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All about Mitch Clark

All the Jacks

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We're all just speculating, but mine would be that the causes lie in that not unfamiliar Bermuda Triangle of (i) problems at work (LTI), (ii) problems with ex/partner (whatever they may be, word that she's gone back to Perth) and (iii) being a separated father.

The perfect storm perhaps.

Stress at work and played out publicly (imagine everywhere you go getting asked when you'll be back paying), stress at home, stress in general being a father. No family around. Probably not that many friends given most dees players are younger and at different stage in their life, ie. don't have kids (Dunn's got one, Jones on the way, not sure who else if any?). Can't have too many beers. Can't load up and get high (not that I'm endorsing that). Can't even eat a block of chocolate. When you think about it you start to realise why if things aren't going well that being an AFL player can't be much fun.

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Geelong have been the absolute professionals but Daniel Menzel's career is practically over before it started with what 3 or 4 knees. Nathan Vardy nearly had to stop playing with a hip injury and now has done a knee. Hamish McIntosh missed the entire of last year.

Yeah you can draw parallels between Clark and Jurrah. Both struggling with injuries and other happenings and therefore both granted leave. But what I don't get is why you are so negative on the individuals.

Jurrah was always a risk of things going bad. He came from a culture that was pretty much another country to Australia, may as well be another planet. Not to mention half his family was fighting the other half. Jurrah's actions post AFL have told me enough about him and his community that we did all we could.

Clark himself may have been a bit of a risk with homesickness but ultimately pick 12 in a weak draft for an immediate impact key forward and leader. It was a steal. The injury happened. It was terrible luck. Whatever troubles he is facing now are massively contributed to by his initial injury. If he was playing for most of the last two years and ready to line up on the weekend I bet all the other problems in his life could be managed around footy.

Either way I refuse to hold it against the club for making some decisions that took a bit of risk and I refuse to hold it against individuals who have troubles in their life for whatever reason that the feel they need to walk away from their employment. Take a deep breath, consider the individuals and move on. Plenty of other injustices to worry about.


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the master

Im not holding it against the club for taking either

but i wont have it that the club is objectified in these circumstances either

Nor can i believe Clark is just given a blanket get out of jail.

Actually...anyone really

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A question to all those who are vilifying him for not playing but being paid -- were any of you not genuinely excited by his performances when he first played for us??

We had finally discovered a power forward who could help lift us off the floor.

I dont remember any who at that stage complained about him or about the recruiters for picking him up.

Now some give the impression that he somehow had a predictable injury that the recruiters could and should have foreseen, rather than an extremely rare foot injury with a pretty poor prognosis however well it is managed, and further that he hasn't done all he can to get over it and back into the game.

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the master

Im not holding it against the club for taking either

but i wont have it that the club is objectified in these circumstances either

Nor can i believe Clark is just given a blanket get out of jail.

What does this mean, though?

He hasn't done anything wrong, has he?

We gave him the contract.

Bad luck has given him the initial injury.

His personal issues are coming at a time when he was injured anyway.

What are his ills that he 'doesn't get out of jail' for?

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he came here in perfect nick hey rpfc...?

i really would have thought youd consider that before your post

then again

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Roos quote:

"It's early stages. All we're saying to Mitch is we're really supportive, We've talked him through where he's at and being away from the club which we're fine with. So it's just stages at the moment. We're not too worried about how long it is. At the moment it's just getting the process in place to make sure he gets healthy as quick as he can."

Early stages was in in 2012 when he got recruited under Neeld, not now. Outside of that, we are running a club and sorry Mitch, we are paying you above every other player on the list. This is a business, loathe as many here are to acknowledge that fact, deliver on the $ you are attracting or here's a ticket to WA.

You empathetic supporters who don't like to hear it are the same ones clapping the team off the ground for the last 5 years - this is why we have no membership and why we also accept mediocrity - a word that in this context is very "loosely used" as we don't even qualify for that

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he came here in perfect nick hey rpfc...?

i really would have thought youd consider that before your post

then again

What do you know that I don't? Did you know anything in 2012 beside that Clark was a guy who didn't have the greatest injury record (not many younger 200cm players do)? You didn't predict the lisfranc did you?

I also knew Clark is a bit of different cat. Just look at the tattoos they are a dead give away. And he had a kid. But I didn't know of any history of mental troubles and that he walked in to our leadership group and trained and played the lights out didn't point to anything.

I don't understand what exactly Clark has done wrong that has so upset you.

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Was the norm smith curse directed purely at our forwards?

Schwartz, Jackovich, Jurrah now Clark.

I don't think I've ever been prouder of a dees player than Clark in the Stynes tribute match where he nearly killed himself for that jumper that day, literally.

It's a long way back now for Clark, rumours have been about for over 12 months that he wouldn't play again, and where there's smoke there is fire. It's an absolute tragedy. If anyone here has had a long term injury on here that has prevented you from working, playing sport, etc you know how fragile your mind can get in those times. Couple that with some family issues, and the pressure of being one of the highest paid players in the league and not being able to deliver... He must be having a shocking time at life at the moment.

How good would it be to see the big fella in the 11 jumper run out on the G again this year? But as a demon supporter we are used to expecting the worst. Good luck Mitch. Let's hope there's a happy ending to this tale.

Edited by Pipefitter
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Roos quote:

"It's early stages. All we're saying to Mitch is we're really supportive, We've talked him through where he's at and being away from the club which we're fine with. So it's just stages at the moment. We're not too worried about how long it is. At the moment it's just getting the process in place to make sure he gets healthy as quick as he can."

Early stages was in in 2012 when he got recruited under Neeld, not now. Outside of that, we are running a club and sorry Mitch, we are paying you above every other player on the list. This is a business, loathe as many here are to acknowledge that fact, deliver on the $ you are attracting or here's a ticket to WA.

You empathetic supporters who don't like to hear it are the same ones clapping the team off the ground for the last 5 years - this is why we have no membership and why we also accept mediocrity - a word that in this context is very "loosely used" as we don't even qualify for that

Wow of all the muppets you've gone to the front of the cue.

Listen to PREMIERSHIP WINNING AND CULTURE BUILDING coach Paul Roos. We are giving him time away from the club (in which he wouldn't be playing anyway) for him to fly back to his family (probably on his own expense) to get his head right. It's the path recommended by Roos and club doctors. It's about getting him back so he can play and return on the investment. If he can't play again then locking him up at the club the whole time isn't going to help.

Or are you denying mental illness because that's even worse.

There is no MFC mediocre or otherwise without being a club of people. With the recent losses of Dean Bailey and Jimmy I would've thought everyone would realise that people can't be replaced.

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What do you know that I don't? Did you know anything in 2012 beside that Clark was a guy who didn't have the greatest injury record (not many younger 200cm players do)? You didn't predict the lisfranc did you?

I also knew Clark is a bit of different cat. Just look at the tattoos they are a dead give away. And he had a kid. But I didn't know of any history of mental troubles and that he walked in to our leadership group and trained and played the lights out didn't point to anything.

I don't understand what exactly Clark has done wrong that has so upset you.

I know its cliche

"you ca't be serious'

Clark has done nothing to upset me. Hes done/doing very well for himself all things considered. its the lack of objectivity amongst many posters that annoys me if anything

He having a tough time...on the company's dime lifes a [censored]

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Wonder if any other interstate players who have spent lots of time on the sidelines going to need leave to. Tapscott is having a tough run with injury only having played a handful of games in the past 2 years to.

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tapscott can go...theres a diff... i reckon

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Wonder if any other interstate players who have spent lots of time on the sidelines going to need leave to. Tapscott is having a tough run with injury only having played a handful of games in the past 2 years to.

Apologies to m'kaay this guy has now taken the lead as the biggest muppet.

Where the [censored] is the compassion for a guy who knocked himself out one game and snapped his foot in half in another game and up until before christmas was training so well he was in the leadership group.

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Wow of all the muppets you've gone to the front of the cue.

Listen to PREMIERSHIP WINNING AND CULTURE BUILDING coach Paul Roos. We are giving him time away from the club (in which he wouldn't be playing anyway) for him to fly back to his family (probably on his own expense) to get his head right. It's the path recommended by Roos and club doctors. It's about getting him back so he can play and return on the investment. If he can't play again then locking him up at the club the whole time isn't going to help.

Or are you denying mental illness because that's even worse.

There is no MFC mediocre or otherwise without being a club of people. With the recent losses of Dean Bailey and Jimmy I would've thought everyone would realise that people can't be replaced.

Don't assume though Master. While I agree with everything else you've said we can't throw 'mental illness' around until we are certain of what is truly going on.

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Roos quote:

"It's early stages. All we're saying to Mitch is we're really supportive, We've talked him through where he's at and being away from the club which we're fine with. So it's just stages at the moment. We're not too worried about how long it is. At the moment it's just getting the process in place to make sure he gets healthy as quick as he can."

Early stages was in in 2012 when he got recruited under Neeld, not now. Outside of that, we are running a club and sorry Mitch, we are paying you above every other player on the list. This is a business, loathe as many here are to acknowledge that fact, deliver on the $ you are attracting or here's a ticket to WA.

You empathetic supporters who don't like to hear it are the same ones clapping the team off the ground for the last 5 years - this is why we have no membership and why we also accept mediocrity - a word that in this context is very "loosely used" as we don't even qualify for that

To equate any perceived acceptance of failure with acceptance of (what we assume to be) a mental health issue is seriously misguided.

Think about the logic of what you're saying. Even putting aside Mitch's welfare which you've pretty much disregarded. What sort of environment do you create by telling a player in Mitch's situation to put up or shut up?

Strong clubs do the exact opposite of your approach.

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he came here in perfect nick hey rpfc...?

i really would have thought youd consider that before your post

then again

Your allusions betray your delusions.

Clark came to this club and looked worth every cent of his wage and more than the Pick 12 we gave up.

His lisfranc dislocating was a freak occurrence that happened because God Hates Melbourne.

Roos quote:

"It's early stages. All we're saying to Mitch is we're really supportive, We've talked him through where he's at and being away from the club which we're fine with. So it's just stages at the moment. We're not too worried about how long it is. At the moment it's just getting the process in place to make sure he gets healthy as quick as he can."

Early stages was in in 2012 when he got recruited under Neeld, not now. Outside of that, we are running a club and sorry Mitch, we are paying you above every other player on the list. This is a business, loathe as many here are to acknowledge that fact, deliver on the $ you are attracting or here's a ticket to WA.

You empathetic supporters who don't like to hear it are the same ones clapping the team off the ground for the last 5 years - this is why we have no membership and why we also accept mediocrity - a word that in this context is very "loosely used" as we don't even qualify for that

Roos knows how to build a club and a culture and it, in no way, involves being as heartless as you seem to want this club to be.

We are his employers and he has had a rough trot with injuries, if he is suffering from a rough personal life then more power to the club for trying to help him through his issues.

How having a desire for a cohesive and inclusive club culture can descend to 'accepting mediocrity' is an argument of the lazy and snide.

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Wow of all the muppets you've gone to the front of the cue.

Listen to PREMIERSHIP WINNING AND CULTURE BUILDING coach Paul Roos. We are giving him time away from the club (in which he wouldn't be playing anyway) for him to fly back to his family (probably on his own expense) to get his head right. It's the path recommended by Roos and club doctors. It's about getting him back so he can play and return on the investment. If he can't play again then locking him up at the club the whole time isn't going to help.

Or are you denying mental illness because that's even worse.

There is no MFC mediocre or otherwise without being a club of people. With the recent losses of Dean Bailey and Jimmy I would've thought everyone would realise that people can't be replaced.

happy to be at the front muppet-master.

answer me this....when he doesnt play again, and I believe he won't, what will you say after round 23 when we are 2 and 21 (after a 90 point North flogging). Will you be happy to send your best wishes to the big boy?

I'm sorry, life sucks, footy is a part of that for Melbourne supporters, but for the players that come and go, the club means nothing, it's just a job.

I quote you "for him to fly back to his family (probably on his own expense) to get his head right." -

I reckon he can afford it just quietly

hate me or not, I really don't give a flying rats fat hairy one. I'm sick of looking for mathematical tangents to fly off on with my mates to make excuses for this mob. If we are 3 and 3, then come back and remind me, I'll stand up and admit I am was wrong like a man. Outside of that, I'll continue to sit here like the last 7 years and watch the pitiful Demonland regulars look for inspiration out of desolation

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Don't assume though Master. While I agree with everything else you've said we can't throw 'mental illness' around until we are certain of what is truly going on.

I understand I've just read enough to come to that conclusion. If I'm wrong I'll be sorry and admit it. Roos on 360 tonight and in todays press conference said enough for me. Maybe I should say mental concerns more than illness. You don't have to be sick per se to be in need of some time away from a high pressure situation. My point was more to m'kaay who seemed to think it wise to force a player to do something that would only make a situation worse not better.


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I totally agree with what the club is doing if Mitch is having mental health issues and I am very protective of anyone suffering from anything resembling the black dog (but I must stress though that I can't say that is the case here).

Not that I am diagnosing from a far and I don't know all the ins and outs of Mitch's situation but If you are suffering from full blown clinical depression, it's not a case of just feeling sad or stressed and you can ride it on through. Clinical depression usually involves a deficiency of neurotransmitters in the brain and not only is your mood dulled, you often have problem recalling stuff that happened 5 minutes ago because your brain just won't allow you to do it.
In a lot of cases (maybe not this one), it's just not a case of 'get over it'.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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happy to be at the front muppet-master.

answer me this....when he doesnt play again, and I believe he won't, what will you say after round 23 when we are 2 and 21 (after a 90 point North flogging). Will you be happy to send your best wishes to the big boy?

I'm sorry, life sucks, footy is a part of that for Melbourne supporters, but for the players that come and go, the club means nothing, it's just a job.

I quote you "for him to fly back to his family (probably on his own expense) to get his head right." -

I reckon he can afford it just quietly

hate me or not, I really don't give a flying rats fat hairy one. I'm sick of looking for mathematical tangents to fly off on with my mates to make excuses for this mob. If we are 3 and 3, then come back and remind me, I'll stand up and admit I am was wrong like a man. Outside of that, I'll continue to sit here like the last 7 years and watch the pitiful Demonland regulars look for inspiration out of desolation

0 and 22 or 22 and 0 I don't see how force an injured and clearly struggling in some regard player to toughen up and push through or would you rather take the advise of doctors and a premiership coach that says the best thing to do is for him to go home and possibly come back one day. Which one of those helps win games in the future? Which one of those helps attract players and sponsors and build the club as supportive and responsible work place. Which one of those options sounds like the Paul Roos way and which one of those sounds like the Mark Neeld way and who's the better coach of the 2? Tough decisions will likely have to be made on Clark I'm not saying that wont. But those decisions are for September or October when list management takes place. Until then I'd rather support a potential AA player to get him back rather than some foolish attack on him.

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Apologies to m'kaay this guy has now taken the lead as the biggest muppet.

Where the [censored] is the compassion for a guy who knocked himself out one game and snapped his foot in half in another game and up until before christmas was training so well he was in the leadership group.

What about Tapscott who is also having a hard time? He also deserves some compassion.

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People have been treated by this club to so many poor decisions and instances of bad culture that they wouldn't know what a good culture looks like, and the way a good club carries itself.

Here's a baby step:

Don't confuse being heartless for being ruthless.

Edited by rpfc
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