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Tom Scully


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B59 - Just for my benefit, and wanting a one word answer (and not wanting to turn this in to a Scully thread), but what do you think, is he staying or going? There are a lot on this site that have shown where they stand regarding Tom, and gee, if he actually stayed, they'd want to be very careful what they write in the years to come. You on the other hand, I just can't work out - I feel you're siting on the fence, so that you don't over-commit for people to use in future reference. Just curious.

Since you asked so nicely...( you feeling ok ? ) I have never been able to truly fathom whether he's staying or going. No more than anyone else here can actually KNOW. . What Ive always been very suspicious about is all the denial of anything. The world just isnt that cut and dried that NOTHING ever happens. There has to be something going on , but whether one TS is an actual participant ( directly ) then I suppose we all just have to take him at his word. But this is business and a reality of life is until something is in writing ...then nothing is REAL. Tom has pausible denial on his side and he can run with it. I dont trust the AFL, I dont trust Gubby & Co at the Lesser Western Midgets, wouldnt trust a professional manager with making a sandwich let alone anything bigger !!

Now that certainly isnt a one word answer and it really cant be done , as much qulaiifying is required, because its waranted.

I dont really know what to make of Tom Scully. I personally think any money of the nature thats being touted is quite frankly over the odds. Hes NOT that good( presently,and in the context of the next supposed contract period ) ..Hes very good but some seem to think hes the next Mesiah.Hes not at Judds level( yet and or posibly ) hes neither an Ablett, again yet or possibly. But he is very good and wil beome very very good. Is he that much more ( $ value ) than Trengove ? or Watts or Gysberts ?

Is he going ? Logic suggests YES...my gut feels NO

So in summation..I dont think he will go, despite possibly more l;ucrative offers but we will end up paying over the odds and that concerns me for the rest of the team going forwards

Now this really ought to have been in the Scully thread...in fact I'll put it there

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Since you asked so nicely...( you feeling ok ? ) I have never been able to truly fathom whether he's staying or going. No more than anyone else here can actually KNOW. . What Ive always been very suspicious about is all the denial of anything. The world just isnt that cut and dried that NOTHING ever happens. There has to be something going on , but whether one TS is an actual participant ( directly ) then I suppose we all just have to take him at his word. But this is business and a reality of life is until something is in writing ...then nothing is REAL. Tom has pausible denial on his side and he can run with it. I dont trust the AFL, I dont trust Gubby & Co at the Lesser Western Midgets, wouldnt trust a professional manager with making a sandwich let alone anything bigger !!

Now that certainly isnt a one word answer and it really cant be done , as much qulaiifying is required, because its waranted.

I dont really know what to make of Tom Scully. I personally think any money of the nature thats being touted is quite frankly over the odds. Hes NOT that good( presently,and in the context of the next supposed contract period ) ..Hes very good but some seem to think hes the next Mesiah.Hes not at Judds level( yet and or posibly ) hes neither an Ablett, again yet or possibly. But he is very good and wil beome very very good. Is he that much more ( $ value ) than Trengove ? or Watts or Gysberts ?

Is he going ? Logic suggests YES...my gut feels NO

So in summation..I dont think he will go, despite possibly more l;ucrative offers but we will end up paying over the odds and that concerns me for the rest of the team going forwards

Now this really ought to have been in the Scully thread...in fact I'll put it there

If anyone is ever interested in my opinion - ill go with "100% of what BB59 said"

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I judge myself every time i open this, its like crack without the upside.

It's cheaper at least .

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Firstly, this is the first time I have commented on this thread, and have only read on the odd occasion, so someone else may have raised this....is it possible that Sculls is holding off talks until he knows if bails gets the gig for another few years or not? I wonder if he is waiting to find out who our coach will be? The lad is the ultimate professional and you could make a case for him wanting to be coached by the best available?Just putting it out there, I have nothing to back this up with!

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Just putting it out there, I have nothing to back this up with!

The rest of us should put this rider on our posts...

All will be revealed in time. From the decision in Sept/Oct, to the many interviews, to the tell-all books, and finally the recanting on the death bed.

All will be revealed.

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Firstly, this is the first time I have commented on this thread, and have only read on the odd occasion, so someone else may have raised this....is it possible that Sculls is holding off talks until he knows if bails gets the gig for another few years or not? I wonder if he is waiting to find out who our coach will be? The lad is the ultimate professional and you could make a case for him wanting to be coached by the best available?Just putting it out there, I have nothing to back this up with!

This is actually something that has crossed my mind also. But to extend the foundation observation youd think that as a profesional ( in his mould ) hed work with whomever was the coach. He does however have some ability to choose which is not always a pleasantry in a workplace :unsure:

As is often said about much...the truth is not only out there, but its in amongst the theories.

As with so much in life much doesnt make sense from a compromised position of view.

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Guest Artie Bucco

I’ve been busy reading Nathan Buckley’s autobiography “All I Can Be” again.

Although I hated him as a player, I always had great respect for him, and I see parallels between the professionalism and desire of both he and Scully (not to mention my understanding that Buckley was a mentor for Scully as a junior, and the influence that would have had on the kid’s mindset and approach).

I think Buckley and Scully have similar personalities too, from everything I have heard and witnessed about both.

Anyway, my personal opinion of how Scully would approach re-signing with MFC is pretty much summed up in this quote from Buckley’s book, as follows:

“People might say: ‘It’s alright for you to be blasé about money because you were on good coin’ – and they’d be right – but money was never a motivation for me to succeed in the game. Whenever people accuse me of being a mercenary, or simply playing for money, I just shook my head.

I’m not a great spender, as the boys at the club would attest! Often I just put my money away for a rainy day. Tania and I live in a nice house and we drive nice cars and we want for nothing. I consider myself very fortunate to lead the life I lead but I know it’s come from being good at what I did in an industry that draws in a lot of revenue.

My number-one motivation was for Collingwood to be successful as a team, and part of that meant attracting good players to improve the team. Early in 2000, I suggested to Eddie that he move my figures around to give the club more flexibility in the salary cap. I realised my contract was a big chunk of Collingwood’s salary cap and that having some room to adjust it over the term of the contract was a bonus.”

(All I Can Be, page 258)

Edited by Artie Bucco
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Firstly, this is the first time I have commented on this thread, and have only read on the odd occasion, so someone else may have raised this....is it possible that Sculls is holding off talks until he knows if bails gets the gig for another few years or not? I wonder if he is waiting to find out who our coach will be? The lad is the ultimate professional and you could make a case for him wanting to be coached by the best available?Just putting it out there, I have nothing to back this up with!

Word is that Scully thinks that Bailey is a master tactician but a lousy motivator. But seriously, who actually knows. It is probable someone just made this up on one of these threads. Who knows? Which brings me to the main point.

The truth.

The truth is that nobody, not even Scully knows where he will play next season. Scully simply has not made a decision.

This week I believe he is strongly leaning towards staying but if an offer comes that is too good to refuse he could well go. As I said even Scully does not know the answer, so how the hell does anyone else.

This being the case it is absolutely pathetic that we have had thousands of posts over numerous threads, which have a very low if any facts and are only speculation, rumour and lies.

Its time we all took a deep breath, relaxed and stopped this endless circle

Edited by Grand New Flag
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Firstly, this is the first time I have commented on this thread, and have only read on the odd occasion, so someone else may have raised this....is it possible that Sculls is holding off talks until he knows if bails gets the gig for another few years or not? I wonder if he is waiting to find out who our coach will be? The lad is the ultimate professional and you could make a case for him wanting to be coached by the best available?Just putting it out there, I have nothing to back this up with!

I recall Wolfmother actually said this was one of Tom's issues. It's in this thread somewhere but I CBF trawling through 20+ pages.

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I recall Wolfmother actually said this was one of Tom's issues. It's in this thread somewhere but I CBF trawling through 20+ pages.

That would be the previous TS +20-30 page thread....or maybe the one prior... ? There's been so many. Try page 1 post 2 this thread. Says they have a great relationship.

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Guest Thomo

I’ve been busy reading Nathan Buckley’s autobiography “All I Can Be” again.

Although I hated him as a player, I always had great respect for him, and I see parallels between the professionalism and desire of both he and Scully (not to mention my understanding that Buckley was a mentor for Scully as a junior, and the influence that would have had on the kid’s mindset and approach).

I think Buckley and Scully have similar personalities too, from everything I have heard and witnessed about both.

Anyway, my personal opinion of how Scully would approach re-signing with MFC is pretty much summed up in this quote from Buckley’s book, as follows:

I notice that Buckley doesn't say he asked to take a pay cut, he asked it to be moved around. What does that mean? Moved to Channel nine payments? Deferred to be paid on top of his wage when he is an assistant coach in the future? Sounds a bit suspicious to me.

Not having a go at your post, as you are just quoting him, or anything to do with Scully, but there is no way that Buckley would write in his autobiography that he is money hungry and sold himself to the highest bidder. Just like Judd's autobiography will go on about his love for the environment not the money at Visy. (off topic, but did anyone see how badly Judd answered the environment questions when interviewed by Mike Sheehan? Best he could do when asked what he does to help the environment is to say he drives a Hyundai and has switched power companies - both club sponsors giving him free products. Could not come up with anything else when asked)

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I notice that Buckley doesn't say he asked to take a pay cut, he asked it to be moved around. What does that mean? Moved to Channel nine payments? Deferred to be paid on top of his wage when he is an assistant coach in the future? Sounds a bit suspicious to me.

Not having a go at your post, as you are just quoting him, or anything to do with Scully, but there is no way that Buckley would write in his autobiography that he is money hungry and sold himself to the highest bidder. Just like Judd's autobiography will go on about his love for the environment not the money at Visy. (off topic, but did anyone see how badly Judd answered the environment questions when interviewed by Mike Sheehan? Best he could do when asked what he does to help the environment is to say he drives a Hyundai and has switched power companies - both club sponsors giving him free products. Could not come up with anything else when asked)

Well they don't pay him enough to know more.... :blink:

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The rest of us should put this rider on our posts...

All will be revealed in time. From the decision in Sept/Oct, to the many interviews, to the tell-all books, and finally the recanting on the death bed.

All will be revealed.

You're very confident rpfc. Your reaction if he leaves it the one I most intrigued by.

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I’ve been busy reading Nathan Buckley’s autobiography “All I Can Be” again.

Although I hated him as a player, I always had great respect for him, and I see parallels between the professionalism and desire of both he and Scully (not to mention my understanding that Buckley was a mentor for Scully as a junior, and the influence that would have had on the kid’s mindset and approach).

I think Buckley and Scully have similar personalities too, from everything I have heard and witnessed about both.

Anyway, my personal opinion of how Scully would approach re-signing with MFC is pretty much summed up in this quote from Buckley’s book, as follows:

Its an interesting take without doubt. On teh surfacee its highly admirable and we can only hope this is the direction Tom is taking. Bu tthen its raises the question for mine: Much has been made about waiting to decide til seasons end, til after the CBA is ratified ..and on we go.

I just make the observation then that if coin isnt the motivating factor, and if the higher aspiration of being participant in not only the realising of a premiership team but actually being a catalyst to this end then what on earth is stopping him from signing with us now ?? This to me represents the fulcrum of our collective vexation in this whole matter

I think youre correct re Buckley haviing some connection, via the AIS , with a young Scully.. might be wrong.. memory hazey on that one.


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Its an interesting take without doubt. On teh surfacee its highly admirable and we can only hope this is the direction Tom is taking. Bu tthen its raises the question for mine: Much has been made about waiting to decide til seasons end, til after the CBA is ratified ..and on we go.

I just make the observation then that if coin isnt the motivating factor, and if the higher aspiration of being participant in not only the realising of a premiership team but actually being a catalyst to this end then what on earth is stopping him from signing with us now ?? This to me represents the fulcrum of our collective vexation in this whole matter

I think youre correct re Buckley haviing some connection, via the AIS , with a young Scully.. might be wrong.. memory hazey on that one.


I think the coaching situation is a very big factor in all of this...and i can understand it. If i was Tom it would be a very large part of my planning...Who will be my coach when this list matures.???

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Its an interesting take without doubt. On teh surfacee its highly admirable and we can only hope this is the direction Tom is taking. Bu tthen its raises the question for mine: Much has been made about waiting to decide til seasons end, til after the CBA is ratified ..and on we go.

I just make the observation then that if coin isnt the motivating factor, and if the higher aspiration of being participant in not only the realising of a premiership team but actually being a catalyst to this end then what on earth is stopping him from signing with us now ?? This to me represents the fulcrum of our collective vexation in this whole matter

I think youre correct re Buckley haviing some connection, via the AIS , with a young Scully.. might be wrong.. memory hazey on that one.


I don't believe you are right re Buckley. My recollection was Buckley coached the Vic Country Under 16's whilst Scully played for Vic Metro Under 16's. Gary Lyon subsequently replaced Buckley.

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You're very confident rpfc. Your reaction if he leaves it the one I most intrigued by.

My position is two-fold:

1. I believe he hasn't signed already, as I think he is an honest kid who just wants to think about his footy.

2. I believe the MFC has progressed to the stage that would make me wonder why anyone would want to leave.

Happy to argue the toss on the second one.

But I have racked up my post count on the first one - and I will continue to defend Tom from those accusations...

It's a sideways response to your question - I am basically trying to say that I am invested in Tom's character and the ability of the Stynes-Schwab-Bailey led club to keep its players, rather than just Tom staying at the club.

Edited by rpfc
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I don't believe you are right re Buckley. My recollection was Buckley coached the Vic Country Under 16's whilst Scully played for Vic Metro Under 16's. Gary Lyon subsequently replaced Buckley.

That might well be the case...i just seem to remember some timeliness of occasion , that Buckley and Scully shared proximity.

Happy to be corrected :)

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Tony shaw reported on afl teams (fox sports) that Melbourne put an offer and "some pressure" to Tom scully in the past 24 - 48 hours. Supposedly 3mil over 4 years

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Supposedly 3mil over 4 years

that will set you up for life Tom.

Please sign on the dotted line below


Tom Scully

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i cant see bailey being there next year, 31 away games 3 wins its pathetic, scully will stay thats just what i think anyway

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Tony shaw reported on afl teams (fox sports) that Melbourne put an offer and "some pressure" to Tom scully in the past 24 - 48 hours. Supposedly 3mil over 4 years

Scratches head. Furrows brow. Wonders how Tony Shaw knows these details.

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