Moonshadow 17,678 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I admit I was wrong. I hoped we wouldn't get Dawes from Eddiewood. Thought he was a bullet to dodge. Very pleased to be wrong. Showed great leadership yesterday. Loved watching him give instruction to other forwards. Will be great to see him and Hoges play together.
Guest Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I just started watching it now... Slightly off topic but WTF is Dermott talking about?? "Carlton don't bottom out"! Anyone want to explain to this pompous ballbag how they got Walker, Gibbs, Murphy and Kruezer... I bet he thought he sounded brilliant as he was saying that. On an unrelated point, I wonder how Dermott keeps getting so called inside info at the club i.e. Jack Watts and his mates yucking it up in the spa, Neeldy locking the players out of the club on a weekend recovery session, Roosy needing to be restrained after spraying the players. Who is this rat who keeps feeding him these shaggy dog stories?
SaberFang 7,151 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I think it just shows the difference it makes to our game plan having that key forward on the park. The coaches have been saying the same thing after every loss, and to nab the victory as soon as we get the key forward back in is a huge monkey off the team's back. They were true to their words and the game plan started to take shape. I'm under no illusions we still could finish off the year with only a handful of wins, but I was seeing some very clever, very structured plays that led straight to goals. Whether that's just an indictment of Carlton, or the cogs finally clicking into place for our list, will be clearer in a month or two.
chook fowler 19,769 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 That show I have decided is unwatchable - 2giant egos vying for attention. Tossers!
Deestroy All 14,266 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I bet he thought he sounded brilliant as he was saying that. On an unrelated point, I wonder how Dermott keeps getting so called inside info at the club i.e. Jack Watts and his mates yucking it up in the spa, Neeldy locking the players out of the club on a weekend recovery session, Roosy needing to be restrained after spraying the players. Who is this rat who keeps feeding him these shaggy dog stories? Yes he said it in his deep thinking, matter of fact way, and Eddie just let it go through. He also used about 20 words to open our eyes to the rather little known fact that Aaron Sandilands is tall.
SaberFang 7,151 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Derm's definitely a few cogs short of a watch, but he's definitely the sort of bloke you'd want to have a few beers with at the pub.
Guest Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Derm's definitely a few cogs short of a watch, but he's definitely the sort of bloke you'd want to have a few beers with at the pub. Agreed. He seems like a pretty good bloke. He just shouldn't be taken seriously as a football thinker. The day the Hawks started listening to Piggy Dunstall (who was angling for Clarko to bring in a cultural seachange) rather than Dermott (who wanted one of his old mates like Gary Ayres or Terry Wallace pulling the strings), the Hawks have prospered.
chook fowler 19,769 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Derm's definitely a few cogs short of a watch, but he's definitely the sort of bloke you'd want to have a few beers with at the pub. You're joking. Would rather spend the time having my haemorrhoids banded
SaberFang 7,151 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 You're joking. Would rather spend the time having my haemorrhoids banded Just sprayed a glass worth of water all over the monitor.
Moonshadow 17,678 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 You're joking. Would rather spend the time having my haemorrhoids banded I'm sure your haemorrhoids have aged better than Dermie too.
Akum 2,660 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I think it just shows the difference it makes to our game plan having that key forward on the park. The coaches have been saying the same thing after every loss, and to nab the victory as soon as we get the key forward back in is a huge monkey off the team's back. They were true to their words and the game plan started to take shape. I'm under no illusions we still could finish off the year with only a handful of wins, but I was seeing some very clever, very structured plays that led straight to goals. Whether that's just an indictment of Carlton, or the cogs finally clicking into place for our list, will be clearer in a month or two. This. It struck me how much they played like we have been in the other games, while we played more like the sides against us have played. Because we could go direct to dangerous tall forwards, where they couldn't. We were far better structurally in this game than in the others. In Rounds 1 & 3 we had the stats and more scoring shots but lost, for the same reason; Round 4 it was reversed. Having at least two forward targets has to make a huge difference. And I thought we used the ball really well forward of centre. But I wonder how much of that was Dawes and maybe Frawley staying forward, even when Carlton ere overpossessing it in the middle of the ground. So there was much less of the nobody-there-to-kick-to-so-have-to-go-sideways-or-back than there has been before.
Sir Why You Little 37,450 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Chris Dawes is the leader of our club. Jones and Grimes would speak to him daily. Bet my left one.
Deez 298 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Chris Dawes is the leader of our club. Jones and Grimes would speak to him daily. Bet my left one. I definitely think he's important. I don't like how he always plays down his abilities and role at the club. To the media he says he is only a role player, and that the team would benefit from a class forward e.g. when clark looked like he might make a return. theres no need for it, chris is a goof footballer, he doesn't have to go out and brag, but no need to some what put himself down.
obbafan 128 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Collingwood made a major mistake letting this guy go. Works as hard as any player I have seen. They are suffering through the lack of his presence. Jesse White? I don't think so. Love him and his attitude. A significant asset.
Jack Jack Tappy 112 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I bet he thought he sounded brilliant as he was saying that.On an unrelated point, I wonder how Dermott keeps getting so called inside info at the club i.e. Jack Watts and his mates yucking it up in the spa, Neeldy locking the players out of the club on a weekend recovery session, Roosy needing to be restrained after spraying the players. Who is this rat who keeps feeding him these shaggy dog stories?[/quot Can't agree more. I think Derm actually tells lies to get media.
Deez 298 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Collingwood made a major mistake letting this guy go. Works as hard as any player I have seen. They are suffering through the lack of his presence. Jesse White? I don't think so. Love him and his attitude. A significant asset. originally they swapped dawes for lynch… lol
bing181 9,472 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 The presence of Dawes, even with his 8 possessions, shows just what we've been missing ONFIELD these lasts 5 years. Now with Jones and Grimes, who both played Captain's games yesterday, plus players like Dawes and Cross, you'd have to hope/expect that players coming through now won't have to deal with what many of our "he was a high draft pick, what happened?" players have had to. Perhaps no accident that Frawley puts in his best game for a long time playing alongside Dawes.
Deestroy All 14,266 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 You're joking. Would rather spend the time having my haemorrhoids banded Wow. One of the funniest things I've read on here. Just brilliant.
SaberFang 7,151 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 The difference in on-field leadership has been really great to watch. Dawes is a terrific (and somewhat modest) leader, and probably unofficially became the leader of the forwards when Clark retired. Hogan's development is in great hands! I heard Crossy mention on the radio today that the group he's "in charge of" is Michie, Viney and Tyson (or Toump, can't remember). I'm guessing this is something Roos and Stone have put in place to help develop our younguns?
Little Goffy 14,952 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I'll take Dawes' modesty over the 'I'm at the top of this (very small) hill' attitude that seemed to taint a few of our 'leaders' over the years. Let's see... which other leaders have been generally modest? James McDonald. Obviously. I'd say David Neitz didn't do much more than 'required' media. You wouldn't catch Nathan Jones anywhere near a jar of Fig Jam.I like I like this modesty thing.
Undeeterred 3,127 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I'm sure your haemorrhoids have aged better than Dermie too. Depends whether he's had arse botox or not.
Redleg 42,143 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 That show I have decided is unwatchable - 2giant egos vying for attention. Tossers! Tend to agree.
nutbean 8,838 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I was a massive fan of Dawes at Collingwood and more so now that he is with us. He always impressed with contributions that don't make the stat sheet. Rarely loses a contest - halves them at worst. He works incredibly hard working up the ground and back and always tries to take front spot. He spoils, he blocks, he chases, he harrasses. The only knock on him for me is his injuries and if he can stay fit we have got us a really smart blue collar worker at CHF.
jumbo returns 6,744 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 Let's just wait and see if he can get to close to a full year on the paddock before we hand over leadership titles just yet. Bloody hell. One week ago, the sky was falling and the end was nigh. We beat Carlton and everyone on the list is a world beater and nothing is wrong with anything. Make no mistake. Winning was good and it was a step forward but I can't see how it can cause us to totally deviate from the path we have set. I am praying that this is a proper rebuild this time and there will be no half arsed short cuts this time around. I'm guessing there will be trades and delistings at the end of the year. The West Coast supporter whose phone conversation I overheard on the train after round two probably summed it up best. He wasn't being boastful or a smart arse when he stated the obvious about us 'They try in games that I have seen but they tend to get found out against the stronger clubs'. Carlton, unfortunately, isn't a strong club. Lap the win up boys but don't set yourselves up for a fall. Because I am guessing that the stronger teams may put us to the sword again this year. Jesus, Col, way to be a party pooper! 30 something wins in 100 years and you're asking D'land to be measured in its appraisal of the performance? No way! Seriously though, you're right....the list is still a long way off being consistent and competitive more often than not. Meanwhile, this week, I'm lapping it up!
Dee Dee 1,145 Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I was a massive fan of Dawes at Collingwood and more so now that he is with us. He always impressed with contributions that don't make the stat sheet. Rarely loses a contest - halves them at worst. He works incredibly hard working up the ground and back and always tries to take front spot. He spoils, he blocks, he chases, he harrasses. The only knock on him for me is his injuries and if he can stay fit we have got us a really smart blue collar worker at CHF. Young Chris blue collar? No,No, son of a literary man, grandson of a Judge, BGS boy. And as for Derm, his ego unfortunately overwhelms his pea size brain, and I can't forgive his stomp on Greame Yeats.
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