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Fevola Controversy

Diablo Deemon

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Is there much difference between Neil Mitchell's description and what the Vex people 'reported'. Mitchell claims to be taking a moral high ground and attempts to protect his journalist colleague who doesn't want the story out, but all he succeeds in doing is placing the matter front and center. What a sneaky, conniving way to grab attention. I actually used to like him. I'm not against him breaking the story, just the self righteous and sneaky manner in which he did it has me a bit peeved.

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Put Bums on Seats & sold a lot of Marketing Crap that filled their cheating Coffers. Without Fevola over the last 10 years, that stinking Mob may not be here, & they know it. But in there Callous "his job was done"

And the girl, what was she, just some collateral damage?

I am not unbiased here, given my history but please don't excuse his behaviour as others responsibility.

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And the girl, what was she, just some collateral damage?

I am not unbiased here, given my history but please don't excuse his behaviour as others responsibility.

I am not excusing his behavior one little bit.

But he should have been bundled into a car and taken home Hours before any of this [censored] Happened.

For that exact reason-He was a danger to others & to himself.

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I am not excusing his behavior one little bit.

But he should have been bundled into a car and taken home Hours before any of this [censored] Happened.

For that exact reason-He was a danger to others & to himself.

You may not be excusing his behaviour WYL but you are qualifying it.......

Maybe what you say should of happened, but just because it didn't doesn't mean he gets to do what he allegedly did.

And it doesn't mean that Carlton, Crown, or Channel 9 are responsible for him.

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You may not be excusing his behaviour WYL but you are qualifying it.......

Maybe what you say should of happened, but just because it didn't doesn't mean he gets to do what he allegedly did.

And it doesn't mean that Carlton, Crown, or Channel 9 are responsible for him.

I am not Qualifying anything..... Brendon Fevola Should & is going to cop his whack, But if he started Drinking at 2 PM people around him would have watched his antics & i believe should have pulled the Plug & sent him home.

Yes considering he would have known he had commitments with a Microphone makes him look Stupid.

All i want to know is why someone (Team mate, Security) whatever didn't just say at around 7PM

"Right Mate You have had enough-Time to go Home" Nobody Did & look what happened.

Yes he is ultimately responsible for it all but at the same time it is a disgrace that it was all allowed to evolve into what it did.

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You're responsible for your actions, plus your mates should look out for you.

If its true that senior (leadership group) players were out drinking with him at 2PM than they get 0/10 for foresight and 10/10 for [censored]-eyed thinking.

Edited by Its_A_Nightmare
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You may not be excusing his behaviour WYL but you are qualifying it....... Maybe what you say should of happened, but just because it didn't doesn't mean he gets to do what he allegedly did. And it doesn't mean that Carlton, Crown, or Channel 9 are responsible for him.
Indeed. He is responsible for his own actions. No one else.
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I am not Qualifying anything..... Brendon Fevola Should & is going to cop his whack, But if he started Drinking at 2 PM people around him would have watched his antics & i believe should have pulled the Plug & sent him home.

Yes considering he would have known he had commitments with a Microphone makes him look Stupid.

All i want to know is why someone (Team mate, Security) whatever didn't just say at around 7PM

"Right Mate You have had enough-Time to go Home" Nobody Did & look what happened.

Yes he is responsible for it all but at the same time it is a disgrace that it was all allowed to evolve into what it did.

A case of "Too Many times, too many times"..... Hardly an isolated case of bad behaviour.

And your assuming he was not indeed told by others to pull his head. A self serving version of events. In the state he was in I doubt Fev would have listened. He clearly had no regard for those he compromised.

I agree with Queen C. Your attempts to qualify the collateral damage and behaviour of Fev is odd. There are allegations that he was also involved in physical confrontations with some of the people you strangely believe should have taken responsibility for Fev. In those cases people like that should be left to the wolves. Fev needs to find his own bottom of the well to turn his life around.

Just stop at the " Yes he is responsible for it all" and look smart. Expecting others to take responsibility because you cant or wont is a dishonest and massive cop out.

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A case of "Too Many times, too many times"..... Hardly an isolated case of bad behaviour.

And your assuming he was not indeed told by others to pull his head. A self serving version of events. In the state he was in I doubt Fev would have listened. He clearly had no regard for those he compromised.

I agree with Queen C. Your attempts to qualify the collateral damage and behaviour of Fev is odd. There are allegations that he was also involved in physical confrontations with some of the people you strangely believe should have taken responsibility for Fev. In those cases people like that should be left to the wolves. Fev needs to find his own bottom of the well to turn his life around.

Just stop at the " Yes he is responsible for it all" and look smart. Expecting others to take responsibility because you cant or wont is a dishonest and massive cop out.

You don't get it do you..I know a bit about what Fev got up to with certain people behind & in front of the camera, having spoken to many workmates and others since i got back from holidays.

Sure Fev didn't take responsibility & he was/is a Tool because of it, BUT he was set up for a fall by people around him. That is the only part that irks me.

Once again, by about 6PM he should have been shoved in a car & sent home by his club & or Team mates. Maybe they tried & gave up but security is there for just that reason at Clown. They let him Run. A very Bad call.

But to give him a microphone after a day on the [censored] was ludicrous. The Harassment Allegations are another thing.

He deserves to burn for those, just like anyone does.

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Fev is 100% at fault for anything he has done, no questioning that.

Channel 9, the footy show, the AFL, no person affiliated with the Carlton Football Club should be blamed for what occurred, save for Fevola himself.


Simultaneously, the people in high places at Carlton and Channel 9, at the very least, should be heavily condemned for not stepping in and preventing some of what occurred.

Don't wanna put words in his mouth, but I think this is what WYL is trying to get at. Its what I think at least.

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You're responsible for your actions, plus your mates should look out for you.

If its true that senior (leadership group) players were out drinking with him at 2PM than they get 0/10 for foresight and 10/10 for [censored]-eyed thinking.

Who censored cockeyed?


adj. Informal

Foolish; ridiculous; absurd: a cockeyed idea.

Askew; crooked.

Intoxicated; drunk

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Fev is 100% at fault for anything he has done, no questioning that.

Channel 9, the footy show, the AFL, no person affiliated with the Carlton Football Club should be blamed for what occurred, save for Fevola himself.


Simultaneously, the people in high places at Carlton and Channel 9, at the very least, should be heavily condemned for not stepping in and preventing some of what occurred.

Don't wanna put words in his mouth, but I think this is what WYL is trying to get at. Its what I think at least.

I agree. It used to be called urging.

Unfortunately I can remember times in the old Bullring when I have been an urger and I have been stupid enough to respond to others urging me on. Funnily enough, the older I get, the fewer times I become vulnerable to this insidious and weak trait.

Nevertheless, there for the grace of God, etc.. Vale the old Bull ring.

Where was I?

Channel 9 producers have been involved in the last 4 weeks with:

  • Sam Newman and his remarks about the "monkey"
  • Hey Hey and their blackface
  • Reinforcing Fev's idea he would be hilarious if he had a couple too many.

Channel Nine are skating on thin ice, IMO.

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You don't get it do you..I know a bit about what Fev got up to with certain people behind & in front of the camera, having spoken to many workmates and others since i got back from holidays.

No that's your doman. :lol: You say you know a bit but you dont know the full facts of the matter. I dont but I am not drawing any conclusions beyond the basic "respoonsibility for self". How you can jump on your soapbox about this without the full facts is something you do so often. All you have is melodramatic speculation at best.

Once again, by about 6PM he should have been shoved in a car & sent home by his club & or Team mates. Maybe they tried & gave up but security is there for just that reason at Clown. They let him Run. A very Bad call.

See you dont know. But your comment on security would be valid. You desire or need to bake his teammates is uninformed.

But to give him a microphone after a day on the [censored] was ludicrous.

It should give you a fair indication of what reality TV is about. Franky is right Ch 9 is on thin ice. Another example of TV dumbing down its audience in the name of "entertainment".

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Fev is 100% at fault for anything he has done, no questioning that.

Channel 9, the footy show, the AFL, no person affiliated with the Carlton Football Club should be blamed for what occurred, save for Fevola himself.


Simultaneously, the people in high places at Carlton and Channel 9, at the very least, should be heavily condemned for not stepping in and preventing some of what occurred.

Don't wanna put words in his mouth, but I think this is what WYL is trying to get at. Its what I think at least.

THANKYOU Completely Correct!!! Fevola is ultimately to blame yes, But Carlton, ch9 & to some degree ch7 exploitred a situation which

they knew would have a massive fallout. That is what irks me about this.

Thanks Keyser

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No that's your doman. :lol: You say you know a bit but you dont know the full facts of the matter. I dont but I am not drawing any conclusions beyond the basic "respoonsibility for self". How you can jump on your soapbox about this without the full facts is something you do so often. All you have is melodramatic speculation at best.

It should give you a fair indication of what reality TV is about. Franky is right Ch 9 is on thin ice. Another example of TV dumbing down its audience in the name of "entertainment".

Nobody Knows the Full Facts, only Brendon would know that, & he would not Remember.

At least we agree on one level....But RR Haven't you ever gone out with mates & had a huge one, & your mates get you home without any recollection? Maybe you haven't, But i have & on the way home i certainly wasn't recorded for Youtube analysis

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Nobody Knows the Full Facts, only Brendon would know that, & he would not Remember.

At least we agree on one level....But RR Haven't you ever gone out with mates & had a huge one, & your mates get you home without any recollection? Maybe you haven't, But i have & on the way home i certainly wasn't recorded for Youtube analysis

No. And I would hope you dont do it with the frequency or manner that Fev does because the issue of "mates" is an illusion. People who behave perpetually like Fev destroy themselves and in the process torch their relationships with others. And I am sure you one off real life example is not comparable to the antics of that twit.

BTW, Fev would be the last person to know all the facts. They're certainly not available here and its lends itself to conspiracy theories and assumptoin for self serving causes.

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No. And I would hope you dont do it with the frequency or manner that Fev does because the issue of "mates" is an illusion. People who behave perpetually like Fev destroy themselves and in the process torch their relationships with others. And I am sure you one off real life example is not comparable to the antics of that twit.

BTW, Fev would be the last person to know all the facts. They're certainly not available here and its lends itself to conspiracy theories and assumptoin for self serving causes.

No i don't do it with any regularity, but i have done it & i have got mates home who have done it.

They were not altogether planned, they just happened.

This whole episode can be summed up in 2 ways.

1. Brendon Fevola is a tool who is ultimately Responsible for all his actions on the night-no arguement there at all.

2. My Major Beef with all this is that he was exploited while drunk in a situation that could have been stopped.

By not stopping it other innocent parties became involved.

Will be very interesting to see how far Demetrio takes this one.

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No I don't do it with any regularity, but i have done it & i have got mates home who have done it.

They were not altogether planned, they just happened.

Unless you have similar systemic problems like Fev, your antics pale into insignificance against the litany of bad behaviour that Fev has unleashed over his career.

Fev has regularly over indulged socially and with bad results. Carlton has spent significant time and money counselling and trying to improve Fev's responsibility and accountabilty on and off the field. Did Fev listen or did Fev heed? Never.

The B'low could have been just another Fev being Fev. We dont know what counselling or advice was given to Fev. If acted as normal then he would have brushed the sage wisdom aside and continued as usual. The unfortunate part is that he went too far this time...further than he normally goes. Given the rumoured turn of events including what is in the Press, Fev had become a social and dangerous wrecking ball. Aside from the serious allegations, he has destroyed relationships by his behaviour that night (if they were not terminal already)

As for conspiracy theories on Carlton officials setting him up, I have not seen proof. Prior to the B'low, Fev was finished at Carlton and after having defied, refused and disobeyed during match instructions, Ratten had given instructions that Fev was to be traded. I cant see why Carlton would set up a player only to diminish his trade value and compromise their opportunity to trade him.

How far with Vlad take this? ----- About this far.

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How far with Vlad take this? ----- About this far.

If what i have been told from at least two sources Vlad will take this quite a lot further.

Let's just say it is alleged Fev got a little close to Vlad....

And no my Wild antics come nowhere near the velocity of Brendon, i do wish to die an old man.

After seeing the MFC win many Flags, Hopefully with you RR.

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If what i have been told from at least two sources Vlad will take this quite a lot further.

Let's just say it is alleged Fev got a little close to Vlad....

What would Vlad do given he and the AFL are so gun shy of bad media?

Vlad wont do anything in the media or the profile of the public. he and his minions will do there best to sweep this incident together with Cousins, Bock and other incidents under a very large carpet.

And no my Wild antics come nowhere near the velocity of Brendon, i do wish to die an old man.

After seeing the MFC win many Flags, Hopefully with you RR.

Hear Hear!

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What would Vlad do given he and the AFL are so gun shy of bad media?

Vlad wont do anything in the media or the profile of the public. he and his minions will do there best to sweep this incident together with Cousins, Bock and other incidents under a very large carpet.

Hear Hear!

If Vlad takes this any further it will be a police matter i assure you.

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If Vlad takes this any further it will be a police matter i assure you.

And he is definitely likely to do that. :rolleyes:

Come on, you're the one with the media nous.

Think through the ramifications for the AFL, the Clubs involved as this will play right into the media's hands if Vlad did that.

Vlad has an ego but he is not bone stupid.

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And he is definitely likely to do that. :rolleyes:

Come on, you're the one with the media nous.

Think through the ramifications for the AFL, the Clubs involved as this will play right into the media's hands if Vlad did that.

Vlad has an ego but he is not bone stupid.

I wouldn't be so sure 'bout that, but i am not going to say anymore as it is a very serious matter.

If what i have heard is true & it was me, i would definately be making it a police matter. Thankfully i am not Vlad.

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