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McLardy is completely out of touch


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im not the person that lives in a Hotel, what's on the menu tonight , 3dollars of chips with gravy, get a job and go to the Commonwealth Bank and get a home loan, Drunken Sailors live in Hotel rooms .

got me there........


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I am sure they should. It is a home game.

If it is not part of the ground agreement it just shows another level of incompetence on behalf of the present regime.

The MCG is not Etihad.

And what side gets catering and beer rights at Etihad and the MCC?

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This should now be in the Kennett topic rather than this one, I would check your facts about which Boards he is on by the way.

I'll put it less subtly, if Kennett or anybody from the Banking Sector were put up for the Board of MFC and I needed to vote, I wouldn't even need to think about it, my answer would be NO.....it's called trust

Of course you can judge a whole industry, you only have to look at the last 10 or so years, the lack of governance across the whole worldwide banking sector is deplorable,

As for Grimshaw, my rule applies, I would listen to what he has to say or what he has achieved for my Club, and balance that against my view of the Banking Industry, it is my right to vote whichever way I want if I have the opportunity, hence my comment.

It's called democracy, obviously you are more in favour of people with 'power' or 'influence' to make decisions for everybody, er not thank you

First bolded sections says "anybody from the Banking Sector were put up for the Board of MFC and I needed to vote, I wouldn't even need to think about it, my answer would be NO.....it's called trust"

The second after finding out a board memebr runs BoQ

"As for Grimshaw, my rule applies, I would listen to what he has to say or what he has achieved for my Club, and balance that against my view of the Banking Industry, it is my right to vote whichever way I want if I have the opportunity, hence my comment"

If your rule apllied then your answer means no, unless no means yes in your world?

That could lead you to court cases...

But seriously, if you did not even have to think about it, your answer is no, then why listen to Grimshaw and what he has to say? you cant trust him! he is in banks!!! Your answer is already stated,

It must be his fault that we are up the creek with no boat let alone paddles.

Better give Don a call and let him know you have a scape goat :P

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yes they get a good deal but not a cut from the catering and beer rights, that is a different thing.

its their social club. The one we should have got.

Food and beverages are consumed in there.

They would recieve a good cut

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its their social club. The one we should have got.

Food and beverages are consumed in there.

They would recieve a good cut

If you want to believe your right that's ok, so it can can be assumed that we get a cut from our rooms.............not, you started out blaming Don, stop looking to blame this board for everything.

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If you want to believe your right that's ok, so it can can be assumed that we get a cut from our rooms.............not, you started out blaming Don, stop looking to blame this board for everything.

Yes it is hard to blame them when they have such a splendid record!

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Satyricon what industry are you in?

Can you put professional message board poster, football club volunteer and MFC presidential car washer down as a career on the census?

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Thanks for the apology but you don't need to, as you and I know each other well enough to know, that we wouldn't intentionally offend the other.

I believe that as I said Don will stand down and I think others will too. I don't think all of them need to go as we may lose some real talent. For example what if 3-4 talented board members were against all of the bad decisions, raised arguments for their views but were simply outvoted, Do you suggest they should go?

As for the Gardiner Board they stepped aside for another Board, that was ready to take their place and made up of on the face of it, by some pretty impressive people and headed by a former Demon great.

Yes the Gardiner Board could have refused to go and fought an election. Who do you think would have won that fight? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing.

At the moment I don't see another ticket of impressive people ( MFC members ) offering to lead the club. Why are you criticizing the current board for not abandoning their posts when there is no alternative ready to take over? I don't understand that position. Only a coward or quitter runs away. It would be different if a viable alternative was ready willing and able, that is not the case.

To be perfectly honest, other than perhaps someone like Kennett, I don't give a damn who runs this club. All I want is a competitive football team to watch. I haven't got one.

I was close to tears on monday. I actually went to the fence and shouted at umpire number 6 from about 4 feet away over the Watts free kick which robbed us of any impetus and led to the onslaught of Pie goals. I have never done that before. Incidentally the umpire turned to me and shrugged as if to say he made a mistake. Mc Burney just smiled. This is what this debacle is doing to me.

I am devastated at the poor decisions, made by my club that has led us to this calamity. None more so than BP. I can't believe again I am saying this, but I actually feel like I hate the guy. That is not my usual character.

I feel for every supporter of our club. I understand every angry Demonlander venting their spleen. They have every right to do so.

I feel sorry for my kids. My son is a fanatic beyond belief and I actually believe he would make a better President than most we have had recently.

I feel sorry for my wife who WAS in tears over what has happened to us. Our family is but one of many that has given and invested so much into this club over so many years.

You know me well and you would know how much this hurts me, but I actually told my Pies supporting son in law, that he could join my 2 grand daughters up as Pies members, so that they could have a chance of success with their team. They will however probably be members of both clubs.

I wish I could cuddle Jaded who I have never met and tell her hang on, don't give up we will come good. I wish I could cheer up Old Dee and Why You Little. I wish I could make Stuie and JnrMac happy. I wish I could do something to make us better.

What we must all do however, is not eat our own. I accept that the mistakes are just that, not deliberate.

We must pray for PJ that he gets it right and that he screws the AFL for everything he can get.

We must just keep faith in our club and when we are successful, we will enjoy it like nothing else, because of our suffering and we will tell the rest of the AFL footy world to go to hell, we are back.

I usually read Demonland but rarely post here because i do not want to get embroiled in the constant bickering that goes on. However...

This post from Redleg would have to be one of the most moving and heartfelt statements i have read in a long while, well said sir. People please consider the ONE THING that all true Melbourne Football Club supporters/posters on here have in common, the love of, and the desire for success for our football club.

My mother turned 87 this year and she no longer goes to the football as she feels she is too old to go anymore, she is still a Trident member however, and mum and my brother are fifty year members of the club, i feel sad for mum because she now believes that she will not live to see her club win another premiership, this saddens me no end, but i am certain she is far from being alone in these sentiments. Sure it's only a game but we all love it or we would not read, or post on here, go to nearly every game played in Melbourne, or pay memberships for 50 years to a club that has had little success in nearly five decades, as my family members have, and again many of you here i'm sure.

For me, someone in my mid 50s, and i am sure many others who read and post here, i have a bucket list. I am fortunate that most of the things on that list are ticked off, but the one that i feel i have the least control over is that next premiership for the team i/we love.

Do i think Don McLardy and his board would feel any different than myself? i am sure you all know in your hearts the answer to that question.

Do i think that the board has done a good job? certainly not. But i believe Don and others would have been asked by Jim to do their best for the club and stay the course, so Jim's children could grow up and support the club that their father was a champion player and club President. While i am sure Don did not want to...how could you say no? What a sad, unique position to be in...

Sure this is no excuse for the poor governance, but no doubt they were all trying their best in their voluntary capacities.

Yes the board could resign, and anyone who has had a position on the board of management of a voluntary organisation knows this is the easy option. it certainly can be voted out and it may well be, who knows at this point in time, i believe the board will change of it's own volition, no more knee jerk reactions this time, as this is probably the last chance to try and get it right for the future of the club, i believe the directors know it. Might even have been told it by the AFL.

In the very near future i believe Geoff Freeman will take over as President of the club and some of the board members will change, no i have zero inside information on the subject for those who think i might, but it just makes sense to me that this will occur and soon.

Does anyone here think that this guy does not know he is taking one a mountain of a task if and when he does? sure heaps of corporate high flyers have big egos and that might be a reason to take on the Presidency of an AFL club, there is also no doubting that it could hurt your credibility also, not lost on him or Don i am sure. Do i think Don knows it's time to vacate the position? I certainly do.

Yes there is a chance that Jeff Kennett will stand for the position as President of the MELBOURNE Football Club, but look no further than Alastair Clarkson and ask him his thoughts as to whether he thinks that would be a good idea for the future of the MFC or not. Sure you can have a different opinion than mine, that's the good thing about democracy.

In closing my fingers are crossed for the future of our club. that, with help from the AFL, this time, most likely the last time, the people who are charged with the running of the club will get things right! and take the club forward to that next flag that we all so wish for. That the coaches will work to the best of their ability, to get the best results from the playing group now and in the future.

And especially to ALL our players please put your heads down and do your utmost to play in a successful Melbourne Football Team. So you can hold your heads high and say i have done the best i can do when representing their/our team, the oldest team in the competition, and when they win they can be proud to sing the grand old flag, long, loud and OFTEN!

Anyway that's my say.


Edited by Deevout
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Thanks for the apology but you don't need to, as you and I know each other well enough to know, that we wouldn't intentionally offend the other.

I believe that as I said Don will stand down and I think others will too. I don't think all of them need to go as we may lose some real talent. For example what if 3-4 talented board members were against all of the bad decisions, raised arguments for their views but were simply outvoted, Do you suggest they should go?

As for the Gardiner Board they stepped aside for another Board, that was ready to take their place and made up of on the face of it, by some pretty impressive people and headed by a former Demon great.

Yes the Gardiner Board could have refused to go and fought an election. Who do you think would have won that fight? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing.

At the moment I don't see another ticket of impressive people ( MFC members ) offering to lead the club. Why are you criticizing the current board for not abandoning their posts when there is no alternative ready to take over? I don't understand that position. Only a coward or quitter runs away. It would be different if a viable alternative was ready willing and able, that is not the case.

To be perfectly honest, other than perhaps someone like Kennett, I don't give a damn who runs this club. All I want is a competitive football team to watch. I haven't got one.

I was close to tears on monday. I actually went to the fence and shouted at umpire number 6 from about 4 feet away over the Watts free kick which robbed us of any impetus and led to the onslaught of Pie goals. I have never done that before. Incidentally the umpire turned to me and shrugged as if to say he made a mistake. Mc Burney just smiled. This is what this debacle is doing to me.

I am devastated at the poor decisions, made by my club that has led us to this calamity. None more so than BP. I can't believe again I am saying this, but I actually feel like I hate the guy. That is not my usual character.

I feel for every supporter of our club. I understand every angry Demonlander venting their spleen. They have every right to do so.

I feel sorry for my kids. My son is a fanatic beyond belief and I actually believe he would make a better President than most we have had recently.

I feel sorry for my wife who WAS in tears over what has happened to us. Our family is but one of many that has given and invested so much into this club over so many years.

You know me well and you would know how much this hurts me, but I actually told my Pies supporting son in law, that he could join my 2 grand daughters up as Pies members, so that they could have a chance of success with their team. They will however probably be members of both clubs.

I wish I could cuddle Jaded who I have never met and tell her hang on, don't give up we will come good. I wish I could cheer up Old Dee and Why You Little. I wish I could make Stuie and JnrMac happy. I wish I could do something to make us better.

What we must all do however, is not eat our own. I accept that the mistakes are just that, not deliberate.

We must pray for PJ that he gets it right and that he screws the AFL for everything he can get.

We must just keep faith in our club and when we are successful, we will enjoy it like nothing else, because of our suffering and we will tell the rest of the AFL footy world to go to hell, we are back.

Quality stuff from arguably Deeland's most respected poster. Posts like this help keep you motivated as a supporter of this club.

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I usually read Demonland but rarely post here because i do not want to get embroiled in the constant bickering that goes on. However...

This post from Redleg would have to be one of the most moving and heartfelt statements i have read in a long while, well said sir. People please consider the ONE THING that all true Melbourne Football Club supporters/posters on here have in common, the love of, and the desire for success for our football club.

My mother turned 87 this year and she no longer goes to the football as she feels she is too old to go anymore, she is still a Trident member however, and mum and my brother are fifty year members of the club, i feel sad for mum because she now believes that she will not live to see her club win another premiership, this saddens me no end, but i am certain she is far from being alone in these sentiments. Sure it's only a game but we all love it or we would not read, or post on here, go to nearly every game played in Melbourne, or pay memberships for 50 years to a club that has had little success in nearly five decades, as my family members have, and again many of you here i'm sure.

For me, someone in my mid 50s, and i am sure many others who read and post here, i have a bucket list. I am fortunate that most of the things on that list are ticked off, but the one that i feel i have the least control over is that next premiership for the team i/we love.

Do i think Don McLardy and his board would feel any different than myself? i am sure you all know in your hearts the answer to that question.

Do i think that the board has done a good job? certainly not. But i believe Don and others would have been asked by Jim to do their best for the club and stay the course, so Jim's children could grow up and support the club that there father was a champion player and club President. While i am sure Don did not want to...how could you say no? What a sad, unique position to be in...

Sure this is no excuse for the poor governance, but no doubt they were all trying their best in their voluntary capacities.

Yes the board could resign, and anyone who has had a position on the board of management of a voluntary organisation knows this is the easy option. it certainly can be voted out and it may well be, who knows at this point in time, i believe the board will change of it's own volition, no more knee jerk reactions this time, as this is probably the last chance to try and get it right for the future of the club, i believe the directors know it. Might even have been told it by the AFL.

In the very near future i believe Geoff Freeman will take over as President of the club and some of the board members will change, no i have zero inside information on the subject for those who think i might, but it just makes sense to me that this will occur and soon.

Does anyone here think that this guy does not know he is taking one a mountain of a task if and when he does? sure heaps of corporate high flyers have big egos and that might be a reason to take on the Presidency of an AFL club, there is also no doubting that it could hurt your credibility also, not lost on him or Don i am sure. Do i think Don knows it's time to vacate the position? I certainly do.

Yes there is a chance that Jeff Kennett will stand for the position as President of the MELBOURNE Football Club, but look no further than Alastair Clarkson and ask him his thoughts as to whether he thinks that would be a good idea for the future of the MFC or not. Sure you can have a different opinion than mine, that's the good thing about democracy.

In closing my fingers are crossed for the future of our club. that, with help from the AFL, this time, most likely the last time, the people who are charged with the running of the club will get things right! and take the club forward to that next flag that we all so wish for. That the coaches will work to the best of their ability, to get the best results from the playing group now and in the future.

And especially to ALL our players please put your heads down and do your utmost to play in a successful Melbourne Football Team. So you can hold your heads high and say i have done the best i can do when representing their/our team, the oldest team in the competition, and when they win they can be proud to sing the grand old flag, long, loud and OFTEN!

Anyway that's my say.


Tell Mum to hang in, we will start our improvement from 2014.

PS. Does she know of any good available midfielders?

Edited by Redleg
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Can you put professional message board poster, football club volunteer and MFC presidential car washer down as a career on the census?

It's a better rundown than yours Col, your entry music is starting......da da da diddle da da da.....I must really get to you

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First bolded sections says "anybody from the Banking Sector were put up for the Board of MFC and I needed to vote, I wouldn't even need to think about it, my answer would be NO.....it's called trust"

The second after finding out a board memebr runs BoQ

"As for Grimshaw, my rule applies, I would listen to what he has to say or what he has achieved for my Club, and balance that against my view of the Banking Industry, it is my right to vote whichever way I want if I have the opportunity, hence my comment"

If your rule apllied then your answer means no, unless no means yes in your world?

That could lead you to court cases...

But seriously, if you did not even have to think about it, your answer is no, then why listen to Grimshaw and what he has to say? you cant trust him! he is in banks!!! Your answer is already stated,

It must be his fault that we are up the creek with no boat let alone paddles.

Better give Don a call and let him know you have a scape goat :P

Misunderstanding my posts again, but then again you are not on your Pat Malone.....must be being a Trotters fan, always preferred Blackburn myself or at a push Wigan, all far enough away from Liverpool

I knew Grimshaw was with BOQ, I actually do know all the ins and outs of the Club I support, unlike some, I am not looking for a scapegoat, I said how I would vote, if Grimshaw was up for re election and it was opposed, then unlike some on here, I would actually listen to what was being said by both candidates, but I am predisposed not to trust bankers, but they are in a long list along with politiicians, unionists, media...........

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When is he going to stand down or is there a need for a spill?

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Misunderstanding my posts again, but then again you are not on your Pat Malone.....must be being a Trotters fan, always preferred Blackburn myself or at a push Wigan, all far enough away from Liverpool

I knew Grimshaw was with BOQ, I actually do know all the ins and outs of the Club I support, unlike some, I am not looking for a scapegoat, I said how I would vote, if Grimshaw was up for re election and it was opposed, then unlike some on here, I would actually listen to what was being said by both candidates, but I am predisposed not to trust bankers, but they are in a long list along with politiicians, unionists, media...........

Right. No obviously means something different in your head. Well at least you didn't have to think about it.

I really don't care that you like Blackburn or Wigan or that you think me being a trotters fan makes me not understand you.

That's one of the stupidest things you've written and that's saying something.

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Right. No obviously means something different in your head. Well at least you didn't have to think about it.

I really don't care that you like Blackburn or Wigan or that you think me being a trotters fan makes me not understand you.

That's one of the stupidest things you've written and that's saying something.

More stupid than "all politicians are morally corrupt", or casting everyone in the banking industry as untrustworthy? We're talking about an elite field of stupid statements here.

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More stupid than "all politicians are morally corrupt", or casting everyone in the banking industry as untrustworthy? We're talking about an elite field of stupid statements here.

I'm surprised that Saty hates bankers so much. If there was any one industry he would be suited to, it would be merchant banker.

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