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If there's a player we like at pick 50 then its not really necessary to keep the PSD 1 pick. It just depends what's available imo. If, say, a player we like as a 2nd round prospect slips through to pick 50 then surely we'd pick him...

We'll only keep the PSD pick if all the players we really rate are gone.

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If there's a player we like at pick 50 then its not really necessary to keep the PSD 1 pick. It just depends what's available imo. If, say, a player we like as a 2nd round prospect slips through to pick 50 then surely we'd pick him...

We'll only keep the PSD pick if all the players we really rate are gone.

I disagree. Every year there is quality at pick one in the pre-season draft. Last year LJ, Cousins, Dawson plus a couple more I can't remember. Trust me an A Grade player some where will fail to come to contract agreement and end up in the PS Draft. Farmer, Nick Stevens and many other quality players have ended up pick one PS Draft in the past. If no elite players end up in the PS Draft we can take the next best kid in the country, someone who everyone over looked.

The FD knows what it is doing.

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We have PSD1.. we had it last year too :) we'd be crazy not to allow for the possibility that someone worthy of adding to the list may be there and not have the ability to pick them up. Keep in mind that primary list of delisted players is known before the draft proper. I Imagine the grapevine might indicate to switched on clubs who may or may not be inclined to nominate after the draft also. Tis going to be a fun time this year :) :) ;)

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I disagree. Every year there is quality at pick one in the pre-season draft. Last year LJ, Cousins, Dawson plus a couple more I can't remember. Trust me an A Grade player some where will fail to come to contract agreement and end up in the PS Draft. Farmer, Nick Stevens and many other quality players have ended up pick one PS Draft in the past. If no elite players end up in the PS Draft we can take the next best kid in the country, someone who everyone over looked.

The FD knows what it is doing.

Well i disagree with you. :lol: How do you know that the FD is going to keep the PSD pick anyway? Have you been in contact?

I'm just going by what Barry Prendergast said in an interview. He seemed to think that it was possible that a couple of prospects 'we' rate as 2nd rounders might slip through to the 3rd and 4th rounds this year. That's just what he said....

If that situation arised, it would be pretty stupid of us to forfeit our pick just so we can hold on to the PSD selection, so that some other team can select the player 'we want' further on in the ND...

The only reason we were able to get Jurrah in the PSD was due to the fact he hadn't nominated for the ND. He got special dispensation or whatever from the AFL to be included in the nominees for the PSD. He would've gone in the 3rd or 4th round of the ND had he been nominated. Dawson and Cousins are hardly tantalizing prospects for a side like us tbh...

At any rate, we're not necessarily going to find a player we want in the PSD. I mean, most of these players are there for a reason - namely, that they weren't considered good enough to be picked up in the ND.

Also, sitting on the PSD pick in the hopes that a good player fails to re-negotiate a deal with their current club is sort of a long shot imo...

If there's a player we really like still available at pick 50, we pick him regardless of the PSD pick.... (unless we are already in the frame to sign an uncontracted player...)

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Well i disagree with you. :lol: How do you know that the FD is going to keep the PSD pick anyway? Have you been in contact?

Have you.. how do you know he isnt ( utilise the PSD ) ?? A fairly pointless comment

I'm just going by what Barry Prendergast said in an interview. He seemed to think that it was possible that a couple of prospects 'we' rate as 2nd rounders might slip through to the 3rd and 4th rounds this year. That's just what he said....
Selectors are bound to think/hope this every year.. whats new. Chances are in a shallower draft this has LESS probability as everyone is really tuned to what is there. ( less to focus on )

If that situation arised, it would be pretty stupid of us to forfeit our pick just so we can hold on to the PSD selection, so that some other team can select the player 'we want' further on in the ND...
You would of course use it ( any pick ) to garner the best avail ( for yor particular requirement) at that time. We have a habit of passing early if we think the tank ( oops ) is empty

The only reason we were able to get Jurrah in the PSD was due to the fact he hadn't nominated for the ND. He got special dispensation or whatever from the AFL to be included in the nominees for the PSD. He would've gone in the 3rd or 4th round of the ND had he been nominated. Dawson and Cousins are hardly tantalizing prospects for a side like us tbh...
and that proves that you just never know what might occur... why limit yourself

At any rate, we're not necessarily going to find a player we want in the PSD. I mean, most of these players are there for a reason - namely, that they weren't considered good enough to be picked up in the ND.
Youre right...we mightnt. But we ought to have some idea of who might be avail.. its that old agents networking shopping players thing ;)

Also, sitting on the PSD pick in the hopes that a good player fails to re-negotiate a deal with their current club is sort of a long shot imo...
yep.. sure is.. point ?

If there's a player we really like still available at pick 50, we pick him regardless of the PSD pick.... (unless we are already in the frame to sign an uncontracted player...)

you probably would. Note Bails cryptic offerring was we'll probably grab 5 newbies... that in itself doesnt preclude grabbing some one 2nd hand out of the PSD...does it ?

Bails is very careful with his words...dont you find ? :D

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Have you.. how do you know he isnt ( utilise the PSD ) ?? A fairly pointless comment

Selectors are bound to think/hope this every year.. whats new. Chances are in a shallower draft this has LESS probability as everyone is really tuned to what is there. ( less to focus on )

You would of course use it ( any pick ) to garner the best avail ( for yor particular requirement) at that time. We have a habit of passing early if we think the tank ( oops ) is empty

and that proves that you just never know what might occur... why limit yourself

Youre right...we mightnt. But we ought to have some idea of who might be avail.. its that old agents networking shopping players thing ;)

yep.. sure is.. point ?

you probably would. Note Bails cryptic offerring was we'll probably grab 5 newbies... that in itself doesnt preclude grabbing some one 2nd hand out of the PSD...does it ?

Bails is very careful with his words...dont you find ? :D

What the [censored] is that??

I wasn't even responding to you. You've got to be kidding aren't you? Putting your 2 cents worth for virtually EVERY sentence i wrote - as 'braindead' as your opinions are...

Please only respond when i 'engage' you belzebub59... Which is 'never'. Thank you.

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FYI these are some of the players who have been picked up from P50 onwards in the ND since the start of this decade.

Domenic Cassissi (PortAdel), Daniel Cross (WBull), Graham Johncock (Adelaide), Paul Medhurst (Freo), Dane Swan (Collingwood), Adam Selwood (West Coast), Sam Fisher (St. Kilda), Chris Knights (Adel), Matthew Stokes (Geel).

There are a number of others who have been good players for their respective clubs drafted P50+ but i didn't include for the sake of brevity...

Comparibly, the PSD's have been very ordinary most years, with a number of fringe players being recycled, players at the end of their careers, speculative selections on youngsters that failed, etc.. I think if you looked at it comparibly, there are definately better prospects available at the bottom end of the ND draft, than are available in the PSD.

Nick Stevens, Craig Bolton, and Brent Moloney were some of the better PSD picks that were also taken (in addition to those already mentioned) - but there's a lot of deadwood in those PSD's if the last 10 years is anything to go by tbh...

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What the [censored] is that??

I wasn't even responding to you. You've got to be kidding aren't you? Putting your 2 cents worth for virtually EVERY sentence i wrote - as 'braindead' as your opinions are...

Please only respond when i 'engage' you belzebub59... Which is 'never'. Thank you.

hey fool..you put up your 5c woth into a forum..its a public venue.. YOU certainly dont run it

I simply commented upon your points..not even disagreeing with them all.. though your pprobably too incapable of decifering that.

Suggestion ...if you dont want "anyone" to comment, rebut, discuss anything you offer( or anybody else ) .. may I suggest you simply profer nothing.. In mean time we'll all just be fine talking amongst ourselves :lol:

want to keep going ?? do it in PM..otherwise try engaging the brain and containing yourself to the topic

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Without laboring the point... this is not a normal draft.. it will peter out ( most likely ) Those at or around the latter marks will be similar to previous drafts with a handicap of about 25-30 i.e add that to this years draft to gain an equivalent of previous.

This aint apples and apples this year.

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There is no way any of us KNOW what exactly the FD will do come draft time.. Short of bugging the G..how would we.. Some here DO however have a door to some folks and occasionally offer crumbs which we morsels devour thoroughly.

We can summise from cooments from Predergast, Stynes, Bailey , Cuddles , Schwabby ..Gazz and so on that in all likely hood Scully is a monty and then its gets a lil murky.. Trengove is the standout for most of us here.. but is that the goal of the MFC ?? who t f knows...for sure.

Bailey intimates there are 5 newbies to come.. is that 4 from scratch and one recycled..or 5 fresh kids and one /or no recycled..?? why would he project that without guard.

Thread and thread return the common flavour that without question its a shallower draft than previous...and it seems by accounts to date to be top heavy , biased at around 30 and earlier.

The concensus of many is that for a change Trade Week and also the PSD will have added weight as middle order and top teams jockey and tussle in efforts to get some look in at the draft table.

So we have a smaller pond to play in and it has to go further...now that we are all but 17 ..soon to be 18!!

Again , ( in my anal way ) Melbourne has shown time and time again it wont necesailry scrape the bootom of the barrel just to use up draft picks. Its happy to go look at teh PSD and top up via the Rookie list.

So where exaclty is the precedent that we will use up ALL our picks in the draft alone ??

( thats called discussion by the way...for the dim ones !! )

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ALWAYS leave a spot for PSD1, you just don't know who will still be OOC in December.

1, 2, 18, 34, and PSD1 would be it, and it is wise, if Bailey wasn't throwing off his cuff.

Agree on the PSD but not the number of picks.

Do we assume that the 5 new players excludes elevations from the rookie list?

If we cant trade away cnotracted players who are no longer requiired then with the 5 new players

If we elevate Spencer, we need six delists. Picks 1,2,18,34,50 (Spencer) PSD 1

If we elevate Spencer plus another rookie we need seven delists Picks 1,2,18,34,50 (Spencer), 66 (rookie) and PSD 1.

Every year there is quality at pick one in the pre-season draft. Last year LJ, Cousins, Dawson plus a couple more I can't remember. Trust me an A Grade player some where will fail to come to contract agreement and end up in the PS Draft.

Thats not always the case. I'd rather trust actual history which shows that PSD options are subject to one off contingent contractual fall outs (eg Stevens and Farmer) or good recruiting quite held options. The PSD can give you a gem but there is no certainty that the PSD will yield any quality.Its more of a lucky dip at times.

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But what does seemed to have occured over years is that if nothing really showed in the PSD we took more rookies ...to top up. especially when we were dead broke. But we still looked...as you would :)

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how many more indigenous players do you want mate?

ohhh... 8 more Daveys...and 8 more Jurrahs ought to just about do it :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Dean Bailey and Dr. Turf on SEN Now if anyones interested.....

Full interview on KB's show:


- Trying Martin in the foward line. Also may give Garland a go.

- Morton is now 192cm. Has put on 2 Kilos. Needs to put on another 2-3 kilos next year

- Has seen Scully play and footage of half a dozen others including Rohan, and Griffiths.

- Trying Bate on a wing and midfield because he has such a penetrating kick into the forward 50.

- 4 or 5 new players to be drafted

-Having less rotations in the midfield to allow players to stay on the field and in different positions up forward or on a back flank.

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Full interview on KB's show:


- Trying Martin in the foward line. Also may give Garland a go.

- Morton is now 192cm. Has put on 2 Kilos. Needs to put on another 2-3 kilos next year

- Has seen Scully play and footage of half a dozen others including Rohan, and Griffiths.

- Trying Bate on a wing and midfield because he has such a penetrating kick into the forward 50.

- 4 or 5 new players to be drafted

-Having less rotations in the midfield to allow players to stay on the field and in different positions up forward or on a back flank.

Thanks Theo.

This is what Bailey was experimenting in the Richmond and North Melbourne games. Clearly assessing how competitive a team can be with less rotations. :rolleyes:

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Personally I'd be disappointed if we didn't use pick 50.

Not sure about that Nasher, with 1/3 of the draft pool excluded pick 50 this year is like pick 75 any other year - that's pretty late.

I think if it was last year Watts and Blease our first 2 picks would have been excluded from the pool.

1,2,18,34 and 50 are the equivalent of something like 1,3,27,51 and 75 in any other year if I've got my reasoning right.

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