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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. If he goes into the PSD he will be a Demon unless GWS take him with pick 1. GC have pick 2 and we have pick 3. (Unless everyone blinks ala Luke Ball and lets him go thru the PSD to the club of his choice). Fair chance a trade will happen with Demons if we can come up with the goods.
  2. This part was music to my ears! Good to hear we aren't going to buy short-term gains. Sanity prevails at MFC. Thanks for info.
  3. Howe, Blease, Trengove, Grimes, Watts, Jones
  4. The half he doesn't make up come from trawling club forums and then putting a 'gold pass' lock on them! Truly poor form! HUN journos couldn't write a feature piece or do research if their lives depended on it.
  5. Oh No! Not another 'poisoned chalice'! First theBluey B & F, now the MOTY!!
  6. Except the temper trap guys didn't wear their dees gear on stage at half time
  7. No only that, they have lost 2 of the best coaches in AFL (Roos & Lyons) and their fitness guru (Dave Misson) since 2005. Awesome perfomance for a Club in any sporting code. This Club has earnt the right to demand RESPECT. Not that they would they are very humble. Didn't think I would feel like this but will be barracking for the swannies/bloods next Sat.
  8. This triggered really mixed reactions...mainly sadness. But on the bright side RDB is home again where he belongs just waiting for the 13th which we hope isn't too far away - guessing 3 to 5 years...well wishing and hoping that...ah, there's that touch of saddness again or wistful longing...
  9. This has set me thinking about how much control the coach (of any team) has/should have over drafting, delistings etc. Clearly the coach has a role to specify needs etc. My recollection is that List Managers were introduced to protect against a coach making short-term decisions that are in his (contract) interest rather than the Club's future interest. I am an unabashed Neeld fan and believe he is planning for the long haul. However, reading DL threads I am beginning to wonder whether in practice, the MFC has abdicated its List Management to the coach?
  10. The AA squad has 'political correctness' stamped all over it...
  11. Sounds like another Buddy. Just imagine our forward line with Clarke & Fitzy both who are 200cm and Hogan alongside, then Jones Howe, Viney & Blease feeding them? A few of our small forwards at their feet...swoon! Delicous thoughts Where do we sign!
  12. I will die a demon! Regardless of how many games I can get to I will always support them via my membership. What might be conditional for me is my support for Aussie Rules footy itself. Its all the rubbish that comes from the MRP, the control freak mentality of the AFL and the moronic media that is doing my head in. But I will die a demon.
  13. Yes, this thread is out of whack! A thinly veiled attempt to attack Neeld without the courage to come out and say it! Is this the work of an insomniatic troll!
  14. These words just gave me a horrid sense of deja vu: Daren Jolly! Hope we know what we are doing letting Martin go.
  15. At this rate you should change your name to Ballantyne The Serial Pest! Please go away!!
  16. Especially the way he described Liam Jurrah's predicament. He spoke with warmth and great empathy and I feel better now about the circumstances in which Liam left the MFC.
  17. Hope it is soon...cringed when I saw another Jack Viney draft thread.
  18. Two things from the cartoon that seem to fit our coach: 1. Daph has Mark Neeld eyes! 2. We are in for one hell of a ride...can't wait!
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