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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Yes, it will be great. Lets hope there are some goal kickers among them. Not many of our midfield (in its broadest sense) can do this. We can pin high hopes on Hogan, Dawes, Frawley but we need the midfield regularly kicking a few.
  2. And/or maybe a really decent spray from Cross, after all respect from teammates seems to be fairly high on a player's motivation. Roos can still be the (baddish) 'good cop' and Cross be the (really bad) 'bad cop'. I doubt Cross will hold back. They could do the same with Howe. If Watts and Howe don't then 'get it' and start putting in on the field then it will be bad news for all. They will hardly be tradeable - other teams will say if Roos can't get the best out of them then no-one will!
  3. We aren't the only ones with high-profile and talented underachievers. Weekend articles on Jarred Waite and Cyril Rioli: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/the-mystery-of-jarrad-waite-20140425-zqyl4.html http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/cyril-rioli--underachiever-20140425-zqza4.html Howe and Watts are young and have been relatively injury free so no excuses on the physical side. When Roos joined, his promise to players was to help each one become the best he can be. But crikey they need to put in the game day work. I liked the spray that Howe and Watts got at 3/4 time. Pity they didn't respond. Like someone said in another thread, do we have a sports psychologist? It worked in cricket for Daivd Warner. Howe and Watts can no longer blame coaches and their game plans. Roos is giving them every chance to prove themselves. I suspect the coaches/team leaders patience will run out soon and the kid gloves will come off. Don't waste your talent guys and eventually leave footy as unfulfilled underachievers, it will forever haunt you. Flashiness won't cut it anymore - prove to your teammates you deserve to be in the team, prove to us we should continue to believe in you.
  4. I really like the way Roos is using the press conf, interviews, AFL 360 etc to subtley put doubt in the next week coach's mind eg: - After round 2 said he would move players around a bit - After round 3 the published team had Dunn, Frawley back and Howe forward but they lined up in reverse - After round 4 he said both Dunn and Frawley can't stay forward but will wait and see This has opp coach guessing with their match-ups till the last minute. Won't win us a game but I really like that the other coach has something extra to think about. Subtle and very, very smart He is using the media to the team's advantage so go Roosy!!
  5. Much talk of Frawley and Mc Donald putting contract talks on hold...any info on where Dunn is at? Lets just hope he doesn't get tempted away as a free agent!
  6. Maybe Jack was so keen to play and after being dropped to get back to seniors, that he didn't 'report' it until it became unbearable. Who knows maybe he thought he could play through it. Sadly, that wasn't the case. Point is we have no way of knowing if it was medical staff or Jack himself that decided he should play.
  7. Quite right. He probably sees the light and is getting on the band wagon, afterall he has some new whipping boys - Carlton and soon Richmond
  8. Same thoughts on both players. Any ideas on what Trenners needs to do to get back into side. It isn't like Roos to drop players for a poor game. More likely to drop players for not playing their role? He is rather slow (and deliberately slows the game down) but is there something else the coaching panel isn' t happy with, regarding the role he is asked to play?
  9. Hey, don't get too carried away folks. Re a pp the article quotes: ''...AFL football operations manager Mark Evans would not debate hypotheticals, but indicated a special assistance selection, if awarded, would not fall in the first round. The likely spot would be ahead of the second round, thwarting the dream scenario...'
  10. Mitch did the #11 proud. The #11 in my avatar would be proud to shake Mitch's hand and wish him well. Like Jimmy he gave his all...can't ask for more than that.
  11. whatever it is he is overpaid...can't write, is biased and can't put a sentence together when speaking!
  12. the 800K came from Mark Robinson...that alone may make it a work of fiction...true/false, he doesn't care... he gets the scoop headline
  13. Just read the article...am crying and smiling...
  14. Can't underestimate what losing Mitch means. Roos had him earmarked to ruck for a fair part of the game, to mentor/protect Jessie when he starts to play, to be the general on the field, to motivate by sheer presence/ability, to be the focal point of the game plan. He was such an integral part of Roos' planning. Dawes may be a good forward but he can't do the other roles (at Collingwood he and Cloke and Brown alongside). Jessie will be a champ but we can't afford to (again) send a new player to the wolves as we did Watts. I wonder to what extent Mitch going has shattered the newfound, fragile confidence players had coming into the season. Maybe with Mitch going they have seen the new game plan go up in smoke and feel lost again. Is depression contagious. Yes, last comment a bit facetious but something has to explain their current lack of interest/attitude.
  15. Roos was prepared for losses but reckon that he is gobsmacked at the very idea that a player doesn't try 100%. This is a guy who played in the latter days of Fitzroy so has been here (losing to the point of talk of his club's extinction) but he, Pert, Quinlan, Lynch et al never gave up. If Roos looks shattered it is not for the loosing it is for the non-trying. I just don't get how the players could not see that they have been given a golden opportunity to be coached by a champion of the game both as a player and coach, a guy who has been where they are, knows how they feel. It is the best (maybe only) opportunity to play their pb footy and they don't seem to give a damn. How could they not want to achieve their own pb? I reckon Roos can accept all human failures but not trying isn't one of them. 'Non-trier' is a worse insult than the slur 'bruise-free'. Sadly, that is what most of our team are.
  16. You may be right Sassy but for me it will be bye, bye, AFL time.
  17. The only way that would happen would be if we went to NT or Tassie both of which are most unlikely. Otherwise it is a merger and the result is the Gold Coast Demons or Melbourne Kangaroos, or Mellbourne Bulldogs and we cease to exist. No! The only option to survive as a club is to learn to play football again. I am a red and blue demon till the day I die. If the Melbourne Demons are to be no longer I am gone from AFL.
  18. My concern with injuries is that we don't seem to be able to bring players back to best/good form after injury. Players that are no longer the same: Frawley - shoulder Strauss - leg Trengrove - foot Clarke - foot Grimes - various Dawes - ? That is our spine right there! I know we lost our long standing doctors 2.5 years ago after they fell out with Neeld. Whether it is medical expertise or the players lose motivation having to play in bottom side after all their rehab work who knows. Something isn't working and it is distressing to see proven/potential top players languishing as average players or not getting on the park at all.
  19. Hard to have selection options when last years 5th placed B&F can't get a game for Freo (when a number of their best 22 are out of the team). Sylvia not in the 25 squad and not on injured list. Roos must really wonder about the state of the team he inherited and how on earth he can make players earn their spots. Only works with depth. He is at least 2 years away from having that. At some level players know that the coach doesn't have many options so the chances of being dropped are small. Not good for self-motivation.
  20. Posted in another thread but also relevant here. Our leadership goup didn't stand up: Leadership group: Clarke - ? Garland - back soon, so hope he sets good example Frawley - playing without endeavour Trengrove - struggling Jones - Champion and quickly becoming the stand out leader Grimes - tries hard but not effective Are our leaders unified? Do they have their on-field leadership roles sorted? I didn't see many on field huddles/leaders talking on Sunday. I didn't see much encouragement (eg JKH 1st AFL goal). We don't have a leader on the forward half but none of our leaders took on the role on Sunday. I don't feel our leaders can galvanise the players when things aren't going well on the field. It can't be left only up to Jones to be the lone ranger. Even if leaders individually are having a bad game they can still stand up as leaders, can't they? Our leaders need to stand up on the field!!!! As a leadership group not just as individuals. It is about behaviours guys, not titles!!! We need to see them lead on the field not at training, not at functions, not in the press. On the field!!!! Until they do it will be very hard for the rest of the team to make the extra effort to be competative. End rant.
  21. When? When our leadership group stands up (on the field) would be a good start. Leadership group: Clarke - ? Garland - back soon, so hope he sets good example Frawley - playing without endeavour Trengrove - struggling Jones - Champion and quickly becoming the stand out leader Grimes - tries hard but not effective Are our leaders unified? Do they have their on-field leadership roles sorted? I didn't see many on field huddles/leaders talking on Sunday. I didn't see much encouragement (eg JKH 1st AFL goal). We don't have a leader on the forward half but none of our leaders took on the role on Sunday. I don't feel our leaders can galvanise the players when things aren't going well on the field. It can't be left only up to Jones to be the lone ranger. Even if leaders individually are having a bad game they can still stand up as leaders, can't they? Our leaders need to stand up on the field!!!! As a leadership group not just as individuals. It is about behaviours guys, not titles!!! We need to see them lead on the field not at training, not at functions, not in the press. On the field!!!! Until they do it will be very hard for the rest of the team to make the extra effort to be competative. End rant.
  22. At least we know he is still in Melb and not in Perth which I take as a good (hopeful) sign
  23. Given that Barlow, Fyfe and Dawson are out this week, Lyon will have to juggle the team to play Hawthorn. Wonder if Sylvia will get a game? Big test for him if he does.
  24. More likely: Pick 1 - bottom of ladder Mid/late round 1 pick for Frawley (if he goes) Mid round 1 pp (if other clubs don't kill the idea again) Lets get real folks. Lets stop hoping the draft will save us even if we trade good picks for a few good players. It won't!
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