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that was awful.. only slight positives:

-nobody ever mentions the fact that we are missing our FB, ruck, CHF and FF. Obviously that is significant.

-we have Toumpas, Hogan and yet another top 5 pick to come in next year

-today we were down to 20 men before half time

-we actually outplayed them in the 2nd qtr

-after qtr time it was 34 inside 50s to 45, at least we were getting it in there a decent amount

-Viney: 28 touches in his 11th game, in a 95 point loss is a really great effort.

it has to be said though that Viney was the only bloke who won his position today, not a good sign at all. Joggin' Jack Watts can go F himself, you'd think that after putting himself under the burner during the week you might come out play a bit less limp-wristed and lazy than that.

Just 1 tackle . . . Pathetic.

Viney gets his own ball 28 times and still lays 5

FFS Blease had more tackles than Watts. What a moo

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To use a slightly altered quote:

"So I was sitting at the football today, and I realized, ever since I started going, every single game has been worse than the one before it. So that means that every single game that you see me at, that's on the worst day of my life."

Points if you can guess the movie.

Office Space Great film :)

I'm going to have to get you to go ahead and give me some points

EDIT: Added some nonsense

Edited by ICU2 Jerry Jerry
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Yep Watts was atrocious.

Midfield as we predicted got soundly beaten but their were patches in the the second and third quarter that looked ok. A revitalized McKenzie does make us better. Jones and Viney have each other for solace and that's at least a start against a very strong clearance team.

Backline held up in the first 3 quarters pretty well. I know Freo don't often score a bunch but they could've scored at ease today but we didn't.

We got another look at Spencer and I think we now know he'll compete but should be relegated back to depth. Fitzpatrick had a go. Davis wouldn't be the worst key forward to ever grace a football field

Disappointed with the efforts of Watts, Blease and Howe.

Disgruntled that Sylvia seems to be trying but butchers the ball

Despondent that Grimes is struggling so much

Down right sick of Dunn's shoddy decision making and kicking

As far as 95 point losses go today was one that I at least thought well we have some hope and pieces of the puzzle.

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Why did Viney stand out so much from his teammates today? Because he ran at 100% for 100% of the game. Either to get to a contest or provide an option. It was actually embarrassing how much harder he was running than any of his teammates.

That was an atrocious game. We allowed them to go from end to end like it's a training drill at times. At best, we stalled them by getting some numbers back but then we simply allow them to stroll around kicking and handballing to each other under no pressure whatsoever. We were lucky it was windy so they missed some targets and allowed us to get our hands on the ball. We miss tackles because we aren't running hard enough and are usually flat footed trying to tackle opponents going at 100%. We don't create spaces and options for our teammates because we don't run hard enough. Our opponents get 10 metre spacing on us pretty much every time they lead for the ball because we don't run hard enough. There is an opponent loose every time the other team comes out of defense because we don't run hard enough. We contest our one on ones meekly because we are not running hard enough. We can't break away from stoppages when we actually do get our hands on the ball because no-one is prepared to run hard enough to provide the option.

For those who can see positives with this club I have great admiration. I will keep going but I've pretty much given up (reckon I lasted 5 or so years longer than the players who have represented the club). Our problem is not the talent as much as the fact they simply refuse to give the minimum levels of effort required. I am embarrassed to be affiliated with a group of people that seem to care so little about something that has provided so many of them with such a special opportunity.

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What a Great Game not to watch . In fact the best Game I have not watched all year :cool:

I must do this more often , less stress , no angst , no yelling and hurting my voice especially at the umpires , no upsetting the dog, "even he is more relaxed "

I don't have to watch how pathetic my Football club has become and I can wrap myself in warm fuzzy thoughts about next season, the hope of a half decent coach , a clean out of all players who don't wont to be a part of the Melbourne football club and, the return of some of our better players as well as some potentially great ones, who I believe will certainly take Melbourne off the Bottom.

In all honesty I don't think we could go any lower unless we really tried harder to do so and that wont happen anyway, because we all know our level of endeavour , and finally the prospect of having something to cheer about at least next year, at least that's what I keep telling Myself .

So I Suggest to all you Demon supporters who frequent here try it at least once this year Grab the Remote and just switch of the Game.

Sit back relax have a beer and some chips and watch WWE its more realistic than how we perform anyway and far more entertaining at least I get a laugh .

But most of all just sit back and allow yourself to contemplate what must be next year .

It does wonders for your Constitution ;)

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Why did Viney stand out so much from his teammates today? Because he ran at 100% for 100% of the game. Either to get to a contest or provide an option. It was actually embarrassing how much harder he was running than any of his teammates.

That was an atrocious game. We allowed them to go from end to end like it's a training drill at times. At best, we stalled them by getting some numbers back but then we simply allow them to stroll around kicking and handballing to each other under no pressure whatsoever. We were lucky it was windy so they missed some targets and allowed us to get our hands on the ball. We miss tackles because we aren't running hard enough and are usually flat footed trying to tackle opponents going at 100%. We don't create spaces and options for our teammates because we don't run hard enough. Our opponents get 10 metre spacing on us pretty much every time they lead for the ball because we don't run hard enough. There is an opponent loose every time the other team comes out of defense because we don't run hard enough. We contest our one on ones meekly because we are not running hard enough. We can't break away from stoppages when we actually do get our hands on the ball because no-one is prepared to run hard enough to provide the option.

For those who can see positives with this club I have great admiration. I will keep going but I've pretty much given up (reckon I lasted 5 or so years longer than the players who have represented the club). Our problem is not the talent as much as the fact they simply refuse to give the minimum levels of effort required. I am embarrassed to be affiliated with a group of people that seem to care so little about something that has provided so many of them with such a special opportunity.

I could watch Viney, Wines and Tom Mitchell all day, they are PURE football players.

None of this it's too much for me BS.

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We need to keep Sylvia and Watts.

I apologise to anyone I've ever argued with in regards to Sam Blease.

I think I get caught up with his pace and potential.

But, I will admit that I am 100% wrong and I'm happy if the club floats Blease up for trade.

Players I like going into 2014... Viney, Terlich, Sylvia, Jones, Watts, Kent.

I think we need to keep that core.

I'd a-hole players like Blease, Strauss and anyone else who thinks we are waiting on them to get a kick.

So happy with Terlich, Jones and Kent this year, Todd Viney deserves his props.

HAHAHAH explain to me what Watts and Sylvia did today to make that stupid statement.

Both are lazy pea hearted players that can [censored] right off at the end of the year!

As i said the other night JW is the biggest joke of an AFL footballer in the history of the game. Go back to basketball you pathetic excuse of a footballer.

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Red...I would give Terlich a little rope ..( not to string himself up with )

I think hes got something to work with just needs better coaching as to technique.

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I'm looking forward to the majority of Barry P's picks being gone from the club soon. Luke Tapscott looked disinterested most of the game. Actually, the team looked disinterested most of the game. JW floated around having 0 impact. Horrified at how genuinely weak, hesitant and poorly skilled we are. JV threw himself in; Jordie too. They played with urgency at least. So many others just don't.

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I think there were 2 positive for me today. The first was Jack Viney who others have mentioned already. The second was Jack Trengove who had his highest disposal count in over 2 years (27). That says a lot about said form in last 2 years more than his actual impact today but it's encouraging. I thought he played pretty well.

Unfortunately it was the same old from the rest. Watts' "effort" on Stephen Hill in the last quarter as Hill was running into goal almost made me physically ill. Ship him out for a first round pick and start all over again.

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Time to trade Watts, Sylvia, Blease and Tapscott why they have some currency.

I doubt also whether Grimes and Trengove would get a game elsewhere.

Would need 3 or 4 priority picks to make this team competitive.

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Wattis is doing his best to avid contact so he doesnt get injured and jeopardize his upcoming contract

its sickening

He isn't Hes just got no heart, all that does is affect his future earning capacity, he's a lazy coward.
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Two standout observations for me from today:

  1. Viney is a gun
  2. Craig must not be our coach next year.

The first speaks for itself.

As for the second, I just can't see how Craig can realistically be considered for the coaching job next year. He resorts to loose men in defence after about 2 goals are kicked, and he stuck with it until midway into the fourth when he decided for some unknown reason to go back to 6-6. He butchers Watts' and Davis' development (not that Watts did a lot himself today) by being inconclusive on where they play, moving them back and forward within quarters. He seems to push the idea of switches onto our players, which results in too many of them setting up backwards/sideways from the play, in meaningless positions.

I was thoroughly uninspired by his coaching today, and I just don't think we can afford to have this kind of coach at the helm next year and beyond.

Other observations:

  • Spencer was awful
  • Trengove Grimes would be dropped if he wasn't captain. Needs to be stripped of the captaincy next year and just allowed to play (and be dropped, if need be) (edit: oops, wrong captain)
  • Dunn's good for nothing other than one-on-one contests. His kicking is disgraceful.
  • Terlich has won us over with his endeavour and run, but his decision-making is woeful and he doesn't defend properly. Needs to work on that over the pre-season.
  • Blease and Byrnes should never play for us again.
  • Davey looked better than in previous weeks; I'd give him another year before I give Blease one.
  • Davis might have shown enough to retain his spot on the list, mainly as depth.
Edited by titan_uranus
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I'm looking forward to the majority of Barry P's picks being gone from the club soon. Luke Tapscott looked disinterested most of the game. Actually, the team looked disinterested most of the game. JW floated around having 0 impact. Horrified at how genuinely weak, hesitant and poorly skilled we are. JV threw himself in; Jordie too. They played with urgency at least. So many others just don't.

I think youre onto the common flavour about all this.the Bloody Pathetics !!

I thought for a whiles that Jordie wasnt going to really find his niche but I think the team's #1 negating tagger is his. Its a thankless task often but hes doing it rather well of late.

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I know his career has been underwhelming for a #2 pick but I think some of you need to watch Trengove a bit closer. He has been OK in recent weeks and was good today, found plenty of it and linked up play well (especially the members side). He seems to be the Demonland whipping boy nowadays.. is all..

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Byrnes is a total waste of space.

He is too old and has totally lost his pace.

To think he gets a game ahead of Toumpas , Magner or Taggert.

Gawn must come in for Spencer, who couldnt take a mark to save himself today.

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  1. Viney is a gun..Say no more
  2. Craig must not be our coach next year. Agree. No white flaggers for me

Other observations:

  • Spencer was awful _ wasnt awful, wasnt good, got handed a lesson. Hopefully he'll learn a lot from today
  • Trengove Grimes would be dropped if he wasn't captain. Needs to be stripped of the captaincy next year and just allowed to play (and be dropped, if need be) (edit: oops, wrong captain). Neither ought to be captains next year let them both regroup sts and reboot their footy.
  • Dunn's good for nothing other than one-on-one contests. His kicking is disgraceful.. Does good things Does twice as many bad.
  • Terlich has won us over with his endeavour and run, but his decision-making is woeful and he doesn't defend properly. Needs to work on that over the pre-season. Have noted elsewhere he needs better coaching. Might be OK
  • Blease and Byrnes should never play for us again. Blease has few tricks, Byrnes has none
  • Davey looked better than in previous weeks; I'd give him another year before I give Blease one. No, Time to move on from both
  • Davis might have shown enough to retain his spot on the list, mainly as depth. Jury out, others been given benefits of doubt so why not him I guess
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we will surelyget a Priority pick

if they dont give it to us then scrap them all together cos we are the worst team of all time

I am honestly a little conflicted re priority picks.

We have had them before and many have said hallelujah, here we go, guaranteed success.

We have either made terrible choices, or not developed their talent (or both) but whatever we have gained so little from them. I think it is bad for the psyche getting extra early first round picks: maybe an extra at the end of round 1 +/- another at end of round 2, but #1, not so sure.

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  1. Viney is a gun..Say no more
  2. Craig must not be our coach next year. Agree. No white flaggers for me

Other observations:

  • Spencer was awful _ wasnt awful, wasnt good, got handed a lesson. Hopefully he'll learn a lot from today
  • Trengove Grimes would be dropped if he wasn't captain. Needs to be stripped of the captaincy next year and just allowed to play (and be dropped, if need be) (edit: oops, wrong captain). Neither ought to be captains next year let them both regroup sts and reboot their footy.
  • Dunn's good for nothing other than one-on-one contests. His kicking is disgraceful.. Does good things Does twice as many bad.
  • Terlich has won us over with his endeavour and run, but his decision-making is woeful and he doesn't defend properly. Needs to work on that over the pre-season. Have noted elsewhere he needs better coaching. Might be OK
  • Blease and Byrnes should never play for us again. Blease has few tricks, Byrnes has none
  • Davey looked better than in previous weeks; I'd give him another year before I give Blease one. No, Time to move on from both
  • Davis might have shown enough to retain his spot on the list, mainly as depth. Jury out, others been given benefits of doubt so why not him I guess

profound stuff, belzebub, quite profound

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