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Cale Morton One Week Away !

Diablo Deemon

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Dunn; and not just because I'm anti-Dunn. Similar 'type' - bigish (though Dunn is in a man's body, Cale is still rake thin), mobile, big tank, scoring threat. Cale's the superior player. No brainer for mine.

i think the MFC have to lobby the AFL to allow a 8 man bench, because when Morton back, jarra back and watts is ready we cant fit all our players in we have so much depth, i think we will play finals this year or get very close,there is no way in hell we wont play finals next year, we have so much depth it not funny, cant see miller playing another game, or newton, we have too many forward options that have far more up side to them then newton and miller, Dunn is a good player and we need his toughness, when you have so many young players you need the bigger bodies in the team,Dunn to stay in for my mind, just for that reason,you cant drop Bruce unless he hits some bad form,you need experience in a young side, just look at the hawks they had a young team but still had that experience in dew and crawford and the back man who broke his foot in the GF his name escape me, Just look at them they lost all three experienced players and they have not been half the side since 2008,So i think player like Dunn are essential, to play just for his big body, in saying that he has only got two season left in our team, as a few more young players will emerge with bigger bodies, Morton has to came in the side after two or three games at casy,no one deserves to be drop just yet, but when Morton comes back i am sure there will be injuries so he can came back in.

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I think Bruce would be in the running to lose his spot.

I try to align my expectations with what may happen in reality, and I think any notion of Bruce being dropped is fanciful at the moment. I don't get the impression that leaving Bruce out of the side is on the FD's radar (yet).

In light of that, it has to be Dunn. There's just nobody else in my eyes.

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I saw Sam Blease at the game on Saturday and he appeared to have a bit of a limp, I may be wrong but he just looked a bit proppy.

yes i was there too. After the game he and wonna were walking just in frnt of us and he was very proppy and seemed to wince as he was walking. As it was his first game for more than a year I guess you would expect him to be a little bit sore but he did look to be in pain. Let's hope it was nothing more serious than mild cramp or something. I seem to remember that the club in their review of the game reported he played a half but pulled up a little bit sore afterwards.

Cale Morton was interviewed on ABC before the Brisbane game and said the club has had him for months on a strict fitness regime including daily weight sessions. You would expect him to come back with a much more mature and bigger body. I agree with the last post I think he is one of our most talented players and especially when he is fully fit and bigger will fit into the forward line perfectly and be a real plus for us. It is all good.

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Just goes to show how even the competition is. A good injury list, and suddenly the 15th and 16th teams from '09 are being talked about as top 4 material.

Who would you drop for Morton though? And try to spare us the ridiculous Bruce garbage and give a REAL answer.

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yes i was there too. After the game he and wonna were walking just in frnt of us and he was very proppy and seemed to wince as he was walking. As it was his first game for more than a year I guess you would expect him to be a little bit sore but he did look to be in pain. Let's hope it was nothing more serious than mild cramp or something. I seem to remember that the club in their review of the game reported he played a half but pulled up a little bit sore afterwards.

Cale Morton was interviewed on ABC before the Brisbane game and said the club has had him for months on a strict fitness regime including daily weight sessions. You would expect him to come back with a much more mature and bigger body. I agree with the last post I think he is one of our most talented players and especially when he is fully fit and bigger will fit into the forward line perfectly and be a real plus for us. It is all good.

Cale Morton will NEVER be big. He is an ectomorph, meaning he has less of the 'bulking' fibres in his muscles. Generally this correlates with a better endurance capacity, which is clearly his excellence. His future will not require him to be a bulky player. Remember Robbie Flower (that's rhetorical). Brent Moloney is an endomorph, the opposite. And between them are the mesomorphs, where most footballers fall.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Just goes to show how even the competition is. A good injury list, and suddenly the 15th and 16th teams from '09 are being talked about as top 4 material.

Who would you drop for Morton though? And try to spare us the ridiculous Bruce garbage and give a REAL answer.

Dunn. He has been OK but he is probably the 23rd player ATM. No slur on him rather a reflection of the lift the others have given. I would keep Bennell even though I harsh on him for the squib a couple of weeks ago. I reckon his "X" factor is getting close to fruition.

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Cale Morton will NEVER be big. He is an ectomorph, meaning he has less of the 'bulking' fibres in his muscles. Generally this correlates with a better endurance capacity, which is clearly his excellence. His future will not require him to be a bulky player. Remember Robbie Flower (that's rhetorical). Brent Moloney is an endomorph, the opposite. And between them are the mesomorphs, where most footballers fall.

Exactly, the biggest he will get will be of similair size to Joel Corey or Corey Enright

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I try to align my expectations with what may happen in reality, and I think any notion of Bruce being dropped is fanciful at the moment. I don't get the impression that leaving Bruce out of the side is on the FD's radar (yet).

In light of that, it has to be Dunn. There's just nobody else in my eyes.

Too much sense there.

I think it would be Cale for Bennel and would play Hff.

I doubt that will happen.

What I'm getting at is...

Cale goes in >>> Who goes out?

Looking at the rest, it'd be a tough decision.

I think Bruce is one of the contenders and it's because he's not one of the hard-at-it players like Beamer, Jones or McKenzie.

It not a matter of dropping one not solidly built player who spectators dont think ie hard at it for another.

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Going by last weeks team

Melbourne Team

Backs: Rivers, Warnock, Frawley

Half backs: Garland, MacDonald, Dunn

Centreline: Trengove, Davey, McDonald

Half forwards: Bate, Petterd, Jones

Forwards: Sylvia, Martin, Green

Followers: Jamar, Grimes, Moloney

I/C: Morton, McKenzie, Scully, Bennell

In - Rivers & Morton

Out - Bartram & Bruce

Watching a few of the past games, Bruce just does not fit the role in MFC anymore, he may be a leader on the field but he just slows the game down, his decision to handball to a team mate under pressure happens more than people like to acknowledge, he just seems to slow the game down at times. Do not get me wrong he is a great player but does not fit the mould of the current format, which is a shame.

Bartram - to be honest, just unlucky. He has been improving week to week. It would be easier if the bench was 6 players.

the in's & out's will be interesting when we have a the casey boys ready for a senior spot. when Jurrah, Watts & Wonna are 100% fit and ready who goes out???

Edited by Sturmmann
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Bruce is going nowhere. If Morton was ready to come back in this week it would Dunn going out and Martin retained to provide Jamar with ruck backup.

If the FD decide Jamar can ruck alone with only minimal respite from a pinch hitter then Dunn would be retained and Martin would miss out in favour of the extra running 'tall' in Morton.

Those who think Bruce is not in our best 22 at this stage are delusional. There is more to footy than kicks and handballs, effective or other wise. Bruce's guidance, defensive work off the ball, reading of the play and knowing when to run into space are crucial for a young team. Yes occassionally he gets it wrong and we get burned on the rebound which looks terrible but often it sets us up with fast break towards goal.

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I saw Sam Blease at the game on Saturday and he appeared to have a bit of a limp, I may be wrong but he just looked a bit proppy.

RobbieF - I spoke to Blease at the game on Saturday, you are right he was limping badly. I asked him about it and he told me he just got a bad corky in the reserves, assured me it wasnt bad enough to keep him out of the following week. FWIW - He thought he went ok in the reserves as well and was looking forward to breaking into the seniors eventually.

spoke to J Gysberts as well, that kid has a rude head.

Both seemed very excited.

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Bruce is going nowhere. If Morton was ready to come back in this week it would Dunn going out and Martin retained to provide Jamar with ruck backup.

If the FD decide Jamar can ruck alone with only minimal respite from a pinch hitter then Dunn would be retained and Martin would miss out in favour of the extra running 'tall' in Morton.

Those who think Bruce is not in our best 22 at this stage are delusional. There is more to footy than kicks and handballs, effective or other wise. Bruce's guidance, defensive work off the ball, reading of the play and knowing when to run into space are crucial for a young team. Yes occassionally he gets it wrong and we get burned on the rebound which looks terrible but often it sets us up with fast break towards goal.

Another Bruce bashing thread

You guys are ridiculous

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I try to align my expectations with what may happen in reality, and I think any notion of Bruce being dropped is fanciful at the moment. I don't get the impression that leaving Bruce out of the side is on the FD's radar (yet).

In light of that, it has to be Dunn. There's just nobody else in my eyes.


In reality, my posts in this thread have just been indulging my fantasies of a situation where our list is in such shape that Bruce's spot in the team isn't a given.

A boy can dream, can't he?

Back to reality, yes, Bruce is certain to keep his spot.

And I agree that Dunn is the likely man to go.

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Another Bruce bashing thread

You guys are ridiculous

Try reading a thread first genius.

Nobody has potted him.

I guess you'd prefer a world where he was a protected species & guaranteed a spot in the lineup for the next decade..?

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Meesen could only be promoted onto the Senior List if another player is moved onto the Long Term Injury list. Rookies can't be promoted & demoted at will to cover the spots left by Senior players on LTI.

Consider that by the time Meesen is fit (4-6 weeks) and then plays the 4+ weeks it would take to possibly hit form Jurrah will be coming back so Newton or Spencer will be brought back off the senior list.

Barring more long-term injuries between now and then we would theoretically have Gawn & Tapscott still on LTI being covered by Jordie and Newton/Spencer.

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Here's my formula:

Of last weeks 22, the following are in the "dropped if they play an ordinary game or because of match ups" category:







Macdonald (possibly, but another good performance would elevate him out of this category)

And these guys are in the "dropped if they need a rest" category:



Garland (because of long layoff)

Mckenzie (young player, his hard style of play will take its toll)

The rest are safe. If we keep winning and playing decent footy, no changes. Otherwise the above applies

But for the avoidance of doubt, if we keep winning and the droppable players keep performing and dont need rests, then nobody should come in - including a fit Morton and Jurrah (other than Bail, who deserves to come back in based on this years performances)

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I'd agree Dunn for the most part, but if you need a tagging role like on Brennan I'd prefer Dunn to be doing that and Morton using the footy.

I think Bruce would be in the running to lose his spot.

I think I'd prefer to let Morton play on a Brennan, because at least you know he'll drift forward and make the most of his opportunities (ie kick goals). I think back to the Sydney game in Canberra last year and Morton tagged Goodes. The best game I've seen him play. Completely blanketed him.

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But for the avoidance of doubt, if we keep winning and the droppable players keep performing and dont need rests, then nobody should come in - including a fit Morton and Jurrah (other than Bail, who deserves to come back in based on this years performances)

Putting aside the improbability of an indefinite winning streak with no players dropping in form or becoming injured. The idea that players of Morton & Jurrah's calibre once match-fit would be held out of the team is misguided.

It's terrific that players like Bail, Dunn, Bartram & Bennell are playing good football, in a couple of those cases it's about time. But unless they're flat out dominating games and render themselves somehow invaluable, they are the kinds of players who will unluckily find themselves making way for superior players like Cale & Liam. These are the realities of playing in successful side.

For analogies, see players like Simon Hogan at Geelong or David Armitage at StKilda who last year played very well when given chances but were dropped for higher rated teammates when they returned from injury.

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Fair point but I disagree, because we are far from st kilda or geelongs calibre, whose better players have consistently performed for many years now and have the runs on the board. We are a team full of young potential, who are just starting to play great footy on the back of enthusiasm and hard work. Why upset that balance by bringing in a morton or jurrah 'automatically' if they're fit after a LTI? Both of them have many great games to be played before being absolute automatic selections.

If dunn, bartram bennell etc keep playing well and to the team structure, and we are winning, then they deserve to keep their spots. We're building a very competitive unit that shouldnt be unnecessarily interfered with.

However I agree that it is unlikely that all of the on the cusp players will continue to play well, and even more unlikely that we will keep winning so the above is all probably moot.

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It's terrific that players like Bail, Dunn, Bartram & Bennell are playing good football, in a couple of those cases it's about time. But unless they're flat out dominating games and render themselves somehow invaluable, they are the kinds of players who will unluckily find themselves making way for superior players like Cale & Liam. These are the realities of playing in successful side.


We are a team full of young potential, who are just starting to play great footy on the back of enthusiasm and hard work. Why upset that balance by bringing in a morton or jurrah 'automatically' if they're fit after a LTI? Both of them have many great games to be played before being absolute automatic selections.

Because they are better players than what is there. Better players enhance the balance and lift thec standard.

If dunn, bartram bennell etc keep playing well and to the team structure, and we are winning, then they deserve to keep their spots. We're building a very competitive unit that shouldnt be unnecessarily interfered with.

Bennell is not necessarily competing with Morton and Jurrah but Dunn's best to date is not up to the quality of the two injured players

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