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Roger Mellie

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Everything posted by Roger Mellie

  1. Don't know if this has been mentioned earlier, but has anyone noticed the change in our relationship with the media very recently. When Gazza was at the helm the MFC was vault like - no press leaks, not one - just drummed up speculation by hack journos. Suddenly now Jay Clark from the Hun has been on the money - co-captains, announcement today about the captaincy, AGM & Jimma. Not suggesting a conspiracy theory - just interesting. Maybe they could replace the Age as shorts sponsors.
  2. So players know not to tackle him because of shoulder injury
  3. How would it work? Would mods shunt their posts to relevant player thread? I assume they would have to as posters usually ignore requests to get back on topic and continue to bang on about player x or themselves.
  4. Listening to Jon Ralph on the radio today (don't think much of him but he made a good point) suggested that teams without salary cap room (ie Geel, Coll, Carl) would make hefty plays for players dangling post footy careers (ie outside the salary cap - Judd style). He suggested that such clubs have much greater resources in these areas than your demons, dogs, roos.
  5. I think all National Draftees automatically get 2 years (excluding PSD & RD)
  6. Love the report Spirit. Bate missed Friday's training - was he there today? Cheers
  7. Greg Healy would be a massive coup. MFC have been at him for a very long time but he's been too busy building a very successful business and good on him. I reckon there might be a bit more time before he can get back to the club. IMO there aren't many players who've achieved what has after footy (excluding media gimmes)
  8. Stick with the small picture then but in doing so - have a bit of a look at the players in question
  9. Because with Green you have an escape clause - he's less likely to play after 2012 - perfect timing for Trengove or Grimes to takeover. I wouldn't want to give it to Moloney or Jones as an interim measure and then take it from them when JT or JG are ready. Nietz and Junior were ordinary captains in their first year to boot.
  10. Surely with your involvement with Jurrah and by default, the MFC, you've ditched the pies and jumped on board the demons?
  11. He didn't have a father composed of lard as part of the deal.
  12. For me the clear standouts are Trengove and Grimes. I agree that neither is ready for the appointment, so seat warmer is required for one year.
  13. I agree with you entirely on Bennell. I think Jetta also offers an option, but like Bennell, has his strengths and weaknesses. I would like to see both in the back line ahead of Bartram. Jetta's strengths: - creative use of the footy to the level that I think he can be a genuine playmaker - good skill level and vision - protects his team mates - tackling machine intimidated ny no one. Weaknesses: - IIRC he has never done half a preseason, let alone a full one - one arm is half the size of the other - lacks depth with kicking - not overly quick I wouldn't mind seeing what he's capable of and a Bennell/Jetta 1-2 could be a bit special down the track.
  14. Thanks for the reports - no mention of Taggert. Was he there? Any comments? Cheers
  15. Pre-season update: Sheahan to Williams is now out on the MFC website. Interestingly, Sheahan's report was done by Rawlings.
  16. I think you have a point. I remember listening to Malthouse provide special comments on a Melbourne game late last year. He was less than complimentary about Jordie - saying pretty much that he avoided kicking the pill and his handballs were routinely intercepted or missed the target. While I think this opinion might have filtered down to Neeld when at Collingwood, I don't think it would condemn the man - just give him a bit to work on at this time.
  17. A between chapter poll: Which is worse: a) seeing/hearing Kevin Sheedy in any form of the media b seeing Warnie and Hurls kiss in public AGAIN c) banana fritters Stirling read WJ
  18. Agree - athletes are generally endurance (Jones, McLean, Moloney) or speed demons (Blease and Davey). Some times you get the odd gem who excels at both (Bail & Nicholson). It's much the same as howling down Jones and Moloney when they get smashed in a 50m sprint. I couldn't care less if they're in the last group so long as they're improving their endurance - if Blease isn't doing PB time trials - I'll go he for chasey (Davey has only just joined full training so would expect him to lag for a few weeks - he's way behind)
  19. Driving down Punt Rd this morning and saw a few red and blue shirts and stopped for a look. Jade Rawlings (and another coach?) had the defenders out for a skills session. The players out there: The ones I could recognise: Frawley Rivers Garland Seller Bartram Bennell Jetta Strauss Tynan Morton Davis 2 players I didn't recognise Martin wasn't there and I might've forgotten one or two. They were doing some skill work: Speed handballing Second option handballing (I would call it) Walking up and down with the footy in one hand as though they were going to bounce it, but holding it there - one handed. Not much control there as balls were spilling freely. Precision kicking - Rawlings barking at them to allow for the conditions (howling northerly) As you would expect, there was the odd spray. Seller looked pretty good. Then there was spotting up a player and hitting him on the chest in a split second (didn't happen all that often). Jetta, Morton and Unidentified player didn't do any of the kicking drills but did all the other stuff. I didn't stay all that long as it was probably a closed session. Players looked keen and sharp
  20. I was surprised by that too. Fletcher Roberts is another tall IIRC - not sure about the others.
  21. Updated Permission to Train List - East Perth's Freddie Clutterbuck will train with Melbourne as will Carl Nicholson (Glenelg), Fletcher Roberts (Sandringham Dragons) and Jai Sheahan (from the Geelong Falcons). Sauce afl website
  22. I don't mind the sound of this guy, if we're going for a small forward. I thought he might get picked up in the ND. Source - Phantom Drafts on Bigfooty - I think it's Knightmare's: Haiden Schloithe (WA - Fwd) Height: 179cm, Weight: 72kg, DOB: 16/06/1993 Recruited from: South Fremantle Football Club Style: Mark LeCras Player comparison: Range: 40-rookie Profile: Really good user of the footy. Looks dangerous whenever he gets near it. Good reader of the play. Has that radar where he just knows exactly where the goals are. Tackling great and in combination with his speed is a major weapon in his game. Looks incredibly draftable. Has nice strength through the hits which makes him hard to tackle. Is allot quicker than I thought running a 2.80 over 20m at the state screenings and also has a nice running vertical jump which is another nice surprise. Has really impressed me and stood out in the couple of games I’ve seen of him. Can play up the field but just love what I’ve seen of him as a forward! What he needs to work on is endurance, endurance testing at the draft combine was poor and is what will see him slide but don’t let that discourage you. Can absolutely play.
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