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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I'm not sure I understand the gist of your post. You seem to be having a go at the club for turning out a substandard campaign (which I strongly disagree with, by the way) but you seem inspired to go yourself. Do you think you're the only supporter going? Advertising campaigns won't get people going to games but they will raise awareness levels and if the club can back that up with a few early wins, those people who are now more aware of teh brand may then decide it's time to take out a membership. Oh, and my young son and I are traveling down from Sydney to see the game (and we won't even see the campaign on our screen).
  2. Taking a well urned rest OD? Pretty sure I'll be doing the same in 25 yrs time.
  3. I wonder if the soundtrack is a David Bridie (My Friend the Chocolate Cake) effort. Has the feel and he is a Dees supporter.
  4. That's the funny thing, they sent the technician to check whether it could be done just for the one apartment with no impact on anyone else... apparently it could and so they did it with no requirement to contact the body corporate. I think they only get involved if there will be a cost and major work involved.
  5. Why did I suddenly have a flashback to a couple of weeks ago and a game involving the Western Bulldogs?
  6. Yes, that's the same issue my block has/had. See my post immediately above...give them a call.
  7. We had a similar issue where the building was not set up for IQ Box and so I was going to be getting all standard definition only and no recording capabilities. I made a big issue over the fact I was paying the same as I had been at my previous residence but going backwards in the services available to me (that is, paying more for less). After hounding them (politely), I managed to get onto a manager and eventually got them to get a technician out to make a few adjustments at the entry point to the apartment block and I ended up with a fully working IQ Box and at no charge. They will give you good service, but you really have to work for it. I suggest the OP gives it a try.
  8. And once more a training thread gets derailed.
  9. 'aint that mad cow disease a b!tch!
  10. A man's got to know his limitations!
  11. Aren't they considered a native species?
  12. Well, hopefully after next Tueday they will have been hit with Ostracism.
  13. I like to give him the occasional nudge on Twitter.
  14. Well, I was channeling the Reverend William Archibald Spooner when I was writing that contribution.
  15. Henceforth to be known as Head Hunter. (or Hird Hunter if you have a accent).
  16. Is anyone listening to Roos with the Ox on The Run Home on SEN at the moment?
  17. I think he's probably the least of our worries looking at that line-up.
  18. So by extension, can we assume that as radiation is also used in the treatment of certain cancers, then those living around Fukushima, Chernobyl etc can expect to lead long cancer free lives?
  19. I hadn't realised the sanctions against the MFC resulted in any of the actual playing list being stood down (and were the same sort of calls of unfair advantage being made at that time as are being made now?). Yes Bailey and Connolly were stood down, but the team was pretty much unscathed - the AFL could have argued that the "talent" was there. I think in this case, the AFL may have to do something which is why I suggested playing with the percentages, so that teams like Hawthorn who play them twice, don't get a percentage advantage that could come into play when it is getting down to the wire and ladder positions matter.
  20. This training thread is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet it's maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, It rests in peace! If you hadn't kept posting, it'd be pushing up the daisies! It's metabolic processes are now 'istory! It's off the twig! It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off it's mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-TRAINING THREAD!!
  21. I saw that Jinks just recently had an exhibition in Hong Kong... the photos I saw showed a lot of perplexed looking viewers :-) My avatar is meant to be from Freaks, but it appears to be a little too stylised; not to mention that fact that if it was from the original, it would have to be in B&W. Great film though... I have the DVD... did you ever see Woody Allen's Shadows & Fog which is a kind of "homage" to Freaks? If not, try to get your hands on it.
  22. At first glance I thought Jones had suddenly sprouted a mohawk.
  23. Maybe they should still count the 4 points, but the percentage resulting from the scores should either be devalued or not counted at all.
  24. What irritates me about this thread is the fact that joeboy opens it with a simple "Discuss" and then slips out the back door never to be heard from again while everyone else gets stuck into each other; the irritating part is that we all get sucked in by such threads every time. Here's my three word review of joeboy's effort: A cunning stunt!
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