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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. What is really sad is that the 'carrot' the Roos was holding, to improve %age, has been totally blown out of the water. %age is now 42.4. Makes it really tough to help players build belief and keep hope alive in us supporters. A very, very sad day to see this goal shattered so early in the season.
  2. Sorry WJ. Usually love your posts but I just can't abide being gracious toward Essendon. I didn't notice any graciousness from them when our backs were against the wall re 'tanking'. Also, can't forgive them for their thuggery in 2000 Grand Final. I won't bag the players but I just can't bring myself to have nice thoughts about them.
  3. EFC squibbed it. Just reported on SEN that Hird is safe...Booooooooooo!
  4. Ho, ho! He can probably see that EFC will at the least cut the funding to the Hird camp and there goes his 'Golden Goose'. Also this: And Im sure that Essendon and Paul Little are much more intelligent than to do something like that { sack Hird} because that would raise pretty obvious employment issues, apart from anything else." Rather ominous...see my earlier post on contract cancellation payouts!. As I said those Hird's are very cunning!
  5. Little is in the classic 'catch-22' and am sure he rues the day he went to bat for Hird and EFC funded 'Team Hird'. Little should have paid more attention to what Hird did to his so-called-good-friend, David Evans.
  6. Maybe they are angling for Hird to be sacked and they can pocket another $2m and maybe get compensation for breach of contract (ie the coaching role for 2015/16). Let's face it he is close to being 'untouchable'. The Hirds aren't stupid but they sure are cunning and have proven they will burn all and sundry. We can only hope the old adage about '...give them enough rope and....' applies.
  7. Hirds are pathologically narcisstic! They should watch out for the reality bus coming their way!
  8. It is a 'brand' survey, nothing more, nothing less. If you wish to comment about other issues just email/write to the club.
  9. How many mates is Hird going to burn because of his ego: Has gone on bomber tv to state he will be back for round 23. He doesn't care what this does to Bomber Thompson (his coaching mentor for 3 yrs) or the team on the eve of their season start? I don't care; may they end up 22/zip, but the gall of the man! Hard to understand why EFC is standing behind one club champion (Hird) while seemingly prepared to jettison another (Bomber). You have to wonder what Hird has over people – they can’t all be mesmerized by him. Will someone eventually turn on him? Would love to see Hird and Dank fall out then it would really hit the fan and some truth would start to come out.
  10. Freemantle will if his issues are personal not phyisical - they are a patient lot. But my point was as much about the attractiveness of the west to Jessie. If Jessie goes west OD I will instantly join your 'no-hope' club
  11. If it is personal reasons rather than mental health issues we need to brace ourselves that he is going to stay in the West. Roos said today his foot etc is fine. So there is a very high probability he will be traded - probably Freemantle. So be it and I wish him well. But please, please, please don't coax Jessie over to the West as well! The West will be extra attractive to Jessie, if his 'mentor/sponsor' Clarke is at Feemantle. Think about it: Great Coach, an AI well-resourced Club, premiership window, and his mate Mitch. If there is a footy God, please don't let this nightmare happen. I can cope with loosing Mitch but not both of them.
  12. ...then where would masochistic DL's go for a fix!
  13. Couldn't let this go unanswered! If a cretin like Hird can get $1m to holiday in France then how dare you quibble about an honest payment to someone in difficult circumstances through no real fault of their own. Mitch deserves our support in whatever way the club deams appropriate. He is one of us!
  14. I saw a current day club personality last week and chatting about the team and I said it will be good to have a forward line as we haven't had one for a few years. He said the person we really need on the park is Mitch. However, it was his forlorn voice and expression that suggessted he won't be in the team for a fair while. Had he said 'don't worry Mitch will be back soon' I would be a lot more optimistic.
  15. While we could share our good/bad experiences on all these airlines how about we show DL appreciation that China Southern has come on board and stick to positive comments about their sponsorship rather than airline services
  16. Thank you . Is that the 'older-dee's-supporter- who-might-die-before-the-next-flag'' Club or the 'My hope-will-fade-quickly-if-Roos-doesn't-improve-us' Club? While my glass-of-hope is still half-full OD, me thinks I qualify for both Clubs!
  17. I hope you are trolling because if not I will lose all hope of seeing a premiership in my lifetime!
  18. We played the whole 2nd qtr like this but what was really disappointing was that when we had a kickout none of our players went back into our forward half so the kickout went toward the boundary then (if we got the ball) there was absolutely no-one to kick to. We start handballing back and side and of course Hawks pack-attack us and get ball back. Its hard to believe our game plan is for all to stay in our back half when we have a kickout. Its either our game plan to do this or our players weren't following our game plan. What was surprising is that that game plan was not working but we seemed incapable of changing. Scary if this continues...lost a fair bit of hope on Saurday.
  19. ...probably just after ANZAC day match! AFL would plead/negotiate to hold off till then and given ANZAC day standing would (appropriately) get a sympathetic hearing.
  20. ...from MFC: 11am – FREE Dees FunZone * Face painting * Autographs * MFC Mascots and Entertainment * * Membership and Merchandise available * Practice your footy skills * Game starts at 1 pm and is free entry
  21. On a side issue: Just don't get why AFL have this hybrid NAB Challenge/practice games thing happening...aren't they all just practice games? The former are televised and have entry fees, the latter do not. Weird! Wonder what happened to the prize money for winner of the old 'NAB Cup', this year.
  22. Contacted the Club today re cost of entry. The very quick reply (cudos to Georgina) was that entry is free She also sent a pdf doc which I can't seem to load here and can't find on MFC website. So, overview is: 11am – FREE Dees FunZone * Face painting * Autographs * MFC Mascots and Entertainment * * Membership and Merchandise available * Practice your footy skills * Followed by the Hawthorn game at 1.00pm which is then followed by Casey Scorpions v Box Hill Hawkes game.
  23. From MFC website "...Jackson argues that the conversation on revenue sharing should focus on identifying the total revenue earned from each match − gate, membership (discounted entry), catering, reserved seating – and how that might be shared among clubs, given each club plays a part in maximising the overall revenue. He suggested revenue earned through merchandising, fundraising and sponsorship should not be shared..." These are the most sensible comments I've heard from anyone in AFL or Clubs: Share 'match-day' revenue but let clubs keep what they have worked really hard to earn from their own initiatives/from their own members. Great way to get some equality but to not kill off creativity and motivation to maximise revenues out in clubland!
  24. Quote by Lyon from today's Age: "What we think we can provide Col with is an opportunity with a really strong senior core and leadership around him, some really strong standards to be met, a strong game plan where he won't be guessing what's expected of him, and an environment to allow him to be the very best can be. ''I love hard workers who chase and pressure, but with [Hayden] Ballantyne and [Michael] Walters we get goalscoring power as well. So if we can train him up in that aspect, we're going to be a better team." Read more: Fremantle coach Ross Lyon returns hungrier and 'keen for success' Of course, the issue is whether Col is motivated enough to meet these requirements?
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