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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. Didn't Barry Hall get 7 weeks for his KO on Staker? By my reasoning Buggs incident was (IMO) about 1/2 as bad as that was. Should have been given 4 - incident was no worse than Houli.
  2. TBH Bugg has been punished not only for the act (which was cheap), but he's also been punished for the timing (doing the week after Houli). As usual the AFL react to things as a whole rather than as individual cases. This sanction is more about making the competition look like it takes a hard line on thugs than the individual incident. Eitherway, its not a massive loss on field for us I don't believe, albeit Bugg has been handy this year.
  3. IMO we could do far worse than call him up to play in the guts this weekend. Always going to have a soft spot for Trenners!
  4. Don't read too much into it IMO - more than likley just giving the guys every opportunity to get through Fridays session unscathed
  5. Perhaps its just their emotional reaction to getting ahead of themselves last week. I think most dees fans weren't confident about a result last Friday. The media needed a story and decided to tout the dees all week long as contenders. Turned out to be a bit premature and now they're backtracking FAST! Another week of the AFL media treating footy issues like they are the most important things on planet earth - hate the media around the AFL
  6. Same media that were saying we were contenders last week.
  7. Maybe we should embrace the MRP drama. Play Spencil purely to KO a Gibbs and Kruser in the first 5 mins *obviously this is a joke. (clarifying this only because it's demonland....)
  8. When all said and done, the role of a skipper in AFL is to gee the boys up before each quarter, flip a coin, and play a good game (lead by example). Therefore it could probably be any of the guys named, but I'd go for Lewis. His words would carry some weight around the group and given his experience might add something different than just regurgitating what the coaches are saying. Plus he owes his team a big performance after getting reported against the blues the last time out.
  9. If Tyson gets up i'll be a hell of a lot more comfortable about the Carlton game!
  10. Jordan Lewis to thrive as a pure mid alongside clarry, vince etc Hoping Trengove has a run too
  11. This time last year people on here did too. Hannan has gone past him which is more to do with hannan being great overhead and having good pacr rather than any fault of kents ( i dont think he has regressed) but people throw him to the scrap heap.
  12. Hows the holier than thou attiude in here???? Kent in this week. People have short memories. The kid will be a gun.
  13. Storm in a tea cup. Carb loading for next weeks game!
  14. Forced Outs: Viney, Bugg, In: Trengove and JKH Potential returns; Garlett, Watts, Hogan, Out: White, Wagner, Stretch
  15. Injuries caught up with us today - nothing to be ashamed of. Last years grand finalists would always be a bridge too far with no Jones, Hogan, Watts, Garlett, Salem etc Maybe the guys have been enjoying drinking their own bath water too - either way, it's a mid season reality check. Perhaps Trengove will add to this AFL games tally after all?!
  16. I don't think he did intentionally target the head. He intentionally tried to elbow Clarry, but I don't think he was targeting the head at all
  17. Sorry, but these sorts of comments smack me as inconsistent. (not saying you are inconstant personally, but just the general vibe on Demonland) If Jack Viney had done what Scofield did we'd have said there was nothing in it and would have been up in arms about it having to go and argue the case. In fact it would be added the footage to the Jack Viney made me cry thread, and we'd gloat about how much of a hard nut Viney is and how soft the person who got a chip on the chin is.
  18. The right decision IMO. At 22 he's still developing and has shown enough to warrant a spot on the list The entire squad is pretty strong at the moment but putting the sentimental aspects aside you'd think he's in front of the likes of Trengove and a few others in terms of long term planning
  19. I wont give him stick because hes a young player with a bright future but theres no doubt in my mind that he went to ground easier than he might have had he not been in full view of the umpires. To say he didnt get hit at all is plain wrong but i think the only reason this has been news worthy is because he is a young bull who is hard to take down woth the ball in his hands and the way he went down on the weekend was out of character
  20. Winnable IMO The lads will need to play very well, but it can be done! Go Dees
  21. Excuse my ignorance, but is Nev Jetta injured or out of touch? Seems crazy that such a reliable backpocket, who has significantly improved his attacking flair is being overlooked for the time being. Even if Milkshake and Hibbo are playing roles in the back half, I would have thought Jetta was still best 22. Is it a game style change which is getting him overlooked, or just that Goody prefers others for the time being?
  22. So far on field we've beaten the reigning premiers in a preseason match. Better than anything we did under Neeld!
  23. Sorry mate, Goodwin has a footy pedigree and track record to suggest he's not the second coming of Mark Neeld. Additionally, I think the Paul Roos factor has got the playing group to a headspace where they can probably cope with tough love a little bit more than the side who Mark Neeld tried to coach. I wasn't a fan of Neeld, but I had hoped he could turn us around. As it happened he couldn't, but I stand by my call that you've gone way too early on drawing any comparisons here!
  24. WTF - you've gone way too early mate. Neeld?!
  25. Absolute storm in a tea cup. Even if Wattsy got on the [censored] before the intraclub or hasn't been training hard enough, does it really matter? A player not being selected for a preseason match is not even remotely news worthy. AFL media is a joke. Hundreds of people employed and between the preseason cup and the AFLW they still cant find anything decent to write about. It's almost like they needs a Bombers drug style scandal or another tanking saga so they can write the click bait headlines and vastly bias opinion pieces. Bring on round 1, when Watts kicks 3 and gets 20 touches on a half forward flank they'll roll out the redemption card. Give me a break!
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