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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. Bit harsh on Bate. Boarded a sinking ship at 3/4 time. I'm surprised he was the sub.
  2. I'm with you. Last year I had no confidence that we would be able to get the ball back once we lost it. Now I have no confidence when we do have it.
  3. Sylvia to return? he has never arrived! If we are waiting for Colin Sylvia to return the its a very sad state of affairs!
  4. I'm with you Sloonie. I can't believe its round one and im already looking forward to draft day. What the hell has happened to our backline? Brisbane has had a glory period. Tried to top up. Failed. Rebuilt. Gone past us. Very, very sad day.
  5. I don't know if I can anymore. A bad loss to Brisbane. At home. After Jimmy's passing. Gutless effort today. Weak club. Am I the only one who can't see this game plan working? We spent the whole of Baileys era recruiting excellent running players, We spent the whole preseason running and trimming down. Yet our game plan involves heavy contested possession. Smash it on the boot to a contest and pray that we can win it. Pathetic.
  6. Its alright guys. At least we look good in our Blazers!
  7. Ughhhh.... Are you serious? That is so annoying! Have 7 got the exclusive rights to show the line ups as part of their news broadcast or something? I'm sick of everything in the AFL being about making a buck. How about letting the fans enjoy the game?
  8. Im in. thanks mate. im in way after lockout. so it looks like players can still join!
  9. I highly doubt we would.have stopped neeld from staying at collingwood until the finals were over. in fact neeld wanted to stay. it was malthouse who told him that he should leave.
  10. Do you think we will have room to secure a free agency player? Our first round pick is reserved for Viney. We have nominated to use both our compensation picks. We will most definitely want to use our second and third round picks in a deep draft. That's 5 players who will need to come off the list before we even look at securing a free agent. And that's without elevating any rookies. Of course we may trade 2 picks to gain 1 player or some other factor may come into play. So here's my take on the players. Salopek is passed it in my eyes. Too injury prone to bother looking at now. Sewell would be ambitious. I just cannot see him leaving the Hawks. Enright is interesting. I usually instantly dismiss older players due to Bailey's youth policy, but who knows what Neeld might think. We could certainly use him if we could get 30ish games out of him over 2 years. Another one - Chris Knights from the crows. Has had his injury problems but seems to be getting over them. But do we really need another mid sized forward who could push into the mid? We really need Petterd to step up and own one of those spots this year. Rosa would be a good target. I would be very happy if we picked him up for nothing. Why would he want to leave West Coast though? He has been getting decent game time.
  11. Far out. Honestly. I'm not sure I can take another season of this. That's a serious back injury. He wont be back to full fitness till late in the season.
  12. I think its more the lack of development. Take a look at our first and second round picks dating back to 2003. If all those drafts were redone today, the only player who would be taken equal or better than their original spot is Frawley. The recruiters could not have got it wrong every single time. No. It's been the development or lack there of that has let us down. The most annoying thing is that Bailey was suppose to be a great development coach! Yeah he is not focusing on a gameplan! but at least we know that he is developing the boys well..... sign......
  13. 2 classic Demon games in the past 2 weeks. 1. The Smashing - We get the crap belted out of us. We have no leadership and none of the players seem to give a damn that we are getting embarrassed as a club. No one steps up to lead the team, the senior players simply give up. No matter what the coach says, they can't shake out of it. 2. The 1st Quarter loss - We don't turn up switched on. We get smashed in the first quarter and finally kick into gear in the second term, only for it to be all too late as the damage has already been done. These 2 types of games have been trademark Bailey era games. It will be interesting to see how Neeld will respond to this crap.
  14. We do. But what are we suppose to do? Should I write to Mark Neeld and demand better? Complain on internet message boards and talkback radio? That's pretty much all true supporters can do. The less devoted supporters just stop buying memberships and stop turning up to games. And guess what? they have already all left!
  15. My connection cut out too. Listening on my phone so of course i cant listen through afl.com.au what a joke.
  16. There was an interview with BP post draft 2010, B.P said that another clubs head recruiter told him after the draft that they were planning on picking him up a few picks later. Cook needa another 10KG before he will compete.
  17. Thanks for the updates guys! Its all i've got!
  18. Hate it. They are footy players not school boys. Are we still continuing with the flag raising thing this year? That was bad too.
  19. What are our options with Evans? He had some promising games last year. I know we can have one 3rd year rookie. But I would like Lawrence to have that spot. Can we delist him and then re-rookie him and keep him for another 2 years?
  20. Phew. I'm glad Tapscott will be ready for the start of the year. I bet he is sick of running laps.
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