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The Hird Interviews


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In early January 2012, the Italian cruise liner Costa Concordia struck a rock off Isola del Giglio, Tuscany and sunk with the loss of 32 lives.

The captain, Francesco Captain Schettino was subsequently found guilty of manslaughter of 32 passengers and sentenced to 16 years. Included with the multiple manslaughter charge of which he was found guilty were causing the shipwreck, abandoning the passengers and providing false information to port authorities.

Ironically, at the same time as the Costa Concordia was foundering the EFC under coach Hird was embarking on the supplements programme which has devastated the club and resulted in last week's sanctions. Reading the installments of Hird's "explanation" in the Herald Sun reminded me so much of Schettino's gutless conduct. There's a mealy mouthed half-hearted acknowledgment of some breakdown in responsibility but that's all due to breaches of trust committed by everyone else involved ranging from CAS, the AFL, Demetriou, his colleagues at Essendon including long time friend and club Doctor Reid. Hird throws them all under the bus or should I say, under the Costa Concordia.

Tomorrow night's ABC programme with Tracey Holmes won't be long enough for Hird to explain why, like Schettino he failed to do the honourable thing when his ship went down.

Here's a preview on the business ethics aspect -



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So we will hear 50 minutes of Hird point the finger at somebody else instead of taking responsibility as the head coach of the club. 


That's what he meant when he said he'll be in a good place when the truth comes out. Sitting in an auditorium, the centre of attention, the audience having paid to be in his presence, being interviewed by an attractive blonde.

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That's what he meant when he said he'll be in a good place when the truth comes out. Sitting in an auditorium, the centre of attention, the audience having paid to be in his presence, being interviewed by an attractive blonde.

The only people who will pay to see Hird lie, oops I'm mean live will be EFC faithful who love Hird.

Good call by him.

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For his own benefit, this time around he may be best served not saying anything at all.

The court of public opinion seems to have swung against him now (albeit in a mostly passive sense) and this interview may only serve to galvanise and strengthen the resolve of those who have turned on him already.

Of course, the Essendon supporters who have doubts may well lose those doubts mainly because they need a reason not to hate on one of their past players (tell 'em what they want to hear)

So it works in one sense but fails in another. Where it all goes from there is anyone's guess.

Edited by Macca
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So we will hear 50 minutes of Hird point the finger at somebody else instead of taking responsibility as the head coach of the club. 


I don't care how nauseating it gets, if she asks these questions:

When were the AFL informed about your supplements program?

Did they instruct you to stop it as soon as they found out? Oh, why not?

How did you get advance knowledge that EFC were going to be targeted by ASADA?

I wonder whether the extent of involvement of the AFL leadership is the ticking time bomb in all this, the one that nobody wants to touch. If the players have been punished for not immediately saying  "no" despite all the pressure put on them, then what if the AFL hierarchy didn't immediately say "no" Immediately? What if they, like the players, said, "We've got our suspicions, but we'll go along with it"?

Hird seems more than ready to blame anybody he possibly can. If he says that they informed the AFL early, and that the AFL were prepared to let it run, and only told them to stop when they knew that ASADA was on the trail ... that would be enough for me.

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I don't care how nauseating it gets, if she asks these questions:

When were the AFL informed about your supplements program?

Did they instruct you to stop it as soon as they found out? Oh, why not?

How did you get advance knowledge that EFC were going to be targeted by ASADA?

I wonder whether the extent of involvement of the AFL leadership is the ticking time bomb in all this, the one that nobody wants to touch. If the players have been punished for not immediately saying  "no" despite all the pressure put on them, then what if the AFL hierarchy didn't immediately say "no" Immediately? What if they, like the players, said, "We've got our suspicions, but we'll go along with it"?

Hird seems more than ready to blame anybody he possibly can. If he says that they informed the AFL early, and that the AFL were prepared to let it run, and only told them to stop when they knew that ASADA was on the trail ... that would be enough for me.

But what if that's another lie Akum? ... I wouldn't be so quick to take anything this bloke says on face value. I mean, he could say almost anything now and there are no real consequences.

He's no better than Dank in that sense (in my opinion) ... or the players for that matter (who at best, have been quite deceitful)

What is true is that the public have been misled ... there's been half-truths, deceit, straight out lies, cover-ups and spin ever since this story broke.

However, there may well have been some AFL involvement but that doesn't excuse what the EFC and it's players did ... the deed was almost certainly done before the AFL might have found out.

I'd rather hear about the AFL's possible involvement from someone other than Hird. In other words, I'm probably not going to believe him.



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But what if that's another lie Akum? ... I wouldn't be so quick to take anything this bloke says on face value. I mean, he could say almost anything now and there are no real consequences.

He's no better than Dank in that sense (in my opinion) ... or the players for that matter (who at best, have been quite deceitful)

What is true is that the public have been misled ... there's been half-truths, deceit, straight out lies, cover-ups and spin ever since this story broke.

However, there may well have been some AFL involvement but that doesn't excuse what the EFC and it's players did ... the deed was almost certainly done before the AFL might have found out.

I'd rather hear about the AFL's possible involvement from someone other than Hird. In other words, I'm probably not going to believe him.



Yeah, agree with that. But if he can just raise enough doubt to get someone from "outside the tent" to start asking questions ...

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Yeah, agree with that. But if he can just raise enough doubt to get someone from "outside the tent" to start asking questions ...

I suppose I've only started thinking more about the AFL's involvement more recently ... there's been so much to digest and process.

I wouldn't rule anything out but Hird is like a cornered leopard right now ... it will be interesting to see whether anyone else corroborates what he might say.

Those who could include Thompson, Evans, Robson, Reid, Corcoran, Dank, Charter, Robinson (Dean) and the EFC board members at the time - even Little (although he came on board later)

It will be a fascinating interview all the same - more so for the fall out and aftermath.

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I want to see Essendon and James Hird hating each other

that would make this whole filthy saga worth while. 

James "I will be senior coach without any prior experience" Hird because  I am James. 

Those who sacked Matthew Knights behind his back must be so proud of their work...

to those who give any sympathy to Essendon and want to see them climb up the ladder to be a Power Club again obviously never went to Windy Pill to watch a game....

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This is a short exert from an interview we conducted with James Hird on Thursday.
Interview with James Hird
Interviewer: "So what you're still trying to tell us James is that at no time did you know what was going on with your clubs supplements program?"
James Hird: "You do know I'm a champion of this club don't you?"
INT; "Sure James, whatever. However the fact remains that you're telling us that when players left training to go off site for injections you never felt the need to reassure yourself that everything was above board?"
JH: "Just check out my guns, and my tan, I mean I'm a Champion of this club"
INT: "Yes very nice James, However do you expect the public to believe anything you say when court after court, judge after judge finds you and your club and now sadly your players guilty of every charge you continue to deny. Wouldn't it be easier just to come clean and move on?"
JH: "I'm a champion, I'm tanned, ripped to shreds, never looked better. I had no idea what was going on, I was just there to look good and I aced that. Check out these abs, that's an 8 pack and brown as a berry."
INT: "Ok James, sure, whatever. One last thing James. The tan's kinda orange and you're dribbling."
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I want to see Essendon and James Hird hating each other

that would make this whole filthy saga worth while. 

James "I will be senior coach without any prior experience" Hird because  I am James. 

Those who sacked Matthew Knights behind his back must be so proud of their work...

to those who give any sympathy to Essendon and want to see them climb up the ladder to be a Power Club again obviously never went to Windy Pill to watch a game....

I'm not sure that will happen Wyl ... their President wants him back in the fold and Hird is almost certainly going to try and convince the Essendon faithful that it was all the AFL's fault. Or anyone's fault but his. And many will believe him (mostly the Essendon people)

As for non Essendon supporters, that's an entirely different matter.

What stands out is how those involved at Essendon at the time (including the players) have never really thrown the blow-torch on Dank to the levels that they should have ... he might be public enemy no.1 for those outside of Essendon but for those on the inside at the Bombers, they've been very careful in what they've said about him.

Probably for good reason too ... Dank would know a lot.

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I want to see Essendon and James Hird hating each other

that would make this whole filthy saga worth while. 

James "I will be senior coach without any prior experience" Hird because  I am James. 

Those who sacked Matthew Knights behind his back must be so proud of their work...

to those who give any sympathy to Essendon and want to see them climb up the ladder to be a Power Club again obviously never went to Windy Pill to watch a game....

In the members one wasn't allowed to hang sh**t on bluey Shelton

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I'm not sure that will happen Wyl ... their President wants him back in the fold and Hird is almost certainly going to try and convince the Essendon faithful that it was all the AFL's fault. Or anyone's fault but his. And many will believe him (mostly the Essendon people)

As for non Essendon supporters, that's an entirely different matter.

What stands out is how those involved at Essendon at the time (including the players) have never really thrown the blow-torch on Dank to the levels that they should have ... he might be public enemy no.1 for those outside of Essendon but for those inside, they've been very careful in what they've said.

Probably for good reason too ... Dank would know all.

Early days yet Macca. I expect a lot of blood spilt now the guilty verdict is set in stone. 

What i totally did not expect was the AFL going for Hal Hunter yesterday. 

This is why i believe this whole is going to open right up. 

Bring on a new AFL Commission and rid the competition from the Ghost of 3 Chins Demetrio...

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Early days yet Macca. I expect a lot of blood spilt now the guilty verdict is set in stone. 

What i totally did not expect was the AFL going for Hal Hunter yesterday. 

This is why i believe this whole is going to open right up. 

Bring on a new AFL Commission and rid the competition from the Ghost of 3 Chins Demetrio...

I agree there wyl ... it's not over by a long shot.

I just know how fans normally act ...  if there's a tiny smidgen of doubt, the fans of a team will side with one of their "champs."

It's my bet that tomorrow's interview will be a well rehearsed "cluster of spin" designed to paint Hird in a better light. The interview may well have been planned long ago. I'll still tune in though.

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I agree there wyl ... it's not over by a long shot.

I just know how fans normally act ...  if there's a tiny smidgen of doubt, the fans of a team will side with one of their "champs."

It's my bet that tomorrow's interview will be a well rehearsed "cluster of spin" designed to paint Hird in a better light. The interview may well have been planned long ago. I'll still tune in though.

I don't think the average viewer will cop James Spin anymore. Holmes better be careful. 

When i say Essendon i mean the EFC not their deluded supporter base. I couldn't give a [censored] about them. 

I want to see James at WAR with the club. 

Once a Player takes the EFC to court for damages, with holding information, (birth defects) even. 

The hate will start....

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I don't think the average viewer will cop James Spin anymore. Holmes better be careful. 

When i say Essendon i mean the EFC not their deluded supporter base. I couldn't give a [censored] about them. 

I want to see James at WAR with the club. 

Once a Player takes the EFC to court for damages, with holding information, (birth defects) even. 

The hate will start....

Well, it remains to be seen whether the 34 (or some of the 34) will take the EFC to court or even if they have grounds to ... let's not forget that they signed off on the "supplements" that were given to them (Hal Hunter didn't sign off?)

I can't be sure but I reckon there's a better chance that some of the other 12 players who didn't receive infraction notices (and like Hunter, didn't sign consent forms?) who might be the ones who take action. Much might depend on how the Hunter case ends up (and even that may end up in an undisclosed out-of-court settlement)

Nothing can be assumed here though, all the same. It's like an unfolding mini-series with the next surprise just around the corner.

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There might be some chance that Hird might dump more new info tomorrow night, On what others at the club did or didn't do of course. But more likely we will hear more of his "I was a victim" garbage. I wonder if he will talk about the impact of the scandal on his family? 

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Is there any chance that the interviewer might surprise Hird (and us) by really going for him in an attempt to make a big splash and perform a breakthrough in her hum-drum career?   Odds 50:1?

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