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Everything posted by binman

  1. Do you know what, I %100 agree. Don't get me wrong we will miss Frawley as even though i reckon he is overrated as someone pointed out on DL he is a KPP with 100 plus games and 8 seasons under his belt and such players are not easily replaced. But a good team culture is a bunch of players invested in the same goal. As PJ has repeatedley said he knows our offer and he one can only assume he doesn't want to accept it. Go then. As for Clark, unlike some i don't reckon he owes us anything any more than we owe a player like Clisby who we have sacked. If say we offered him only a rookie spot and a lowish salary (which is all we should offer him given his baggage) and he can get a much better deal elsewhere then i have no problems him taking the better deal. Who wouldn't take the better deal? But - and it is a big but - he has handled this appallingly and the impression he has bailed on us is an impression entirely of his and his dimwit of manager's making. I'm of the view that mental health issues should be treated like any other disease. It shouldn't be shameful or hidden away but nor should it accord sufferers any different treatment or expectation than those suffering from other injuries or diseases. You can't have your cake and eat it too. To allow the impression (which he has by not being open and disabusing people of the notion) to develop that he he might go to another club to get a fresh start help him address his mental health issues is, in my view, disingenuous and does the cause of promoting more tolerant view to mental health issues no good at all. Why not say it is about money or greater chance of success - what's wrong with that? Plus the blind stupidity of thinking that he wouldn't cop it from fans and the media (assuming that's what he and his bonehead manager are thinking) and that such derision might not be deleterious to his mental health is mind boggling. In any case, like Frawley, if he is not part of the solution he is part of the problem and i'd prefer he announce his intentions and get on his bike. See ya MC.
  2. Not to mention the resumption of the Bombers circus tommorow
  3. My take? Great news. For a number of reasons, not least of which being the vote of confidence in our direction this flags from a sought after assistant coach, one who may well have been able to snare a senior gig at a club who should have made finals and obviously are (or perhaps were) well ahead of us in terms chances to win a flag. Importantly it also creates an air of certainty about the club that ongoing discussions about possible successors would work against, even though logically it probably shouldn't - perception is reality. This can only be a positive coming up to a crucial recruiting period. It also means that by knocking back the crows (who surely would have been hoping to get him) they will be in a self imposed flux, that conversely cannot be great for them coming up to a crucial recruiting period. Which can only be good for our chances of snaring someone like Danger (who as noted by a poster said publicly in May whilst Sando was there so was he - i wonder how he gets on with Good Win?).
  4. Its going to be bomber I tells ya. So much like freo scario. Also surely clubs are wary if returning heroes after Voss and third?
  5. Forget my earlier support. He'd be no good. Unless he is still coming to us! In which case he'll be great
  6. Heezus. Perhaps they want bomber Thompson? Get him before gc do? Surely too early for Goodwin?
  7. That's funny. Particularly liked this bit: 'Uncomfortable with the threat this presented to their perceived right to insult people they don’t care about, the term was seized on by right-wing commentators, and redeployed as a catch-all pejorative phrase to deride the entire spectrum of Progressive thought. They won, and over the years, the addendum ‘gone mad’ emerged, asserting that much like Ken Bruce, political correctness had gone batshit crazy, and become a slavering, rabid, totalitarian Soviet bear, hurtling towards the horizon, wild-eyed and hungry, looking to devour our Freedoms and Way Of Life.'
  8. In Australia you are considered to have issues if you have different beliefs to the herd, sorry, most other people. One of the most commonly identified issues is Political Correctness syndrome. It's a strange syndrome as it a label put on people with minority views by people with majority views who think they are in fact part of an harassed minority being cowed by the PC majority. Strange.
  9. My sense is that the model Roos prefers is for a successor to be someone who learns the Roos way and then implements that model. Someone like Voss or Ratten would have their own beliefs forged in their senior coaching stints. Goodwin's our man. I can see the headline now after we hammer the pies on QB next year (with Tom McDonald having held TurnClark to a single possession - a kick on the full that from the resulting kick we go coast to coast for the Toump to snap a pearler): NOW THAT WAS A GOOD WIN
  10. no way is he better than O'Meara. His terrific finals game notwithstanding he didn't get selected in the best under 21 side. Now that's probably a decision but at the risk of being accused of flaming I reckon he is overarted. For one thing he is a crap kick, which is one reason I assume we didn't take him given we already have enough of them.
  11. A third round pick or a player they don't want and is not worth more than a third round pick. Bollocks. Don't do any deals and force him into the PSD. Though will that make any difference if he only wants to go to the pies?
  12. Of course BBB. But what if he has told them he is off back to Victoria end of next year? The won't want to lose him for pick 10ish. This way he can help the club get a better deal.
  13. Or get established gun with pick 3 and extras and swap 3 for a mid to late first rounder (eg pick 12) and a plug and play young mid. Use the pick 12 for a mid and suddenly we have a gun mid, a mid with 40ish games (and a couple of AFL pre-seasons) under their belt and a young up and comer mid. Two draft picks net 3 quality mids and helps age spread. Too easy.
  14. Yes but i agree with GNF, Roos will not want to give up pick 3. Pick 2, and (i hate to say it) the Toump plus steak knives (blease, tappy) would get the deal done. The issue of not having a big gap in age range is a big one for the crows (as the dees can attest to). Pick 2 and the toump (who is a proud Adelaide boy and would no doubt love being close to his apparently very supportive family) would be better than two picks from this years draft (eg 2 and our second rounder). The other live issue is Danger leaving end of next year. If the crows make the finals they'll only get around pick 10 for him and the issue of the age bubble will not be addressed. I would love to see Danger in red and blue. One of my favorite players. If we got him we'd snare him until the end of his career. We'll offer him big, big dollars and a 6-7 year contract i reckon.
  15. Red Demon, i think you miss an important point. This can only be considered a stunning recruiting success (even if it was triggered by Col deciding to chase premiership glory - thanks Col). Col goes and we get Bernie. Pure gold. Even a cursory glance at DL would show how terrible people think our recruiting has been over the (very long) journey. Lets celebrate this success and wish Col all the best at fulfilling his god given talent.
  16. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/the-darcy-moore-dilemma-for-collingwood-20140915-10h86f.html
  17. Pick 2 to gws. Cameron to ctows. Danger to the dees.the old 3 way
  18. Only according to the AFLPA. it's yet to be tested and whilst the bombers could do without another court case i'm sure they would go down that path if necessary. That said that possibility creates leverage and ultimately the question for any club that has a dissatisfied player who is not a FA but keen to leave (eg the lions last year) is do you keep them at the club against their wishes or try and engineer the best trade possible.
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