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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2016-06-08/player-update-oscar-mcdonald
  2. Forward pressure isn't only tackling. Chasing and harassing defenders when they're working the ball out of defence puts pressure on their disposal which leads to turnovers.
  3. McDonald is a gun KPB for his age. If he had signed already everyone would be content. Our backline looks light on with him in it, and t would be even worse without him! Because he hasn't signed everyone is pulling his game to pieces and trying to make his contract situation less of a big deal. Sure he has flaws but so do most backs. Hell even when Chip was at his peak for us we'd still lament the odd brain fade. ( used to get caught holding the ball all the time trying to run the ball out of defence)
  4. To be fair, as much as they infuriate me at times I used to enjoy listening to Langdon and Hardie on the nightly sports talk back in Perth. Also Gossage is every bit as much of a joke as both of them.
  5. Agreed Neeld logic would say that the 2 games are wasted on him if he's not in future planning, but I think Roosy has the balance right. I think both Dunn and Grimes will get a handful of games each in the remainder of the year, and the younger guys will also get a good taste for it
  6. I think they see Oscar and Dunn on similar levels at this point. If Oscar doesn't grow in confidence and put in some good performances over the next couple of games I think Dunn will slot straight back in. But for the time being the coaches want to blood a young player and obviously don't think the difference between the two of them is large enough to stick with Dunny
  7. I think he'll get a game soon actually. I don't see Harmes, Stretch, Wagner and Bugg all holding form for the rest of the season, and when they slip he'll get a crack given that ANB and Newton didn't make the most of their opportunities
  8. So we assume he'll play VFL this week? I just find it strange that there have been almost daily updates about Olivers corky but silence when it comes to pedo. More over, Dawes is talked about in the selection discussion / news articles but with no discussion about pedersons 'illness' etc
  9. After being a valuable role player he has dropped of the face of the planet? Not on the injury list and not mentioned in the returning players media release? Anyone know what his illness was when he was left out a few weeks back?
  10. Saying Galand, who has been ok amoungst a rabble of defenders, is out to injury
  11. This is our best chance to take it up to the hawks in recent memory. They've been average all year and we're improved (albeit inconsistent) I wouldn't bet on the win, but I expect the lads to keep it somewhat respectable (comparatively) Hawks by 34
  12. Someone print this out and give it to Saty to hand Roosy at training! Bang on!
  13. I hope Grimes comes back and plays well. Absolute top bloke, and more dependable than most in the current back half. If he is played in the guts, then I'd probably take him over the young fellas at this point too. I'd love to see him play well and earn another contract. Yes he has his flaws, but who doesn't. A back man's kicking errors will always seem 50% worse than a forward or mid whose disposal errors are less likely to result in a goal.
  14. Yep, we're still miles away from being where we'd like. BUT we're closer than we have been. Still plenty of frustrations ahead, but will be plenty of good days too
  15. Maybe their feeding O-Mac games to keep Tommy onside! He's too much of a typical loyal sort of bloke to leave IMO
  16. Thanks Nev Jetta! Hope Carlton enjoyed the twisties and coke we traded for him!
  17. what a legend! Haven't updated my favourite players list since the Dean Bailey years, but still got a massive soft spot for #9!
  18. In: Grimes Out: Jetta I'd like to see Trengove get a run sooner rather than later too. Maybe against Geelong to sling tackle Dangerfield!
  19. With no off field player issues, no crap club management to complain about, no crap recruiting to lament, no tanking dramas or [censored] tribunal decisions, Demonland is in the midst of self imposed hysteria over a player who has a season and a half to play before he can walk out. I understand why everyone is worried/ interested, but still makes me chuckle a little. It would be a massive setback should he leave, but for once the team looks like we don’t rely on just a handful of players. Plus, If he was to leave or request a trade we’d be holding a handful of aces to get pretty much whatever we wanted from an opposition club! ‘I believe in Tom Jesse’
  20. I convinced myself that Scully would stay. Hell I brought a jumper with #31 on it after that infamous 'one club' player presser. This time around Im not even going to let it bother me. I'm just going to enjoy watching footy this year and whatever happens happens. I think he seems like a loyal enough sort of guy, but you just don't know what outside factors could be at play here.
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