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My 3 word player analysis V The Madelaide


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Loved the game today.

Frawley and Warnock were amazing today. Absolutely dominated their opponents.

Bennell was brilliant as a small forward. He did everything right (and didn't aquib once).

Davey showed why we love him.

Bartram surprised me, in particular a laser pass to Green in the last through traffic. I didn't think he had it in him.

Didn't notice McKenzie much. He did some good things but I think was down on the last two weeks.

Trenners had a shocking first half and an amazing third quarter. Congrats to him on his first goal for the dees.

Scully made a meal of some things, looked great in others.

Bail really impresses me. We have a keeper here.

Newton has the rare ability to both amaze and disgust you in equal measure, sometimes even in the same contest. Witnes him dropping an uncontested mark, fumbling it towards the hands of a waiting crow crumber, throwing out a boot to kepe it away from them while still in mid air, and them managing to tie up the ball against two opponents.

Jamar is a Godlike figure in the ruck ATM.

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Bruce spent longer than 5 minutes on Burton. What it showed was that he is just horrible as a key position defender. Rivers should take that role, which will mean Bruce won't have to play that role again.

Watch the replay and note who is on Burton when he scores. You may be suprised.

There would have been no match up for Rivers today. He is very limited in the type of player he can play on.

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My Take:

Bail - Attacked the footy hard again and we need a few solid blokes like him to complement our speedsters.

Bartram - Playing like he's got something to prove! Hard at it today and executed skills well.

Bate - Worked his way into it and will again be better for the run. His best is still a few weeks away.

Bennell - Clearly stung by last week's criticism and played a ripping game across half forward. Pace to burn.

Bruce - Got towelled by Burton early but fought back and was in our best 10 by the finish.

Davey - Not as prolific as last week but hurt Adelaide with his foot skills. An elite AFL talent.

Dunn - Hate to say it but just don't think he's up to it. What's with the shocking set shot kicking action?

Frawley - Rose to a new level today and just crashes through half back like a bull at a gate. Great game.

Garland - Should be happy with his first game for 2010. Adds balance and flexibility to our backline.

Green - Held his leads well and again showed sure hands under pressure. Quality footballer.

Grimes - Would get a game in any AFL backline, Geelong included. Absolute star and our future captain.

Jamar - Has taken his game to a new level and thrashed maric in the ruck today. Love the Big Russian's aggression.

Jones - Quiet today but couldn't questions his commitment. Kicked a telling last quater goal.

MacDonald - Did okay and I like the way he reads the play. Still got quesations marks on his pace.

McDonald - Turned back the clock! 10 tackles and the sealing goal to put him in the best.

Moloney - Takes on the tough bullocking role week after week and does it very well. In the best 8 today.

Petterd - Tried hard but blustery conditions didn't suit. Will cut Richmond up next week.

Scully - Still finding his feet at the level. Knows how to find the footy, just needs to be more effective with it.

Trengove - Deserves a rising star nomination this week after a quality 23 possession display. Oozes class.

Warnock - Very good key backman's game. Made his opponent work for everything and didn't give an inch of space.

McKenzie - Contributed without being a standout. A hard nut who can pinch hit on the ball.

Newton - Until Watts and Jurrah et al come into the side, keep him in. Better than Miller but certainly not up to it long term.

bruce didnt play on burton for longer than a few minujtes i was at the game and he played on chris knights for the majority, get your facts right

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I was down that end too, and also thought Newton was poor.

I know Dunn cops a fair whack on this forum, and he does do some frustrating things, but he was pretty good today. He presented really well, and what i liked most that won't show up in the stats, was a few of his real long gut running chases of Crows players just to exert a bit of perceived pressure.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

I would give him one (1) more week to see if can do something but that is only because I think that he needs games in a row to see if he can ever make something of himself at this level but I don't hold any hope in it making a difference.

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Hi all, Newton and Dunn still appear to deliver a combination of some good but mostly bad and ugly. I was impressed by their attitude though in unsuitable conditions. Their body language and desire was excellent. They should be persisted with until at least Watts and Jurrah come up. Their size can also plug holes around the ground.

Edited by america de cali
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My Take:

Bail - Attacked the footy hard again and we need a few solid blokes like him to complement our speedsters.

Bartram - Playing like he's got something to prove! Hard at it today and executed skills well.

Bate - Worked his way into it and will again be better for the run. His best is still a few weeks away.

Bennell - Clearly stung by last week's criticism and played a ripping game across half forward. Pace to burn.

Bruce - Got towelled by Burton early but fought back and was in our best 10 by the finish.

Davey - Not as prolific as last week but hurt Adelaide with his foot skills. An elite AFL talent.

Dunn - Hate to say it but just don't think he's up to it. What's with the shocking set shot kicking action?

Frawley - Rose to a new level today and just crashes through half back like a bull at a gate. Great game.

Garland - Should be happy with his first game for 2010. Adds balance and flexibility to our backline.

Green - Held his leads well and again showed sure hands under pressure. Quality footballer.

Grimes - Would get a game in any AFL backline, Geelong included. Absolute star and our future captain.

Jamar - Has taken his game to a new level and thrashed maric in the ruck today. Love the Big Russian's aggression.

Jones - Quiet today but couldn't questions his commitment. Kicked a telling last quater goal.

MacDonald - Did okay and I like the way he reads the play. Still got quesations marks on his pace.

McDonald - Turned back the clock! 10 tackles and the sealing goal to put him in the best.

Moloney - Takes on the tough bullocking role week after week and does it very well. In the best 8 today.

Petterd - Tried hard but blustery conditions didn't suit. Will cut Richmond up next week.

Scully - Still finding his feet at the level. Knows how to find the footy, just needs to be more effective with it.

Trengove - Deserves a rising star nomination this week after a quality 23 possession display. Oozes class.

Warnock - Very good key backman's game. Made his opponent work for everything and didn't give an inch of space.

McKenzie - Contributed without being a standout. A hard nut who can pinch hit on the ball.

Newton - Until Watts and Jurrah et al come into the side, keep him in. Better than Miller but certainly not up to it long term.

perfect post mate, well said

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Bruce was beaten by Burton and I thought so so today. Experienced players like him need to nail opportunities.

Newton tried hard but has done nothing to suggest to me he can make it.

Try as he might, Dunn makes basic basic errors and some really stupid decisions. I am not sure he belongs at this level.

Jamar and Frawley were magnificent today. Outstanding. Grimes was absolutely superb. Tough as nails and all class.

Jones disposal still worries me despite his endeavour.

Moloney was just went today IMO.

Trengove and Scully will be better for the run.

Thats a prety fair summation there.

Jones's disposal sufers from either a lack of self belief..or worse... lack of inherent skill. This is his ONLY real downfall, but its damning. So much work and gutsy efort is brought to nought. Im not sure how he improves this..if he can he will rise to a very dmaging mid..if not...he wil lbe supplanted eventually by a younger upcomer with more strings to his bow.

For all of Brents endeavours he can undo them in an instant with poor delivery and/or decisions. Possibly as the stress of winning becomes lesser he'll think better.. He has great onfield value though.

Bruce...for every one good thing he does two bad.. Quite frankly the sooner he can be replaced the better for the team

Russian continues to impress. :)

I agree that trengove was really moredeserving of the #1 pick.. but it matters not if both evolve to elite. Jack seems off to a better more poised start.. Still these two are long termaspirations...and it matters little if Scully builds slowly ( ftm)

Grimes.. nothing more to say..he's great

Bennel needs to back up this week with a devasting surgical decimation of Richmond next week... and he might just do thatwith help fromRicky. Lacking a genuine Kp option we'll rely on the forragiing of these two for a little while to come.

Juior is quite frankly surprising m.. happy to have such :)

Welcome back Col. :)

and dare I say it we need the other Col too..


Bail... belive a little more son....take them on !!

and the 23rd appraisal

Bailey.. starting to show form, more aggression towards the opposition is paying off. Timeliness is improving. B+ ( still room for improvement)

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I Thought Newton did OK today given he had 2 and 3 opponents and atrocious delivery into the forward line. I'm happy to see him there until Watts is ready and way before Miller.

Bartram had a decent 2nd half

Bruce found the ball a lot and butchered it again.

Bennell is very unpredictable apart from knowing that Davey will always look for him. That's his value to the side - as well as some decent skills.

Scully was below par but wont hold that against him.

MacKenzie is super impressive - he just goes and goes. I hope he doesn't have to return to the rookie list ever!

I agree with this given the way the ball was coming into the forward line I though Newton gave a contest. We lack any big bodies on the forward line an Jamar cant ruck solo and be a meaningful target on the forward line. I would perservere with him.

As regards Dunn - good hands but appalling kicking into the forward line.

McDonald © 5 clangers but good work rate

Davey - silky smooth but neds to take on the defenders more and should be used forward as he can kick goals for us

Grimes class and courage

Jamar - average but took some strong marks

Green class but unusually kicking was average (wind played a big factor)

Trengove - everywhere

Scully - a few to many clangers but to be expected

Frawley - hits the ball hard and has real pace

Garland - still scratchy as you would expect but promising

Bennell - is quicker than I realied

Jones - found something in the second half

Bartram - good game looked quick and tough at the ball

Encouraging signs as the first half was a real struggle.

Forward line looked tiny backline looked composed (at last) with a very impressive last quarter.

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I agree with this given the way the ball was coming into the forward line I though Newton gave a contest. We lack any big bodies on the forward line an Jamar cant ruck solo and be a meaningful target on the forward line. I would perservere with him.

As regards Dunn - good hands but appalling kicking into the forward line.

McDonald © 5 clangers but good work rate

Davey - silky smooth but neds to take on the defenders more and should be used forward as he can kick goals for us

Grimes class and courage

Jamar - average but took some strong marks

Green class but unusually kicking was average (wind played a big factor)

Trengove - everywhere

Scully - a few to many clangers but to be expected

Frawley - hits the ball hard and has real pace

Garland - still scratchy as you would expect but promising

Bennell - is quicker than I realied

Jones - found something in the second half

Bartram - good game looked quick and tough at the ball

Encouraging signs as the first half was a real struggle.

Forward line looked tiny backline looked composed (at last) with a very impressive last quarter.

Jamar - average, he killed them in the centre, have a look at the clearances, he is nearly working on his own.

Bartram - this is the answer Bailey is looking for, he has forced his way into the side and has to perform every week. He is showing he can do it.

Jones had an ordinary day, but did his part.

McDonald was nearly our best, would put him on part with Frawley and Grimes

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Another vote for Bartram from me.

He is not and will never be a class player, but is a very good tagger and it's good that now being surrounded by quality players, he can be used solely to shut down his opponent, which he does very reliably.

We shouldn't underestimate the importance of the small defender, and Bartram has done a great job two weeks in a row now. Not everyone can be superstars, and as long as we don't rely on Bartram to create the play, he has a spot in the side.

And another from me. It's early days, but in the last two weeks he has seemed to get caught less often in tight situations, and his disposal has definetely lifted a notch or two.

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Watch the replay and note who is on Burton when he scores. You may be suprised.

There would have been no match up for Rivers today. He is very limited in the type of player he can play on.

Seems like I would be surprised if I watched the replay. I was certain Bruce spent the early parts of the match on Burton. My mistake.

Disagree with Rivers. Many under-rate his ability on this website. I reckon he could have played on Burton.

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Bail - real surprise packet

Bartram - finally showed spark

Bate - getting things together

Bennell - made huge impact

Bruce - has become liability

Davey - another precision game

Dunn - shutting up doubters

Frawley - amazing once again

Garland - welcome back buddy

Green - great as always

Grimes - words cant describe

Jamar - has become dominant

Jones - still not there

MacDonald - second consecutive ripper

McDonald - domninated with spirit

Moloney - gave his all

Petterd - quiet but gutsy

Scully - still fumbling nervously

Trengove - absolutely unbelievably exciting

Warnock - rock of Gibraltar

McKenzie - keeps on improving

Newton - was barely noticed

Edited by Trengove_is_God
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This is the first time you've put in positive 3-worders for every player. Except maybe Petterd...

You feeling ok Joeboy?

Funny what a little success can do for a guy - and the football team winning doesn't hurt !

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