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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Looks like more of the now 'senior' players are buying into the Neeld way! Great of Aaron to set an example by taking leave instead of injury time to have a longer preseason = committment + good attitude. Wish him well with it all.
  2. Totally agree with post. Neeld is Lyon Mark 11 - Focused, uncompromising, demanding, thorough - just what we need!
  3. Hope is what always brings me back each footy year. The finals this year are just awesome. Look forward to when we get there.
  4. While watching these games I could only marvel at the intensity and skill... ....then wondered that even if we make the finals in the next few years how long before we actually win one...4 or 5 years maybe..I shudder at the thought...obviously the dark clouds are hovering this morning
  5. why should they be 'name' players...Sydney and Richmond have done very well with hard working, right attitude types...As Barassi said talent will get you into the AFL...its what you do with the talent that counts
  6. Thanks for coming on to DL Rudeboy. As always your comments offer insight and understanding on what is really going on with Liam. Best wishes to him and his family.
  7. Well said WJ...as I read this I thought it is exactly what Jim Stynes would say and it resonates of his spirit.
  8. Interesting that Rudeboy has not appeared on DL. In the past he has always come on and given us some insight and understanding which has been much appreciated. Feel a bit let down by Rudeboy as well...me thinks his silence on DL 'speaks volumes'! BTW we don't need him to feel sorry for us! How condescending!!
  9. This line looks like it has been wordsmithed by the AFL rather than the MFC
  10. Rather odd that the Club met with Liam 'tonight'. The news broke on the airwaves at around 3.30 this afternoon. Does that mean he didn't personally tell the Club...pretty low if that is the case!
  11. Hey Rudeboy...are you out there? We are hurting...why did Liam just up and walk out on us? We know he had to go but why didn't he take a more conventional approach. Even if he didn't like the new football regime, surely the MFC itself has earnt his respect.
  12. Very true...poor form for Port to issue their statement prior to the MFC confirming journo story...unless Jurrah's manager has already sounded out the PAFC!
  13. SEN have just announced that Jurrah has quit the Dees...a very sad day.
  14. Give the kid a break! FYI he kicked 3 or 4 goals the previous week with Casey and kicked 2 of the 5 goals on Saturday! Go and pick on someone that doesn't wear our jumper! Better still go and barrack for another team!
  15. Great news for Fitzy! He will be our 2nd tall forward in a few years. He is the same height as Mitch and needs 6kg to get to the same weight. Mitch is a great person to learn from. This means we won't have to recruit another big forward as Fitzy will be ready by the time we are playing in the finals!
  16. Sadly, it's true. In Jimmy's book (p 293) he says about Dean Bailey: '...They (the players) thought he was a terrific guy, but there was a view that they were now walking all over him. On one occasion, they had even cancelled their own time-trial run.'
  17. Couldn't get to the 'G' yesterday so went to the Bentleigh Club. There were 3 people plus the barmaid and one supporter left at 1/2 time. We all thought everyone must be at game. Now I wonder if everyone else has Foxtel or indeed Sunday evening is a black hole for all footy away from one's living room. AFL should take note.
  18. I reckon he has yet to buy into what Neeld wants and probably one of the players Green was appealing to in his retirement press meeting...Love Frawley but he often players like he isn't interested.
  19. Jimmy went on to say CS ignored the request because: '...he (CS) believed the football department was fine and the coach was the real area of concern. That was why, in early May, I resolved to become more involved in the role of football director.' I doubt Jimmy would have taken on this role if he & the board didn't think the situation was serious or if there were some mitigating circumstances.
  20. The part that made me really angry was when Jimmy said he asked CS to: 'delve into the situation (the disfunctional football department) and report back to the board...a couple of months into the season I learned he had ignored that request'. It was then that Jimmy took on the role of 'Football Director'. Can't believe that CS would so blatantly ignore this request from the Club's President.
  21. Don't want to spoil it for D'landers reading the book so will just give the page numbers P269/270...Sam read the No.1 P_ick very well!Very surprised the Scully meeting hasn't been reported in the press. BTW...very proud that my D'land picture is 1 of only 2 full page pics in the book...Jimmy completely oblivious to the rain just raring to go...priceless expression. A true Hero.
  22. The story:'Demons work on respectful exits' @ http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/145414/default.aspx is great to see in the wake of the Junior and Bruce fiasco. We haven't had a good track record in recent years of letting players go respectfully - just looking at the B&F winners since 2000, I can only think of Neitz who has had a really good exit. Most of the others that are gone have been traded, contracts not renewed etc in less than happy circumstances. I'm in no way saying that they should have been kept...just saying that I'm glad the Club has seen the light and put steps in place so that it doesn't happen again to any player, B&F winner or not. McLardy says: "And as president of the football club I can assure you I have had discussions with Mark (Neeld) and with Neil (Craig) and we're all committed to a process that is open, honest and respectful to all our players and it is my role at this club to ensure that occurs and I will." I reckon he will stick to his word...am really like McLardy's work in his short presidency.
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