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Total Faith in the Neeld Way

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I just think its incredibly funny that anyone can draw the categorical concluson that Neeld is a dead duck coach after one year in charge of a list comprising maybe a dozen fair dinkum .players, half a dozen wannabes and the rest either too wet behind the ears or too wet between them.

If he had a reasonable list , that had a decent spread of talent and Ok fitness as a commonality and we were getting done week in week out then I too would be concerned.

Lets make this simple for some to understand, this is the first year of a three year process. The FIRST yeqr. Its clearout year.

I can't believe the shock and horror when it comes to Mark Neeld. It doesn't happen often that a new coach is appointed with a good list. Pies and crows come to mind but I can't think of many others over the years.

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Quoting out of context only brings your case down RR. Out of respect for you, I'm sure you read the whole post and hence know full well the meaning of what was said - a poor response. PS - 'he tried' is past tense.

17 games. It's just too preposterous to even debate Hardnut.

The fact that you call on the lunatic fringe (Tonatopia and Thaipantspan) to support your view says it all really.

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17 games. It's just too preposterous to even debate Hardnut.

The fact that you call on the lunatic fringe (Tonatopia and Thaipantspan) to support your view says it all really.

It should have been obvious to the group asked to find a coach in the first place if due diligence was done.

I haven't called on anyone - it's just that there are more out there than you think and they won't run away.

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I haven't called on anyone - it's just that there are more out there than you think and they won't run away.

No, they just flock to you like numpties in a special needs class.

If you're so confident, do a 'sack Neeld' poll.

Go on then ...

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No, they just flock to you like numpties in a special needs class.

If you're so confident, do a 'sack Neeld' poll.

Go on then ...

9 out of 10 people interviewed said.....

The 10 people could not be identified for privacy reasons.

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I can't believe the shock and horror when it comes to Mark Neeld. It doesn't happen often that a new coach is appointed with a good list. Pies and crows come to mind but I can't think of many others over the years.

Some dont want to consider,let alone concede such factors. Might lead to a balaced judgement.
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Some dont want to consider,let alone concede such factors. Might lead to a balaced judgement.

Wakey, wakey BB. Amazing how the assessment of a list changes to suit the circumstances!

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Wakey, wakey BB. Amazing how the assessment of a list changes to suit the circumstances!

Oh do inform us all.. How has the assessment changed? Who's assessment by the way ?
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I don't want to repeat myself too much because this thread seems to be almost entirely composed of repetition (with some added gibberish and pissing contests). One mob seem to be saying "it's too soon to make a definitive judgement on Neeld and there are valid excuses" the other mob seem to be saying "yes, but the season is nearly over and he has given us no cause for confidence" and on and on it goes.

What I do want to say is that when I came to this thread I brought some preconceived notions about Neeld's performance to date but I also brought an open mind. I remain prepared to be convinced about Neeld's abilities.

I was hoping that when I opened this thread today, at least one Neeld supporter would be able to point to some tangible reasons for their "faith" in Neeld as a coach.

Sadly, 24 hours after my last post, these reasons are still not apparent and all that remains are the same excuses. This pretty much says it all for me and only serves to increase my skepticism of Neeld.

I suppose I am just repeating myself after all, but can any of the Neeld supporters at least give it a shot? Forget the excuses for the moment, I don't think anyone is arguing these anyway, just please tell me - what has Neeld actually done to date that has inspired your confidence in him?

Edited by Hazyshadeofgrinter
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Why is Neeld always in isolation?

Why don't we mention the Craig/Neeld/Misson triumvirate?

Is a style of play all that matters?

Why should it be when you are either going to finish with 7 wins or 4 wins?

I care about building up a playing list (in both talent and individual body shape) and reforming a culture that is too easily satisfied.

Why am I seen as having endless, blind faith in Neeld because I prefer the FD setup we have now over any other I have seen?

Answer me these questions three...four.

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I don't want to repeat myself too much because this thread seems to be almost entirely composed of repetition (with some added gibberish and pissing contests). One mob seem to be saying "it's too soon to make a definitive judgement on Neeld and there are valid excuses" the other mob seem to be saying "yes, but the season is nearly over and he has given us no cause for confidence" and on and on it goes.

What I do want to say is that when I came to this thread I brought some preconceived notions about Neeld's performance to date but I also brought an open mind. I remain prepared to be convinced about Neeld's abilities.

I was hoping that when I opened this thread today, at least one Neeld supporter would be able to point to some tangible reasons for their "faith" in Neeld as a coach.

Sadly, 24 hours after my last post, these reasons are still not apparent and all that remains are the same excuses. This pretty much says it all for me and only serves to increase my skepticism of Neeld.

I suppose I am just repeating myself after all, but can any of the Neeld supporters at least give it a shot? Forget the excuses for the moment, I don't think anyone is arguing these anyway, just please tell me - what has Neeld actually done to date that has inspired your confidence in him?

But you're asking a question you already know the answer to. Which I suspect is your point.

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First answer the question RR+

snapback.pngRange Rover, on 30 July 2012 - 07:18 PM, said:

You'd have a haunted look on your face too if you were coaching a side that had only one legitimate quality midfielder (Jones).


1. What is the difference between a legitimate quality midfielder and a quality midfielder?

2. Given Trengove is a midfielder surely Neeld would not have picked him as Captain if he was not "legitimate quality?"

Surely he was not selected on the basis of his youthful appearance alone.

Do you still believe in Neeld given such a calamities decision?

Do you concede that Neeld is simply not much of a motivator and Trengove along with many others have not progressed let alone thrived under him??

Want to see you twist your way out of this one....then we can talk Yaa baa...I can even post you a song about it :)


hope your talking to me tomorrow!

Yaa baa literal translation is "crazy medicine". Yaa baa in reality is a stimulant to stop one sleeping. Popular with truck drivers in Thailand.

Cheer up and please unblock me from your ignore list :) I love you!

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I don't want to repeat myself too much because this thread seems to be almost entirely composed of repetition (with some added gibberish and pissing contests). One mob seem to be saying "it's too soon to make a definitive judgement on Neeld and there are valid excuses" the other mob seem to be saying "yes, but the season is nearly over and he has given us no cause for confidence" and on and on it goes.

What I do want to say is that when I came to this thread I brought some preconceived notions about Neeld's performance to date but I also brought an open mind. I remain prepared to be convinced about Neeld's abilities.

I was hoping that when I opened this thread today, at least one Neeld supporter would be able to point to some tangible reasons for their "faith" in Neeld as a coach.

Sadly, 24 hours after my last post, these reasons are still not apparent and all that remains are the same excuses. This pretty much says it all for me and only serves to increase my skepticism of Neeld.

I suppose I am just repeating myself after all, but can any of the Neeld supporters at least give it a shot? Forget the excuses for the moment, I don't think anyone is arguing these anyway, just please tell me - what has Neeld actually done to date that has inspired your confidence in him?

Five things stand out which should have you standing up and applauding ...

1. Has set about dismantling Bailey's useless free-wheeling game plan and instilling a heretofore non-existent defensive mindset in the players.

2. Willingness to drop players regardless of status and reputation.

3. Getting rid of a group of leaders who were anything but and boldly replacing them with fresh faces he believes can grow in the role and take us forward.

4. Enticing one of the game's most astute thinkers (Craig) and fitness gurus (Misson) to join him.

5. Convincing Mitch Clark to join us.

Small victories in the first year as he lays the groundwork for culture change and future success.

You should be inspired by this because it took brass balls to do it.

Edited by Range Rover
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I don't want to repeat myself too much because this thread seems to be almost entirely composed of repetition (with some added gibberish and pissing contests). One mob seem to be saying "it's too soon to make a definitive judgement on Neeld and there are valid excuses" the other mob seem to be saying "yes, but the season is nearly over and he has given us no cause for confidence" and on and on it goes.

What I do want to say is that when I came to this thread I brought some preconceived notions about Neeld's performance to date but I also brought an open mind. I remain prepared to be convinced about Neeld's abilities.

I was hoping that when I opened this thread today, at least one Neeld supporter would be able to point to some tangible reasons for their "faith" in Neeld as a coach.

Sadly, 24 hours after my last post, these reasons are still not apparent and all that remains are the same excuses. This pretty much says it all for me and only serves to increase my skepticism of Neeld.

I suppose I am just repeating myself after all, but can any of the Neeld supporters at least give it a shot? Forget the excuses for the moment, I don't think anyone is arguing these anyway, just please tell me - what has Neeld actually done to date that has inspired your confidence in him?

At least you have a open mind about Neeld. I have faith in Neeld because of the FD he is establishing,his views that elite fitness is an absolute must,defense is something he is drilling into the team,his stance that you must earn a spot in the team and I will like his big bloody axe being wielded at the end of the year.

Now can I ask the Neeld haters what has the playing list done to inspire your view that Mark Neeld is a spud?

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Neeld is himself only the face of a football dept and the Board that arranged them. He carries the bucket,of things good and bad.

I have faith in Neeld , as a representative of the change thats occured at the MFC. The change not only embodies the personnel it is representative of a shift in methodology as well as assessment and accountability.

For far too many years talk from the club was in generalisations and non specific rhetoric. i.e We have a vision , we have great people...and such. It's what the members wanted to hear but it wasnt backed up with any structure or resources.

The current setup; FD and associated staff now have a much better and more specific outline of who and what they are and where they are supposed to get to. Mor eimportanlty they are now being given the tools and people to make this happen. It wont happen overninght. Nothing does. It wont happen in a year. it would be foolhardy and ignorant to presume it could.

I am mostly impressed by the actuality of the club conceding that a lot that has gone before was simply wrong and that it had to change.. We can see the foundations of change in place. I am prepared to wait a reeasonable time to see something built out of all this. If we are treading water in 2 seasons time then it wil have come to nought.

It's not 2 years hence, it's now. Not enough of a process has transpired to make a categorical call . Until it is. Im prepared to beleive the current FD and such are on the right path.

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Excellent contribution and yes when it comes down to it we all do it for "shits and gigs"

We certainly are going somewhere. A Coles Advert is the stark reminder. Whether your "nowhere" is the same place only you know this. Just what is his philosophy apart from Hot Air Statements.

His Draftees?? Not sure if you mean Magner and Couch. Both serviceable but promising. Cook? Leigh Williams maybe. Who else are his promising draftees apart from Clark?

Cook has been in the system a couple years - 2010 draft off the top of my head (not really sure cbf looking it up)

Clark, Magner, Sellar have all been good contributors this year (all debatable at what level but have shown more then guys on the list for multiple years)

Tynan, Taggart look promising I'm not sure who esle was drafted in 2011 - you can't say Neeld hasn't started to develop something.

Anyway my point is jury is out - People judging Neeld on this year are kidding themselves. We all need someonw to blame for this crap - At the moment it is not soely Neeld. On the same lodgic - Clarkson & Bomber Thompson should have both been sacked a long time ago

Edited by Unleash Hell
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I've decided I'm never going to Thailand.

theres good and bad everywhere..lol
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Five things stand out which should have you standing up and applauding ...

1. Has set about dismantling Bailey's useless free-wheeling game plan and instilling a heretofore non-existent defensive mindset in the players.

2. Willingness to drop players regardless of status and reputation.

3. Getting rid of a group of leaders who were anything but and boldly replacing them with fresh faces he believes can grow in the role and take us forward.

4. Enticing one of the game's most astute thinkers (Craig) and fitness gurus (Misson) to join him.

5. Convincing Mitch Clark to join us.

Small victories in the first year as he lays the groundwork for culture change and future success.

You should be inspired by this because it took brass balls to do it.

I forgot to add the most important one ... No.6 - Giving Barry Prendergast the boot! Hooray!!

Neeld should be given life membership for that alone.

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Five things stand out which should have you standing up and applauding ...

1. Has set about dismantling Bailey's useless free-wheeling game plan and instilling a heretofore non-existent defensive mindset in the players.

2. Willingness to drop players regardless of status and reputation.

3. Getting rid of a group of leaders who were anything but and boldly replacing them with fresh faces he believes can grow in the role and take us forward.

4. Enticing one of the game's most astute thinkers (Craig) and fitness gurus (Misson) to join him.

5. Convincing Mitch Clark to join us.

Small victories in the first year as he lays the groundwork for culture change and future success.

You should be inspired by this because it took brass balls to do it.

Nice try but it remains the fact that most of those points were pre season moves while Craigs reputation is mostly institutionally approved thinking that doesnt necessarily stand up to analysis.

We dont yet know the result of Missons training 'expertise'.

I remain open minded but thus far we have seen no real sign that things are going to get better.

HOPEFULLY HE RETAINS THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE BOARD, because this is going to take time

ps. number 6 shows all the signs of being his masterstroke

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