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Pell's health at risk...... . .


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'the medical report should not be released because it would prompt media speculation and there was no public interest to be served'


Lawyers for Cardinal George Pell said he wished to give video evidence from Rome.

Lawyers for Cardinal George Pell said he wished to give video evidence from Rome. Photo: AP


The  Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has been told Cardinal George Pell's health could be at risk if he travelled to Australia to give evidence.

His doctors in Rome had advised against a long-haul flight as it would present a "serious risk to his health".

Their two-page medical report was tendered to the commission.   But the full contents remain confidential at present.


Allan Myers, QC,   representing the Cardinal,  said the medical report should not be released because it would prompt media speculation and there was no public interest to be served. 


However,  lawyers representing people who have given evidence of child abuse against various Catholic religious orders and individuals asked that the full medical report be disclosed.


In Melbourne,  Paul Dwyer,  on behalf of two alleged victims,  said many people had been required to reveal their most intimate details to the commission and Cardinal Pell should be treated no differently.


And after being permitted to read the medical report Mr Dwyer told commission chair Justice Peter McClellan there was no reason to keep it confidential as it simply showed health problems normally associated with  "a man of the Cardinal's age".



Mr Myers said Cardinal Pell wished to give video evidence from Rome,  saying he wanted to do so as soon as possible in the interest of victims.



"The Cardinal's view is that it's very important that he give his evidence as soon as may be,  while the evidence of others is fresh,  and he certainly wants to avoid the appearance that he's unwilling to give evidence,"  Mr Myers told the inquiry.


Ballarat-born Cardinal Pell,  chief financial adviser to the Vatican  and the third most powerful man in the Catholic Church,  has been called to give evidence to the commission for the third time to answer allegations he was complicit in widespread church cover-up.


The commission has heard from child abuse victim David Ridsdale that Cardinal Pell tried to bribe him to keep quiet................


Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/royal-commission-george-pells-health-at-risk-if-he-travels-to-give-evidence-inquiry-hears-20160205-gmmhg2.html#ixzz3zIiWSa2r 
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What happened in the first 2 Royal Commissions he fronted?

If this Royal Commission, like the previous 2, finds in his favour will you want a 4th, regardless of his medical status?

If he was a refugee I bet you would be more concerned about his health situation.




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This Cardinal's Journey, I'm afraid, has only just begun.

I had always thought that the more eminent one became ,the more humble one became. This must be only in a Pope's case.

Fancy a country like Australia having to have an R.C. into Institutional Responses. How far really have we come?

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5 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

What happened in the first 2 Royal Commissions he fronted?

If this Royal Commission, like the previous 2, finds in his favour will you want a 4th, regardless of his medical status?

If he was a refugee I bet you would be more concerned about his health situation.




I think he should come & face the Victims the victims he apparently ignored, or silenced.

He is running hard in my opinion to stay well away from here,  & I think he moved overseas to the Vatican after this Royal Commission was announced, & getting started.


I wonder if 'Pell'  is deep into,   the dungeon records of the money laundering,   & if he has much political power over there,  regarding inside information to do with any illegal Vatican money activities ?



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10 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

I like how all the lefties on here think the royal commission into Union corruption was a witch hunt and a waste of money despite the arrests that have followed but think a 3rd royal commission that Pell has yet to face is justified.

state your credentials wrecka.

church goer,  Catholic,  any other,   that may sway your thinking,   that makes you suggest he can stay hiding where he is,   to avoid testifying his account of things against his accusers & said victims, in Australia ???


for the record I believe in a creator/god....  but I do not believe in the written word/bible,  literally...   but I accept it as somewhat of a guide to things, occurrences,  prophecy of things,  but I see it as the words passed about over a couple of millennia,  which has eroded its accuracy to the originators, & to their perceptions of the time.

....  cross reference 'it',  with other prophets & prophecies,  & other writings of other religions/faiths,  & find the common themes,  & you find the messages/points of agreement,   rather than the points of animosity.



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Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/mass-protest-over-parish-priest-father-john-walshe-spreads-to-second-school-20160210-gmqjvd.html#ixzz3zl7wXLo7
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Mass protest over parish priest Father John Walshe spreads to second school


Ex-Catholic priest on trial for allegedly abusing young altar boys in regional NSW 

article by Timna Jacks

.The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne has accepted that an 18-year-old seminarian was sexually abused by Father Walshe ...


More than 40 parents pulled their children out of mass at a Melbourne Catholic school on Wednesday in protest over an allegedly abusive priest. 

Parents at St John Vianney's Primary School in Parkdale are calling for the resignation of parish priest Father John Walshe.

Father Walshe, who defended Cardinal George Pell at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, has been accused of sexually abusing an 18-year-old seminarian in 1982.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne has accepted that an 18-year-old seminarian was sexually abused by Father Walshe in 1982. Photo: ABC News

The parents collected their children before mass at 11:30am, and dropped them back at school after 1pm.

Some parents took their children to other parishes instead - the St Patrick's School parish in Mentone and Our Lady of Assumption parish in Cheltenham.

The parents' protest comes a week after about 20 parents at Mentone's St Patrick's School - which is in the same parish - withdrew their children from weekly mass.

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Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/church-left-in-the-dark-over-paedophile-priest-peter-grasbys-asian-relocation-20160210-gmqsu1.html#ixzz3zlAS2obg
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Church left in the dark over paedophile priest Peter Grasby's Asian relocation 


Ex-Catholic priest on trial for allegedly abusing young altar boys in regional NSW 

article by Nino Bucci

Father Peter Grasby asked to move overseas in August 2013 but the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne said 'no'.

Father Peter Grasby asked to move overseas in August 2013 but the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne said 'no'.


The Archdiocese of Melbourne did not know a paedophile priest,  who the church had put on paid leave,  had left Australia.


The Age revealed on Wednesday that Father Peter Grasby,  who was put on administrative leave in 2012,  had left Melbourne for Malaysia and was seeking the company of "younger Asian men" using gay dating websites.

The church confirmed that the complaint against Father Grasby,  which related to abuse at St Joseph's in West Brunswick against a boy aged as young as 10,  had been upheld in 2013.

The church said the complaint had also been referred to police, despite saying at the time that the victim had declined to report to the force.
Father Grasby, the former parish priest of St Mary Magdalen in Chadstone, was placed on administrative leave in 2012.

Father Grasby, the former parish priest of St Mary Magdalen in Chadstone, was placed on administrative leave in 2012.


"Archbishop Denis Hart advised Father Grasby in writing that moving overseas ...  would not be approved and that he is required to live in accordance with the dignity of the priesthood and Church law and to remain accountable to the Archbishop,"  the spokesman said.

"Archbishop Hart emphasised the need to know his whereabouts and that if he chose to leave Australia without permission,  further advice would be sought from the Independent Commissioner regarding his situation.

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9 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

I like how all the lefties on here think the royal commission into Union corruption was a witch hunt and a waste of money despite the arrests that have followed but think a 3rd royal commission that Pell has yet to face is justified.

I must be one of the lefties. The Royal Commission into Union corruption was clearly politically motivated. There are as many corrupt bosses and builders as there are union officials but the liberal-appointed judge had no interest in looking at them. (Amazing coincidence - thousands of union officials, but the judge decided he wanted to look at two recent Labor leaders)


as as for the Royal commission into the perverts, it was brought about in response to public demand as the true horror of the problem became more and more obvious.


I don't see what the problem is. No inconsistency, no hypocrisy. Different commissions, different circumstances. One is aimed at supporting the bosses and the wealthy, the other is aimed at supporting victims of abuse and ensuring that it doesn't happen again.



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Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/victoria/catholic-church-spent-millions-providing-for-paedophile-priests-20160109-gm2f4z.html#ixzz3zoZ4XaZK
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Catholic Church spent millions providing for paedophile priests - Chris Vedelago, Cameron Houston

The Catholic archdiocese of Melbourne is still financially supporting six former priests who have been convicted for committing sex crimes against children. Photo: AP

The Catholic Church has spent millions of dollars providing pensions, housing, and private medical insurance to convicted paedophile priests despite branding them "evil" and having most defrocked.

The Melbourne archdiocese alone is still financially supporting six former priests who have been convicted for committing sex crimes against children.

Parishioners have unwittingly been partly funding the assistance through their donations into church collection plates, which they believed went towards the local church or  fundraising for retired priests.

Church records show two of the paedophiles, priests Wilfred Baker and David Daniel, received hundreds of thousands of dollars alone in annual pensions and entitlements.  

Their victims received one-off payments of $31,000 to $37,000 under the church's Melbourne Response redress scheme.

The decision to continue financially supporting disgraced priests was made by senior church figures in Melbourne and the top advisory council at the Vatican, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, according to documents tendered to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

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Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/excatholic-priest-on-trial-for-allegedly-abusing-young-altar-boys-in-regional-nsw-20160202-gmjqrb.html#ixzz3zoZtukWe
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Ex-Catholic priest on trial for allegedly abusing young altar boys in regional NSW 

article by Paul Bibby

A Catholic priest repeatedly sexually abused three young altar boys in regional NSW in the 1980s, including raping one child at the church's altar, a court has heard.

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is being tried for 17 offences allegedly committed against the boys, aged 11 and 12, between 1980 and 1984.

The court heard the man, who is no longer a priest, has already pleaded guilty to 40 other child sex offences and is awaiting sentencing for those crimes.

In his opening to the ex-priest's trial in the Downing Centre District Court on Tuesday, Crown prosecutor Bryan Rowe outlined a series of alleged incidents in which the accused groped, molested, raped or forced oral sex on the boys.

He said one of the boys was the victim of 11 separate offences, including repeated indecent assaults during trips to a local swimming pool.

On one such trip in the first half of 1982 the then priest pinned the boy against the side of the pool with his belly and put his hands down the child's pants.

"Here comes the magpie," the priest allegedly told his victim while groping his penis.

When the boy protested, saying "I have to get out", the alleged perpetrator allegedly replied "You'll be right".

Some months later, during another excursion, the accused said he was taking the boy back to the presbytery for an ice-cream.

But when they got there, the accused allegedly took the boy into his bedroom, forced him face down onto the bed and anally raped him.

Mr Rowe said that on another occasion the priest bent one of his other young victims over the altar of the church and raped him.

A number of the other alleged indecent assaults against the victims took place in the priest's car and in church itself, including in a cellar under the altar or the sacristy.

He then set out some of the 40 other sex abuse incidents against six victims, which the accused has admitted to, telling the jury that these amounted to "tendency evidence" against him.

The ex-priest's barrister Matt Johnson asked the jury to keep an open mind about the 17 charges his client was on trial for  even though he was facing sentencing for other similar crimes.


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Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/wa-news/catholic-bishop-max-leroy-davis-in-wa-sex-offence-trial-20160208-gmo5u0.html#ixzz3zoaf1iCM
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Catholic bishop Max Leroy Davis in WA sex offence trial

The head of the Catholic Church's military diocese is to stand trial in Perth over sex offences dating back more than 40 years.

Bishop Max Leroy Davis, 70, is charged with being grossly indecent with another male in public or private.

Davis was not an ordained priest in 1969 when the offences are alleged to have occurred and he was teaching at St Benedict's College in New Norcia, northeast of Perth.

He has stood aside while the matter is being dealt with by the courts.

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Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/wa-news/bishop-max-leroy-davis-denies-wa-child-sex-abuse-claims-20160211-gmrgw6.html#ixzz3zucUmKh2
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Bishop Max Leroy Davis denies WA child sex abuse claims

Bishop Max Leroy Davis has denied the child sex abuse claims dating back to the 1970s.

Bishop Max Leroy Davis has denied the child sex abuse claims dating back to the 1970s. Photo: ABC News

The former head of the Catholic Church's defence force diocese has denied he inappropriately touched boys and has blamed another priest and a brother for assaults at a college more than 40 years ago.


Bishop Max Leroy Davis is charged with six counts of being grossly indecent with five boys under the age of 15 between 1969 and 1972 at St Benedict's College in New Norcia,  northeast of Perth.

Davis, 70,  testified in the West Australian District Court on Thursday that he never thought of children sexually or committed a child sex offence,  describing it as wrong and inappropriate.

Defence counsel Seamus Rafferty has previously suggested two alternative suspects,  who are now dead,  including a Father Justin,  who Davis had a role in removing as rector.

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15 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

All of these Catholic Predators should be castrated

it is beyond disgusting that so many are now being outed yet still get protection from this grotesque institution...

castrating would be getting off lightly for many of them

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2 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Yes it would..but it could be a slow drawn out process and at least then the urge would be destroyed...

Nothing wrong with a good torturing. I bet I could bring The Ballarat  boy home, economy class, and help him increase his pain thresholds also.

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12 hours ago, Biffen said:

Nothing wrong with a good torturing. I bet I could bring The Ballarat  boy home, economy class, and help him increase his pain thresholds also.

Make him fly Jetstar...that is what i call torture.

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