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Trusting Sylvia

Matt Demon

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I think I speak for all of us In saying It's been a long hard struggle following Colin Sylvia, many of us have written him off many times before only to jump back on his band wagon and then off again. We haven't had much to cheer about as Dees fans over the last couple of years but watching the re birth Of Col over the last 6 weeks has been my highlight. What I want to know Is at what point do we fully trust Col? Its seems a little crazy to suggest this but could he ever push his way into a leadership group? The way he's been speaking, acting and playing lately I'm starting to believe he could be a very important leader of this club. I'll stop short of suggesting he could ever captain the club.

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I think I speak for all of us In saying It's been a long hard struggle following Colin Sylvia, many of us have written him off many times before only to jump back on his band wagon and then off again. We haven't had much to cheer about as Dees fans over the last couple of years but watching the re birth Of Col over the last 6 weeks has been my highlight. What I want to know Is at what point do we fully trust Col? Its seems a little crazy to suggest this but could he ever push his way into a leadership group? The way he's been speaking, acting and playing lately I'm starting to believe he could be a very important leader of this club. I'll stop short of suggesting he could ever captain the club.

I have been one of Colins harshest critics since his time at the Dees. I have also been very impressed with the way he has been playing over the last 4 rounds.

If we are to take away anything from the Emma Quayle article on the weekend, its that Col has identified his problems, both personally and on field and he is doing everything he can to get respect back. So far IMO he has showed that he is dedicated to playing consistent footy and getting back that respect that he lost.

However having said that, 4 good games doesnt make up for 5 (?) lost years with him. I hope that he can get to a level where he is playing good consistent football, if not for the club, then for himself.

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I agree..........it's been great seeing him improve over the last few weeks, and hope he can keep it up!

I always held out hope for Col because his talent was clear to see, just the application was lacking.

He would need to deliver a few seasons of consistent footy, and start acting like a leader around the club before he would even be up for consideration. Still a long, long way away IMO..........but not impossible if he wants it.

He is starting from a long way back in the respect stakes.

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TBH i have been in Sylvia's corner. I am also of the opinion that the last 5 years have not been a complete waste. There have been some good games despite the inconsistency and frustration. To say he has done nothing since his debut until this season is incorrect and ignorant. He provides the X factor for the team and finishes very well on the run and kicks with precision within the midfield with good efficiency, and helps straighten the side up. One clear example of this from a number of examples from Sylvia on the weekend, was his long penetrating kick within the corridor into the forward 50 to a one on one contest, where Bruce marked. Quick transition for the benefit of our forwards. Unfortunately Bruce didn't goal - but that's another story.


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I think I speak for all of us In saying It's been a long hard struggle following Colin Sylvia, many of us have written him off many times before only to jump back on his band wagon and then off again. We haven't had much to cheer about as Dees fans over the last couple of years but watching the re birth Of Col over the last 6 weeks has been my highlight. What I want to know Is at what point do we fully trust Col? Its seems a little crazy to suggest this but could he ever push his way into a leadership group? The way he's been speaking, acting and playing lately I'm starting to believe he could be a very important leader of this club. I'll stop short of suggesting he could ever captain the club.

I agree. There are a few of us who should eat humble pie! Mind you, he gave us much cause for our criticism. Four and a half seasons before he's got a brownlow vote for a number 3 draft pick.

Perhaps he shows that when a kid has talent you cut him a bit[lot] of slack--give him time.Ditto Newton, Dunn?

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Sylvia has always had the attributes to become a star. Great overhead mark, strong tackler, good skills, inside and outside. He just needed to get his mind right.

People on this site should stop writing players off too easily (though I have sometimes done this myself.)

and btw Sylvia turned the corner last season, people were just too blinded by their unrealistic expectations of him to realize he was actually playing quite well and making steady progress. Just because Sylvia gets 18 possies and 1 goal, doesn't necessarily mean he's a dud. He's not going to get 33 possies and 3 goals every week.

My worry is the Melbourne supporters believe that you should be a superstar purely because you're a high draft pick.

Bookmark this: I am 10000% certain that people will start ripping into Watts in his 2nd and 3rd season at the club when he isn't dominating. DESPITE the fact he'll only be a 20 year old up-n-coming KP forward. And then, when he does become a champion at 23 years old, all those pathetic people will come crawling back. Same here with sylvia.

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What I want to know Is at what point do we fully trust Col? Its seems a little crazy to suggest this but could he ever push his way into a leadership group? The way he's been speaking, acting and playing lately I'm starting to believe he could be a very important leader of this club. I'll stop short of suggesting he could ever captain the club.

I don't think it's crazy at all. I was talking with my family during the game yesterday and we mentioned him putting his hand up for the leadership group. He clearly showed the most leadership yesterday. If next year's too early, the year after that?

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I don't think it's crazy at all. I was talking with my family during the game yesterday and we mentioned him putting his hand up for the leadership group. He clearly showed the most leadership yesterday. If next year's too early, the year after that?

I would love to see him as a leader of this club, despite all the crap he has some great leadership qualities as was written about him when drafted. If he pulled his finger out from the start we wouldn't be wondering who would take over from JMac next year that's for sure.

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I would love to see him as a leader of this club, despite all the crap he has some great leadership qualities as was written about him when drafted. If he pulled his finger out from the start we wouldn't be wondering who would take over from JMac next year that's for sure.

The fact is that although we all had limited expectations from the team this season, we did expect that a number of our players would step up a notch or two or even more. With few exceptions, this isn't happening. Sylvia stands head and shoulders among our big improvers this season.

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Due to fitness/Injury issues Col until this season has spent nearly all his playing time up forward, this season we have seen him in the midfield, he is fitter then ever and can run through our midfield rotations. Maybe we all thought of him as a forward but he is shows now that he is a midfielder and that is his best position.

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Due to fitness/Injury issues Col until this season has spent nearly all his playing time up forward, this season we have seen him in the midfield, he is fitter then ever and can run through our midfield rotations. Maybe we all thought of him as a forward but he is shows now that he is a midfielder and that is his best position.

HFF rotating at times through the middle, Too good overhead and big bodied for a small forward. 6 great weeks but needs to turn it into 17 good/great weeks. Behind JW/LJ/JG easily the most exciting progress thus far.

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At the start of the year and in past years i had wanted Sylvia to develop some better work ethic examples and had hoped he would take a leaf out of Brock McLean's book of standards.

He has done that and more in the past month. If Col has turned the corner that would be great and he should be highly congratulated and recognised for it. His past four weeks have been substantial.

If the current trands continue for the rest of the year then Brock will need to take a leaf out of Sylvia's book and lift his game.

I really hope Col can use this past 4 weeks as a springboard for the rest of his career. However, I am very concerned about where Brock is at the moment. His lack of pace and flaky disposal cannot be hidden behind his endeavour and club attitude. If ever there is a player who has plateaued over the past 3 years its Brock.

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I agree with you Rhino about Brock, he looks to be running on the spot. We talk about Col not being able to do a pre-season for a few years, this may be the case with Brock. Wouldn't it be great if all our midfielders can have a good game on the same day. Every week we seem to have 1-2 playing well adn the rest having average games.

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Bookmark this: I am 10000% certain that people will start ripping into Watts in his 2nd and 3rd season at the club when he isn't dominating. DESPITE the fact he'll only be a 20 year old up-n-coming KP forward. And then, when he does become a champion at 23 years old, all those pathetic people will come crawling back. Same here with sylvia.

disagree. watts seems like an affable young kid, who appears at this stage happy to do the hard work to get there.

sylvia ALWAYS was the superstar kid with the blonde hair and the too cool attitude. there have always been stories about how sylvia would eat pies and hit the turps rather than doing the right thing, off and on season. sylvia has always struggled to get his body right, and while this isn't nessecarily his own fault, it contributed to people talking about him.

if watts goes out and starts partying, hitting the turps every night and generally not giving a stuff about his footy, the attitude towards him will shift. but he appears to be level headed and mature beyond his years and people won't blame him for learning the game.

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I am very concerned about where Brock is at the moment. His lack of pace and flaky disposal cannot be hidden behind his endeavour and club attitude. If ever there is a player who has plateaued over the past 3 years its Brock.

Agreed, Rhino. What gets me, is that while he was never the most polished player to look at, his disposal was always fairly reliable before this year, and while he was never quick, I don't remember him being caught with the ball so often, struggling to make contests, or lagging behind his opponents to the extent that he has this year. I'm not making excuses -as long as he's out there, he should be judged just like everyone else- but he cant be 100%; a simple form slump might account for his disposal issues, but it shouldn't be making him slower.

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I remember a couple of years ago people would say Sylvia will end up going past Brock. Anyone who suggested this would usually get shot down, how things have changed.

Is it to much to ask for them both to be playing well!?

He hasn't quite passed him yet, but he's started making up for lost time at a fast rate. Gee, it only seems a few weeks back that Brock was publicly advising Col. about his form.

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Agreed, Rhino. What gets me, is that while he was never the most polished player to look at, his disposal was always fairly reliable before this year, and while he was never quick, I don't remember him being caught with the ball so often, struggling to make contests, or lagging behind his opponents to the extent that he has this year. I'm not making excuses -as long as he's out there, he should be judged just like everyone else- but he cant be 100%; a simple form slump might account for his disposal issues, but it shouldn't be making him slower.

The issues with pace and being caught in play started three years and were quite frequent and at times obvious. His supporters will say he is just injured (when hasnt he been :rolleyes: ). I think the faster pace of the game has caught him a half step slow with and without the ball. Hopefully with Scully in the draft and the further development of Morton, Strauss, Blease and one or two others than the No 1 midfielder tag goes from McLean and he can be a hard working effective midfielder rather than a dominating centreman.

Now with the development of the midfield quality, Sylvia on the other hand......Hmmmm.

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The issues with pace and being caught in play started three years and were quite frequent and at times obvious. His supporters will say he is just injured (when hasnt he been :rolleyes: ). I think the faster pace of the game has caught him a half step slow with and without the ball. Hopefully with Scully in the draft and the further development of Morton, Strauss, Blease and one or two others than the No 1 midfielder tag goes from McLean and he can be a hard working effective midfielder rather than a dominating centreman.

Now with the development of the midfield quality, Sylvia on the other hand......Hmmmm.

I dont think anyone can dispute the troubles McLean has had with injury. He has had 2 major injuries that could have an impact on his movement and definitely would have impacted on his 2009 campaign. Round 1 2007 he fractured his foot, an injury that has reduced the movement of many pro athletes around the world.

He followed that up with a broken ankle and severe ligament damage last year. Speaking from personal experience, this is an injury that takes significant time to recover from fully. It is the reason I have essentially decided to not judge Blease on his movement until 2011 at the earliest.

When you add to that the fact that he was hardly swift at the best of times and I think it is safe to say he may have slowed. The other problem is his interrupted preseason. His game is built on toughness and winning contested ball but I believe his inability to do the required work preseason has seen him get to less contests and impact a game the way he used to.

Getting caught with the football is also a product of not having enough quality in the midfield to dish the ball to a teammate in an attacking position. In fact, we are terrible at getting a release man in space with the ball. As you suggest, surrounding him with pace and class should remedy this in part. If we land Scully, the hope is he is good enough to wear a tag and allow McLean more freedom to be the player we all enjoyed watching in 2006 Elimination FInal.

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Agreed, Rhino. What gets me, is that while he was never the most polished player to look at, his disposal was always fairly reliable before this year, and while he was never quick, I don't remember him being caught with the ball so often, struggling to make contests, or lagging behind his opponents to the extent that he has this year. I'm not making excuses -as long as he's out there, he should be judged just like everyone else- but he cant be 100%; a simple form slump might account for his disposal issues, but it shouldn't be making him slower.

Slight tangent here, but has anyone been watching Brock play for the last 3 or 4 years? I like Brock, I think he can become one of our top players, but he's never been quick, he's always been slow. That was obvious from the start. Nor was his disposal all that accurate either. Granted, I think his disposal is at a career low at the moment. I dislike digging players, but surely people didn't just notice it this year?

The Bailey game plan might also be exposing Brock's lack of pace, with the attribute of run and carry required in our team. I still believe, however that if we get some quick players around him, his ball winning ability will push him through, as that is the one thing about Brock that is unquestionable.

In reading a few of these posts, I was just thinking how quickly Sylvia has managed to win me over. He's still not entirely there yet, but I thought he was a lost cause at the beginning of this year, but his last 4 rounds have been nothing short of superb. I'm certainly in his corner now. And having shown his true potential, I hope he continues this.

I would not be at all surprised if he polls votes in at least 3 of the last 4 matches, we've played.

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