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Everything posted by binman

  1. you really believe what balme says? Its near the end of the trade period. They have outstanding trades. He's yge footy manager. Pfft
  2. I 100% agree. We need to win some games. Not just to get some momentum going or to keep fans happy. But also to be a club tat has some hope of attracting free agents and the new free agent - any player coming out of contract (or just plain unhappy players for that matter). The window of opportunity to do the old style rebuild has slammed shut. The time is now.
  3. Don't laugh. The way Watts gets bagged on DL i reckon there'd be plenty of support for that trade!
  4. A funk soul brother? Oh, and shouldn't it be the School of Hard Knox?
  5. Who art thou Bluelegs? You seem awfully uppity for a relative DL newbie. Reminds me a little of the self important Ben Hur vibe. Has the great one returned? I can't believe you would be so riled by GNF or for that matter suggest he has a gall to keep up a so called facade. I'll take your post number at face value and give you the benefit of the doubt, Despite the grumbles from a very small minority GNF is a respected poster who has had excellent mail, including the Roos bombshell. Nothing that has occurred with either Clark or JT contradicts what he has posted or in any way suggests his mail is wrong in either cases (indeed my suspicion is his mail is correct). I'm sure GNF is not unduly bothered by the questioning views of some posters or indeed in some the cases the rather perplexingly caustic comments (or at least i hope he isn't) but be that as it may the caustic comments are tiresome. In any case, so what if he is wrong - or even if he is adding a bit of mayonnaise? Big deal. Take it. Leave it. Have a laugh. But go the man? Poor form.
  6. I hope the dees trade period is more successful than DL's has been.
  7. Cmon it has to be my man gnf. His roos tip must be the biggest scoop on DL ever. Besides which I backed roos on said tip.real moolah. And despite Bob s protestations ( I think he is jealous) I suspect he was on the money with clark.
  8. He's referencing the 80's. He's a fashionista and unbelievably that decade is back (in music too, which shits me. Couldn't stand synth stabs then, don't find them any more appealing now - even if they are ironic)
  9. I'm torn. Went early with my avatar change. If we don't get him it is because i cursed the deal. If we do get him its because i blessed the deal
  10. Will we be marginal, middling or big winners when the trading dust settles?
  11. I'm fairly sure the dees wouldn't ask you to undertake the negotiations dazzler . Three is way to high. I would be happy to give them a full set of steak knives (Blease, Tappy etc etc) and some late picks though as they are going to need players soon enough. The EFC NQRs
  12. So...no kudos to Roos and co? But seriously perhaps you misread (or didn't bother to read) the op. The big ups was for Roos not putting any pressure on the young players not for the results he achieved in 2014.
  13. What you don't want a Magner? Sheez. Garlett will feast on all the crumbs from the marks dawes drops. But seriously i'm really pleased we got him - as Mahoney said we needed a crumbing forward who can do some stints in the middle. And now we have one.
  14. Ok fair enough. Griffen is also resigning. Forget the irony then (though seems more likje a sacking then resigning to me) however a coaches contract is not worth the paper it is printed on , just ask Sanderson, Bluey, Neeld, Harvey etc etc. So clubs shouldn't bleat when their players elect to break contracts. #fair call on the irony comment but still reckon clubs can't have it both ways
  15. Oh the irony. Gordon saying about Griffin that a contract is a contract and he expects him to honor it at a presser where he is announcing the sacking of their contracted coach. And no one followed up with that observation or a related question (eg you don't see a contradiction????) #clubs can't have it both ways
  16. Yes and know. Yes because i'm loving our stability. Yes if it was the Cats. But no in the doggies case. They are struggling as bad as us and can't afford a crisis.
  17. Yobbo, or more accurately the Hird camp he is so slavishly the mouthpiece for, still does not get it. Hows this from the above article: 'There is a growing concern among Essendon fans and influential money men at the club that the AFL has played a strong hand in recent weeks. The belief — one denied by Essendon — is that the AFL convinced Essendon not to appeal and then urged Essendon to convince Hird not to appeal. Effectively, they want Hird silenced, which Essendon has ensured for the past 12 months, which has distanced Hird from the fans.' Yes Yobbo, its all part of an ongoing AFL conspiracy. The big bad AFL want Jamesey Wamsey to keep quiet and the EFC simply cannot make their own decisions. They will sack Hird but it will not be their fault, it will be the Politburo AFL. Oh and the EFC fans and influential money men are not happy. Poor sacrificial lamb.
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