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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yes, Dank could say whatever he likes with regards to what was used as he knows the records are gone: "The biggest question in Australian sport's supplement saga – what happened to the documentation of drug use at Essendon? – may well be answered on Tuesday night when enigmatic sports scientist Stephen Dank is interviewed by Alan Jones on Sky TV. Dank has told Fairfax Media he left all records of supplements that were used at Essendon when he left the club. "I will tell Alan all the material, including the names of the supplements used, the names of the players administered, the dosage levels and frequency, was left at the club," he said. "Each folder was labelled with the specific supplement and included relevant research papers." Asked why the documents have presumably disappeared, with no one at Essendon able to produce them to verify his oft-stated claim that no performance-enhancing drugs were ever used, Dank said it suited the widespread narrative that he was a rogue scientist acting alone. "It suited the story that the program was the work of one man," he said."
  2. Clutching at straws methinks... it was just a case of the team having a collective brain fade in the second half and then panicking once they woke up to the fact they were being overrun.
  3. And just how does that not fit the profile of someone with depression/mental health issues? You claim to work in Mental Health, but I would hazard a guess given the language you use in describing Clark and his "condition", that you are not involved in the area of diagnosis or research. What exactly is it that you do in the Mental Health area?
  4. Just a kid? He's 22 years old...hardly "just a kid".
  5. This game makes me nervous. Yes we defeated an albeit depleted Suns team last weekend, but now we go up against a team that comprises a good balance of youth and experience...and let's not forget that much of their team are top ten draft picks (top five even), who are all starting to accumulate the number of games that see them moving to the next level courtesy of experience. I hope we win, but there's no way I'm going to consider this a fait accompli!
  6. Dermie was just saying he rated West Coast well ahead of Carlton and he expects West Coast to finish between 12th and 15th.
  7. The funny thing is that that piece of footage was used here in the past in praise of Clark's attitude.
  8. Not a fan of the Weagles, but gee it's good to see Malthouse being edged towards the exit.
  9. Make that 8 9 goals with 6 minutes to go to at three quarter time
  10. 7 important goals, and there's still 7 minutes until three quarter time!
  11. I think we need Yossarian to explain this one.
  12. Like I said, I don't recall it. Yet you went on to support him wholeheartedly while he was at the club, did you not? But after he left.... well anything goes with you doesn't it... to the point of condoning sledging him over his depression (take it or hang up the boots).
  13. Funny, but I don't recall you complaining about him at that time.
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