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Everything posted by binman

  1. Good effort. Continue grinding your axe against a poster who seems to have got under your skin and patronise another. A rare skill
  2. The anti riddler.Good work btw, though I suspect macca might make your mum promise not to divulge anything to you he might tell her about the dees
  3. spot on. They missed the finals any way. If they had gone the smart way they would have clipped the goverance fine but the missing out of finals might well have been a penalty for the drug use. This would have appeased wada and the public as missing finals is seen as big deal.if they had brokered a deal they may have got away with no finals or preseason and back on deck round one. The whole thing about the concern players would be labelled drug cheats is a furphy, with most in the public believing they were duped. In any case they still might wear that label. The other thing is that, by not taking the path of least resistance they have effectively imposed their own penalty on the club and players with all the stress, impact on on performance last year, ongoing chaos, damage to brand - not to mention the impact on their capacity to trade in players given few players would want to voluntarily join a club in such turmoil and uncertainty.
  4. I'm coming round to it too I must say. Interesting the NBA is raising the draft age to 20 next season.One benfit of increasing it here might be strengthening the wafl, sanfl and vfl with young guns spending a gap year at that level (though I guess many do already).
  5. You really are relentless in your negativity. Given saty is not posting I feel obliged to respond to your nonsense post. What bad habits? The only reason jetts was the rookie list was his wretched run with injuries. He has always been a top trainer, played his role and a player who is 100% commited. He was terrific in the vfl when there and forced his way back into the side with his incredible consistency and by don't of hard work. If you think he has suddenly come good after being average you are clueless
  6. I agree on both counts. I reckon viney fly's under the radar on DL in terms of avoiding criticism - perhaps because everyone loves his spirit and hard at it grunt (as do I). But he didn't have a great year (which is OK, he's only young). Really needs to improve his kicking.People seem to love comparing the toumps progress with wines. Few seem to measure viney against wines. At this stage he is a fair way behind
  7. Salem miles ahead of the toump? Miles? Funny how people can judge players so differently. He's not soft either - or at least that's my opinion
  8. I'd say Jones (who is A grade), Tyson and Vince (both top shelf but not quite A grade).
  9. Well i don't make the call. And as i say i expect the club will go 2 mids. But if it were up to me me i would also go the 2 best mids. So i would amend your comment to it's TALENT TALENT TALENT TALENT (mids)! Out of interest, of the top of your head who was the last top 3 draft pick who was/is a KPP and has performed at the level you'd hope for from a top 3 pick (ie a total gun).
  10. Yep. I am positive we will draft two mids with pick 2 and 4. As you say 10 - 13 mids is what is required and 6 of them have to be top shelf. I agree we only have six genuine mids and only 3 are top shelf. As Demoneyes says mids, mids, mids....that is all folks!
  11. On the contrary i think he will have had a sense of where he sits. If you ran a poll on DL i'm sure there'd be lost of posters who would say he would be worth only a 25 plus draft pick. But if GNF's mail is right (and i for one believ him) his real market vale appears to be 10 - 15 and Roos values him top 10. Roos rates Watts. That should give him a big shot of confidence. We all know his deficiencies, in particular his unwillingness to always commit to the contest but as we also know we seriously lack class and most of all lack players with elite disposal skills (and vision for that matter). He is our classiest player and by far the best, most damaging kick in the team. By far. He also rarely misses by hand. Look at how many of our scoring chances are set up by his kicks and handballs. Perhaps if we had 12 players like the Hawks who were elite kicks Watts might be surplus to needs. But we don't. I would argue we have one. Watts. Hopefully Salem and the Toump will get there (and any new recruits) but as if Roos would get rid of our best kick. Hawthorn won the premiership in large part because of their incredible kicking skills that dissect zones and flooding. Once again Clarkson saw where footy was going and traded accordingly. Roos is as good as Clarkson.
  12. Funny how some DL posters think we had a woeful trade period and some dispassionate objective observers think we did well. Jay Clark rated us a distinction (using a fail, pass, distinction scale)
  13. Do you ever get tired of making ridiculous over the top statements (we are the worst,sack Mahoney blah, blah, blah)? Rhetorical question I guess
  14. Exactly how i feel. There is 24 hours to go (the magical Wednesday 3pm deadline being a mirage). However if we go to the draft with 2 and 3 i'll re-calibrate my thinking and dream about finally landing a genuine A grader (or even 2- be still my beating heart!). If roos wants Brayshaw he's got him!
  15. Happy to take the balme for not getting Danger (which has all gone quiet!) - but not Joey PS if we get Joey i have first dibs on him as my avatar
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