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AFL official Ali Fahour has been filmed committing a “sickening" king-hit attack on a rival.


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Methinks the AFL doth protest too much !! :rolleyes:

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4 hours ago, Return to Glory said:

I'm waiting for the defence of religious vilification to come in. Watch this space.

I'm waiting for the accusations of religious vilification to come in.  Watch this space.

4 hours ago, 71 Molloy said:

Is this the guy who went public with some confidential concerns from Davey in the Neeld years?

No.  It was some other tokenistic special ambassador who talks the talk.


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8 minutes ago, DominatrixTyson said:

If he was the diversity manager, shouldn't he have stormed onto the footy show set and whacked Sam Newman? :D

Could have at least hand bagged him.

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4 hours ago, Return to Glory said:

I'm waiting for the defence of religious vilification to come in. Watch this space.

I'm waiting for posters to not assume that religion will be used as an excuse by a Muslim footballer for a coward punch on the ground.

The guy will plead guilty and said there is no explanation or excuse. He'll get a massive ban, perhaps get fired from his AFL job. IMO good.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but who apart from us (and maybe some press) are bringing religion into this? Has Fahour yet? 


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7 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

I'm waiting for posters to not assume that religion will be used as an excuse by a Muslim footballer for a coward punch on the ground.

The guy will plead guilty and said there is no explanation or excuse. He'll get a massive ban, perhaps get fired from his AFL job. IMO good.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but who apart from us (and maybe some press) are bringing religion into this? Has Fahour yet? 


Why was he hired in the first place?

Why does such a stupid job exist anyway and why did he get it and not an Asian .


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10 hours ago, Biffen said:

Because to ensure there is equality big companies hire people to discriminate on the basis of gender and/or ethnicity when it is already illegal to do so.

As with "affirmative action" to make sure people are chosen on merit, you have to chose people based on something else, to ensure people are chosen on the merit that you are deliberately failing to recognise and in fact ignore.

So the only way to be fair is to be more unfair-this protects the equality you cherish by using inequality for "good".

Got all that?


Ahhhhh double speak circa 1984 Biff?

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14 minutes ago, Biffen said:

Why was he hired in the first place?

Why does such a stupid job exist anyway and why did he get it and not an Asian .


Or an African Panamanian anyone 

All part of the seeming culture get used it guys it will get worse 

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11 minutes ago, jackaub said:

Or an African Panamanian anyone 

All part of the seeming culture get used it guys it will get worse 

I say Asian because we are geographically and somewhat demographically an Asian continent.There are heaps of Asian kids playing in the junior leagues.

The best the AFL can do is pander to the Chinese with a " dragon show for token round.

I remember going to the Footscray festival one year and the Bulldogs set up a handball competition.

Lots of kids were playing until a Vietnamese grandma came up to have a look.She was handed the brand new Sherrin and she promptly popped it in her shopping trolley and scampered into the crowd without so much as a word.

Everybody was quite stunned.

Very funny.


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57 minutes ago, Biffen said:

I say Asian because we are geographically and somewhat demographically an Asian continent.There are heaps of Asian kids playing in the junior leagues.

The best the AFL can do is pander to the Chinese with a " dragon show for token round.

I remember going to the Footscray festival one year and the Bulldogs set up a handball competition.

Lots of kids were playing until a Vietnamese grandma came up to have a look.She was handed the brand new Sherrin and she promptly popped it in her shopping trolley and scampered into the crowd without so much as a word.

Everybody was quite stunned.

Very funny.


That is hilarious Biffin

Now thats a cultural difference 

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1 hour ago, Biffen said:

I say Asian because we are geographically and somewhat demographically an Asian continent.There are heaps of Asian kids playing in the junior leagues.

The best the AFL can do is pander to the Chinese with a " dragon show for token round.

I remember going to the Footscray festival one year and the Bulldogs set up a handball competition.

Lots of kids were playing until a Vietnamese grandma came up to have a look.She was handed the brand new Sherrin and she promptly popped it in her shopping trolley and scampered into the crowd without so much as a word.

Everybody was quite stunned.

Very funny.


They come here, pinching our Sherrins..........

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15 hours ago, 71 Molloy said:

Is this the guy who went public with some confidential concerns from Davey in the Neeld years?

It was Mifsud. But Fahour and Mifsud were the guys that tipped Matt Rendell into it over some innocuous comments and he was thrown out of a job never to return I think.

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So the AFL have said they will wait until the outcome of the tribunal before making comment.

How is that for a cop out. WTF is a local footy tribunal gong to make any difference to what the AFL do about their employee?

They need to make a stand. For the record this is way different to TBugg. This Fahour guy has run 25m and coward punched an unsuspecting player who is very lucky he is not worse.

Fahour has form having been suspended before and been involved in a very unsavoury incident in 2012 where he left the playing field to become involvedf in a brawl between spectators (including a relative of his).

He also was involved in another unsavoury incident where he and Jason Mifsud (the National Community Engagement Manager  - wtf do we need these leeches?) reported on Matt Rendell's comments regarding indiginous players.

The AFL for all of their bluster look very weak for not saying a word before now.

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3 hours ago, Biffen said:

Why was he hired in the first place?

Why does such a stupid job exist anyway and why did he get it and not an Asian .

Why?  Friends in high places!  Take a look at the pic in this article http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/afl-diversity-chief-ali-fahour-redcarded-for-punching-opponent-on-saturday-20170703-gx3fro.html For those who can't see it, its a beaming Fahour with a beaming John Howard.  Looks remarkably similar to last weeks pic of Houli with Turnbull!!

And the other friends that, Jake Niall notes:  "Fahour’s brother Ahmed is well connected in AFL circles, having held a senior position at the NAB and been a heavily remunerated chief executive of Australia Post. Ahmed is a friend of Demetriou" . https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/ali-fahour-must-be-given-the-red-card-and-cannot-remain-in-his-role-after-kinghit-incident-writes-jake-niall/news-


1 hour ago, jnrmac said:

It was Mifsud. But Fahour and Mifsud were the guys that tipped Matt Rendell into it over some innocuous comments and he was thrown out of a job never to return I think.

Interesting you mention Rendell, jnrmac.  Jake Niall says:  " Fahour should be judged according to what I would call the Rendell standard".  who was forced to walk the plank.

If Fahour had any real remorse or dignity he would walk the plank.  And the fake tears in his press conference yesterday were demeaning and insulting.  Playing the 'pity' card doesn't wash. 

Had the amateur video not surfaced the AFL would have done nothing.  The media should demand that he goes.  Niall is a lone wolf on this at the moment.  The AFL cannot be allowed to bunker down, weather the storm until it goes away. 

Friends in high places cannot be allowed to interfere with what is right.  I hope, the real victim, Saddington, sues for assault - Fahour ran a long way, throwing other players out of the way to land the premeditated 'coward punch'.  That is serious assault even if it was on the footy field. 

Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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2 hours ago, Biffen said:

Why was he hired in the first place?

Why does such a stupid job exist anyway and why did he get it and not an Asian .


The point being that as yet Fahour has not claimed racial vilification as part of his defence.

And technically Lebanon is part of Asia, even though Fahour is Australian, but I get your drift

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55 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:


Why?  Friends in high places!  Take a look at the pic in this article http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/afl-diversity-chief-ali-fahour-redcarded-for-punching-opponent-on-saturday-20170703-gx3fro.html For those who can't see it, its a beaming Fahour with a beaming John Howard.  Looks remarkably similar to last weeks pic of Houli with Turnbull!!

And the other friends that, Jake Niall notes:  "Fahour’s brother Ahmed is well connected in AFL circles, having held a senior position at the NAB and been a heavily remunerated chief executive of Australia Post. Ahmed is a friend of Demetriou" . https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/ali-fahour-must-be-given-the-red-card-and-cannot-remain-in-his-role-after-kinghit-incident-writes-jake-niall/news-


Interesting you mention Rendell, jnrmac.  Jake Niall says:  " Fahour should be judged according to what I would call the Rendell standard".  who was forced to walk the plank.

If Fahour had any real remorse or dignity he would walk the plank.  And the fake tears in his press conference yesterday were demeaning and insulting.  Playing the 'pity' card doesn't wash. 

Had the amateur video not surfaced the AFL would have done nothing.  The media should demand that he goes.  Niall is a lone wolf on this at the moment.  The AFL cannot be allowed to bunker down, weather the storm until it goes away. 

Friends in high places cannot be allowed to interfere with what is right.  I hope, the real victim, Saddington, sues for assault - Fahour ran a long way, throwing other players out of the way to land the premeditated 'coward punch'.  That is serious assault even if it was on the footy field. 

You had me at " friend of Demetriou " .. nuff said ;)

Is a very corrupt institution , the AFL

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12 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

If everyone that threw one of those punches at local level were sacked, Victorian unemployment rate would be around 20%, if not higher.



I get your point but we are talking about someone who works for the AFL in a community role.....


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Oh good.

So we know that to get the diversity role at the afl you have to have come from the diverse area known as Eddie McGuires family street in Broady.


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17 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

I get your point but we are talking about someone who works for the AFL in a community role.....


There are 2 issues here, one being the suspension from his league tribunal, the other about his employment status.

In terms of suspension, I think this week, the AFL has a great opportunity to make a stand against this thing.  Cheap shots, like that of Bugg's, 6-8 weeks at any level (Bugg will be out of pocket between $30k-$40k from loss of match fees).  Thug acts, like that of Fahour's, 12 months.  It has to be a blanket rule, so that all players at all levels understand the consequences.  It won't take long to get this out of the game at any level.  Realistically, they were both "thug acts", just different levels of thuggery.

The employment aspect is a can of worms in my opinion.  No-one, other than a % of Melbourne supporters, are calling for Bugg to be sacked.  There's an expectation that 6-8 weeks is the appropriate punishment.  It could be argued that AFL players do more in the community, and are bigger role models, than what Fahour does.  There's not a huge different between what Bugg did to what Fahour did.  In some ways, Bugg's incident was worse given a majority of 4-14 year olds would have never heard of Fahour, and that it was a televised game at the top level vs amateur footage at a local level.

In terms of Fahour's employment, if 12 months suspension from playing impacts his ability to do his job, then yup, the AFL can terminate his employment.  If he keeps his job, having to attend community activities where he can educate younger players about the consequences of bad onfield decisions, it may actually have a positive effect.

FWIW, I do think the AFL will sack him, especially with the way the media have jumped on it.

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2 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

The point being that as yet Fahour has not claimed racial vilification as part of his defence.

And technically Lebanon is part of Asia, even though Fahour is Australian, but I get your drift

Fahour has not made a claim for racial tolerance on his tribunal hearing. But he did get his job on those grounds.

Fahour has also been suspended previously for striking and another time for jumping into the crowd and punching. Neither were caught on camera like this incident.

Call me a bigot but I like people getting jobs on merit not sex, race, religion. 

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23 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

There are 2 issues here, one being the suspension from his league tribunal, the other about his employment status.

In terms of suspension, I think this week, the AFL has a great opportunity to make a stand against this thing.  Cheap shots, like that of Bugg's, 6-8 weeks at any level (Bugg will be out of pocket between $30k-$40k from loss of match fees).  Thug acts, like that of Fahour's, 12 months.  It has to be a blanket rule, so that all players at all levels understand the consequences.  It won't take long to get this out of the game at any level.  Realistically, they were both "thug acts", just different levels of thuggery.

The employment aspect is a can of worms in my opinion.  No-one, other than a % of Melbourne supporters, are calling for Bugg to be sacked.  There's an expectation that 6-8 weeks is the appropriate punishment.  It could be argued that AFL players do more in the community, and are bigger role models, than what Fahour does.  There's not a huge different between what Bugg did to what Fahour did.  In some ways, Bugg's incident was worse given a majority of 4-14 year olds would have never heard of Fahour, and that it was a televised game at the top level vs amateur footage at a local level.

In terms of Fahour's employment, if 12 months suspension from playing impacts his ability to do his job, then yup, the AFL can terminate his employment.  If he keeps his job, having to attend community activities where he can educate younger players about the consequences of bad onfield decisions, it may actually have a positive effect.

FWIW, I do think the AFL will sack him, especially with the way the media have jumped on it.

Wow this is just a terrible post.

1. "There's not a huge different between what Bugg did to what Fahour did" and "Bugg's incident was worse"

Are you for real? Fahour ran 25m and coward punched the bloke. Bugg was bumped and pushed and lashed out. I'm not condoning it or excusing it but there is a world of difference and I am shocked you can't see that

2. Fahour is the AFLs community engagement officer. It is untenable that the AFL have not yet said anything about the punch nor is it tenable that he keeps his job. He is not a clerk in the AFLs payment department.


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23 minutes ago, Wrecker45 said:

Fahour has not made a claim for racial tolerance on his tribunal hearing. But he did get his job on those grounds.

Fahour has also been suspended previously for striking and another time for jumping into the crowd and punching. Neither were caught on camera like this incident.

Call me a bigot but I like people getting jobs on merit not sex, race, religion. 

according to the radio this morning there was a twitter claiming that the afl hired fahour around the time that his brother became auspost's ceo and announced auspost would be providing funding for diversity.

just passing on as it was on the media (3aw) and without comment

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Just now, daisycutter said:

according to the radio this morning there was a twitter claiming that the afl hired fahour around the time that his brother became auspost's ceo and announced auspost would be providing funding for diversity.

just passing on as it was on the media (3aw) and without comment

I heard a caller on SEN get cut off when he was about to say what Fahour allegedly did after the game. 

This really stinks.

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