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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. True. Makes me want Caddy a bit more. However it also means that our offer to the Suns is weaker than I thought. They could always use it the year later I guess.
  2. I don't know. Caddy looks really good. He was actually pick 7. And would have 2 years in the system by the time our future pick would come in. I wouldn't call him smooth, but he does play hard and smart. And he is built like a brick out house. RobbieF - He played the last two games of the season. There is no way the Suns would have risked him in he wasn't quite right. Its definatley worth taking into consideration though. I would have preferred him to have had an extra 10-15 games under his belt. He certainly would have had it if he wasn't injured. If we don't make a play for him it means we think our compensation pick is worth more, and I would be happy with the clubs decision either way
  3. The question is - Is Caddy more valuable than pick 9 next year? I trust our recruiters on this one. If we are seriously looking at Caddy then he must be. I think he would complement Moloney really well. He is a solidly built kid. Its going to be an interesting day tommorow.
  4. Ok. I've got a question. Hypothetically. If we nominate to use both compensation picks next year, and finish 8th. we will in theory we will have pick 9(comp), 10 and 11(comp). Would we be forced to use pick 9(comp) on Viney?
  5. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/young-gun-josh-caddy-keen-to-help-his-dad/story-fn69a32t-1226167500775 I hope we make an offer. Mid round compensation pick with sweeteners may be enough.
  6. We would need to give up a lot for Caddy. Probably both comp picks.
  7. You never know with a new coach. I would rather give him a one year contract and see if Neeld can get something out of him. I doubt Maric would except it though. I wont be losing any sleep either way.
  8. Age Article http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/st-kilda-no-to-walsh-bid-20111014-1lpc0.html
  9. I would much rather hold onto him for another year and see how he goes under Neeld rather than swap him for a third round or later pick. I hope we offer him a one year contract and convince him to stay.
  10. Yeah but then they would have had to train Leia from the ground up. Would have pushed the rebels premiership window back a fair bit.
  11. BAMF

    Pick 12

    From Knghtmares Phantom on BF Profile: Doesn’t have great pace or athleticism as shown by some of his draft combine results but is a real footballer who was a standout at the u18 champs. Has a super long 60m left foot kick which hits it’s targets consistently and is a real feature of his game. Really good decision maker whether by hand or foot just seems to always find the right target. Very high skill level for an inside player which along with his long kick is what makes him stand out. Good decision maker. Big ball winner. Endurance good. Ready to play now and have an impact. Could to improve further win more of the hard contested footy, is improving in this area but need to become better in this area to make it at the next level.
  12. Personally I think pick 12 could get us a good player. Not a superstar, but a best 22 player. I'm thinking a Jones or Zaharakis type. Docherty should be there at our pick and I would be happy with him. Greene might still be there. And if he is not then another quality player will slide. I have no qualms trading pick 12 away. doubt it will happen now though.
  13. Members of this message board maybe. I highly doubt the club want to trade for the sake of trade.
  14. Cool thanks for clearing that up. I disagree with you. I bought my house at a great price. Didn't overspend at all. Just took my time looking at every deal and most of them were crap and then with good timing i got a really good price. Paying 2 compo picks and pick 12 was mentioned a few days ago. Most posters said it was too much. Clearly that was way too much. Even 2 compensation picks was more than our club was willing to give up. Hell. even the lesser compensation and pick 12 was deemed too much by the club. I'll back the clubs knowledge over everyone on this board.
  15. I'm sorry Robbie. But i'm not sure what your point is with this post. What are you saying? That we shouldn't have announced our intentions earlier this week? That you should only go to a house auction if you think you have enough cash and that no one will bid higher than you? Im not trying to troll. I just generally cannot understand your point.
  16. Timmy Harrington Article up on the dee's site. http://www.melbourne...16/default.aspx “Early in the week, the focus on the week was on the 17-year-old trading scheme. We were strongly involved in that, but we also had a well considered walk away position,” Harrington told melbournefc.com.au. “There was a point where we didn’t want to go any further to achieve these deals. “We were very clear on our walk away position. Once that threshold was reached, we were very happy to walk away from that, because it wasn’t in our best interests.”
  17. Reading this article in the age http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/suns-land-omeara-crows-in-box-seat-for-crouch-20111012-1lkew.html Seems we did not want to give up our mid round comp pick. I'm glad we stuck to our guns and didn't pay more than we were willing. It's like when you put an offer in on a house, and just fall short of the sale price. Stings like buggery and feels like you have lost. But in reality you still have all the money to buy another. Timmy Harrington said in his interview that there were 5 or 6 players worth looking at. I wonder if a third mini pick will be looked at. Also. What would happen if we nominated our mid round compensation pick next year but finished in the top 8? We would have our normal pick at around say 12 and our comp pick at 8. would we have to use pick 8 on Viney?
  18. GWS has got an elaborate 4 team trade on the go where they have a loop hole to trade away pick 1 in the mini draft and then trade it back in the same trade. Unfortunatly all teams look like winners. See page 8+9 of the TRADE WEEK THREAD
  19. Got most of the following information from this bigfooty thread. http://www.bigfooty....ad.php?t=880046 196cm 96kg KPF. Slid to pick 50 in 2008 (Watts Draft) Played both defense and forward as a youngster. Has huge mits and can take a mark. Has not had much opportunity at the Hawks behind Franklin and Roughead. Was pretty disappointing in his afl games, but was apparently nervous and usually plays very well at Box Hill. Rumor - Has not been offered for trade but has been inquired about by a few clubs. One of those guys who would be worth more to his club than he would get as a trade.
  20. This from Bigfooty thread Adelaide Gain: Pick #24 + MDP #2 Lose: Jack Gunston + Pick #10 Hawthorn Gain: Jack Gunston + Pick #38 Lose: Pick #24 + Rick Ladson Fremantle Gain: Mitch Clark Lose: Band 3 Compo Pick + Pick #38 Brisbane Gain: Pick #10 Lose: Mitch Clark Giants Gain: Rick Ladson + Band 3 Compo Pick Keep: O'Meara Lose: MDP #2
  21. If I were the Demons. This draft? I really don't know. If I was GWS. No. No way in hell. I've got picks 1,2,3 and 5 plus a lot more. And I've already got some good 17 year olds from last year. I would much rather spread my picks over a few years. Honestly, I will be happy if we don't give up both compensation picks. I have complete faith in the club not to overspend. If they think Pick 1 is worth both our comp picks and more then so be it. I don't think they will use both. I think they will use the mid round comp pick and pick 12 for Crouch. (we might get an upgraded 2nd round pick) Just been watching his highlight reel. He has the take off speed and handball of Scully but has a great kick on him too. http://www.afl.com.au/News/NEWSARTICLE/tabid/208/Default.aspx?newsId=124435
  22. I would give up both comp picks, pick 12 and every list clogger that they wanted. There is no guarantee that he will be as good as Judd though. And that's the problem.
  23. Yeah pick 4 is valuable. But when GWS have pick 1,2,3,5,7,9,11,14,15. I think they would rather the compensation picks.
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