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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. Savage has been ruled out this week with a shoulder injury! I was trying to find a video of the bump on youtube. I didn't find it. But I did find this!
  2. Saw Col Garland at my local supermarket with his mum and brother. He was joking around about toilet paper. His mum pipes up and tells the checkout chick that she only needs to buy heaps when Colin visits. Had the whole isle laughing. Seemed like a lovely family.
  3. That he knew the question would come up and was prepared for it?
  4. He was guilty until proven innocent.
  5. The free was against Tapscott. But the 50 was against Martin.
  6. I thought Tapscott was pretty good. Did I miss something?
  7. Bailey would have had to be the best tactician ever to get a win from that game. Our player were not big or fit enough for mine. Some costly turn overs stifled our momentum too. We looked good when we got our run and carry going. Just didn't happen often enough.
  8. Your not wrong Robbie. Every time the ball would get knocked out a Hawks player would be there. The frustrating thing is that even when we had more bodies around the ball the hawks would get a lucky tap or bounce and they would get it. Its hard to tell from the Tv but im guessing that we were just not fit enough to get to all the contests. Our tackling was terrible. Hawks players were just too big and strong for us to get the arms around them and would always be able to give a quick handball off to a player running past when we did get hold of them. We had some shocking turnovers as well. Which cost us a goal every time.
  9. Well. No surprise for me. Hawks once again showing us how much we lack big, fit bodies. I don't think we were ever going to win them when we have Gysberts, Nicholson, Bennell and Strauss. Just far too small against the Hawks stronger, fitter opponents. Although i'm happy those 4 got game time. Darwin may have played a factor. We looked bloody tired in the last quarter and a half. Hawks always seemed to have extra bodies around the ball. In hindsight Bartram would have been a good option. Can we get a tackle to stick? Please.
  10. There was speculation about Boak last year. He signed a two year contract if my memory serves.
  11. BAMF

    Luke Power

    Great player. And he would provide great leadership. He won't be there for our next premiership tilt though. I would much rather give the games to maric or another youngster. And also, spots on the list are precious this year. Who would you delist in order to get him?
  12. Sorry, I went off a little bit hasty and should have re-read your post a little better after I had read the article. I agree that the tackle situation should be explained a lot better to players. And also the risks involved. And your right that they should judge the tackle on the action not the resulting injury. I think the afl has done great with the new concussion rulings and giving the doctors more control over the players returning to the ground after suffering a large head contact. However some of the penalties players are paying at the tribunal is a joke. The trengove tackle main one that is the closest to home. And the fact that the bump has been basically eradicated from the game is not a good thing in my eyes
  13. I agree to a degree. However if we were to make it as safe as possible we would take away the contact side of it and make it touch football. Daisy Thomas took an absolute screamer against North a few weeks ago. Used his legs to force the north player out of his way which resulted in the north player slamming into another North player. It was a great mark. Should the Afl make this illegal as it could result in an injury? Robbo was a master of this. I remember him pretty much kicking a player in the back while he took a mark. He didn't even need to do it. But because he was going for the mark he is allowed to. How can you make a game safe while you are allowed to knee a player in the back of the head to take a mark? Even more so than this its not just allowed. Its celebrated as an amazing part of our game. The biff is gone from the game. And thats a good thing. And as much as I loved the Whelan bump, he should have been suspended for it. Yes lets make the game safe as we can. But lets not destroy the game in the process.
  14. Of course not at that age. But the same 6 year old when he turns 18 makes a decision. And then again every time he runs out on the ground. It's not like he makes the decision as a 6 year old and then has no choice but to continue on.
  15. Here are his stats from last year compared to the season so far. 2010 vs 2011 Here are his comparison stats from 2009 vs 2011 so far. 2009 vs 2011 Was last year just a bad year for Jonesy? Regardless, he is playing his best footy at the moment. Last year I thought he had reached his ceiling.
  16. I disagree. AFL is a tough sport. Its always been very physical. The people playing the game now grew up watching it and all said 'wow what a great game, I want to play that sport' They didn't say 'Wow thats good. But its a bit too rough. I hope they make it softer' Everyone who plays contact sport knows the risks. Why are we turning our game into touch rugby is beyond me. Maybe this should be banned too. Mark of The Year After all he made contact with the oppositions head and also could of hurt himself coming down from such a height. And for people who agree with me here is a little something
  17. He has grown too tall to lost pace. Yet he has no put on any muscle and is way too weak. He is a shadow of what he was when he was first drafted. I would be happy for him to go to GWS for a 2nd round compo pick. Way too soft.
  18. You may be right. I just had a quick look at Jesse Whites stats from a few years ago. Nothing to write home about. In my eyes Jamar and Martin will never be forwards. Basically we have Cook, Watts, Fitzpatrick. That's not much. Especially as Watts may not be a traditional tall forward.
  19. Ease up mate. Joeboy is allowed to have an opinion. Nobody on here knows what the instructions from the coaching panel was.
  20. No way should we get Fev. Even with our last rookie spot. We need someone who will be around for 5 years minimum. We lack tall forwards. I would be happy to have a shot at Jesse White. When his name came up a few years ago people said 'No way would Sydney let him go.' Is out of favor and should come cheaply now.
  21. What were your thoughts on morton?
  22. Yeah it would have been awesome. But I don't think we can complain about our fixture.
  23. Yep. agree with you. We should be trading out of this draft
  24. Ill be glad when 10 lose the rights to televise the games. Tim Lane, Michael Christian, Luke Darcy, Kelly Underwood, Matthew Llyod, Quarterbrain, Anthony Huddo. Who else? I'm struggling to think of anyone from channel 10 that I actually enjoy listening to. And Watts worked his backside off tonight. Ran very hard and was unrewarded on the stats sheet.
  25. Pretty hard to take much away from that. Martin was awesome. We got a win. Now here comes the hard part. The next 4 weeks.
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