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Tom Scully in September ...

Grandson of a gun

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So can't decide between training sessions hasn't even looked at the contracts but after playing this weekend will decide in a day !! If this reporter is right surely he is gone. If he goes to gws he will go quickly no doubt and avoid mad

Monday and everything else.

Ha it is certainly going to be a very interesting couple of weeks following our last game.

Here's my predictions

* Scully leaves in a G.Ablett type press conference- "I want to get the best out of myself etc"= complete fluff, kid has been in it for the money since day 1

* Sylvia and Green stay

* Scott Burns named coach a couple of days before the preliminary final in which West Coast will feature and lose due to his absence

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Guest Gareth Keenan

Looks like we will know on Monday about Tom Scully's playing career with the mighty Demons: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/dees-chase-lyon-as-viney-eyes-job-20110901-1jo92.html

Might need to read a little more carefully...

Scully is expected to inform the Demons as early as Monday whether he will accept the offer from Greater Western Sydney, believed to be $1 million per year over five, possibly six, years. It's understood the Demons' best offer is $3 million over five years.

Expected? Expected by who exactly?

As early as?

Hardly definitive statements.

This article is just trying to bring the frenzy to a crescendo at the just the right time.

Don't be surprised if we don't hear for another week or 2 after that.

Edited by Gareth Keenan
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Guest Gareth Keenan

Ha it is certainly going to be a very interesting couple of weeks following our last game.

Here's my predictions

* Scully leaves in a G.Ablett type press conference- "I want to get the best out of myself etc"= complete fluff, kid has been in it for the money since day 1

* Sylvia and Green stay

* Scott Burns named coach a couple of days before the preliminary final in which West Coast will feature and lose due to his absence



Burns is my smoky for coach too, but only because he's the one bloke Schwab named when discussing the "next generation" of coaches, that seem to get pushed into the role before they might be ready, learning on the job a little, because of their excellent qualities.

As opposed to a Dean Bailey or an Al Clarkson, who had to coach elsewhere and serve a decent apprenticeship as assistants before getting a look in for the top job.

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Guest Gareth Keenan

So can't decide between training sessions hasn't even looked at the contracts but after playing this weekend will decide in a day !! If this reporter is right surely he is gone. If he goes to gws he will go quickly no doubt and avoid mad

Monday and everything else.

Really? Would you make a decision like that on the fly, when your mind was on other things?

Do you not think it would be reasonable for him to maybe have an idea what option he may choose, to be leaning one way or another...

But to put off making a firm decision until after he has cleared his mind of football, of gameplans, kick-in strategies, match-ups and defensive assignments?

To take the time to sit down with his family and discuss it, to weight up all the pros and cons?

With as much evidence in front of him as possible, once the full season has played out, so he can make the most informed decision?

That's what I'd want my son to do, if he had to make a million dollar decision.

No distractions, just make an informed decision on what is best for you and will make you happy.

This reporter has no clue, and it is obvious if you read the article and see the conditions he puts on the deadline.

"Expected" and "as soon as" speak volumes. They make the statement meaningless.

Fwiw, I think Scully will stay.

He'll look at a contract for $1mil per year, fair enough.

But then on the other hand, he has a contract worth 2/3 of that, still more money than he'd have dreamed of, more than a bloke like Gary Ablett has ever been paid until this year, still worth more than what most players in the AFL get paid.

And he also gets to stay in his hometown, with his family he is very close to, with his best mates, with all of his teammates he is now close to...

I know what decision I'd make.

The only way I'd choose GWS, is if my knee was in bad shape and was not going to get better.

I'd know the smartest thing to do for my future, considering my playing career was likely to be short, would be to take as much money as I could now, and no one with that knowledge would blame me.

If this is the case, not only would Scully be doing the best thing for himself, he'd be inadvertently be doing the best thing for MFC.

However, according to those in the inner sanctum, it is only deep bone bruising, on the opposite knee to the one he fractured the kneecap of, pre-draft, which will heal fully in time.

The nature of this injury has caused his lacklustre performance this season.

The kid has been playing through considerable pain.

Edited by Gareth Keenan
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I have to disagree with this. These are unprecedented times. The fact a team can offer Scully the sort of money rumoured, as well as the facilites etc that GWS has to offer (I saw a story on them reently and they are awesome) - it's never happened before and probably won't for another 20 years.

No one predicted it or worried about it enough, otherwise the clubs would have tried to stop the poaching of young players. The MFC is really nothing but victims of unusual times if we lose him, BUT I have a feeling we might be better off if we do. I think 2 first round picks to be used at a time of our chosing (2012 draft already being labelled a SUPER draft) could be more valuable to us that keeping Scully (yes I have my doubts on his potential). Time will tell on that one I guess.

Don't get me wrong I'm not fussed if goes (preference is for him to stay though), I am sure we could make good use of the compensation. You are right and these are unprecedented times however there is one that has been in our game since the start and that is loyalty and committment to a cause! Jim and the board signed two young men and gave them the numbers of two of our greatest champions and said you guys are part of something special and this is your chance to etch your name into the walls of one of the oldest clubs in footy history! Now I don't know about you but one of those blokes definately got that message and I feel the other one has too but just hasn't signed yet.

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Well on monday we may find out because they said on ch10 sport last night that GWS may announce some players on monday who they have signed up that arent part of finals action.

At least we will be put out of our misery. If Scully does go then I just want to know when he made his mind up.

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Well on monday we may find out because they said on ch10 sport last night that GWS may announce some players on monday who they have signed up that arent part of finals action.

At least we will be put out of our misery. If Scully does go then I just want to know when he made his mind up.

And it's this sentence that will provide more 25+ page threads over the preseason! All the "experts" that "know" he's going will say that he signed up last year. For us that are "keeping our head in the sand", we will never know the truth (even at the great attepmts of most on here trying to shove it down our throats).

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Guest Thomo

Really? Would you make a decision like that on the fly, when your mind was on other things?

Do you not think it would be reasonable for him to maybe have an idea what option he may choose, to be leaning one way or another...

But to put off making a firm decision until after he has cleared his mind of football, of gameplans, kick-in strategies, match-ups and defensive assignments?

To take the time to sit down with his family and discuss it, to weight up all the pros and cons?

With as much evidence in front of him as possible, once the full season has played out, so he can make the most informed decision?

That's what I'd want my son to do, if he had to make a million dollar decision.

No distractions, just make an informed decision on what is best for you and will make you happy.

This reporter has no clue, and it is obvious if you read the article and see the conditions he puts on the deadline.

"Expected" and "as soon as" speak volumes. They make the statement meaningless.

Fwiw, I think Scully will stay.

He'll look at a contract for $1mil per year, fair enough.

But then on the other hand, he has a contract worth 2/3 of that, still more money than he'd have dreamed of, more than a bloke like Gary Ablett has ever been paid until this year, still worth more than what most players in the AFL get paid.

And he also gets to stay in his hometown, with his family he is very close to, with his best mates, with all of his teammates he is now close to...

I know what decision I'd make.

The only way I'd choose GWS, is if my knee was in bad shape and was not going to get better.

I'd know the smartest thing to do for my future, considering my playing career was likely to be short, would be to take as much money as I could now, and no one with that knowledge would blame me.

If this is the case, not only would Scully be doing the best thing for himself, he'd be inadvertently be doing the best thing for MFC.

However, according to those in the inner sanctum, it is only deep bone bruising, on the opposite knee to the one he fractured the kneecap of, pre-draft, which will heal fully in time.

The nature of this injury has caused his lacklustre performance this season.

The kid has been playing through considerable pain.

He is a footy player with plenty of time on his hands. He is not working 18 hour days in a foreign country. To say that his head is too filled with gameplans, kick-in strategies, match-ups and defensive assignments to be able to discuss with his family and make a decision is comical. Other players are doing university degrees, MBAs, working other jobs, training for media careers, doing interviews, doing charity work. Surely Scullys mind is capable of thinking about more than just football during the season like every other player.

He has either signed with GWS, or he is waiting to sign with MFC until the end of the year to try and maximise the dollars by making them sweat (which I would probably do). But to say he is not capable of making a decision mid season does not make sense.

If he goes, will you have to drop this alias? Will it be back to e45, resurrect Artie or one of your others, or will we be blessed with a new one? It's what you normally do when you are wrong.

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Mitch Clark of the Lions who was strongly linked with GWS up to a month ago is reported in today's Australian as being on his way to the Dockers.

Another GWS recruiting fail.

The media loves to say that most of the GC rumours last year ended up being true. This is absolute rubbish.

Players I can remember hearing were gone that the media choose to forget:










Sure they got a couple right, but they got a hell of a lot more wrong!!

Edited by Mac7
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Guest Thomo

The media loves to say that most of the GC rumours last year ended up being true. This is absolute rubbish.

Players I can remember hearing were gone that the media choose to forget:










Sure they got a couple right, but they got a hell of a lot more wrong!!

Agree, it annoys the hell out of me when they say all the players rumoured signed. Pavlich was gone all year according to the media.

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Agree, it annoys the hell out of me when they say all the players rumoured signed. Pavlich was gone all year according to the media.

What's worse - so was Petterd. There was heaps of talk about it on this very forum. People just have ridiculously short/selective memories.

I haven't heard much from the "but why would the media stake their reputations on unsubstantiated rumours!!" crowd after the Taylor Walker signing either.

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What's worse - so was Petterd. There was heaps of talk about it on this very forum. People just have ridiculously short/selective memories.

I haven't heard much from the "but why would the media stake their reputations on unsubstantiated rumours!!" crowd after the Taylor Walker signing either.

I still have no idea either way but I would like to share this recipe relating to this topic and everything "news" related.

Egg on your face

1/ Start with an issue or situation

2/ Read and believe everything you see/hear in the media and allow the media to drive the agenda.

3/ Check issue or situation on completion - the media's reporting fluctuates dramatically between success and failure

3/ In many cases Egg on your face is now ready

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Guest Gareth Keenan

He is a footy player with plenty of time on his hands. He is not working 18 hour days in a foreign country. To say that his head is too filled with” gameplans, kick-in strategies, match-ups and defensive assignments” to be able to discuss with his family and make a decision is comical. Other players are doing university degrees, MBA’s, working other jobs, training for media careers, doing interviews, doing charity work. Surely Scully’s mind is capable of thinking about more than just football during the season like every other player.

He has either signed with GWS, or he is waiting to sign with MFC until the end of the year to try and maximise the dollars by making them sweat (which I would probably do). But to say he is not capable of making a decision mid season does not make sense.

You need to read more carefully.

I never said his head was "too filled" with other things.

I merely said that it was fair to assume that he'd want to clear his head of all distractions, when making a decision that will alter the course of his life.

Also, that waiting until the end of the season, lets him make the most informed decision.

Studying or working another job is one thing.

This decision will determine where he lives, how often he sees the people he cares about, for the rest of his career, likely his life.

I'd imagine if he were studying or working another job, he'd want those distractions removed to, before seriously sitting down to make a decision.

Just because you have a mercenary style and a low standard of ethics, doesn't mean the same should be applied to Scully.

In the lack of any other evidence, he should be given the benefit of the doubt.

ps. If you've got some strange vendetta, fancy reducing it to just the abusive PMs?


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4/ Drive around for a couple of weeks to all your favorite internet sites with people pointing to your face.

5/ Have Goldfish memory and announce your new uninformed opinion about something else.

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Yep, I have been a believer that he will stay for the whole year but I have a feeling he may have said in his last training session before they fly out,

"Sorry guys, I'm signing with GWS"

and Todd said,

"Fine, Get [censored], your out"

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The media loves to say that most of the GC rumours last year ended up being true. This is absolute rubbish.

Players I can remember hearing were gone that the media choose to forget:










Sure they got a couple right, but they got a hell of a lot more wrong!!

Thomas has just re-signed with the Pies too. Another GWS draftee bites the dust.

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Tom Scully has probably played his last game for Demons as he has pulled out of Sunday's game, I expect him to confirm on Monday that he's going to GWS, adios amigo!!!!!!!!!!

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