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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Biffen said:

I'm not all in with the Donald but I do like a maverick.

Any impartial observer can note that Russians cannot vote in the States and the rest is wind.

The media have got nothing.

The investigation is not necessarily a media driven thing ... it's actually an FBI investigation or at least it was.  We may see an independent investigation now anyway or perhaps a bi-partisan involvement from both sides.

As stated previously, they'll need to find a real link to the Russians and then proving that link is going to be awfully tough.  And then what penalties could they bring?  I do believe it will drag on for quite some time though.  Maybe at least a year. 

Nixon was going to sack J Edgar but baulked at it once he realised how much dirt Hoover had on numerous individuals (Nixon included) ... Flynn and now Comey could have a bit to say now that both have been removed from office.

From the New York Times ... In Firing Comey, Did Trump Unleash the Next Deep Throat?


Edited by Macca

To all my lefty mates. For the rest of Trump's term you will be reading about why he is about to be impeached. It's called clickbait. Don't do it to yourselves.

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Expecting a diversionary new war front to open very soon. North Korea, Iran anyone? 

17 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

Expecting a diversionary new war front to open very soon. North Korea, Iran anyone? 

Recalcitrant countries that do not even deserve the interference.

W outlined the long term plan to invade years ago.

So it's hardly a shock if it happens.

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23 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

To all my lefty mates. For the rest of Trump's term you will be reading about why he is about to be impeached. It's called clickbait. Don't do it to yourselves.

lol fair enough - but there ARE legitimate issues here than could result in impeachment.

People called for Bill Clinton to be impeached because he lied about an affair. Calls for Trump's impeachment given that history are hardly a reach.

I dare say if any Democrat POTUS charged the taxpayer to stay at his own resort and play golf (after making a point during the campaign of specifically NOT doing that), if one fired an FBI chief whilst his associates were being investigated for colluding with a foreign power, who's completely ignored conventions on conflicts of interest and nepotism, you'd be using the "i" word too.

Trump is a disaster. Realistically he's got one shot of being called 'successful', and that's bringing back those rust belt manufacturing jobs. He can get away with skimping on a lot of his other stuff, we all know the wall will never happen and his migration policies are constantly being knocked back by the courts, but if those jobs don't come back those states will turn on him very very quickly.

I don't think he can do it. I honestly think he's a thin-skinned idiot who had no idea how hard politics would actually be. What did he say last month? "Who knew healthcare would be so hard?" Well, everyone except him apparently.

1 minute ago, Choke said:

lol fair enough - but there ARE legitimate issues here than could result in impeachment.

People called for Bill Clinton to be impeached because he lied about an affair. Calls for Trump's impeachment given that history are hardly a reach.

I dare say if any Democrat POTUS charged the taxpayer to stay at his own resort and play golf (after making a point during the campaign of specifically NOT doing that), if one fired an FBI chief whilst his associates were being investigated for colluding with a foreign power, who's completely ignored conventions on conflicts of interest and nepotism, you'd be using the "i" word too.

Trump is a disaster. Realistically he's got one shot of being called 'successful', and that's bringing back those rust belt manufacturing jobs. He can get away with skimping on a lot of his other stuff, we all know the wall will never happen and his migration policies are constantly being knocked back by the courts, but if those jobs don't come back those states will turn on him very very quickly.

I don't think he can do it. I honestly think he's a thin-skinned idiot who had no idea how hard politics would actually be. What did he say last month? "Who knew healthcare would be so hard?" Well, everyone except him apparently.

Impeachment proceedings may or may not eventuate but I reckon he's becoming a lame-duck president already.  Much of what he wants to implement is either completely unworkable ((the wall) very hard to implement (immigration policies) extremely difficult to overcome (rust-belt jobs) etc etc.   The heath-care bill was always going to be an ongoing work-in-progress without any finality.  But as you said Choke, it's the jobs that he needs to somehow bring back and it's hard to see him being able to do that successfully.

The real test for Trump is when we get to the mid-term elections.  The Republican candidates both in congress and the senate will all be wanting to save their own skins and Trump could well become surplus to needs.

Impeachment proceedings could eventuate if there's strong evidence that Trump and his team were in collusion with the Russians re the election or if Trump himself has attempted to pervert the course of justice (re Flynn, Comey et al)

That aside, the upcoming election for all the house of representative seats is where we'll see where the real loyalties are.  The senate less so as most of the senate seats (24-9?) up for re-election are democrat held seats.


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Good to see Donald touring the medieval kingdom of Saudi Arabia and wheeling and dealing with the Princes, while taking into account of their track record on human rights, religious and gender diversity. And he has pointed to the evil empire that is Iran and their sponsorship of terrorism and the need for action against them in alliance with Isreal as well. When we talk terrorists, how many Iranians were on the planes that flew into the Twin Towers? We know how many Saudi citizens were on the planes. Was it 19? And the mastermind was a Saudi associate of the Saudi Royals, Osama. 

Obviously on 9/11 there was nothing to see here, so best we get any high ranking Saudis out of the US pronto and then later we convince the Coalition of the Willing to destabilise the whole region by blundering into Iraq which then has a knock on effect on Syria, Libya and now Yemen and it all lead importantly to the birth of ISIS and sponsored atrocities in the West. 

11 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

Good to see Donald touring the medieval kingdom of Saudi Arabia and wheeling and dealing with the Princes, while taking into account of their track record on human rights, religious and gender diversity. And he has pointed to the evil empire that is Iran and their sponsorship of terrorism and the need for action against them in alliance with Isreal as well. When we talk terrorists, how many Iranians were on the planes that flew into the Twin Towers? We know how many Saudi citizens were on the planes. Was it 19? And the mastermind was a Saudi associate of the Saudi Royals, Osama. 

Obviously on 9/11 there was nothing to see here, so best we get any high ranking Saudis out of the US pronto and then later we convince the Coalition of the Willing to destabilise the whole region by blundering into Iraq which then has a knock on effect on Syria, Libya and now Yemen and it all lead importantly to the birth of ISIS and sponsored atrocities in the West. 


Saudi Arabia also not on his list of countries that have to go through extreme vetting.

On 4/10/2017 at 9:13 AM, Choke said:

I feel a bit of sympathy for the Trumpster on this one.

After campaigning so doggedly on non-interventionism, especially in Syria, he's forced into a situation where he has to respond to a heinous chemical weapons attack.

Chemical weapons attacks cannot be left to stand, he had to respond, and he did. Not being privy to military briefings, I have no idea what the other options were, but surely a severe response was warranted here.

Ironically as someone who dislikes Trump immensely, I find myself supporting him more on this than his voter base who loved him for saying he'd stay out.

This is surely one political backflip that is justified. I can only assume that Russia didn't think he would, and that he'd stick to his campaign promises of staying out of Syria. They didn't want the 'warmonger' Clinton, they want to be able to support Assad without interference, and Trump gave them their best shot at that. Fortunately it looks like he won't play their tune, and realises that a simple non-interventionist policy can't work.

I just hope all this crap doesn't start another massive war. It's close to a proxy war now, I don't think it would take much for it to become direct, and that'd be a disaster for everyone.

I have no idea how you make a dictator back down by political pressure alone (ie without military intervention). But here's hoping someone has an idea.

I have no idea where you get your information that Assad used the chemical weapons: no western journalist went there to check out the claims made by Al Nushra, Al Queda, all organisations normally regarded as terrorists.

Oh, I know, the Academy Award nominated White Helmets, i.e. paid actors, paid for by the British and USA governments to make propaganda films...

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59 minutes ago, dieter said:

I have no idea where you get your information that Assad used the chemical weapons: no western journalist went there to check out the claims made by Al Nushra, Al Queda, all organisations normally regarded as terrorists.

Oh, I know, the Academy Award nominated White Helmets, i.e. paid actors, paid for by the British and USA governments to make propaganda films...

Nice to see you toeing the Russian line there dieter.

35 minutes ago, hardtack said:

Nice to see you toeing the Russian line there dieter.

There's noting Russian about it: just tune in and open your eyes. They've rescued the same girl three times. They only ever 'rescue' kids. They've been sprung on 'stage' as it were, their so-called leader was banned from entering the US because of his terrorist connections.

However, if you want to stick to getting your 'NEWS' from CNN etc or the Murdoch Press, yes, the White Helmets are heroes. Just ask George Clooney, or, even better, just ask the girl they've rescued three flucking times.

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I think it shows how truly bizarre and "sensational" politics overseas has become when almost 2 months has passed since anyone has commented on our domestic scene.

11 minutes ago, dieter said:

There's noting Russian about it: just tune in and open your eyes. They've rescued the same girl three times. They only ever 'rescue' kids. They've been sprung on 'stage' as it were, their so-called leader was banned from entering the US because of his terrorist connections.

However, if you want to stick to getting your 'NEWS' from CNN etc or the Murdoch Press, yes, the White Helmets are heroes. Just ask George Clooney, or, even better, just ask the girl they've rescued three flucking times.

21st Century Wire

WATCHING The White Helmets

RESCUE REDUX: Are Syria’s White Helmets ‘Recycling’ its Child Victims?


Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

Since bursting onto the global media scene, the US-UK backed ‘NGO’ known as the White Helmets have produced an unprecedented amount of western-oriented war propaganda. From the New York Times to the BBC, to Time Magazine, everywhere you look, you will see establishment western media outlets promoting the White Helmets. Upon closer examination, however, it seems that the group may be reusing its alleged victims as character subjects in its numerous staged rescue photo opportunities.

Since their inception in late 2013, the White Helmets have been financed to the tune of over $100 million from the UK and US alone, along with millions more from various other NATO, EU and GCC member states – all nations who are deeply invested in arming and backing rebel-terrorists vying for regime change in Syria.


The White Helmets have even pirated the moniker ‘Syria Civil Defence’ from the REAL Syrian Civil Defence.

The group also claims to have “saved 62,000 lives” since they began ‘search and rescue’ activities in early 2014. None of their incredible claims can be independently verified – and yet, these claims are accepted without question by the entirety of the US and European media and political establishment.

Still, they claim to be “nonaligned” and “independent.” To say this group is misrepresenting itself and facts on the ground in Syria is an understatement, especially after looking at some of its fabled rescue scenes, proudly displayed on their social media accounts and robotically rerun by western corporate media.

‘MEDIA FALSE FLAG’ – The NGO known as the White Helmets have already been caught staging numerous rescue scenes, allegedly shot in rebel-terrorist-held east Aleppo, Idlib and Daara (Photo Illustration 21WIRE)

White Helmet Staging

The so-called “first responder” NGO has been cranking out its iconic war images and rescue videos at an unprecedented rate, leading many to question what this group is really doing, and why. Independent critics and analysts such as the website Moon of Alabama have noted that much of the White Helmets imagery is riddled with anomalies. Here’s one such passage from a Moon report last June, 2016 which revealed the staged nature present in so many of the White Helmets alleged ‘rescue’ operations:

“Isn’t it an amazing fortune that so many kids get rescued ALIVE by the “White Helmets”, without any serious wounds visible, just moments after bomb impacts? This week after week? With all the same attributes in each picture? No photo editor at any of the big media ever wondered about that?

Some of these photos may show real scenes. But most are definitely staged. These staged photos are part of the war propaganda against the Syrian people and their government.

The “White Helmets” take and distribute these photos. They also distribute lots of “kids rescued from rubble” videos.”

Other aspects explored in the Moon report unveiled various PR and social media elements pushing the designer NGO campaign used to shape foreign policy:

The Syria Campaign and the White Helmets – Propaganda Camouflaged as Humanitarian

The Syria Campaign [US-UK run PR vehicle for the White Helmets] was created by Purpose Campaigns LLC. The company fabricates and runs for you any world-wide “grass root” movement you would like. With Purpose LLC or other such companies involved, big dollars will buy you big effects. How about an automated Twitter campaign to spread anti-Shia sectarianism? Someone paid for it and here it is.

The “White Helmets” campaign demonstrates the amazing manipulation potential such companies and their high paying customers have.”

Other questions regarding the alleged rescue operations were once again raised by Hands Off Syria and other independent researchers. Although 21WIRE cannot definitively verify all claims presented here, the visual evidence is more than compelling. Readers can judge the evidence for themselves…

INFO GRAPHIC: Hands Off Syria

Here’s a closer look at this young girl who appears to have been featured more than once in White Helmets ‘No Fly Zone’ promotional imagery:

View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on Twitter

The same child was used again & again by the western propagandists..
The child is just a victim of the US & its allies!#Aleppo #Syria



Here is another exhibit posted by another researcher analyzing a SKY News report from ‘rebel-held’ Syria:

INFO GRAPHIC: Hands Off Syria

Here is one well documented fraud where the White Helmets recycled a random image of a man holding a child claiming to be a victim of “Russian airstrikes” after previously using the image before Russia air force was ever in Syria:


In another Moon article entitled, The U.S./UK Financed “White Helmets” Shtick – Fake “Child Rescued” Videos,” we see a timeline for the uncanny White Helmet rubble rescue operations:

“NYT – December 23 2013: After Airstrike, Children Are Rescued From the Rubble Independent – January 25 2014: Astonishing video shows moment Syrian toddler pulled alive from rubble after Aleppo bombing This video, like others below, was also published by the New York Daily News, The Guardian, USA Today, Yahoo and many other news outlets.”

In early October, the UK’s Guardian newspaper published what amounts to a ridiculous propaganda piece that featured the White Helmets public face, leader Raed al-Saleh, who claims he can tell which planes are striking in Syria – based from sound alone:

“These days, Raed al-Saleh [deported from the US in 2016] doesn’t have to see a warplane to know what kind of bombs it drops. He just needs to hear it. “It’s very depressing,” Saleh says. “Based on its sound, we can predict the kind of airplane, and then anticipate the scale of the destruction.” He has reached the stage where he hopes for the rumble of a Mig-29, rather than a Su-24. It’s the Su-24s that carry the cluster bombs.”

NOTE: Last week, photos emerged supposedly depicting what looked to be “US jets being painted with Russian colors.”

Other White Helmets propaganda appeared in late August if you remember, in an emotionally charged story featuring a Syrian child named Omran Daqneesh in the aftermath of an alleged airstrike. The polarizing story quickly was quickly exploited by Western media outlets, which in turn, was readily accepted by the general public without question.

Here’s another look at the mainstream presentation of the Omran Daqneesh video that pulled at the heartstrings of western media consumers…

While watching the entire video footage of the event, the dust-covered boy who appeared to be bleeding after an apparent airstrike (yet the blood has already coagulated) is left unattended and without pain as he was oddly propped up in an ambulance seat while being photographed by Mahmoud Raslan – an alleged ‘media activist’ who was seen “fraternizing with terrorist groups in Aleppo.”

This prompted critics to charge that Raslan was directly tied to the White Helmets, who are firmly embedded with Al-Qaeda members, while regularly dispensing staged humanitarian media images and video for public consumption.

Here is an image of the ‘Dusty Boy’ Omran alongside another child, a young ‘Dusty Girl’ who, like Omran, was dumped by “rescuers” on to an orange seat inside the brand new ambulance – only to be photographed by the White Helmets’ surrogate, French government-funded “Aleppo Media Centre“. As you can see, the girl has a near identical face ‘make-up’ look to Omran, and like Omran, she does not appear to be crying, in pain, or stressed at all – which is highly improbable:


Has the adorable crowd favorite Omran been used before in past ‘rescues’?

Interestingly, according to one researcher, here are two other potential ‘Omran rescues’ from early 2014 and early 2016:


Readers can make up their own minds, and research these images for themselves. Is it possible that the White Helmets and Aleppo Media Centre using these children for western Agit Prop purposes in Syria, including campaigning for a US-backed ‘No Fly Zone’ (see Avaaz/Purpose Inc campaign here) or a ‘Safe Zone’ (see other Avaaz/Purpose Inc campaign here) inside of Syria? This is an important question which should be asked by members of the western media.

‘Saving the Children’

In September, other western-backed NGO’s emerged in western media coverage, such as charity organization, Save the Children, a group directly tied to the George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Western politicians have latched on to the talking point that there are somehow “100,000 children trapped in Aleppo.” This is completely distorted – there are only an estimated 200,000 people remaining in rebel-terrorist-held East Aleppo and it’s outrageous to assume that half of those are children. The vast majority non-terrorist affiliated civilians have actually fled to the sanctuary of government-protected West Aleppo which is now housing some 1.5 million residents. This is a fact completely omitted in the western PR rhetoric on “Aleppo.”

The charity was also featured in heavily propagandized ‘Syrian’ story which was picked up by the UK’s Telegraph.

The Telegraph article is one of the most incredible pieces of western war propaganda aired to date, and was also syndicated by the The Guardian and other outlets. The article also included a quote from Save the Children and appears to be exploiting the story of Bana Alabed (image, above), supposedly a 7-year-old girl who “with the help of her mother,” Fatemah Alabed, has supposedly taken to Twitter to share her family struggles in Syria. The stories depict a picture perfect Bana living happily in what appears to be a modern flat, with her toy dolls – somewhere in Al Nusra (al Qaeda) held East Aleppo, is tweeting polemics in English like:

“Please stop killing us,” she tweets, “I need peace to become a teacher. This war is killing my dream.”

BANA: “Please, Assad, Putin, Stop the bombing.”

Clearly, this is marketed towards western audiences in order to move public opinion in line with the US State Department and UK Foreign Office talking points about the “Russia and Assad’s Brutal Siege of Aleppo.”

Dear world, we are running out of food, hospitals. Dear world, why are you watching this unmoved? - Bana mom #Aleppo



Whether or not the Alabed family story is completely is authentic, it’s clear their tale is at the very least being used by western media outlets friendly with western NGO’s to push for deeper conflict and ‘regime change’ in Syria.

SEE ALSO: Child Exploitation: Who is ‘Bana of Aleppo’?

Fake Rescue Video:

Recently, 21WIRE analyzed the infamous “Rag Doll Rescue” – a purported rescue operation carried out by the White Helmets, which was followed a staged ‘Russian’ bombing scene back in late September:

“In the following video, we’re told that the White Helmets aka “Syria Civil Defense” are frantically digging for survivors at the scene of an alleged “Assad barrel bomb,” or possibly a “Russian or Syrian air-strike.” Either way, it’s impossible to independently verify exactly what the audience is looking at. Same with the location and time – this scene might be somewhere in northern Syria, presumably in “rebel-held” (occupied by terrorists like Al Nusra, Arar Al Sham, Nour al din Zinki, or ISIS) enclaves like Idlib or East Aleppo, but like most White Helmet videos – it’s impossible to independently verify either the time or location of the event in question.”

The White Helmet claim to be rescuing children, but unfortunately, the children below appear to have been used as live props in this White Helmet PR campaign. Of all the exhibits listed here, this video might be the most damning example of staged fakery:

Video Player

See the original video of the ‘Rag Doll Rescue’ posted on the White Helmet’s own official YouTube channel.

So what’s next with the deceptive White Helmets NGO?

The following is an RT interview featuring Vanessa Beeley, discussing the controversy over the White Helmets recent nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. The White Helmets had been nominated for  the”Peace Prize” but perhaps due to backlash, the award was given to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos last week:

The problem now with western media coverage of the Syrian Conflict is that nearly all of the mainstream media’s reporting and imagery originates from either the White Helmets, al Nusra Front, and ISIS, as well as various unknown “oppostion activists” (an incredible classification, assigned casually by every leading western media outlet, and the US State Dpeartment too) – all of whom are either being armed, financed, or aided logistically by members of the US Coalition, including the United States, the UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. No wonder why all the reporting by CNN, the BBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post gives a completely ‘rebel-centric’ narrative, and in some cases appears to normalize the violent crimes of known terrorists, including suicide bombers, in Syria.

This problem is further exacerbated if any of the imagery being aired in the west is staged, or fraudulent – which we have demonstrated that at least some of it most certainly is.

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Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, hardtack said:

Good ole Snopes. Read their 'proof', as always, with these 'Keep the Wool pulled strong over the eyes of the public' spokespeople of the far right, or, Stutus Quo, they'll prove that pigs can fly if you want them to, that the earth is indeed flat, that Russia is the root of all evil and the USA is the squeaky clean upholder of truth justice and compassion. Yay, go bro, lets all just keep rooting for the truth the USA wants you to believe.

Or, to quote Goebbels, the bigger the lie, the more inclined are the sheep to say, Yeah, no kidding.

Edited by dieter
  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, dieter said:

Good ole Snopes. Read their 'proof', as always, with these 'Keep the Wool pulled strong over the eyes of the public' spokespeople of the far right, or, Stutus Quo, they'll prove that pigs can fly if you want them to, that the earth is indeed flat, that Russia is the root of all evil and the USA is the squeaky clean upholder of truth justice and compassion. Yay, go bro, lets all just keep rooting for the truth the USA wants you to believe.

Or, to quote Goebbels, the bigger the lie, the more inclined are the sheep to say, Yeah, no kidding.

I ran that through Google Translate, but all to no effect unfortunately. 

I do find it funny that you are so ready to put the boot into sites like Snopes, yet so willing to believe 21st Century Wire, whose founder Patrick Henningsen is also an associate editor  for Alex Jones and his Info Wars and a geopolitical analyst for Russia Today.  As far as truth is concerned... neither USA or Russia have any credibility under their current leaderships and certainly Henningsen's affiliations hardly give him much credibility in the media bias stakes.

5 hours ago, hardtack said:

I ran that through Google Translate, but all to no effect unfortunately. 

I do find it funny that you are so ready to put the boot into sites like Snopes, yet so willing to believe 21st Century Wire, whose founder Patrick Henningsen is also an associate editor  for Alex Jones and his Info Wars and a geopolitical analyst for Russia Today.  As far as truth is concerned... neither USA or Russia have any credibility under their current leaderships and certainly Henningsen's affiliations hardly give him much credibility in the media bias stakes.

Google Translate is notoriously unreliable.



Mən google çox etibarlı tərcümə tapmaq


1 hour ago, nutbean said:


Mən google çox etibarlı tərcümə tapmaq


Google Translate does a pretty good job with that... auto detects that the language is Azerbaijani and returns: "I google to find a reliable translation".

6 hours ago, hardtack said:

Google Translate does a pretty good job with that... auto detects that the language is Azerbaijani and returns: "I google to find a reliable translation".

Apparently it doesn't know how to make alliterative English comprehensible to your likes.

44 minutes ago, dieter said:

Apparently it doesn't know how to make alliterative English comprehensible to your likes.

Yeah, it's hopeless.

  • Like 1

A quite successful first tour by Pres Trump this week.

But I note that cnn is concentrating on holding hands/handshakes.

Big picture media, with zero agenda, is cnn.

On 2017-5-26 at 5:31 PM, faultydet said:

A quite successful first tour by Pres Trump this week.

But I note that cnn is concentrating on holding hands/handshakes.

Big picture media, with zero agenda, is cnn.

I think "concentrating" is a stretch.

But absolutely the media picks up on his nuances  and oddities as he is a truly bizarre individual.

Asking why the media keep picking up on things like Trumps handshakes, holding hands etc is like a clown at circus failing to understand why everyone is laughing at him.

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