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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. Such a stupid idea. Most people interested enough to watch the coverage would be interested enough to know the top 5 prospects and what order they are most likely to be picked at. TV coverage has been so bad over the past few years. I'll be happy to listen to radio coverage again.
  2. He was certainly the worst kick in the collingwood side for a long time. I don't think I could actually name the worst kick in the league now, let alone 4 or so years ago. Actually, its probably Spencer!
  3. Neeld talks about the game plan in yesterday's age article http://www.theage.co...l#ixzz1dX91AKJx ''Right now the game plan, if there was such a document, is sitting in the top drawer. We will get that out later. This is about right now challenging the players in all aspects and getting them educated to understand that as a coaching group this is what we want,'' Neeld said. ''What is my broader philosophy? I was told with the media training whatever you do don't make a big statement, and so the first thing I said was 'I wanted to coach the hardest team to play against', so I failed media training. I want to coach competitors, I want to have a competitive team. So does every coach, I am aware of that, and my role is to instil competitors in the player group and to back it up with selection.'' The instruction is not one that favours open and attack, shut down and hold, boundary line or corridor, long kicking or fast handball. It is a broader football philosophy that the game is predicated on earning the ball in every contest. ''Watch the grand final,'' Neeld said. ''There was not a player out there you would not describe as a competitor. There is no room for non-competitors on grand final day. Contested ball is king. The ability to make quick, correct decisions under pressure over and over and over again happens on grand final day.''
  4. She is already working for the club. She is in charge of the fake tanning spray machine.
  5. Sigh.... It was expected. But it still sucks. I really had my doubts once he strained his hammy at Casey when he came back this year. He has had massive issues with his hamstrings over the years.
  6. While Full Metal Jacket is great. I hope that we don't go down that path. Come round 1 I would much prefer the boys to be good at football rather than cleaning guns and marching while singing.
  7. Strauss leg break made me physically ill. He appeared on the Sunday footy show in the finals series and was in high spirits and said that he was ahead of schedule, which is great. Will no doubt spend the whole year with Casey though.
  8. I usually hate umpire bashing but the Port game was simply unbelievable. Super happy with the result now! There is no way we would have lost that much with normal umpiring standards.
  9. Heres their stats at the same age. http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3331&tid2=10&pid2=232&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O While stats don't show the whole picture, it does show that Chapman was not always as good as he is now. Tapscott has a hell of a lot of development in him. Stuart Dew, Aaron Hamill, Ryan OKeefe. Just a few handy forwards which Tapscott should be aiming to emulate. I respect your opinion. I just disagree with limiting him to the backline. I would love to know Tapscott's own thoughts on where he should be played.
  10. Are we talking about the same Garland who had good games against Buddy and Goodes?
  11. I was enjoying Lutz input into the thread. It was on topic and related to stadium/training ground development. Thanks Lutz.
  12. One bad year is all it takes around here to turn hero to villain. Think back 12 months. Brad was coming off his best year and a complete hero to many on here. He was the best and only clear choice for captain. Jake Spencer looked alright, Lynden Dunn was turning the corner, Martin had a bad year and was a certainty to be delisted. Guess what? things change in football very quickly. Its time to put the Green hating away for awhile. He has been named captain of the Australian team for heavens sake. Congratulations Brad. Season 2012 is behind you. Time to have some fun and enjoy your footy again. I for one will be watching and hoping you do well.
  13. I couldn't disagree with you more. He played as a forward as a junior and was well suited. Paul Chapman isn't strong overhead and lacks speed, but yet he would get a game in every teams forward line.
  14. Can't wait to see him play in his natural role in the forward line. Good on Bailey for helping him with his defensive side. But its time we let the leash off.
  15. After watching the Darwin game this year I would have to disagree with you. He pulled out of multiple contests. 2 resulting in direct goals. He looked very confused as to what his role actually was and was trying very hard to position himself in the right position but getting it completely wrong. I pray that Neeld will let him play his more natural game because Bailey had lost him mentally.
  16. I've missed something here. Why do the bulldogs get another compensation pick? I was of the understanding that GWS could only poach one un-contracted player from each club. Have i missed something here or have the rules magically changed?
  17. No way would Bailey have said that to Bate. He may have thought it and done it. But there is no way he would have told him. You have made this up and posted it because it sounds plausible. If you didn't make it up then name your source.
  18. No thanks. All would just clog our list.
  19. I would put him in front of Rivers too.
  20. What is this 'Mediation' rubbish? Who calls for it? I can understand Carlton calling for Mediation when Fremantle demanded 2 first round picks for Warnock. But Essendon calling for it when they cant get away with paying under's just wrong. Glad they didn't get him.
  21. True. Makes me want Caddy a bit more. However it also means that our offer to the Suns is weaker than I thought. They could always use it the year later I guess.
  22. I don't know. Caddy looks really good. He was actually pick 7. And would have 2 years in the system by the time our future pick would come in. I wouldn't call him smooth, but he does play hard and smart. And he is built like a brick out house. RobbieF - He played the last two games of the season. There is no way the Suns would have risked him in he wasn't quite right. Its definatley worth taking into consideration though. I would have preferred him to have had an extra 10-15 games under his belt. He certainly would have had it if he wasn't injured. If we don't make a play for him it means we think our compensation pick is worth more, and I would be happy with the clubs decision either way
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