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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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So you voted Greens (who are the extreme left version of the Labor Party) did you, did you see who they preference'd I bet is was Palmer; hypocrites.

Tony Abbott is on record as saying (2008) that the worst thing was them getting a majority in both houses in 2004 as it allowed them to pass legislation that shouldn't have got through, such as work choices, he was one of two members of cabinet that opposed it.

Ahead of the Liberal Party, you bet. Just like the Liberal Party also preferenced Palmer ahead of them.


" Meanwhile, Mr Abbott would not rule out doing deals or preferencing other minor parties such as Bob Katter's Australia Party or Clive Palmer's Untied Party."

"There is a world of difference with the Greens and everyone else contesting this election," he said.

"Everyone else supports economic growth and a more prosperous economy ... (the Greens have) fringe economic policies to put it kindest. No one else has that kind of economic policy."

So it goes both ways Robbie, it's just the seat of Fairfax is coming down to a battle between Palmer & Liberal. If it was Palmer & Greens, or Palmer & Labor I know where the Liberal parties preferences would have been going.

But we're in 100% agreement about the disaster that the 2004 election brought with the Liberal Party being able to introduce anything they wanted with control of both houses. Maybe there needs to be better education given to people about how the senate works given what happened back then and what's happened in this election?

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Ahead of the Liberal Party, you bet. Just like the Liberal Party also preferenced Palmer ahead of them.


" Meanwhile, Mr Abbott would not rule out doing deals or preferencing other minor parties such as Bob Katter's Australia Party or Clive Palmer's Untied Party."

"There is a world of difference with the Greens and everyone else contesting this election," he said.

"Everyone else supports economic growth and a more prosperous economy ... (the Greens have) fringe economic policies to put it kindest. No one else has that kind of economic policy."

So it goes both ways Robbie, it's just the seat of Fairfax is coming down to a battle between Palmer & Liberal. If it was Palmer & Greens, or Palmer & Labor I know where the Liberal parties preferences would have been going.

But we're in 100% agreement about the disaster that the 2004 election brought with the Liberal Party being able to introduce anything they wanted with control of both houses. Maybe there needs to be better education given to people about how the senate works given what happened back then and what's happened in this election?

You miss the point, the liberals ar not opposed to mining but the Greens are and Labor have continually criticized the relationship between the liberals and billionare miners yet they are responsible for this billionare miners election to parliament.

Anyway now you will have Bull Shitten or Albasleasey as your new leader, that should ensure a few terms in opposition.

What a year, Gillard gone, Rudd gone, Shitten or Sleasy to take over, Abbott wins the election and we get Roos as Coach; it doesn't get much better.

BTW Abbott was right, the greens have fringe economic policies at best and anyone that has a close look at their policies would feel embarrassed for supporting them, the young kids and ferals who are anti growth find a natural home with the greens until they realise what they really stand for.

Edited by RobbieF
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You miss the point, the liberals ar not opposed to mining but the Greens are and Labor have continually criticized the relationship between the liberals and billionare miners yet they are responsible for this billionare miners election to parliament.

Anyway now you will have Bull Shitten or Albasleasey as your new leader, that should ensure a few terms in opposition.

What a year, Gillard gone, Rudd gone, Shitten or Sleasy to take over, Abbott wins the election and we get Roos as Coach; it doesn't get much better.

Parliament was dumbed down 6 years ago when the idiotic Australian voters elected a psychopath to lead the Country.

those comments from Kerry Obrien were sponsored by BHP BILLITON

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You miss the point, the liberals ar not opposed to mining but the Greens are and Labor have continually criticized the relationship between the liberals and billionare miners yet they are responsible for this billionare miners election to parliament.

BTW Abbott was right, the greens have fringe economic policies at best and anyone that has a close look at their policies would feel embarrassed for supporting them, the young kids and ferals who are anti growth find a natural home with the greens until they realise what they really stand for.

Labor and the Liberals are both in favor of mining, the only difference is Labor want them to pay more tax then the Liberals. As for The Greens preferencing them, first of all by law they're required to lodge a ticket and I think you'll find it's because of Clive Palmer's much more compassionate views on asylum seekers which is one if not one of the biggest issues that the Greens see in Australia at the moment. If you saw Christine Milne on 7:30 you would have seen her say as much.

As for the Greens economic policies, how dare they not share a surplus at all costs mentality of The Liberals and think that Big Banks & Mining pay more to go back into health and education when they're currently enjoying billion dollar profits year after year after year. But that's right, all The Greens really want is to run the country into bakruptcy so everyone's out of a job and we all return to living off the land, travelling by horse and cart so emissions are down while preparing our dinner in a cauldron over a wood fire and the house lit by candle light. It's amazing what some people believe when they read to much Andrew Bolt, listen to Alan Jones, Steve Price and only take in Murdoch related media. How's the O'Reilly Factor program going, haven't seen it for awhile...

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Labor and the Liberals are both in favor of mining, the only difference is Labor want them to pay more tax then the Liberals. As for The Greens preferencing them, first of all by law they're required to lodge a ticket and I think you'll find it's because of Clive Palmer's much more compassionate views on asylum seekers which is one if not one of the biggest issues that the Greens see in Australia at the moment. If you saw Christine Milne on 7:30 you would have seen her say as much.

As for the Greens economic policies, how dare they not share a surplus at all costs mentality of The Liberals and think that Big Banks & Mining pay more to go back into health and education when they're currently enjoying billion dollar profits year after year after year. But that's right, all The Greens really want is to run the country into bakruptcy so everyone's out of a job and we all return to living off the land, travelling by horse and cart so emissions are down while preparing our dinner in a cauldron over a wood fire and the house lit by candle light. It's amazing what some people believe when they read to much Andrew Bolt, listen to Alan Jones, Steve Price and only take in Murdoch related media. How's the O'Reilly Factor program going, haven't seen it for awhile...

The mining Super Tax worked out well for them didn't it? Cost more to run that they received. But then again the disability scheme was $3b with $2b going in to administration, wonderful.

The ex leader of the Greens Bob Brown believes in Aliens, pretty stable, I reckon Hansen- Young might just be one of them.

The future leader of the Labor Party will be either Bull Shitten who cheated on his wife or Albasleasey who cheated on his wife. Shitten said he wants Plibersmack but she will vote for Sleasy, what a joke, but that's the Labor Party.

Have you actually read all the Greens policies, do yourself a favour go through the detail.

As for the pathetic attempt at the put down, I would imagine that the majority of viewers/listeners to those you mentioned would be bogan Labor supporters; me I read the Age but only because I get it free and as I said to my wife it's always best to know what the enemy is thinking. Their coverage has been nothing short of disgraceful and now the election is over I don't care if its free or not I won't read it. I may actually subscribe to the Australian.

If you want to know how to get the Age on line let me know and I'll show you how.

Meanwhile just wait and see who will hold the balance of power; bet it's the Palmer Party, thanks for that.

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The mining Super Tax worked out well for them didn't it? Cost more to run that they received. But then again the disability scheme was $3b with $2b going in to administration, wonderful.

The ex leader of the Greens Bob Brown believes in Aliens, pretty stable, I reckon Hansen- Young might just be one of them.

And that has what to do with their current policy? One could say the same thing about Abbott for believing in god, no evidence there is such a thing....

The future leader of the Labor Party will be either Bull Shitten who cheated on his wife or Albasleasey who cheated on his wife. Shitten said he wants Plibersmack but she will vote for Sleasy, what a joke, but that's the Labor Party.

Again, policy? Shorten may have done that, I don't know what the circumstances in his marriage were at the time that lead to that hapening. But I do know that this is a direct quote from Abbott on women on the work place:

"I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons".

Now that's a guy that I want as PM!

Have you actually read all the Greens policies, do yourself a favour go through the detail. Very familiar with them mate, however I doubt that you are by some of the broad statements you've made about them.

As for the pathetic attempt at the put down, I would imagine that the majority of viewers/listeners to those you mentioned would be bogan Labor supporters; me I read the Age but only because I get it free and as I said to my wife it's always best to know what the enemy is thinking. Their coverage has been nothing short of disgraceful and now the election is over I don't care if its free or not I won't read it. I may actually subscribe to the Australian. Murdoch would be pleased if you did subscribe. But yep you're right, only bogan Labor supporters watch programs like 7:30, 4 corner etc. Instead they could be watching quality TV like Big Brother, The Bachelor or reading Bolt's colum or listening to Alan Jones on the radio.

If you want to know how to get the Age on line let me know and I'll show you how. Already a subscriber to The Age Robbie, but thanks for the offer.

Meanwhile just wait and see who will hold the balance of power; bet it's the Palmer Party, thanks for that. Reckon it will depend on what the issue is as to who the balance will sit with. Still reckon Motor Enthusiast & LDP will be the two key ones, but time will tell I guess.

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If you want to know how to get the Age on line let me know and I'll show you how.

I'm pretty sure if you delete your cookies you don't need a subscription and you can read whatever you want.

Or just browse it on incognito mode and the cookie will automatically be deleted when you close the window.

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I'm pretty sure if you delete your cookies you don't need a subscription and you can read whatever you want.

Or just browse it on incognito mode and the cookie will automatically be deleted when you close the window.

or copy and paste the URL into google.

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The mining Super Tax worked out well for them didn't it? Cost more to run that they received. But then again the disability scheme was $3b with $2b going in to administration, wonderful.

The ex leader of the Greens Bob Brown believes in Aliens, pretty stable, I reckon Hansen- Young might just be one of them.

And that has what to do with their current policy? One could say the same thing about Abbott for believing in god, no evidence there is such a thing....

The future leader of the Labor Party will be either Bull Shitten who cheated on his wife or Albasleasey who cheated on his wife. Shitten said he wants Plibersmack but she will vote for Sleasy, what a joke, but that's the Labor Party.

Again, policy? Shorten may have done that, I don't know what the circumstances in his marriage were at the time that lead to that hapening. But I do know that this is a direct quote from Abbott on women on the work place:

"I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons".

Now that's a guy that I want as PM!

Have you actually read all the Greens policies, do yourself a favour go through the detail. Very familiar with them mate, however I doubt that you are by some of the broad statements you've made about them.

As for the pathetic attempt at the put down, I would imagine that the majority of viewers/listeners to those you mentioned would be bogan Labor supporters; me I read the Age but only because I get it free and as I said to my wife it's always best to know what the enemy is thinking. Their coverage has been nothing short of disgraceful and now the election is over I don't care if its free or not I won't read it. I may actually subscribe to the Australian. Murdoch would be pleased if you did subscribe. But yep you're right, only bogan Labor supporters watch programs like 7:30, 4 corner etc. Instead they could be watching quality TV like Big Brother, The Bachelor or reading Bolt's colum or listening to Alan Jones on the radio.

If you want to know how to get the Age on line let me know and I'll show you how. Already a subscriber to The Age Robbie, but thanks for the offer.

Meanwhile just wait and see who will hold the balance of power; bet it's the Palmer Party, thanks for that. Reckon it will depend on what the issue is as to who the balance will sit with. Still reckon Motor Enthusiast & LDP will be the two key ones, but time will tell I guess.

I'm not one but a lot more people believe in God than Aliens including those that are flocking to Australia by boat.

Bull is a serial womanizer and Sleasy is a serial massage parlor patron, now that's treating women with respect

Which are these broad statements I've made about the greens?

You try to give some credibility to the ABC when it has none, it is so politically biased it makes the Musdoch papers seem even handed, absolutely stacked with bleeding heart lefties with a hatred of Tony Abbott and no sense of fairness. John Faine is typical of the bias shown but most Greenies and rusted on Laborites have their head so far up their arse they can't see it.

And once again the majority of the d/heads that watch the reality shows are the idiotic 18 to 25 year olds who flocked to that Eff/wit Rudd in their thousands, they make up the largest group of Labor supporters and you're welcome to them, shallow as a puddle like the man they voted for.

The most redicioulos thing is that Labor can only see one way and if anyone disagrees with them they scream bias but they're happy for it to go the other way, talk about born to rule. The labor party is full of self serving crooks who are only interested in what they can get out of it; whatever it takes as Richo put it even if it means lying. Look at the former Labor PM's all $millionaires who wouldn't live within 50 k's of a refugee.

I guess you've never changed you mind and never made a mistake, what do they say those that don't make mistakes are those that never do anything, Abbott has said some things over time that he now regrets but if you want to hang on to that then good luck to you. Come back to me in 12 months time and let me know what he's done wrong and then I might give your comments some consideration.

Abbott is a decent man who has done some very good work in the community he just doesn't need a camera to record it and I'd dare say he's done a lot more for the causes you support than you have.

There was in interesting article written by Greg Sheridan about Rudd and Abbott in the Australian that my wife pointed out to me and you should look it up and read it it would give you an I sought in to the man you hate. It was about 4 to 6 weeks ago.

Anyway I guess that by the time you finally wake up to the GreenLabor party (they are one and the same) i will be too old to tell you I told you so. Pity.

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So it's ok for Abbott to make mistakes or change his mind, but its not ok if a Labor or Greens member does it?

I think you might need to apply that bias argument to yourself there Robbie.

If I knew what you were on about I might be able to respond, we were talking about comments that have been previously attributed to Abbot, some of them 20 years ago that he might have a different view of now.

So what is you want to say?

If you are talking about the womanising habits of Bull and Sleasy they are ongoing, why Bull at one stage was living with Roxon and Gillard was living with Emerson, who was married at the time. Sleasy was recently visiting Thai massage parlours.

Edited by RobbieF
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I'm saying you're demonising Labor members for making mistakes but give Abbot latitude for his.

If you're of the opinion that everyone can learn and grow from their mistakes, I have no problem with that position. But you can't unfairly apply that thinking to some people over others because of the political party they represent.

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I'm saying you're demonising Labor members for making mistakes but give Abbot latitude for his.

If you're of the opinion that everyone can learn and grow from their mistakes, I have no problem with that position. But you can't unfairly apply that thinking to some people over others because of the political party they represent.

What about you give me a few examples here, help me out.

Labor members don't learn from their mistakes they just keep on repeating them; reinstalling Rudd was a classic example.

How much money have they stolen from the HSU members, there is another Labor candidate being investigated for using union members funds to fund her candidacy for the election. It just goes on and on and hey use Parliament to further their careers and make money for themselves but plead that they are only dong it for the service to the public.

Snouts in the trough, most of them are either current or retired Labor Politicians.

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Didn't you just say Shorten cheated on his wife?

Without knowing the circumstances of it, how can you hold this against Shorten if you don't hold Abbott's past idiotic comments against him? Some of them were downright inflammatory.

This is all moot anyway. Politicians change their minds and policies as often as they change their underwear. You watch them backtrack on the NBN policy. Turnbull's already stated he needs to 'revisit the costings'. IMO he's just preparing us (in much the same way the AFL does) before saying he's changed his mind and the NBN is a good idea after all.

Abbott has a chance now, time will tell if he'll be a good pm or not.

Labour had their chance and stuffed it up.

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you are talking about the womanising habits of Bull and Sleasy they are ongoing, why Bull at one stage was living with Roxon and Gillard was living with Emerson, who was married at the time. Sleasy was recently visiting Thai massage parlours.

I live just around the corner from the "True Thai Massage" parlour that was at the centre of the Albanese story (not sure where you get the "serial massage parlour visitor" bit from)... I can assure you that this is a legitimate massage place (some reports claim, and I stress CLAIM it offers other services), so I would say you are drawing a fairly long bow there unless you know otherwise for a fact. Still, I suppose you believe what you want to believe, so deeply runs your dislike for the Labour Party.

Oh, and just because more people believe in god(s), that doesn't make them any more or less sane than someone who might believe in aliens. In fact, I would suspect they are possibly less sane as they are prepared to throw their money at the church, put their faith in snake oil salesmen and even kill in the name of their god.

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Didn't you just say Shorten cheated on his wife?

Without knowing the circumstances of it, how can you hold this against Shorten if you don't hold Abbott's past idiotic comments against him? Some of them were downright inflammatory.

This is all moot anyway. Politicians change their minds and policies as often as they change their underwear. You watch them backtrack on the NBN policy. Turnbull's already stated he needs to 'revisit the costings'. IMO he's just preparing us (in much the same way the AFL does) before saying he's changed his mind and the NBN is a good idea after all.

Abbott has a chance now, time will tell if he'll be a good pm or not.

Labour had their chance and stuffed it up.

Yeah I did, I also said the he was living with Roxon for a while, so what?


The now Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities left his wife, Ms Beale, for the daughter of Kevin Rudd's newly appointed Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, around August last year.

Ms Beale is the daughter of wealthy Melbourne investor and former Liberal frontbencher Julian Beale.

Through her family connections, she was widely seen as assisting Mr Shorten's acceptance by business - an acceptance widely likened to that given another former Melbourne union leader/MP, Bob Hawke.

They have no children.

Ms Beale's father, Julian, is also understood to have been deeply angered by Mr Shorten's treatment of his daughter, telling friends, "She'll never vote Labor again." Mr Beale also declined to comment to The Sunday Telegraph.

Labor insiders yesterday were surprised to hear of Mr Shorten's news. A spokeswoman for the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, said Ms Bryce had a firm policy of not talking about family matters.

Mr Shorten is understood to have separated from Ms Beale after he told her at an AFL game at the MCG that he didn't "think" he "wanted to be married any more".

A Labor source said at the time Ms Beale was "totally shocked"

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I live just around the corner from the "True Thai Massage" parlour that was at the centre of the Albanese story (not sure where you get the "serial massage parlour visitor" bit from)... I can assure you that this is a legitimate massage place (some reports claim, and I stress CLAIM it offers other services), so I would say you are drawing a fairly long bow there unless you know otherwise for a fact. Still, I suppose you believe what you want to believe, so deeply runs your dislike for the Labour Party.

Oh, and just because more people believe in god(s), that doesn't make them any more or less sane than someone who might believe in aliens. In fact, I would suspect they are possibly less sane as they are prepared to throw their money at the church, put their faith in snake oil salesmen and even kill in the name of their god.

Which ones kill in he name of their God hardtack?

Good news Albasleasy is going to run against Bull so it will be the battle of the misogynists.

One thing I will give credit to Rudd for, is that I will never have to hear from or listen to Gillard again, unless I want to pay for it; she's on the talk circuit now.

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Sigh, you're not getting it. (A media article is not the whole story btw, it's very likely there was more going on in that scenario)

Again, I am not commenting on the actions or either Abbott nor Shorten.

I am saying your bias is precluding you from allowing Shorten a second chance after his mistakes when you are more than willing for forgive Abbott's.

If this was the other way around, you'd be saying "Abbott cheated on his wife, but everyone makes mistakes. As long as he learns and grows then thats ok. Oh but that big bad Bill Shorten, he's repeatedly made sexist remarks, there's no way anyone could ever change following that sort of behaviour. Boooo. Hisssss."

Using names like "Bull Shitten" and "Albasleasy" is not helpful and just serves to further show your inability to separate your own bias from your arguments.

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Which ones kill in he name of their God hardtack?

Good news Albasleasy is going to run against Bull so it will be the battle of the misogynists.

One thing I will give credit to Rudd for, is that I will never have to hear from or listen to Gillard again, unless I want to pay for it; she's on the talk circuit now.

They have all killed in the name of their god at one point in time or another RF and you know it. The Vatican was built on the "rewards" of the pillaging, raping and murdering fests known as the Crusades and led by the pope himself. In modern times, "christians" murder in the name of god as do islamists, hindus etc. Yes, they are the fundamentalists, but they still believe in the same gods as the rest. Anders Breivik in Norway was one of note, the murderers of abortion clinic operators in the US, Northern Ireland had their share of christian "terrorists" as does India, Uganda, Romania... and on it goes.

Notice you didn't attempt to call me out on my questioning your knowledge of Albanese's "serial" massage escapades... yet you still claim he is a misogynist? (just what has he done to indicate he is a woman hater by the way?) I also find it rather funny that you call TD out on the "pathetic attempt at a put down", yet here you are doing exactly the same thing with regards to politicians... real schoolboy level stuff that.

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Sigh, you're not getting it. (A media article is not the whole story btw, it's very likely there was more going on in that scenario)

Again, I am not commenting on the actions or either Abbott nor Shorten.

I am saying your bias is precluding you from allowing Shorten a second chance after his mistakes when you are more than willing for forgive Abbott's.

If this was the other way around, you'd be saying "Abbott cheated on his wife, but everyone makes mistakes. As long as he learns and grows then thats ok. Oh but that big bad Bill Shorten, he's repeatedly made sexist remarks, there's no way anyone could ever change following that sort of behaviour. Boooo. Hisssss."

Using names like "Bull Shitten" and "Albasleasy" is not helpful and just serves to further show your inability to separate your own bias from your arguments.

Now here's the problem with your argument, it's Tony Abbott that's copping the crap no one else. You have been quite happy to say you dislike Abbott but you don't seem to have any problem with any of the other members of Parliament or the other leaders. Have you been critical of anyone else? Did you give Abbott a second chance; is there anyone on here that has? Is there anyone on here that will criticise Shitten (there it is agin) for being a cheater?

btw I just love those names they give me laugh when I think of them and Plibersmack (her husband was the convicted heroin drug dealer, remember)

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Now here's the problem with your argument, it's Tony Abbott that's copping the crap no one else. You have been quite happy to say you dislike Abbott but you don't seem to have any problem with any of the other members of Parliament or the other leaders. Have you been critical of anyone else? Did you give Abbott a second chance; is there anyone on here that has? Is there anyone on here that will criticise Shitten (there it is agin) for being a cheater?

btw I just love those names they give me laugh when I think of them and Plibersmack (her husband was the convicted heroin drug dealer, remember)

Amazing that Tony Abbott is copping negative comments in a 'Tony Abbott is a disgrace' thread. I am shocked :P

I did in fact give him a second chance - http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/34579-tony-abbott-is-an-international-embarrassment/?p=823852

That was less than 2 hours ago.

I have also been critical of the Labor side of politics:

Here's me saying the greens should not have supported Labor - http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/34579-tony-abbott-is-an-international-embarrassment/?p=795798

Here's me not agreeing with Labor's asylum seeker policy - http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/34579-tony-abbott-is-an-international-embarrassment/?p=803921

Here's me responding to BH who accused me of a similar thing you are (note I draw a parallel between Labor and Big Brother from 1984) - http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/34579-tony-abbott-is-an-international-embarrassment/?p=804441

Here's me agreeing with BH's point about how Howard changing his mind is very different to Gillard's Carbon Tax change - http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/34579-tony-abbott-is-an-international-embarrassment/?p=809013

Only yesterday you told me to 'grow up' because I voted informal. You'd think that not deciding between what I think are two horrible choices would be enough to indicate that I think they are both, in fact, horrible. This is not limited to the right side of politics. Most comments on here are surprisingly (:P) directed towards Tony Abbott because it is a Tony Abbott thread. Start an anti-Bill Shorten thread and I'm sure there will be discussions about him too.

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They have all killed in the name of their god at one point in time or another RF and you know it. The Vatican was built on the "rewards" of the pillaging, raping and murdering fests known as the Crusades and led by the pope himself. In modern times, "christians" murder in the name of god as do islamists, hindus etc. Yes, they are the fundamentalists, but they still believe in the same gods as the rest. Anders Breivik in Norway was one of note, the murderers of abortion clinic operators in the US, Northern Ireland had their share of christian "terrorists" as does India, Uganda, Romania... and on it goes.

Notice you didn't attempt to call me out on my questioning your knowledge of Albanese's "serial" massage escapades... yet you still claim he is a misogynist? (just what has he done to indicate he is a woman hater by the way?) I also find it rather funny that you call TD out on the "pathetic attempt at a put down", yet here you are doing exactly the same thing with regards to politicians... real schoolboy level stuff that.

You always have to refer back to the past to come up with the religious fanatics don't you hardtack; the Vatican was, the fundamentalists do, I want to draw our attention to who is now, not who was when the World was a different place; some have moved on others can't and continue to slaughter today.

Yes they "have all killed at one point in time or another in the name of their God", it's just that some continue to do so and will keep on dong it.

The Deputy PM and his wife are on big money, they're both prominent people in the Marrickville area, on a Friday afternoon the now Deputy PM enters and remains for one hour in a business that is the subject of many hundred Parlour Pages and Australian XXX Reviews of the sexual prowess and services provided within that place.

Further the business is operating unlawfully, our forensic investigator attended and was offered sexual services or payment without him prompting. The manner of his attendance and the way he recorded evidence was designed for admissibility in a court of law. The premises are not licenced to provide sexual services.

At the least Albanese has made himself a laughing stock. Australian politicians who do stupid things like Albanese's visit to the Thai illegal brothel in his electorate one Friday afternoon (but only for a therapeutic massage) tend to get the mickey taken out of them for a long time. Lapses of judgement like this one would carry that sort of gleefully extracted price from every conservative politician. But the Press Gallery has made a collective decision to spare this man any embarrassment. Most unusual.

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    EASYBEATS by Meggs

    A beautiful sunny Friday afternoon, with a light breeze and a strong Windy Hill crowd set the scene, inviting one team to seize the day and take the important four points on offer. For the Demons it was not a good Friday, easily beaten by an all-time largest losing margin of 65 points.   Essendon threw themselves into action today, winning most of the contests and had three early goals with Daria Bannister on fire.  In contrast the Demons were dropping marks, hesitant in close and comm

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 9


    Last Saturday’s crushing loss to Fremantle, after being three goals ahead at three quarter time, should be motivation enough to bounce back for this very winnable Round 5 clash at Windy Hill. A first-time venue for the Melbourne AFLW team, this should be a familiar suburban, windy, footy environment for the players.   Essendon were brave and competitive last week against ladder leader Adelaide at Sturt’s home ground. A familiar name, Maddison Gay, was the Bombers best player with

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 33

    BLOW THE SIREN by Meggs

    Fremantle hosted the Demons on a sunny 20-degree Saturdayafternoon winning the toss and electing to defend in the first quarter against the 3-goal breeze favouring the Parry Street end. There was method here, as this would give the comeback queens, the Dockers, last use of the breeze. The Melbourne Coach had promised an improved performance, and we did start better than previous weeks, winning the ball out of the middle, using the breeze advantage and connecting to the forwards. 

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    GETAWAY by Meggs

    Calling all fit players. Expect every available Melbourne player to board the Virgin cross-continent flight to Perth for this Round 4 clash on Saturday afternoon at Fremantle Oval. It promises to be keenly contested, though Fremantle is the bookies clear favourite.  If we lose, finals could be remoter than Rottnest Island especially following on from the Dees 50-point dismantlement by North Melbourne last Sunday.  There are 8 remaining matches, over the next 7 weeks.  To Meggs’

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    DRUBBING by Meggs

    With Casey Fields basking in sunshine, an enthusiastic throng of young Demons fans formed a guard of honour for the evergreen and much admired 75-gamer Paxy Paxman. As the home team ran out to play, Paxy’s banner promised that the Demons would bounce back from last week’s loss to Brisbane and reign supreme.   Disappointingly, the Kangaroos dominated the match to win by 50 points, but our Paxy certainly did her bit.  She was clearly our best player, sweeping well in defence.

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 4


    In keeping with our tough draw theme, Week 3 sees Melbourne take on flag favourites, North Melbourne, at Casey Fields this Sunday at 1:05pm.  The weather forecast looks dry, a coolish 14 degrees and will be characteristically gusty.  Remember when Casey Fields was considered our fortress?  The Demons have lost two of their past three matches at the Field of Dreams, so opposition teams commute down the Princes Highway with more optimism these days.  The Dees held the highe

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1

    ALLY’S FIELDS by Meggs

    It was a sunny morning at Casey Fields, as Demon supporters young and old formed a guard of honour for fan favourite and 50-gamer Alyssa Bannan.  Banno’s banner stated the speedster was the ‘fastest 50 games’ by an AFLW player ever.   For Dees supporters, today was not our day and unfortunately not for Banno either. A couple of opportunities emerged for our number 6 but alas there was no sizzle.   Brisbane atoned for last week’s record loss to North Melbourne, comprehensively out

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1
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