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How do we put the Devil back in our Demon?


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As the title states, we need some strong leadership from board level.

Whoever that may be, someone that demands and gets respect, stands up for the MFC and isnt backwards in coming forward.

Someone ruthless when needed, fair handed and can get everyone onboard.

The playing list is going to be another long term project, my guess another 3 years before we have a group that should be

in or around playing finals, and stay there. I was conned into thinking back in 2009, we had the best young list in the country.

My, my, hasnt that been ripped apart.

So while we awaite once more for the rebuild, In the meantime some of the things that can be put in place while we wait.

I hope Peter Jackson hangs around for 3 years and sorts out this joint out once and for all. Then pray we dont slip backwards when he leaves.

He acknownledged we have an inexperienced board and player list. (we all knew that, what we dont know, is how bad the situation really is.)

While he puts the building blocks in place............

1: We demand we can use the MCG to use for training once a week, It used to be our home ground. On paper it still is,

but thats where it ends. We are getting muscled out slowly. 2hrs isnt much too ask per week.

We need to pressure the MCC, but that is currently lead by an Ex Carlton person.

Its time we stood up and start demanding we want to use what used to known as OUR ground.

It wont happen overnight, we have lost the right to demand anything. But thats a start.

We need someone at the top to be strong and go into bat for us. And put a stop to any thought we get muscled out from OUR home.

2: We also stop treating Casey FC as 2nd rate citizens, we entered a long term project, be it right or wrong.

We give them total support, and not some 1/2 arsed attempt with the allifiation.

That means we supply players and coaches and all techincal data available for the club all throughout their season right up until their season ends.

Kids in and around the area will want to see their 'local' team win.

With that we can win over their support and follow the Dees, At the moment it is a joke.

On one hand we have players and support staff helping and meeting kids at schools, getting them interested

and making then aware of the MFC yet on the other hand, we destroy the good work by crippling Casey by pulling

players when they are most needed. Kids and parents will want to go to Casey fields, because they can expect to see

a competitive team, and its successful, then the kids, will have bragging rights that their 'local' team is the best.

Perhaps then they will be able to keep a decent coach longer than 1 season.

Over time, we build a dynasty, a tough hardened team. Our own fortress away from home.

When MFC players get dropped back, the group expects a MFC player to perform, anything less, the peer group of Casey, demand better from their MFC counterparts.

At the moment a MFC player,plays with Casey, and after 2 good games, and hasnt done much better than before

but gets back in the AFL. Right now its too easy to drop back and get promoted without runs on the board.

Take Jess Hogan as my example, the kid is starting to rip it up, and has just turned 18. I want him in ASAP,but

its time to take a hard stance, and if and only IF, he is killing it in the VFL for 4 weeks on end, then he gets his chance

to show he is up for the AFL. Give him more time, that is something we hadnt done in the past, its part of developing

a talent. (he has heaps of it). This in for 2 weeks and back out for 2 isnt working.

3: The AFL keeps telling us they are willing to help us. Could someone (anyone) at the AFL explain why on earth we get

a home game against an interstate team at the 'G" ?? Then everyone mocks us that there is 2 cats and a dog at the game.

FFS, We could accept these to be played at Idiot Statium. Save our Home games at the 'G" against the foundation clubs

At least we get more at G. Whether that be more opposition supporters, or not. It still gives us a better gate return.

The way they structure it now, its a back handed slap to the face, and leaving us open to other clubs shaking their heads

at why we cant pull a crowd, but they could if they could use the 'G" instead of us.

What TV station wants to televise these games, we stand a better chance if it were a game against the Tigers etc.

I'm open to play the Suns. Giants or Port at Casey, make it a carnival type astomspere, let the locals in for 1/2 price

or give out Casey memberships in raffles etc. Anything to get them interested. We need the kids to get interested.

4: I would like also to see in place and afflication with Melb Storm, Victory and netball supporters that get discount rates for

being both Storm and MFC paid memberships. Tie all Melbourne related teams, in with the MFC.

ie: Some could attend a Storm game, then if they wish, go see and AFL game, for free. They may not barrack for the Dees

but if their 2nd team happened to be St.Kilda, St.Kilda were playing Melb, we still are in front, if they had mates with them

they pay a guest entrance fee. The clubs wins. Who knows we could end up with more supporting the club.

5: Now the hardest of all. keeping sponsors interested and getting more onboard. The hard sell, its takes a smart CEO

and when losing, the task is made even harder. But again, we need the right people with experience in place.

We have some talented personal at the club, its not all doom and gloom, we just need to be smarter.

Jackson has the task of moving some sideways and some out the door. Hopefully he can refine some skills of the personal

that are already there,idenitfy the issues quickly, and the slow build begins.

I havent touched on pokies at the Bentleigh club etc. I'm sure jackson will be looking at our assets.

I am in for the long haul, I wont give up on my club, not until they close the doors.

Money and winning go hand in hand. We arent winning, not even close. I see more begging for handouts, and thats sad.

I am looking for positives to put this club back on track, atm I am struggling. But I wont give up on them.

I am hoping Jackson by years end, can tell us, its not as bad as it looks, its just a matter, of restructuring a few departments

and in the meantime, give the player group as much support as we can.

If he finds the whole place and assets as an anchor, and we are in deep carp, then god help us.

While there is a pulse, there is life, we aint dead yet. I just wish 2013 would end tomorrow.

The above are just food for thought. Jackson has the task of identifying the problems.

We cant put the entire blame on McLardy or Neeld, but changes need to happen sooner than later.

I hope he enjoys the desk Schwab left him, and he doesnt find the price tag,but with our track record on coverups

its probably under a small leon light framed on the wall.

My last wish, I am hoping we get updates on his findings and we know exactly where we are,
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Start by bringing back The Melbourne Demons. We all know how we arrived at that name via the great Frank 'Checker' Hughes

However, The Melbourne 'Demons' and all physical references to it (the most recent material reference being "The Flame") was actually taken out of this club and removed from all marketing material, literally, by Gardner et al back in the mid 2000's and has never fully returned.

We were hence forth referred to in all marketing and physical material (other than retro T-Shirts/Clothing) as The Melbourne Football Club. It is only recently (i think it was roughly around 2010 with the advent of Ronald ‘Dee’ Mann) that the Demon has made a bit of a come back at the Mascot level but the club still doesn't make any reference in any marketing material to us being The Melbourne Demons, nor is there a Demon on any marketing material other than a minor throwback via the trident on the coat of arms and references to 'Demons' in fund raising campaigns such as 'Bring back a Demon' and 'Dedicated Demon Payment Plan'.

We are more likely to refer to ourselves in marketing material and club announcements as "The Dees".

Personally i don't know what a "Dee" is and i hate that reference. Makes us sound wimpy and weak and that's pretty much how we play most of the time. I think 'Checker' would turn in his grave if he heard us using that term.

I never use that term and never will for as long as i follow The Demons. I only wish we would bring back a decent Demon mascot on all marketing material and our general branding. This is how i fondly remember the club growing up. I would also like to see us return to our true red. Watching Michael Voss being interviewed the other evening i had to look twice at his shirt in the after match presser to make sure that wasn't us!! Probably another CS special. Looks like a dark pink on the TV too. Damn crappy colour IMO. I always take my 2006 scarf to the matches as it still has the Flame and proper Red in it and was the last one to maintain both before it was morphed.

P.S. DeeVoted i like your Image/Logo !!!

Edited by Rusty Nails
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We not only need a lot of the devil or fight in our players but we also need to the to show a bit of skill. I wonder if all of the sport science has gone too far, i.e. when were they allowed to begin to kick the football in the preseason. Maybe its time to go back to very basics, stop all the pointless running drills and give them run 30meters for the mark drills, make them run and bounce the ball 50 meters and handball and handball receive back, link up with other players type drills. Everything they do they do with a ball in the hands, have them have to bounce every 10meters. Get them living and touching a ball all day long handpass to themselves, bounce it off walls what ever it takes to get them handling, feeling and using the ball.

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you know something.

The AFL gave us an easy draw, a buttload of games at the MCG.


The only way to put the devil back into the demon is getting a good hard nut group of players who have the burning passion to get on the bloody field and [censored] their bloody opponents.

If these boys dont learn to become elusive, passionate and damaging than this rubble will go on for even longer.

Most importantly, learn how to win.

Alo a new coach would be nice (P.Roos would be preferable)

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1. More football experience on the board

2. A CEO with Jackson like experience if it can't be him

3. A footy operations manager who is experienced and head the department

Then get the people mentioned above to all work together in constantly employing the right people at our club. That goes from everyone from the senior coach to the intern in the admin department.

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Play the Casey team in our place at least they would like interested at the first bounce.

OD i know this is tongue in cheek, at least i'm guessing it is. But actually this should be seriously considered for those who refuse to tackle, chase and do the basic "effort" things expected of any footballer, even at amateur level.

If Neeld truly followed through on his main "mantra" and "committment to the players when he first started.....which was.....

"Everyone has a role in our structure and when it's their turn to go they must play their part!.... We will have a HARD EDGE".

Followed by .... "You can trust me, if the bloke that you're sitting beside can't do that (meet the above mantra) to a level that i will set, HE WON'T PLAY".

If Neeld was being true to himself and his original beliefs he MUST drop players who didn't meet his minimum KPI's. I suspect 1 of those would have to be that you at least get X number of tackles during each match as a tackle is the bare minimum that a player who is badly out of form should be able to still carry out during a match (ie., compete). I suspect that number would be around the 65 mark (minimum) as a team, which is what we averaged last year (hopefully aiming for higher this year). That's approx 3 tackles per player per match.

Under that scenario, surely those who only had 1 tackle or none SHOULDN'T PLAY this week.....

They include...







Davey (sub doesn't really count as not on for entire match)

Dawes (1st game back.... could be excused)





M Jones

I doubt we'd have enough replacements at Casey to cover everyone, but i think he should at least make a massive statement this week. Part of the trouble with our players (over many decades now IMO) is that we've never had the depth (or the gonads) to drop those that won't demonstrate a minimum effort and commitment towards the team and guernsey every week. They know we have no depth and their position is pretty safe.....so they just play to a base minimum and are generally happy (many players not all ... eg., exclude Clark, Jones & Howe in present group) to just take their pay and go home and enjoy the high life.


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OD i know this is tongue in cheek, at least i'm guessing it is. But actually this should be seriously considered for those who refuse to tackle, chase and do the basic "effort" things expected of any footballer, even at amateur level.

If Neeld truly followed through on his main "mantra" and "committment to the players when he first started.....which was.....

"Everyone has a role in our structure and when it's their turn to go they must play their part!.... We will have a HARD EDGE".

Followed by .... "You can trust me, if the bloke that you're sitting beside can't do that (meet the above mantra) to a level that i will set, HE WON'T PLAY".

If Neeld was being true to himself and his original beliefs he MUST drop players who didn't meet his minimum KPI's. I suspect 1 of those would have to be that you at least get X number of tackles during each match as a tackle is the bare minimum that a player who is badly out of form should be able to still carry out during a match (ie., compete). I suspect that number would be around the 65 mark (minimum) as a team, which is what we averaged last year (hopefully aiming for higher this year). That's approx 3 tackles per player per match.

Under that scenario, surely those who only had 1 tackle or none SHOULDN'T PLAY this week.....

They include...







Davey (sub doesn't really count as not on for entire match)

Dawes (1st game back.... could be excused)





M Jones

I doubt we'd have enough replacements at Casey to cover everyone, but i think he should at least make a massive statement this week. Part of the trouble with our players (over many decades now IMO) is that we've never had the depth (or the gonads) to drop those that won't demonstrate a minimum effort and commitment towards the team and guernsey every week. They know we have no depth and their position is pretty safe.....so they just play to a base minimum and are generally happy (many players not all ... eg., exclude Clark, Jones & Howe in present group) to just take their pay and go home and enjoy the high life.


If we were to drop Frawley, Howe and Matt Jones the game isnt worth watching.

This year, Matt Jones may win our B and F. Been a gem for his first

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Start by bringing back The Melbourne Demons. We all know how we arrived at that name via the great Frank 'Checker' Hughes

You could say 'we' (MFC supporters) are partly to blame for this. The Demons somewhere in the past was shortened to the "Dees' from Demons.

Like Jonno = Johnson.

It caught on. That doesnt mean the club should drop the "Demons" too. Its our nickname, and a damn good one.

P.S. DeeVoted i like your Image/Logo !!!

Thnx, I should paint in its face with red, he is feeling a bit embrassed with our situation.

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1. More football experience on the board

2. A CEO with Jackson like experience if it can't be him

3. A footy operations manager who is experienced and head the department

Then get the people mentioned above to all work together in constantly employing the right people at our club. That goes from everyone from the senior coach to the intern in the admin department.

I agree on all your points.

How many times over the years have we all been begging for a McGuire type Pres.

I mean no disprect to past Presidents over the last 12 years, (I wont include Big Jim), but none have been on the front foot, none have ravaged the media, or anyone else that takes pot shots at us. And some have made some woeful descisions.

I have been 'banging' on for many many years, we get a leg up, and the future begins to look brighter, only for the next board, to start all over again. and we end back down the creek where we just came from. Its akin to wiping the player list, and starting with rookies.

We need something in place, for when the President, gets voted out, or the boot, that there is someone in the wings with experience and knowhow and put the ship back on the right path. Not start over over again,and steer us further into the mire.

What we need are some tough nuts, that pull no punches. Show the football world we wont be pushed around.

I used an example in my opening post. we need to dig our heels in , in regards to the 'G" if we demanded and got that, the footy world would suddenly realise we mean business.

The MFC have some very smart business people to call on, that doesnt mean they make great footy admins, but it staggers me, how things always get so bad, the chat begins, the end of the MFC as we know it, if again on the verge of collapse.

When I did the topic. I thought of a better word to use instead on 'Devil" its a 4 letter word that begins with a "C" if i used that. I wouldnt be posting for awhile. We need to grow a pair and fast.

The board and the Footy dept go hand in hand, one fails, so does the other. Right now we need the players to be flying the flag.

I hope Peter Jackson, gets to the root of the problem, because everyone else is guessing.and pointing every which way on who to blame.

If only we could clone Jim Cardwell and Norm Smith, I could rest easy. Until someone steps up to the plate, and gets some respect back for this club. I am in for a lot more restless nights.

Its not looking real good for Neeld to hold his position, but again, whats Neil Craig doing? He should be into this up to his neck in all of this. He has the experience, and the resources.

Right now I'm holding Neeld accounable, but he isnt on his pat malone. It runs deeper, and if we had the tough types at the helm we wouldnt be where we are. Behind every good general there is a good woman, McLardy might not be the perfect general, but the next in line, shouldnt let him to left out to dry, where is his support and guideance to make the the tough calls, and inspire him to stand up and fight? We got rolled over again this year. its been going on since 1965. Whimpy club,

If he hasnt got what it takes, then ........ next! They better be prepared to tough it out and get on the front foot, and not only talk tough, but get results. This footy club has lost ground, I doubt we will ever get most of it back.

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Whilst we are at it we may aswell change our name back to the 'fuchsias' - it will better represent our onfield performances.

And while we're at it change the guernsey colours to mauve and purple, no need then for that simply-awful clash strip.

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And while we're at it change the guernsey colours to mauve and purple, no need then for that simply-awful clash strip.

Dont get me started on that. What a farce, yeah it was brought in as a clash strip. What a load of codswallop that is. Its an away strip.

Most times its not required, the AFL wants every team to be in white dominated, except the exclusive teams, that refused,and stood up and told them to shove it.

The newer clubs are allowed to have red, funny how that clashes with most of the foundation clubs.

ie Gold Coast could have been Green and Gold. No clash there. Another farce, to add the the rules commitee. And dont get me started on them either.

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We not only need a lot of the devil or fight in our players but we also need to the to show a bit of skill. I wonder if all of the sport science has gone too far, i.e. when were they allowed to begin to kick the football in the preseason. Maybe its time to go back to very basics, stop all the pointless running drills and give them run 30meters for the mark drills, make them run and bounce the ball 50 meters and handball and handball receive back, link up with other players type drills. Everything they do they do with a ball in the hands, have them have to bounce every 10meters. Get them living and touching a ball all day long handpass to themselves, bounce it off walls what ever it takes to get them handling, feeling and using the ball.

Funny thing about what you say.

While watching training I thought the same. Less running, and more ball work, man on man. end to end sprints and kicks along with handballs.

Basic roots stuff. But who am I? The experts are running the show, I figured its all about getting miles into their legs.

But also noted, our skills at times were woeful. Again, I trusted the experts know what they are doing.

I even hinted to Todd Viney,while having a casual chat, it would be good to see, a match sim between the players, Mitch Clark on Frawley would be good to see,and sharpen both on them up. He gave me a look, kinda like, hmmm why didnt I think of that.

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Only recruit players who are described as TOUGH. Not Lucas Cook, Addam Maric, Matt Bate, Cale Morton, Jordie Gysberts.

Remember tough nut Reid?



Big Carl

Todd Viney and Son

S Tingay

Flower Robbie...didn't need to be tough.

Alves Ditto..

Off the top of my head...no footy records consulted,

B: Fowler Biffen Reid

hb: Delmenico Ingerson Icke

c:Alves Tingay Flower

hf: Viney Schwartz Viney Junior

f: Ditterich Jackson Crosswell

R: Stynes Molloy

R: Maloney

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Back on topic.

I am warming to the idea of getting Eade as coach, IF the board decides Neeld isnt our man.

McLardy jumped on board to help Stynes, kinda got railroaded into the position.

Who then replaces him? Freeman? Is he our man, would he be in it for the long haul, or just serve a term like all before him and depart?

We need someone not scared to put a 'rocket' up some when its needed, stand up for the club and be our outspoken figurehead.

Apply within.......

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If we were to drop Frawley, Howe and Matt Jones the game isnt worth watching.

This year, Matt Jones may win our B and F. Been a gem for his first

Top three for the B&F so far.

- M.Jones

- N.Jones

- Garland

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If we were to drop Frawley, Howe and Matt Jones the game isnt worth watching.

This year, Matt Jones may win our B and F. Been a gem for his first

Mate we obviously don't have the cattle at Casey to throw all of these players to Casey. That's why i said 1 tackle OR none shouldn't play this week.....

Some who had few tackles may have contributed in other ways.

What i'm trying to say here is that if Neeld TRULY believes in his original mantra, which HE spelt out and displayed for all to see in his first "impact" meeting with the player group.....then he needs to seriously act after Sunday.

My summary on players' tackle counts is just my way of giving one KPI example. Neeld would obviously have his own minimum KPIs on each player. All i'm saying is, on that performance, many wouldn't have met them. Whether his KPI's are over 1 week or a rolling 3 or whatever. But he surely can't keep many of the same group that's played in the last 3 weeks IF he's being true to himself and his original mantra. If that's changed then he should spell it out and make it clear that he's changed his thinking since he first came to the club. He obviously has but all we hear now is lame excuses, including ones pre match which warn us of the pending likely armageddon. No wonder the players are on a losing run......that's what he's implying they're likely to do every week in his pre match address. Never mentions the reason the club's here..... TO WIN games of footy!

Where's the urgency, the fight, the emotion to strive and push for excellence and performance and get the best out of the players!??

And for that matter where are the 3 most important aspects of any successful sports person's mentality/actions in this group??.....

1. Belief

2. The will to win for themselves and their fellow mates (then club and us)

3. The skills to win ???

It was clear after the Bummers match that he had lost the players and had no idea how to get the boys up for the big stage or match, nor for that matter any match. Pretty sure we've lost every first quarter so far!!

Neeld must go (or be moved aside into an assistants/development role) ASAP.

Neil Craig is there and has finals experience and can caretake on extra $$ surely until we find a willing experienced replacement. I don't think we can afford to wait any longer. We'll lose too many key players by year's end otherwise, either mentally or to other clubs.

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I must have misinterpreted the question. The best way to put some devil into the team is for every player to apply himself the way Jack Viney does when he plays. Hard to believe that a 19 year old can put his older and more experienced teammates to shame.

It also puts past recruiters to shame because there just aren't enough players with mongrel in our team ATM. If there were then we wouldn't have seen last Sunday's insipid, half hearted exhibition.

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I must have misinterpreted the question. The best way to put some devil into the team is for every player to apply himself the way Jack Viney does when he plays. Hard to believe that a 19 year old can put his older and more experienced teammates to shame.

It also puts past recruiters to shame because there just aren't enough players with mongrel in our team ATM. If there were then we wouldn't have seen last Sunday's insipid, half hearted exhibition.

So no more choir boys WJ!

I have been saying that for years

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Grimseyisgod & Whispering have said all that needs to be said... The players are best placed to drag this club out of the [censored] it finds itself in. Toughness is an essential ingredient, but it comes when players have desire. The players should be meeting with no one else present... they should look at all the [censored] that is being heaped on them and resolve to do something about it. They don't need a coach to tell them things aren't going well. I will sleep easy when I hear that the players have taken things into their own hands!

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1

    ALLY’S FIELDS by Meggs

    It was a sunny morning at Casey Fields, as Demon supporters young and old formed a guard of honour for fan favourite and 50-gamer Alyssa Bannan.  Banno’s banner stated the speedster was the ‘fastest 50 games’ by an AFLW player ever.   For Dees supporters, today was not our day and unfortunately not for Banno either. A couple of opportunities emerged for our number 6 but alas there was no sizzle.   Brisbane atoned for last week’s record loss to North Melbourne, comprehensively out

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1
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