directly over the Gajah Baru field.

The 640km Natuna transportation system is one of the world’s longest subsea gas pipelines, delivering 3.4 billon cubic metres annually. The line takes gas from Anoa, Kakap, Belida, Buntal, Tembang and Belanak territories in block B, the neighbouring Natuna Sea block A and Kakap block. In 2002, Premier sold part of its interest in West Natuna.

In 2000, the Gajah Baru-1 discovery well had proven gas columns in eight reservoir sands in the Arang formation near to the West Natuna gas project.

The well flowed 40mmscf/d in tests, with the maximum rate constrained by surface equipment limitations.

It was drilled to 5,290ft with the Trident 17 jack-up rig using a slim-hole well design. High-quality gas samples were recovered from the flow tests and wire line sampling. Discoveries were also made at Naga-1, Iguana-1 and Ande Ande Lumut-1.


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The Danger of China’s Maritime Aggression Amid COVID-19


While most countries in the Indo-Pacific region are battling the coronavirus pandemic, China has been active in the South China Sea, taking aggressive action against Indonesia and Vietnam. China’s belligerent behavior, including military maneuvers and large-scale deployment of military assets to the region, have caught many of its neighbors and the United States off-guard, understandable considering their preoccupation with the pandemic in their respective countries. Such aggressive behavior, in the midst of a crisis that is itself blamed on China, is only likely to further antagonize China’s Indo-Pacific neighbors.


For several weeks, China has been hounding Indonesian fishing vessels in the Indonesian waters off the Natuna Islands. Chinese fishing fleets with the support of armed Chinese Coast Guard ships have been encroaching into areas that Indonesia considers exclusive. Indonesian fishermen are perturbed that the government in Jakarta is not doing anything to protect them. Ngesti Yuni Suprapti, the deputy regent of the Natuna archipelago, said, “There was a vacant period, then China came back. Our fishermen feel scared.”

Such Chinese excursions are becoming more common. In January too, the Chinese fishing vessels were hovering around the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Natuna Islands, but they retreated to the edge of the EEZ just before President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s visit to the region. The Joint Defense Area Command (Kogabwilhan) I commander Rear Admiral Yudo Margono, commenting on the situation, said, “Around 30 foreign vessels are currently situated on the Natuna EEZ border” but affirmed that irrespective of the withdrawal, Indonesian military operations in the region will continue. He added that there are still four fighter jets on standby at the Natuna Air Base.

Indonesia has not been keen to raise the issue through political or diplomatic channels with Beijing for fear of negative impact on the economic ties between the two countries. But that has not helped because Beijing now claims that these are China’s traditional fishing waters and lawful under UNCLOS. Still, Indonesian officials are categorical that “Indonesia has to do nothing with China over the Natuna Islands and their surrounding waters, as UNCLOS does not recognize ‘traditional’ fishing grounds.”

But while Indonesian diplomats may not feel the need to open any talks with Beijing on this issue, the military has a different take, saying that “China’s position is totally unacceptable and we should take concrete actions in the field.” Also, for ordinary Indonesians, China in recent times has become too aggressive. In a recent opinion piece, Kornelius Purba wrote in The Jakarta Post that “For millions of Indonesians, China’s diplomat has crossed the line by openly challenging Indonesia’s territorial integrity. Their pride as a nation has been wounded, for right or wrong reasons. ‘China can easily do it to smaller members of ASEAN, but not with us,’ was the common reaction of Indonesians on social media.” This was a reference to the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, who made quite harsh statements regarding the rights of Chinese fishermen in the Indonesian EEZ.

Meanwhile, last week, China rammed into and sank a Vietnamese shipping boat with eight fishermen on board while they were out fishing in the Paracel Islands, which are controlled by China but also claimed by Vietnam. The spokesperson for Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Chinese action “violates Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Paracel Islands . . . [and is] not conducive to the development of the bilateral relations between the two countries as well as the maintenance of peace, stability and cooperation in the East Sea (South China Sea).”


read more >


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South China Sea: Fears of conflict surge as China accuses Vietnam of ramming coast guard


CHINA has accused Vietnam of ramming one of its coast guard ships in the disputed South China Sea.

By Gursimran Hans  PUBLISHED: 05:17, Sun, Apr 5, 2020

The incident happened around midnight on Thursday according to South China Morning Post. The Chinese coast guard released a statement late Friday outlining their version of events. Spokesman Zhang Jun said: “It rammed into our coastguard ship 4301 and sunk, all eight of the crew have been rescued.”

Mr Zhang claimed the crew was returned to Vietnamese authorities after confessing to illegally entering Chinese waters.

Mr Zhang explained: “We have urged Vietnam to take measures to avoid similar incidents from happening in light of the increasingly frequent illegal fishing activities in Xisha waters.”

Xisha is the Chinese world for the Paracel Islands, which it disputes with Vietnam.


Taiwan also claims the islands, due to officially claiming all territory held or claimed by China.

Mr Zhang insisted: “China’s coastguards will also step up control in curbing these illegal activities.”

Vietnam has rejected Beijing’s line on how the events unfolded.

Hanoi’s foreign ministry claimed: “The Chinese vessel committed an act that violated Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa archipelago and threatened the lives and damaged the property and legitimate interests of Vietnamese fishermen.”

Hoang Sa is the Vietnamese name for the islands.




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17 minutes ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

* the least harmed nations so far by CoVid-19,  in the 1st world, are Russia & China,  and throw in Nth Korea.

Only if you believe anything that comes out of those places - which I don’t, and I wouldn’t exactly call North Korea 1st world.

Edited by Uncle Fester
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4 minutes ago, Uncle Fester said:

Only if you believe anything that comes out of those places - which I don’t, and I wouldn’t exactly call North Korea 1st world.

That's why I edited to say,  plus Nth Korea.  They do have a 1st world military Uncle.


I'm on the lookout for the signs of major conflict starting, at these times of troubles.

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28 minutes ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

* the least harmed nations so far by CoVid-19,  in the 1st world, are Russia & China,  and throw in Nth Korea.

China has been hammered and looks like it's set for a 2nd wave unfortunately.

Russia has also been hammered.

North Korea have been seeking assistance through back channels apparently and would never admit to anything so who would know really.

I wouldn't use these examples to back your argument...

Edited by rjay
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5 hours ago, hardtack said:

Tacky, you'll feel much better if you put him on ignore. When you do, it's like the first sip of a refreshing beer on a hot day. Ahhhh!!!

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42 minutes ago, rjay said:

China has been hammered and looks like it's set for a 2nd wave unfortunately.

Russia has also been hammered.

North Korea have been seeking assistance through back channels apparently and would never admit to anything so who would know really.

I wouldn't use these examples to back your argument...

I don't agree 'rj'.

Wuhan was hammered early, and shut down. But the numbers being put out from China in the past few weeks are different.  Yes they are saying that have a few isolated outbreaks,  but look at they're conversion rates from active cases.  The recovered number.

If the numbers are close to accurate,  they must be super humans.

China dropped their mask use this week.


As I said before,  we need to be Alert, whilst not being alarmed..  But like in the Bushfires, we need to be Vigilant.

I am not convinced, that this Co-Vid19,  is all natural.

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    It was a sunny morning at Casey Fields, as Demon supporters young and old formed a guard of honour for fan favourite and 50-gamer Alyssa Bannan.  Banno’s banner stated the speedster was the ‘fastest 50 games’ by an AFLW player ever.   For Dees supporters, today was not our day and unfortunately not for Banno either. A couple of opportunities emerged for our number 6 but alas there was no sizzle.   Brisbane atoned for last week’s record loss to North Melbourne, comprehensively out

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1
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