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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. I really don't want a third year player focused on leading the club. He should be focusing on his game and trying to improve (which i'm sure he is) I remember many having the same conversation about Brock Mclean in his third year.
  2. This makes no sense. He left Collingwood because they offered him less than he wanted plus he wanted to play closer to W.A to be with his family. Why would he want to play for us and why would we want him to play for us.
  3. We are only just talking about this now. Its going to be years before its built. By the time we move in aami park will no longer be modern and from my understanding we have limited office space at aami already.
  4. I read it on the plane on the way to Bali. I was keen to read it and thought I would find time to finish it throughout my holiday. But it never made it to Bali. It was such a good and interesting read that I couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing before we landed. I thought I knew a lot about Aboriginal culture but this book really opened my eyes to a lot of things. A couple of good laughs too! I recommend this book to anyone, For a demon supporter it is a must read though. Seriously, if your a big enough fan to read this forum then you should read this book.
  5. Harsh? Maybe. But if we are looking to clear 6 spots then he would certainly be penciled in at the moment. This time last year Martin was a certainty to be delisted. Everyone knows things could change quickly. Personally I don't know if we will need to clear out 6 spots. Evans has a lot more to prove in my eyes Lawrence hasn't even played a senior game Jamar or Davey can go on the VET's list We have no idea what the club has planned for the compensation picks, I think we will trade at least one. Brad Green will also need a decent year. We have a fair few medium forwards who will compete for his spot.
  6. Judd just did a shoulder at training. Blues hopes will be dashed. No key forward and no Judd for most of the year by the sounds of it.
  7. This is all I could find. Demon Revival on bigfooty
  8. Dee TV have got interviews with the new draftees Rory Taggert http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/tabid/8667/contentid/406111/default.aspx#playvideo Josh Tynan http://www.melbournefc.com.au/dee%20tv/tabid/8667/default.aspx#playvideo#playvideo James Sellar http://www.melbournefc.com.au/dee%20tv/tabid/8667/default.aspx#playvideo Also interviews with Satterly and Greaves.
  9. That is amazing. I admit, I thought his career was over the moment he broke his leg.
  10. There wasn't one it was a joke. It was just the Scottish detective series. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088621/
  11. I'm impressed with his highlight vid. Must have been one of his better games.Took some really nice contested marks. Knows how to use his size. He will at least force the opposition to play a larger body against him, which will help our forward structures.
  12. It's the first time I have ever felt confidence in the club in developing kids. If Bailey and his coaching team where still in charge I would give our recruits very little chance of surviving past the standard 2 year contract. Just get that feeling that they could be excellent pick ups with Neeld guiding them.
  13. We only have one veteren. (Green) Therfore we can upgrade a rookie prior to round 1 without having to put someone on the long term injury list. Judging from interviews and training reports then Nicholson is firmly in the lead for the upgrade.
  14. I think we will use at leasr one in a trade in the next 2 years.
  15. Wow. Really interesting pick. I know very little about this guy. I wonder what Neeld has in store for him? He is listed as a ruck but I doubt he will play there with our good depth.
  16. SnoopDogs Phantom Draft # 39 Western Bulldogs – Josh Tynan (Gippsland Power/ 185 / 76 / 93) Natural footballer who has had a terrific year at Gippy and then for Country at the Champs. He can play on talls and smalls so his versatililty will appeal to clubs and he also has that ability to set up pretty well by hand or foot. He is very courageous and thinks nothing of backing back into a mark. Very cool in traffic and his decision making has been elite when I have seen him. Finished off the year with some super performances and think he will be a chance to go higher than here. Could be a bit of a Heppell as well and just take off next year. Scope to play midfield as well. AFL Comparison – Heath Shaw Roughie – Julian Dobosz could fall to here. Also have shown they don’t mind developing skinny talls in Grant and Jones so Hamling a chance. Murray newman would be a good fit.
  17. highlight Vid http://www.afl.com.a...x?newsId=123415 Chris25 phantom #90 GWS - Josh Tynan (184cm defender - Gippsland) Really strong and composed player, Tynan made the half back line his home during the Championships. Tynan could become a solid small defender, and his contested ball work is up there with the best in the draft. But he is also a strong mark, and won’t back down from a contest. Whether he develops into anything more than a solid defender is the question. AFL Comparison: Jacob Surjan. Bigfooty official phantom JOSH TYNAN - GIPPSLAND POWER - 186cm 76kg. So many good players still available and we are saying it is a soft draft. I guess there will be gems from here on. Nearly went for Nick Haynes as i consider Nick to be the best player still available. Nick haynes will go first round in the real deal. Also considered Nicks team mate Brett Ohanlon who has been linked to the Swans in many Phantom drafts. We all believe Sydney are interested in Brett. Hope they are both available for the Swans next pick With the Swans trading in Walsh and Morton as potential forward options during trade week i decided to make this selection on a needs basis for Sydney. With the retirement of Kennelly this year and the likelyhood that Rhyce Shaw probably will go only one more year, i think the Swans need to recruit a running half back and Josh Tynan fits the bill. I have had my eye on Josh from around pick 25 so i am thrilled he is still available for the Swans pick 43. Josh is an aggressive running half back/back pocket that has the ability to play on talls or smalls. I recall him playing on a small in Ben Kennedy(175cm) during the National championships and later in the TAC CUP season playing on Liam Mcbean(200cm) for Gippy power v Calder. Josh is a very strong mark for his size hard at the ball or the man and backs himself in every contest. Unfortunately he did not test at the combine. i am not sure of his endurance, but on face value appears to have good pace. At times can be a little loose and sometimes does not always choose the right time to attack with the ball in hand or in the air. The VC v SA game whilst playing on Ben Kennedy, Josh chose to fly for a pack mark deep in defence and Ben Kennedy roved the pack and kicked a smart forward crumbers goal. This happened twice during the game. Things that could/would be taught at an AFL club. A great pick up for the Swans as an ideal replacement for Kennelly and/or Shaw.
  18. SEN says he's a rebounding hbf
  19. Barry told him to shut up shop till we recruit him at 54?
  20. Oh? I was of the understanding that clubs had to nominate at the start of the season. So that means we can choose to trade them and if we don't trade we can then decide if we would like to use them?
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