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Everything posted by binman

  1. ...and I suppose we're supposed to be grateful he wants us to get a good deal. I'd laugh if we forced him into the draft, if for no other reason then to shaft his moronic manager
  2. Funny. It is now a given he is off. The only thing he owes dees fans is an explanation
  3. I'd block Picket but he's just too much fun to read
  4. I agree. His go is an in an under mid who starts in the centre. He's got good hands, good vision and reads the ball well. His pace is only a worry in so far as it is an issue across the team. Whilst you def need a few players with genuine pace (eg Jetta) and a good number who are pretty quick (eg Cunningham) pace you don't need all players to be quick. Have a look at all the top teams - they have a blend. A good comparison would be Priddis - one of the best in and under accumulators in the league who as he pointed out himself on Brownlow night is slow as a wet week
  5. My sources tell me Danger is in the bag! A caveat - my sources are DL posters
  6. Fair call, hope did deliver us Paul. But I still don't really believe he is our coach
  7. According to the afl we are improving and doing just great. That should be enough for frawley
  8. Really as a demons fan i meet hope every off season. Last off season hope was banging on about one of the leagues strongest forward lines. I can tell you hope is not once failed to let me down.
  9. For god's sake can someone please post a legit sounding rumor confirming we are going to get Danger! I don't care if it is bollocks by the way.
  10. Speaking of Monty Python and the 'I am not the messiah routine' i linked on previous page, perhaps it should go like this: Player: I am not a drug cheat ASADA crowd: Only a true drug cheat would deny their drug use Player: What? Alright i am a drug cheat! ASDA crowd: He is a drug cheat, he is a drug cheat!!
  11. I know i'm preaching to the converted but honestly it staggers me that some still don't get it. Tim Watson has been saying how all the other clubs are just pushing EFC and the players to resolve this but says 'what would you do, take a deal even if you know you are not guilty'? (or words to that effect). Who's saying they have to take a deal to resolve it? As someone noted they also have the option of showing cause why they shouldn't be placed on the register of findings and if that fails challenge the infraction notices and charges at the AFL drug tribunal. Simple. Issue resolved either way (ie guilty or not guilty) The implication from the EFC camp is that it is a fait acompli they will be found guilty in an objective (presumably somewhat sympathetic) forum. Now why is that? There is is another thing that really frustrates me. You watch the (dwindling) Hird media lackeys running the line about how unfair it is the players have to prove their innocence. I actually have some sympathy with that view however that is how the game is played, they are the rules. EFC should have been 100% aware of this and factored this fact into their decision making process when designing their supplement program. The question to Hird and Dank from the board should not have simply been 'are any banned drugs being used' it should have been 'are any banned drugs being used or is there any risk that even if the answer is no that ASADA may be able to make a circumstantial case we have which we can't disprove (eg by meticulous record taking and total control of supply chains and administration of the drugs)'. Basic risk management. If they didn't ask this question then more fool them and whilst the players have a right to be disgruntled it should be focused on the club not ASADA or external bogeymen (or should that be bogeypersons - Caro says hi) with vendettas against Hird. What did EFC actually think they were signing up to when they agreed to abide by the WADA code?
  12. Me too. Pick 2 and 3 for Danger and their pick 10 would be great. I understand the view that there is a big opportunity cost with that call (though offset somewhat if you think pick 10 ends up being comparable to pick 3 - a relatively common scenario) but i for one am sick of not having an out an out mid field star. I should couch that by saying that by dint of hard work Jones is now up there (and it is ridiculous that with this numbers he didn't make the AA team, or the squad at the least) but Danger is one of the bets 10 players in the league and one of my favorites. I would love him at the dees and he would instantly bring our mid field (by far are weakest area) up a couple of rungs and therefore dramatically increase our chances of winning games. The other thing is as Roos recognises we don't have the luxury of drafting a potential gun and waiting 4-5 years for him to get to AA level (which is what we need). We need to win some games and we need a player like Danger who can come in and make an impact straight away. Do it.
  13. Yep - and roos has made this point abundantly clear. I expect that all of our new players will be mids
  14. that's not true at all. Why do you think writers use quotation marks if not to make clear that this what the interviwee has said.
  15. Fascinating radio doco on ABC 1026 about the efc saga with Tracy Holmes. Just interviewed Hardie who is adamant judgement is 100% wrong and that third must appeal and he thinks he will not just for his own rep but for all athletes in oz!
  16. If his docs have advised MC that for his health he need a changed environment its a bit rich that he might go to a club a half decent torpedo away. AAMI park is literally next door to Westpac centre and he will be running into dees players all the time. For petes sake they'll share a car park! Song if you could get me a gif of the scene from Repo Man (an underrated classic film) where one of the repo men say something along the lines of "i call [censored] on that" it would be greatly appreciated.
  17. roos. Plus I heard a rumour malt house might be retiring in next week for personal reasons. Twice removed hearsay so obviously probably bollocks but perhaps Mitchell would like to be at a club where he knows who will be the coach for the next 5 years
  18. Ralph declares on radio that Goodwin 100% to sign with Crows and news leaked out he ahd signed with the dees. Warner could not have been more wrong with his pathetic cricket score analogies in the case just decided. Yobbo - say no more. Is it any wonder their only award at the Hun was an internal News corp prize - which they jointly shared with Rebecca Wilson!
  19. I guess Hird might put plans to sue ASADA and the AFL on hold for a while. AD must be having a quiet chuckle i would have thought.
  20. Mick Warner. It infuriated me at the time and i posted as much. Fair dinkum what a moron. It was actually quite revealing because his 'score' could only have been arrived at by who he perceived had thrown the best mud and made the other side look silly - nothing to do with the legal question of ultra vires. Revealing because it is exactly this shallow analysis that has dominated the coverage, in the main, of this whole circus. As Sue says great to hear a clear, well reasoned argument stripped of all the hyperbole and deliberate obfuscation. Ironic actually becasue even on the mud throwing score board EFC lost with Middleton all but dressing down EFC and Hird's lawyers for their attack on Andruscara and going out of his way to say she acted professionaly both in her role as CEO and in the witness box. Sort of takes the wind out the sails of any Federal review i would have thought.
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