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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Did Petterd, Bate, Cook, Bennell etc nominate for the draft? Didn't see ex Dees in the selections last night. Wish them well in finding a footy home in the other drafts.
  2. Totally agree mt. In fact I find it offensive that anyone would compare Grimes and Scully in #31. Why let a scumbag define our respect for a # on our jumper...any #, any jumper.
  3. Great decision MFC. #31 deserves to be honoured again. Couldn't think of a better option than to give it to one of our captains. Jack will truly do it proud! I can see the 13th premiership cup being held high by #31.,,what a beautiful day that will be!
  4. does anyone know when Rangey is due back? He must be chaffing at the bit to get back to DL.
  5. Watts = Brendon Goddard: # 1 draft pick; roaming from defence thru middle to forward to kick the odd goal Watts = Luke Hodge: #1 draft pick; running out of defence to set up mids and forwards Watts = Herd: ? draft pick who roamed the whole ground Jack is built like Herd, plays the same role as Goddard and can become a Hodge. Jack is elite. Just give him time and space folks.
  6. Sorry Bossdog, it will never be just a number...too much emotion attached to it. Will always be deserving of great honour in my book. Can't allow HWSNBN sully a great legacy. BTW no pun intended with the word sully...altho I could write a gem of a poem with it about HWSNBN
  7. Just being cheeky! The 'No BS No TS' thread just wouldn't be the same without bananas!
  8. Having Finkelstein means our Christmas will come early! My logic: • AFL has no concrete evidence that will stand up in court. • The next AFL Commission meeting is in mid-Dec where they will hand down their findings...AFL won't want it to go into 2013. • Mid Dec is a perfect time to announce no sufficient evidence - no one will care what CW writes, KB says - all out celebrating. AFL will be relying on this to minimize airplay. Then we can happily get on with our own Xmas merriment and enjoy the Xmas turkey... ...ah turkey: that is both the edible kind and the turkey image the AFL will have tainted itself with!
  9. ...and that image of The BBF fading into the sunset will be a Xmas present for us DEE supporters. My logic: - AFL has no concrete evidence that will stand up in court. - The next AFL Commission meeting is in mid-Dec where they will hand down their findings...AFL won't want it to go into 2013. - Mid Dec is a perfect time to announce no sufficient evidence - no one will care what CW writes, KB says - all out celebrating. AFL will be relying on this to minimize airplay. Then we can happily get on with our Xmas merriment and enjoy the Xmas turkey... ...ah turkey: that is both the edible kind and the turkey image the AFL will have tainted itself with!
  10. Roos get a gentle rap over the knuckles for the Hansen thing - a $20,000 fine for not being cooperative. I like the part where: there was..."insufficient evidence to substantiate a breach of the rules in regards to the treatment of Hansen". North have apologised and put processes in place to ensure it doesn't happen again. Read more: http://www.theage.co...l#ixzz2BhV7hlyA On this basis, re the MFC related (tanking) investigation, I am expecting (hoping) the AFL will say: '...there was no evidence that Melbourne players were instructed to not try to win games and there was insufficient evidence to conclude that the coach(es) did anything more than list management which all clubs do when no longer in contention for the finals. The rules will now be further tightened to ensure that (tanking) accusations such as these do not recur...' The AFL might apply a fine but not sure what it would be for...face saving maybe. Can live with a fine even if it is at the high five/low six figure range.
  11. Why do we want him and what role would he fill that we don't have covered? Or do DL's want him just because he is out there?
  12. An article about Russell Howcroft...didn't realise his passion for the Dees was this high. Another strong Board Member...we are in good hands! Life on Planet Howcroft
  13. In his recent message, McLardy used the words '...certain aspects of MFC's on-field performance in the 2009 season,” not 'Tanking'. The 'T' word is not usesd. The AFL regulations do not use the 'T' word. Ipso facto, we cannot be accused of tanking. Semantic maybe but think about it - there is no rule against tanking per se. So what can the AFL find? Also, Tanking = Cheating and AFL would not want to put that label on an AFL Club...imagine the headlines in NRL land... I honestly think that if AD had been in Australia at the time HWSNBN (mark 11) made his comments on OTC, AD would have applied his straight bat to it and deflected it away. But his underlings let the genie out of the bottle and now... Here is a truly independant article on the subject. Michael Bourke is an academic not a journo. http://theconversati...the-rules-10519 I feel a lot more optimistic. Can't imagine the AFL would want to widen the investigation, after all the head of the AFL Commission is more than loosely associated with the other team that may not tried to win. The longer this goes on the longer the AFL will find a way to lessen the impact on MFC. Maybe, a position of: List management has been exercised by many clubs and therefore we absolve all of them from any wrong doing and the rules will be tightened.
  14. MM would have chosen Green after much thought. His selection is a well deserved compliment. Good Luck Brad, except when playing Dees. Oh, by the way...can you settle a score with that Brock fellow re his performance on OTC & his insutling 'bruise free' comments... teach him some manners...poor form for current players to trash other teams/players.
  15. So did I. I even posted similar comment to this ealier in the week. But now, WOW! The latest is totally OTT! I'm over defending the messsanger! Garry shoud find a "Caro's Arrow' and aim it in her direction.
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