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The House That Jimmy Built


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What I like about the events post-season so far is the rebuild of the football department has proceeded without fanfare.

Piece by piece we have put together a new coach, fitness coach, coaching director comprising highly regarded individuals who have seen success at their former clubs.

There's been no big statements from Schwab, Connolly or Lyon. They've just put the pieces in place.

Considering Bails was inherited from the Harris-Gardner regime, and that what has been done over the past month could not have been achieved without Jimmy's debt reduction and club stabilization program, what we are getting to now is Jimmy's real legacy.

More than compensatory draft picks or short term fixes to the game plans, the football department reform we are now seeing is what will shape the medium term future of this club.

I for one am getting seriously upbeat about the future. This could be one wild ride.

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Great post, Pitmaster. You have concisely and accurately summed up the broad perspective view of the Dees.

Ever since Joe Gutnik (as annoying as he was, we would have died without him and his $) the MFC have been scrambling to build a business model, club structure, and supporter base. Much of this time and effort has had neither of the two vital ingredients: an over-arching vision that draws people into it, and the right people to achieve it.

Enter one J. Stynes. Vision and leadership at an exceptional level

Enter two. G Lyon. Short term mission with no b/s requiring yes or no answers to join Jimmy's vision.

For the first time since the mid 1990's I am genuinely excited about the life of the whole club.

Great leadership

Expert management

Correct personnel

Marketing/promotional emphasis (ourr players in the TV footy shows, on ads on TV, artivcles in newspapers, our colours and history etc...)

An exciting, if incomplete, player list

A planned coaching panel mixing potential, innovation and experience.

This is Jimmy's legacy to date. Doff your caps, boys, to the lanky Irishman. Charge your glasses ans jump on board. Also, don't be suprised if the best clubman award gets renamed in the near future and it becomes as sought after as the Bluey.


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What I like about the events post-season so far is the rebuild of the football department has proceeded without fanfare.

Piece by piece we have put together a new coach, fitness coach, coaching director comprising highly regarded individuals who have seen success at their former clubs.

There's been no big statements from Schwab, Connolly or Lyon. They've just put the pieces in place.

Considering Bails was inherited from the Harris-Gardner regime, and that what has been done over the past month could not have been achieved without Jimmy's debt reduction and club stabilization program, what we are getting to now is Jimmy's real legacy.

More than compensatory draft picks or short term fixes to the game plans, the football department reform we are now seeing is what will shape the medium term future of this club.

I for one am getting seriously upbeat about the future. This could be one wild ride.

Absolutely. Jimma.

Jimmy's been a great one thru his life in helping people Unite.

He has been the catalyst for us to push through together whilst treading thru this Mire.

A bit of a hicup this year offield with some maybe panicking around the club. Created some public fuss.

But it's Jimma that bonded us together & got some to pull their ego's into line.

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The OP is a tad harsh on Bailey? IMO he preached the united message of rebuilding and development as well as anyone and was a key member of the MFC team.

I think preople are to quick to kick bailey to the kerb? Yes we didnt probably deliver during his time at the club, but i doubt anyone would have?

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Ever since Joe Gutnik (as annoying as he was, we would have died without him and his $)

At the risk of opening old wounds, that's just quite simply not true.

When Gutnick became president Melbourne did not have any debt. After Gutnick, and those he brought into the club, left the board we were over $5m in debt.

Many things occurred during his time with us, but saving the club wasn't one of them.

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What is exciting me is that people are "Choosing" Melbourne over other clubs - Mark Neeld, Neil Craig - rather than the other way around as in the past - Chris Judd etc.

Things are looking up. Thanks Jim & Garry.

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At the risk of opening old wounds, that's just quite simply not true.

When Gutnick became president Melbourne did not have any debt. After Gutnick, and those he brought into the club, left the board we were over $5m in debt.

Many things occurred during his time with us, but saving the club wasn't one of them.

Not helpful in rewriting history. He gave $2.7m because we were in debt and needed it. Have a look at the Annual Reports and see what our position was.

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At the risk of opening old wounds, that's just quite simply not true.

When Gutnick became president Melbourne did not have any debt. After Gutnick, and those he brought into the club, left the board we were over $5m in debt.

Many things occurred during his time with us, but saving the club wasn't one of them.

Absolutely spot on. There have been so many inaccuracies written and spoken about happenings around the Club during Gutnick's tenure.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Thomo

Similar stuff was written this time last year, since then the on field performance has gone backwards, the senior players preformed badly, there were off field behaviour problems, our number one draft pick left the club, the coach was sacked, the players turned on the management, the club was divided, Lyon started sniping from the sidelines, and Jimmy has had to step away from having an active role.

Hopefully we are in for a good season, but get realistic, nothing has changed yet.

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Similar stuff was written this time last year, since then the on field performance has gone backwards, the senior players preformed badly, there were off field behaviour problems, our number one draft pick left the club, the coach was sacked, the players turned on the management, the club was divided, Lyon started sniping from the sidelines, and Jimmy has had to step away from having an active role.

Hopefully we are in for a good season, but get realistic, nothing has changed yet.

Well said Thomo. Love Jimmy to death, but we are a long way from being a top team. Just watch any of the finals matches from this year - the gap between the top 5 and the next 3 is massive, then the next 3 after that is a little bit behind them, and then we're in the next bit (if that makes sense??!!).

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Bailey did the rotten dirty work to get picks. Prendergast seems to have done a good job with the bounty he was given. Jimma has done a great job getting rid of debt.

And now to the "new" FD. They've done nothing yet and to say they have had little fanfare is a strange interpretation of events. They have an exceptional opportunity and have inherited fertile ground.

If this footy department succeed it will be built on the work of Bailey who probably sacrificed (in part) his senior coaching dreams for our club and some good work and good fortune off field.

Thanks Bails.

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Guest Thomo

Bailey did the rotten dirty work to get picks. Prendergast seems to have done a good job with the bounty he was given. Jimma has done a great job getting rid of debt.

And now to the "new" FD. They've done nothing yet and to say they have had little fanfare is a strange interpretation of events. They have an exceptional opportunity and have inherited fertile ground.

If this footy department succeed it will be built on the work of Bailey who probably sacrificed (in part) his senior coaching dreams for our club and some good work and good fortune off field.

Thanks Bails.

Thanks Bails????????????

Losing surely is the easiest thing to do in football. He received in excess of one million dollars to run the club into the ground. He did not pick the team, or the draft picks, he simply turned up and did a poor job, and you believe he deserves thanks??. Is there anyone who could not do that?

Bailey did not sacrifice his coaching dream, he could not coach and was found out when it was time to start winning.

Bailey was sacked because he could not get the players playing for him, he had no idea tactically, was a poor teacher and developer of players, and was a bad communicator. The only thing that tanking did was disguise his incompetence for a couple for years, and get him a contract extension. Bailey should be thanking the club for tanking, as it allowed him to get a second contract worth hundreds of thousands before he was exposed.

Having such a poor coach has damaged the club, not helped it. Players are underdeveloped, the game plan is years behind the rest of the competition, and with a better on field performance this year revenue would have been up. All this with GWS and GC coming in with better draft picks.

But you thank Bailey. One of the strangest opinions here.

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Thanks Bails????????????

Losing surely is the easiest thing to do in football. He received in excess of one million dollars to run the club into the ground. He did not pick the team, or the draft picks, he simply turned up and did a poor job, and you believe he deserves thanks??. Is there anyone who could not do that?

Bailey did not sacrifice his coaching dream, he could not coach and was found out when it was time to start winning.

Bailey was sacked because he could not get the players playing for him, he had no idea tactically, was a poor teacher and developer of players, and was a bad communicator. The only thing that tanking did was disguise his incompetence for a couple for years, and get him a contract extension. Bailey should be thanking the club for tanking, as it allowed him to get a second contract worth hundreds of thousands before he was exposed.

Having such a poor coach has damaged the club, not helped it. Players are underdeveloped, the game plan is years behind the rest of the competition, and with a better on field performance this year revenue would have been up. All this with GWS and GC coming in with better draft picks.

But you thank Bailey. One of the strangest opinions here.

This is a classless opinion.

Bailey left the club in a better position than he found it, and he served the club well at a very difficult time.

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RPFC, calling it classless is weak. say it for how it is.

Thomo, that post is...no, I won't say it....Losing is easy - done it much? Done it deliberately, earning the scorn of thousands, media attention and done so against your own grain (which is to win if you had forgotten)? Losing is easy if you don't care at all.

Bailey deliberately lost games to get picks, the result of which was fielding under-strength, poorly experienced teams week after week. Then he'd be front a media pack interogating his adequacy, week after week. That you describe this as 'easy' is the strangest opinions I've read. Perhaps you've just not had the time to think it through. After all, it only went on for 3.5 years.

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Thanks Bails????????????

Losing surely is the easiest thing to do in football. He received in excess of one million dollars to run the club into the ground. He did not pick the team, or the draft picks, he simply turned up and did a poor job, and you believe he deserves thanks??. Is there anyone who could not do that?

Bailey did not sacrifice his coaching dream, he could not coach and was found out when it was time to start winning.

Bailey was sacked because he could not get the players playing for him, he had no idea tactically, was a poor teacher and developer of players, and was a bad communicator. The only thing that tanking did was disguise his incompetence for a couple for years, and get him a contract extension. Bailey should be thanking the club for tanking, as it allowed him to get a second contract worth hundreds of thousands before he was exposed.

Having such a poor coach has damaged the club, not helped it. Players are underdeveloped, the game plan is years behind the rest of the competition, and with a better on field performance this year revenue would have been up. All this with GWS and GC coming in with better draft picks.

But you thank Bailey. One of the strangest opinions here.

This is outrageously far off the mark.

To anyone who follows the Demons it was very obvious that Bailey was instructed to ensure that we finished several seasons with a certain number of wins, to ensure we could take full advantage of the draft system. This was done as part of a long term plan for the club, which ultimately targets a Demon premiership.

2011 was a horror season, but it is behind us now, and we are in a strong position from this point forward. Excellent trade week, and excellent recruiting in the coaching department. No debt and a playing list full of talent and potential.

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Bailey did the rotten dirty work to get picks. Prendergast seems to have done a good job with the bounty he was given. Jimma has done a great job getting rid of debt.

And now to the "new" FD. They've done nothing yet and to say they have had little fanfare is a strange interpretation of events. They have an exceptional opportunity and have inherited fertile ground.

If this footy department succeed it will be built on the work of Bailey who probably sacrificed (in part) his senior coaching dreams for our club and some good work and good fortune off field.

Thanks Bails.

Unfortunately Fan I can see no evidence that Bails achieved anything as a legacy that any average afl coach could not have also

In fact I believe he achieved less than expected

I have never understood the arguments of those who were Bailey admirersj

Sorry, just the way I see it

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Thanks Bails????????????

Losing surely is the easiest thing to do in football. He received in excess of one million dollars to run the club into the ground. He did not pick the team, or the draft picks, he simply turned up and did a poor job, and you believe he deserves thanks??. Is there anyone who could not do that?

Bailey did not sacrifice his coaching dream, he could not coach and was found out when it was time to start winning.

Bailey was sacked because he could not get the players playing for him, he had no idea tactically, was a poor teacher and developer of players, and was a bad communicator. The only thing that tanking did was disguise his incompetence for a couple for years, and get him a contract extension. Bailey should be thanking the club for tanking, as it allowed him to get a second contract worth hundreds of thousands before he was exposed.

Having such a poor coach has damaged the club, not helped it. Players are underdeveloped, the game plan is years behind the rest of the competition, and with a better on field performance this year revenue would have been up. All this with GWS and GC coming in with better draft picks.

But you thank Bailey. One of the strangest opinions here.

Yea i do thank Dean Bailey for putting the club before his own career for at least 08 & 09. We are now in a better place both on & off the field.
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Guest Thomo

This is a classless opinion.

Bailey left the club in a better position than he found it, and he served the club well at a very difficult time.

Yea i do thank Dean Bailey for putting the club before his own career for at least 08 & 09. We are now in a better place both on & off the field.

I know some are glass half full people, but the praise that some are giving Bailey is bizarre. The rewriting of history on here is ridiculous.

The facts are Bailey was sacked because he was a terrible coach. The player skill level, fitness and commitment were not up to AFL standard. He was trying to implement a game plan that was years behind every other club, and was either not smart enough, or too arrogant to realise this when everyone else could plainly see it.

If Bailey had set up the club for success, he would still be the coach. He was sacked because he was doing a very poor job.

Edited by Rogue
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I know some are glass half full people, but the praise that some are giving Bailey is bizarre. The rewriting of history on here is ridiculous.

The facts are Bailey was sacked because he was a terrible coach. The player skill level, fitness and commitment were not up to AFL standard. He was trying to implement a game plan that was years behind every other club, and was either not smart enough, or too arrogant to realise this when everyone else could plainly see it.

If Bailey had set up the club for success, he would still be the coach. He was sacked because he was doing a very poor job.

I have no idea why you have changed the font but if it is to give your opinion a gravitas that it lacks it won't work - you have lumped all that happened to our club on Bailey and it is unfair, unreasonable, and not the truth.

He is gone, and the past cannot be changed. It can be re-written and that is what you are doing.

I have argued this for long enough during the time it was relevant, I don't feel the need to get into it while it is no longer relevant.

Move on.

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The season just gone was the only season where we were considered to have underperformed. As others have said, he did everything expected of him throughout 08 and 09, and I believe we met expectations in 2010 as well.

This year Dean wasn't up to the task, but I think he gave it his all and unfortunately he's not the man for the job next year.

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